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Deepwater Horizon : Un "crime" volontaire ?

2 juillet 2010, 09:26

Malgré la censure et les restrictions d’acces aux plages,comme au survol des zones polluées,un debut de resistance ;

Gulf Spill Galvanises Activist Community
Matthew Cardinale

NEW ORLEANS, 30 Jun (IPS) - With the U.S .government and oil giant British Petroleum under fire for their handling of the more than two-month-old Gulf Coast oil spill disaster, environmental and community activists across the country are taking matters into their own hands.

In New Orleans, a Gulf Emergency Summit was held to design a grassroots response to the crisis on Jun. 19, resulting in the launch of the "Emergency Committee to Stop the Gulf Oil Catastrophe".

"We’re organising a broad resistance," Larry Everest, a spokesperson for the committee from San Francisco, California, who traveled to the Gulf after the disaster, told IPS.

"The goal of the summit flowed from the call we put out, a recognition of the enormity of the catastrophe... and recognising that the disaster is out of control and spreading and BP and the government have shown they are unable and unwilling to stop the disaster and protect the environment or even tell the truth," Everest said.

Some 35,000 to 60,000 barrels of oil are estimated to be leaking in the Gulf every day. BP says it is collecting 23,000 to 25,000 barrels.

The Gulf Emergency Summit included about 100 activists from around the country, particularly the U.S. south, as well as many from New Orleans where the meeting was held. Organisations represented included public housing advocacy organisations like C3-Hands off Iberville, Survivors Village, World Can’t Wait, the Lower Algiers Environmental Committee, Pax Christi, and Women United for Social Justice......

BP et la saison des ouragans dans le Golfe du Mexique :

dans son plan reponse de 582 pages , BP ne mentionne pas une fois les mots ouragans ou tempete tropicale :

A search of BP’s 582-page document entitled “Gulf of Mexico Regional Oil Spill Response Plan” finds no instances of the words “hurricane” or “tropical storm.”

With no contingency plan in place to counter the effects of hurricane weather, even greater complications can be expected in the coming weeks and months. June 1 marked the official beginning of what scientists expect to be a particularly strong hurricane season. The National Weather Service forecasts an 85 percent chance that the 2010 season will be “above normal.”

Topographie des 4000 puits offshore du golfe du Mexique,menacés en cas de ...?

Where is the Oil Spill ?

Largest environmental disaster in U.S., and possibly world history

by Washington’s Blog

Global Research, June 21, 2010
Washington’s Blog - 2010-06-18

GREVE MONDIALE DES ACHATS LE 15 de Chaque mois ? :

......Join us and rewrite the game. Join us and demand Peace and a focused concentration on healing the Gulf Oil Spill. Or prepare to live with the wars and famine they have planned for us.....

Power to the People through Peaceful Unity !

Join us every 15th !

Don’t Buy...........

Any corporate products, politics, religions, "ism’s" or media lies that divide us and pit us against each other. Research for yourself, think for yourself, question your beliefs, especially your core beliefs, in order to understand whether or not you chose them, or they were chosen for you. Have the courage to look for your own truth, no matter where it leads, and stand for that truth, your truth, when you find it. Then share what you know.
Don’t Comply.....

By supporting corporate stocks, bonds, or institutions that gamble in derivatives or advocate war or other’s losses in order to benefit. Don’t believe mainstream media or tv, both weapons of mass distraction, privately owned and promoting fear along with government propaganda. Believe in the research you do yourself, believe in self-sufficiency, believe in family and community, as well as individual and state sovereignty. Believe in the power of Love and Humanity.

Ask Why.......?

The same family bloodlines are in power who have been for generations, living in wealth and abundance, at the expense of us all ? Why the inequality ? Why the fear ? Why the suppresion of free speech ? What is Freedom anyway, and do we have it ? What happened to our country, America, the Constitutional Republic which recognized our God Given Rights of Life, Liberty, Property and Happiness ? Why the privatization of the Gulf Oil Spill, which will affect us all ? Does population control figure into it ? What about evacuation and fema camps ? Why the foreign military presence in our country....??

Will we create a future we all can live with...

Or continue to support policies that are destroying us and our planet ?

Images de la British Pride a la Nouvelle Orleans ;

Photos : manifestations anti-BP à la Nouvelle Orléans.

Marée noire : l’allemand Liqui Moly (lubrifiants) va boycotter BP

FRANCFORT (Allemagne) - Le patron du fabricant allemand de lubrifiants Liqui Moly a annoncé jeudi cesser ses relations d’affaires avec le géant pétrolier BP, fustigeant son "irresponsabilité" lors de la marée noire dans le golfe du Mexique.

"Nous n’allons plus nous fournir auprès de BP" et "nos véhicules ne vont plus faire le plein chez Aral", une marque de stations-service du groupe en Allemagne, a déclaré Ernst Prost, dans une interview au Handelsblatt.

L’ensemble de ces achats représente "plusieurs millions d’euros" par an, a ajouté le patron de ce fabricant de lubrifiants et d’additifs pétroliers, qui a réalisé 233 millions d’euros de chiffre d’affaire en 2009.

M. Prost s’emporte contre les dirigeants de BP "qui n’ont rien à faire" de l’environnement et pour lesquels "seule la chute de l’action est une catastrophe".

"Le boycott est une façon pour moi de manifester contre l’irresponsabilité et la pollution de l’environnement", a-t-il ajouté.

Le naufrage fin avril de la plateforme Deepwater Horizon, au large du golfe du Mexique, a provoqué la pire catastrophe écologique de l’histoire des Etats-Unis.

BP a été fortement critiqué pour sa gestion de la crise, et a perdu plus de la moitié de sa valeur en Bourse depuis la catastrophe.

En juin, le groupe a annoncé la création d’un fonds de 20 milliards de dollars, qui sera consacré à l’indemnisation des victimes de la marée noire. Mais la facture finale pourrait être bien plus élevée.

01 juillet 2010 10h33)