Home > Depleted Uranium - The Real Dirty Bombs

Depleted Uranium - The Real Dirty Bombs

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 28 August 2004


Christopher Bollyn

Lost in the media circus about the Iraq war, supposedly being fought to prevent
a tyrant from obtaining weapons of mass destruction, is the salient fact that
the United States and Britain are actively waging chemical and nuclear warfare
in Iraq - using depleted uranium munitions .../...

Forum posts

  • The DU contamination of an entire country and individuals should be only one more charge in a future war crimes prosecution which should be mounted against Bush & Co.

  • Dirty war game by a Dirty Mind & Co. include
     Dirty tricks & reasons played for attacking a nation for its natural resources...
     Dirty vioation of Human rights
     Dirty bombs & dirty tacticis...
     Dirty trap for their own militery
     Dirty ticks to violate all WMD treaties...

    A real shame for mankind......
    A real war criminal for the entire history...