Home > Camp Casey Day 7- We Don’t Have to Be Angry Anymore

Camp Casey Day 7- We Don’t Have to Be Angry Anymore

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 13 August 2005

Edito Movement Wars and conflicts USA

by Cindy Sheehan

My day started way too early today. After 3 hours of sleep, I was being shaken awake by someone at 6:30am telling me that the Today Show wanted me to be on their show. I had come into town to sleep in a trailer because my tent had been infested with fire ants. I turned the today show down for 7:15am, so we did it at 9:00am.

We had a very interesting day. We had Bush drive by really, really fast twice. I caught a glimpse of Laura. I was hoping after she saw me that she would come down to Camp Casey with some brownies and lemonade. I waited for her, but she never came.

The Bush’s were going to a bar-be-que/fundraiser down the road from us. I was very surprised that they let us stay so close to Bush. The families of the fallen loved ones held their son’s cross from Arlington West while Bush drove by. I bet it didn’t even give him indigestion to see so many people protesting his murderous policies.

I am a continued thorn in the side to the right-wing bloggers and right wing-nut journalists.

One man, Phil Hendry called me an ignorant cow. But you know what, the people who have come out from all over the country to give me a hug and take a picture with me and to support the cause of peace, overwhelms me so much, I don’t have time to worry about the negativity and the hatred. The people who are slamming me have no idea about what it feels like to unjustly have a child killed in an insane war. Plus, they have no truth to fight truth with, so they fight truth with more lies and hate.

Three active duty soldiers from Ft. Hood came to visit me and tell me that they really appreciated what I was doing and that if they were killed in the war, their moms would be doing the same thing. That made me feel so good after all of the negativity I had been hearing from the righties. I also got to hold a couple of toddlers on my lap while their mom or dad took pictures of us. I am honored that people have resonated with the action that I took to make our mission of ending the war a reality.

We are here at the Crawford Peace House now and there are dozens and dozens of people here. We are giving each other hugs and kisses and we are all feeling great, full of energy and so filled with hope that this is something that is really going to change the world. I came here so angry and I have been so encouraged and overwhelmed by the support from all over. I was thinking that there is no reason for us progressive liberals to be angry anymore. We have the power. One mom has shown that we can be the change in our government. We deserve to hold George Bush accountable, no one else does. We have to make sure he answers to us. If he doesn’t have to answer to Congress, or the media, we will FORCE him to answer to us. The absolute hubris of him that won’t!!!

Forum posts

  • Remember, this is a man who became president not through the vote of the people, but by the vote of the court. Had the people been given their right to vote and to be counted, he would not have been made president. George W. Bush is not our elected official. He is a squatter at the White House, one who needs to be evicted by the people who actually have the power. Your stance, in Crawford, is the beginning and his notice to vacate.

  • Cindy,

    You have my deepest admiration and support! If I could afford the time and money to make the trip, I’d be there with you.

    Please know that for every person who made the trip, a thousand more are there in spirit!

    I listen to Babbling Bill and Lush and Insannity falling all over themselves to discredit you and I laugh through the pain. They make the National Enquirer look credible!

    Thank you for being a voice for the rest of us. I’m sure Casey is very proud of you.

    Ironically, Bush is using the same crap he used to take us into Iraq to start the war with Iran. You are helping remind Americans of his BS, those who want to hear anyway.

    I’ve been a long-time fan of the Washington Journal, a call-in show on C-Span. Bush supporters call in and say Bush shouldn’t have to meet with you, while the rest of us say he should. What is it about you that makes them so scared?

    As far as Laura bringing brownies and lemonade, you really aren’t missing anything. Saccarine is not sugar, just like lies don’t justify a war.



  • Cindy,

    I’ve been reading each day about the happenings at Camp Casey, and I just wanted to tell you that when I see what you’re doing and why, I am overjoyed beyond words.

    I have not felt proud of being an American for a very long time. You are doing what so many of us should have done so long ago.

    The other day I read an article (here?) written by someone who said that Bush should not meet with you. I agree. Because the longer he goes on trying to hide from you, the worse his image gets. And the worse his image becomes to ordinary Americans, the less they will support anything he does...including this illegitimate "war". Not to mention rumblings about Iran that sound every bit as false as the reasons for waging war on Iraq.

    Do the Bushies actually think they’ll be able to get away with yet another war when this one has turned out the way it has?

    You make me proud to be an American again.

    God bless you, Cindy...you’re in my thoughts each day.

  • Keep it up! , your son would be proud of you.

  • OUR REAL AMERICAN SHERO !!!! (as in a he is a he rose ... or hero, you are the she rose ... shero)

    now that you know we don’t have to be angry anymore ... use your loud and angry words, well shouted and allow that beautiful light from your sons shine through you !!!

    the FORCE is with you, let it come easy !!! (to quote an old musical tune)

    it feels so much better to be an american since you and all with you have taken the STAND of all STANDS !!!

    noguns, santa cruz, ca

  • Dear Ms Sheehan;

    It is good, that you are not lowering yourself, to the level of Phil Hendry, or let yourself be bothered by him and his ilk. By their growlings and mad barkings, they reveal themselves to be the hired attack dogs, who they really are. Moreover, your couragous standing, has inspired a grassroot movement of such proportion, that against every paid shill who sold his soul for 30 pieces of silver, there are thousand real citizens and patriots, who are honoured to stand beside you.
    May God help you, in your peacemaking endeavour.


  • Excellent work, you have my full support! All of us who oppose must band together in protest to stop this fake war and another fake war that’s looming ahead. Bush, his cronies and the "Christain right" will have to deal with us, we will be heard!!! As mentioned in another comment, he was chosen by the court, not the people. Votes in Flordia were cast aside and not counted, that’s so wrong.

    Keep up the fight Cindy!
    James, New Hampshire


    • Bush is just a lying murdering bastard. He cares only about money and oil. That is why he started his Iraq war and that is why he will not end it. With 14 permanent bases being built right now in Iraq, there is no plan to ever pull out of Iraq no matter what the liar says.

    • Nice language, looney liberal. Question: why do all liberals look like they haven’t bathed for 2 weeks?

    • Do all Bush Butt Kissers look like they are mentally retarded?

    • Answer: liberals look pretty much like conservatives, as we all know. But here’s a question for any Bush supporter: instead of insulting and attacking those who disagree with you, why don’t you make a factual, real-life case for supporting Bush’s policies? I can’t think of any Bush supporter who has command of the facts and of reality. All I hear from that side is emotion and anger. Where’s the substance of your argument in favor of the war? Where’s the WMD? Why do you claim that the U.S. has been made safer by this badly planned, unsupported-by-fact, incompetently executed war in Iraq that has - according to every unbiased expert on the situation - only created more Al Qaeda volunteers while draining our country of critical military resources? How could Bush have let Bin Laden escape? Where is the accountability for all these military mistakes? Why does Bush mislead us about war, about Social Security, about taxes, about the environment? Why is the financial cost of all this being born by future generations? Why does this administration support the interests of big business and industry polluters over the interests of average people every single time? Answer these real questions before you continue hurling epithets. This is the challenge that nearly all Bush supporters run away from. They have plenty of opinion, but little grasp of - or concern for - the plain, unbiased facts. Get some information in your head, do the tough work first. Opinions as strong as yours must be supported by facts or they have no value. Insults are easy - and worse than useless. Make yourself useful if you truly want to serve your country.

    • Because they would rather live in their hate filled dream world with their hero George Murder, so repeating a pack of lies and cover-ups is all they have.

  • Ms. Sheehan, you’ve got heart and much love for your fellow human beings. My God, as others have already noted, your son would be every bit as proud of you as you are of him.

    As a mom, I mourn your loss to the very bone. I almost become physically ill just thinking about what you have gone through and what you are going through. But you are a veritable rock having taken your abject grief and used it to try and help other moms and dads escape the pain you are experiencing. Your caring for others puts you right up there as an example of what leadership is all about—which is precisely why people of heart are taking up your cause—their cause—the cause of the human race—you are palpable to them. There are no winners in war—not in the long term. Even those who are raking in the dough on the backs of the wounded, the emotionally scarred and the dead on both sides will ultimately lose in the end. When you lose your soul, you lose. Period.

    I challenge every single person who reads your article to leave a note of support here for you and those others who have physically and emotionally joined you at the Ranch of the Crazies. I expect hundreds if not thousands of messages. By jove, let’s get this thing rolling. As we sit here at our computers while you are on the front line, this is the very least you can expect from us.

    Come on, guys, let’s show our undivided support for Ms. Sheehan. If she succeeds, we all succeed. Please don’t read and then just pass on by without leaving your note of support.

    Ann Wright

  • 1847 troops have died for Bush.

    Each troop who dies is flown to America in a mil-spec

    Stacked up they are five new Washington Monuments
    stabbed into the white house lawn


    Twice as high as the WTC was.

    Lined end-to-end, those coffins are:

    Camp Casey<-------2.57> Bush’s
    Crawford Living Room

    source: http://cryptome.org/brp/bush-ranch2.htm

    The only way Americans are going to understand the
    horrible reality of this war will be through seeing it
    with their own eyes.

  • Great Cindy Sheehan: We are watching you daily on the net. You are up against the Bush Cabale: a collection of liars and war mongers. Lets get the mothers out whose boys are dying because Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Feith, Chertov —all-un-scrupellous war profiteers.

    • As time goes on and the momentum is building, the case against this administration becomes stronger. The lackeys on the corporate media news think they are swaying opinions again. We’ve been dulled with their rhetoric for years. It’s time to stand up and get this country back. Look at the gas prices....talk about insanity. We have got to stand strong whether it’s by supporting Cindy physically in Crawford or just talking non-stop to our friends and neighbors about the insanity of the whole thing. The globalist agenda will move right along unless we pull the rug out from underneath them. Keep the fight going, Cindy. We will do our part too as Patriots of this once great nation.

  • Cindy,

    Thank you for your courage in standing up against the evil in George Bush. I wish that I could join in your fight for the correct actions to be taken against the tragedies that have occurred within Iraq.

    My family has been negativly affected by this war too. I am hoping that you are the one who is going to bring our soldier home.

    Thank you for being so determined and couragous.