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Sur les appels à "stopper la répression en Libye" - Mise en garde et réponse d’Annie Lacroix-Riz à un message provenant du ’F

6 mars 2011, 11:03

L’inconnue lybienne plus compliquée que les apparences ? :

8 British troops captured in Libya

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According to a report published by The Sunday Times, the unexpected presence of a British special forces unit along with the diplomat "angered Libyan opposition figures, who ordered the soldiers to be locked up on a military base."

The Britons have reportedly been taken to Benghazi in eastern Libya. The diplomat they were protecting had wanted to contact the anti-government forces.

The British newspaper added that anti-government forces “fear Muammar Gaddafi could use any evidence of Western military interference to rally patriotic support for his regime."

If the SAS were truly there to help the revolution against Qaddafi, there is no reason for the rebels to take them prisoner. It simply does not make sense given that it would alienate an entire nation which on the face of it is on their side.

Therefore, if the SAS were captured by the rebels, it means the UK is fighting in Qaddafi’s side, which I predicted would be the case after it came out that Israel was sending hired mercenaries to help Qaddafi crush the revolution.

It is worth recalling that at the start of the invasion of Iraq, SAS soldiers were captured dressed as Arabs with a car full of explosives.

Which side is the UK really on ?

After all the talk about freedom and democracy, how will Obama sell the American people on switching sides and supporting a tyrant by crushing the Libyan freedom movement ?