by Open-Publishing - Saturday 27 August 2005

Edito Internet Governments USA Peter Fredson

by Peter Fredson

Conservative rage was apparent in blog comments on criticism of George Bush and his failure as a president in both peace and war. The anti-war movement, which is barely mentioned in the media, is gaining momentum. Some commentators wondered if public acceptance of Bush’s reasons for going to war would lead to his impeachment. A number of blogs mention that the Iraq quagmire is fast approaching that of Vietnam. Most blogs show a certain vehemence and very strong unwavering partisanship.

The cultural gap between True Believer Bush supporters and the rest of the population shows a trend toward civil dissent, and the grave possibility of some form of civil war in which political assassination can someday become widespread. Bush meanwhile is shown to continue placing the most inappropriate people in positions of power, the latest being a candidate for the Supreme Court who seems to be a major stealth proponent who wishes to bring back the good old days when Christianity dominated every facet of American life.

Leftist bloggers all condemn the executive stealth appointment of John Bolton, while Rightist bloggers laud Bush for cleverness at the move.

Some blogs point out that Bush has continually mentioned “staying the course”, but that staying a failing course, to never even consider changing what has gone wrong, indicates either stupidity or stubbornness beyond the point of reason. They wonder how many more U.S. soldiers must die before either Bush changes course, or public outrage forces him out of office. Rightist bloggers say we must remain in Iraq as long as Bush thinks it necessary.

A conservative expressed some puzzlement at Bush speeches but determined to support him come what may. He did wonder what happened to the WMDs, suggesting that Saddam buried them deep in sand, or that the Iranians snuck them out of Iraq for future use, or some other scenario, but could not bring himself to believe that Bush would lie to the entire country. He thought Saddam was very evil and that Bush did right to invade Iraq, even if it meant killing some people. Like Bush, he thought it was worth it. But he said we should now think about getting out of Iraq as soon as practicable and concentrate on our own country.

Many blogs point out Bush’s shifting explanations of what we are doing in Iraq. Most blogs show that the WMD explanation was a lie, and that Cabinet declarations about aluminum tubes, yellow cake, mushroom clouds, bacterial warfare and evil intentions were made maliciously to force intelligence into the service of war hawks with world domination in view. The Downing Street memos are cited frequently as well as astonishment that the media has paid very little attention to them. Bloggers see major Bush attempts to cover his tracks or butt.

Several bloggers have discussed actual reasons why the Bush neocons decided to invade Iraq, even before the 9/11 tragedy. They point out the finite nature of oil and the necessity to keep machinery running to avoid economic collapse. They state that Bush wanted some place in the Middle East for huge military bases from which he could dominate the entire area and from which he could launch surprise attacks at any time on Iran and Syria. And they mention the huge 1,800 staff embassy in a confiscated palace of Saddam, from which “diplomats” like John Bolton can sally forth to bully nations that refuse to cooperate with the U.S.

Some bloggers point out the grave violation of Iraq sovereignty, with the consequent death of thousands of Iraqis and destruction of a sovereign nation, by Shock-and-Awe, in order to get one man, Saddam, out of office. Some condemn statements by Bush that he was bringing Freedom and Democracy to Iraq when in effect he brought death and destruction. The hypocrisy of his statements, for public relations purposes, seems to indicate a scam artist at work by exploiting symbols and emotions.

Many bloggers believe that the Iraq war is going badly; with some saying the war has already been lost. They state that there were NO terrorists in Iraq but that Bush brought them there by his illicit and immoral invasion and bloody disregard of Muslim life. They point out that “staying the course” will only create another entire generation of people hoping for revenge. They say that the Bush “flypaper” tactic, killing terrorists that are attracted to Iraq, is stupidity complicated by incompetence and inability to come to terms with a determined Iraqi patriotic front.

Some bloggers trace Bush’s attempts to seize Iraq and show that he conferred with Iraqi exiled malcontents who fed him false information, which he swallowed whole. They show how Bush rigged a puppet “government” and loaded it with restrictions, but claimed to be installing freedom. They point out that “freedom” is not demonstrated by 140,000 troops, thousands of contractors, proselytizers, missionaries, and Bush overlords, with an entire nation under duress, under the gun, and by perpetual threats of violence and death.

Rightist bloggers indicate that life for Iraqis is not a Bush Heaven, but a kind of living Hell. They quote Bush as saying that “all is going well” when in fact all is crumbling, more patriots are being created by Bush than are being killed, and that some day some determined ‘rebel’ may actually bomb the White House or other strategic and symbolic target.

Conservative Right Wing bloggers see the President as able, competent, sincere, kind, affable, generous, and anointed by God. Leftist bloggers see the president as petulant, irresponsible, vindictive, impatient, overbearing, bullying, intolerant, and dogmatic to the point of considering himself a kind of minor Jesus or Julius Caesar.

Thousands of internet sites now infest the planet. They should, in a good world, be brought together by the possibility of instant communication, but communication is destroyed by cultural preference. We cannot speak of two sides but many sides, irreconcilable sides, some willing to exert violence to uphold their point of view.

One of the warring sides wants complete religious and political domination of the world, another hopes to remain alive under the avalanche of symbols, icons, monuments, pledges, commandments, pledges, bible readings, prayer meetings, revivals, televangelists and unceasing dogma.

Some bloggers hope that death and destruction does not come to afflict the many sides, but that Bush still has a year to create enormous damage to our democracy in his imperial quest to establish a theocracy.

One blogger said that God does not appear to be interested in mediating conflict or in spreading good-will and peace but in helping corporate executives make vast fortunes from war.

And so it goes.

Forum posts

  • Please don’t call the Iraq conflict a war. It was an ambush of an American gang similar to the ambush on the WTC on 9/11.

  • Definitions of WARMONGER on the Web:

    * militarist: a person who advocates war or warlike policies

    * A warmonger is, pejoratively, someone who is anxious to encourage a people or nation to go to war.

    It seems like anyone supporting Bush’s war, especially those like Mr. Ward, who was making pro-war statements in opposition to the war protesters, are warmongers: "I’m here to support the president and the troops and honor the fallen hero, Specialist Casey Sheehan, since his mother is disgracing his memory," said Ward, an army veteran who never saw combat because "the Gulf War ended before I could get over there."

    Yep, you read that right—that army vetran, who represents most of the pro-war military vetrans, would be happy to go fight in any U.S. war no matter what the reasons are—he just wants to be able to kill people and feel justified for it by labeling it as being patriotic.

    How anyone can actually be pro-war is beyond me. It defies logic. These people flat-out want a war, and they’re happy that they have a president that can facilitate their desires for war. It’s disgusting!! They don’t care if Bush lied—they want a war! That’s why they say that the Downing St. memos are "old news".

    When pro-war people are asked about why we’re there in Iraq, 99.9% of the time the answer is, "We’re there to win." or "Our goal is to win." To win. Yeah—it’s all about wargames. It’s a big game like watching football—just play some thrash or country western music in the background and wave the U.S. flag around and call yourself patriotic. It’s the same mentality of people that take sports so seriously that they actually get belligerent when someone says that their favorite team sucks. It’s as if the U.S. is one team and Iraq is the other team. How dare you say anything bad about our favorite team—you’re anti-American!

    Some say things like "We’re gonna smoke-em-out." "They’re terrorists, and we’re there to end terrorism."

    And some have even made the rediculous statement that Iraq already has a constitution, like Hannity on FOX news. Wishful thinking statements to try to justify their hunger for war.

    WARMONGERS! If you feel you’re not a warmonger but you support the war, read the definitions of Warmonger again. The word WARMONGER has not changed its meaning. It’s not a conspiracy theory of the left wing to change the definition of warmonger—it’s the same word, the same meaning as it always has been.

    My question to those that support this war is this: Do you believe that we could have "won" vietnam if the hippie movement never happened? The pro-war people pretty much always sidestep that question with, "We were attacked on 9-11." so they don’t have to fess up to being warmongers. Nobody wants the warmonger label, it makes them look inhumane.

    • Jesus said Love one another....wonder what the warmongers who believe in Jesus make as their priorities, to support Bush and his warmongering for corporate profits, or to support Jesus who wanted us to care about one another? Everyone needs to ask the "Christians" that question.

    • I wonder how many of these pro "georgie boy" supporters are ADL or duel citizen american zionist? How many of these duel citizen american zionist have enlisted and gotten killed in Iraq?
      The ADL (terrorist) will not be wearing their ADL armbands or tee shirst in Crawford, they only do that when they smear americans as anti-semite. They want this war but they don’t want to fight in it because they are basically cowards. Our thought police let the ADL run rampant in this country even though they are listed by the FBI as a terrorist organization. That is probably because georgie boy purged the FBI and CIA of agents that don’t think the zionist way.

    • Yep. Yep. Who would Jesus Bomb?

  • it’s a wonder that some americans, who don’t believe in the facts of evolution, allow themselves to be led by a smirking chimp! such divine irony.

    • The key word is some! Only a small percent of Americans agree with this bozo who calls himself President. We know he was never elected and we do not agree with anything he is doing. He does nothing in the name of the American people..as we did not vote for him!