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La main de l`Homme derriere la catastrophe

22 janvier 2010, 14:48,0,1884511.story

Si on suit ce lien, on tombe bien sur le titre au sujet des reporters, mais la vidéo c’est une interview de georges Clooney.

J’en ai écouté une partie, il parle de Haïti, mais j’ai rien entendu sur les reporters en question ni sur sur leur "traitement.

Par contre The Orlando Sentinel écrit ça, (Pas eu le temps de le traduire par écrit sauf le paragraphe concernant les accusations des autorités. En Noir et en Italique dans le texte) :

A Los Angeles Times reporter says Larry Dale, president of Orlando Sanford International Airport, "bullied" and threatened to handcuff her and a reporter for The Wall Street Journal as they passed through the airport on their way home from Haiti.

Tina Susman, who works for the Times, said she and Dionne Searcey of the Journal arrived at the airport Tuesday aboard a cargo plane with evacuees from Haiti, where they had been reporting on the aftermath of the earthquake.

Susman said a confrontation occurred after Dale and airport Vice President Diane Crews asked an airport police officer about the reporters, who were wearing media credentials around their necks. Susman said she and Searcey were chatting with a nun who had been teaching in Haiti while waiting to leave on a bus that was taking evacuees to Orlando International Airport.

The reporters were ordered off the bus and ushered to a conference room, where they were questioned before being released. Susman said the episode lasted about half an hour.

Susman, a national correspondent who was Baghdad bureau chief for two years and spent 11 years covering Africa, said Dale insinuated that she and Searcey could be stowaways or terrorists with fake credentials. She said he shouted at her to sit down and be quiet.

Dale would not comment Wednesday. Nor would Crews, who also was in the conference room.

A report of the incident by the airport police, which Dale commands, said that officials thought the two had infiltrated an area of the airport that was off limits to reporters and photographers, and that they were interviewing people.

Un rapport sur l’incident par la Police de l’aéroport, que dirige Dale, déclare que les Officiels ont rapporté que les deux personnes s’étaient introduites dans une zone de l’aéroport qui était interdite aux reporters et photographes. Et qu’ils y avaient interviewés des personnes qui s’y trouvaient.

Airport officials had decided to keep reporters away from earthquake survivors after learning that the media had "mobbed" earthquake survivors in Fort Lauderdale and "caused serious concerns with the repatriation efforts," according to the report.

The same report said that one of the women was "irate and verbally abusive" to Dale. Susman denies that account. She said she was never insulting or rude. Dale, she said, kept cutting her off when she tried to speak.

"Irate certainly is accurate, if you define that as irritated at being bullied," she wrote in an e-mail.

Bryant Garrett, chief of the airport police, said the report would serve as the administration’s version of events.

Susman said she and Searcy boarded the plane legitimately in Haiti with other people trying to leave the country.

"I really am not impressed by bullies," Susman said.

"All I know is if they take advantage of me like that, they’re taking worse advantage of others."

The Orlando Sentinel and the Times are both published by the Tribune Co.

Robert Christie, a spokesman for Journal publisher Dow Jones and Co., released a statement on behalf of Searcey that acknowledged the "brief" detention but did not discuss specifics.

Susan Jacobson can be reached at or 407-540-5981.

Copyright © 2010, Orlando Sentinel

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