Home > Camp Casey Day 8- WOW!!!

Camp Casey Day 8- WOW!!!

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 14 August 2005

Edito Movement Wars and conflicts USA

by Cindy Sheehan

It is not often that, I, Cindy Sheehan is at a loss for words. I will try and describe today, though. It was the most incredible, fantastic, fabulous, amazing, powerful, miraculous event I have ever been apart of. I was so humbled and honored at the outpouring of love and support that arrived in Camp Casey today.

It was a busy morning of interviews and problem solving. I had interviews with some network shows and a photo shoot for the Vanity Fair article. Almost all of the reporters ask me if I have accomplished anything at Camp Casey and I think we really have. We have brought the war onto the front pages of the newspapers and the top stories of the mainstream media. It is really incredible that we are doing so well in the media because I keep telling all of the reporters that I am doing their jobs. I am asking the tough questions of the President that they don’t ask.

We are also gathering people together in this country who believe that this war is a mistake and our troops should come home. I know people have been frustrated, either sitting on the fence or apathetically sitting on the sidelines. I know before Casey was killed, I didn’t think that one person could every make a difference in the world. Now I know that isn’t true. Not only can one person make a difference, but one person, with millions behind her can make history. I really believe that this movement that began in Crawford, Texas (does the irony escape anyone) is going to grow and grow and transform the world. Like I said last night in my blog: hope is blossoming in Crawford, because WE have the power.

The CBS reporter whom I met last Saturday when I began this Holy War against the War of Terrorism that George Bush is waging on the world told me that he has interviewed me 4 times this week already. He told me that he has never, ever interviewed anyone 4 times, let alone four times in one week. I was joking with the reporters that were here last week that they should have brought me flowers on our one week anniversary.

The most fantabulistic (I needed a new word, none of the old ones fit) thing happened in Crawford today. There was a very insignificant counter protesters across the way. At first the Sheriffs let them stand in the street, until we politely pointed out to the Sheriffs that we had to stay in the ditch last week. So they made them move into the ditch. Since we are supposedly in Bush country, the counter protest was so small and weak. They had signs that said "Stay the Course." I appreciated that. I really believe they were telling me to stay the course. I will.

We also met a man whose son was KIA in Iraq in November of 2004. He still loves George Bush and thinks we are doing great things in Iraq. By the end of the day we were drinking beer together and telling each other "I love you." I am telling you miracles are happening here in Crawford.

Anyway, back to the fantabulistic thing that happened to day. We had a rally downtown in Crawford. Then the people caravanned up to Camp Casey. I was told to come down to the point of the triangle to greet them. While I was walking down to the point, I had a great view of Prairie Chapel Road. There was car, after car, after car!!! I started sobbing and I felt like collapsing. The cars kept on coming. It took almost a full hour for them to all get to Camp Casey, it was a miraculous sight to see. It was identical to Field of Dreams.
People came from all over the country to be here. We are building a movement and they are coming.

We don’t have a full count of all the people who were there, but I would say hundreds. It was amazing and awesome. I felt the spirits of all of our needlessly killed loved ones in the presence of Camp Casey. I felt their strength and the wisdom of the ages with me in that wonderful place.

Today was George Bush’s accountability moment, and he lost. Two young ladies from San Diego drove all night to get to the rally and they had to leave tonight to get back home. One of them said: "Wow, we can drive all the way from San Diego just to meet you and he can’t even come down to the end of his driveway to meet with you."

George Bush: you work for me. I pay your salary. Come out and talk to me. Anyway, I have a feeling you are about to be fired!!!

Forum posts

  • GO, GO, GO!!!! I am SO happy about all this attention growing out of your actions....finally a protest we can get behind and put our hearts into. And definitely..STAY THE COURSE!!!! I am also happy that you have the strength and wisdom to meet the physical, emotional, and psychic challenges that are demanded of you. Rose

  • This is how the REAL MOVEMENT OF PEACE IN THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF THE PEOPLE works .... it is spontaneous ... not that the groups aren’t great they are the roots that stay alive when we lose the spontaneous spirit ...

    the problem up till now is that answer and moveon have tried to script and call the movement ... however what really moves the people that must be awakened is something happening, like Casey’s mom, Cindy ...

    i feel so good again, to be here on this earth at this time to be a witness to this Great Movement of Peace ...

    thank you Cindy for being open to "hear" and "take action" to the "call" !

    noguns, santa cruz, ca.

  • Why don’t you just quit with this partisan blather. You met the president of the United States already. You spoke with him one on one. How many other mothers get to say that? I really believe that all this has really impaired your mental health and you should really consider seeing a psychiatrist.

  • Best wishes from Britain. Onwards brave woman.

    Moving up from texas and gathering support... to Dallas...chicago...los angeles.

    Just sit on the highway folks.

    Just sit on the highway..

    Sitting there, and the traffic stops, the fire engines stop, the ambulances stop , the food trucks stop, the workers....

    Because that is what it is going to take.. It took a revolt to evict king george the first, it took a revolution to end slavery, now king george is back, and needs to be evicted once more.

    No more recruits to the armed forces...
    No more workers churning out arms and ammunition...
    No more american invasions of overseas lands.

    Because america has become the brute, the murderous oil-addicted ruler of the world..and only the american people can take away the power of the pentagon.

    Good luck.

  • M is an inverted W

    a poem....conceived January 2003



    ConteMplated ? in the MainStreaM,..Money-Motivated

    Manipulated..Monopoly Media ??



    ..for the Misery

    of Munitions Maiming MoMs!!...is

    Modus-Operandi ?, of a Modern??...People???

    MaMaMiaMachevellian !

    by; SpaceBuddy008 at yr. service...KeePin’ IT Real...ResiStinG the Privatizing of Truth

    we need vigils at the estates of oil barons, war profiteers, media moguls, career politicians and donors supporting awful transgressions agaist all of humanity and the very EArth HerSelf

    war, famine, pestilence, death, destruction...barbarism in this?... the 21st century?

    I pray for the restoration of souls and a spark to stir some semblance of CONSCIENCE

    ENOMY ? = MONEY $
    People FIRST in the 21st

    ...this essay is very CLEAR !

    What Are Moral Values?"

    by Rev. Dr. Robin Meyers
    Mayflower Church, Oklahoma City


    Don’t be afraid to speak out. Don’t back down when your friends begin to tell you that the cause is righteous and that the flag should be wrapped around the cross, while the rest of us keep our mouths shut. Real Christians take chances for peace. So do real Jews, and real Muslims, and real Hindus, and real Buddhists—so do all the faith traditions of the world at their heart believe one thing: life is precious. Every human being is precious. Arrogance is the opposite of faith. Greed is the opposite of charity. And believing that one has never made a mistake is the mark of a deluded man, not a man of faith. And war — war is the greatest failure of the human race — and thus the greatest failure of faith.
