Home > Election Fraud Exposed in Criminal Complaint Filed in Ohio

Election Fraud Exposed in Criminal Complaint Filed in Ohio

by Open-Publishing - Friday 25 February 2005

Edito Justice Elections-Elected USA

Election Fraud by Licking County Officials Exposed in Criminal Complaint Filed by Paul D. Harmon

We have learned that Paul D. Harmon, an independent candidate for Domestic Relations Court Judge in Licking County, Ohio, filed a criminal complaint against Licking County election officials on February 18th.

The complaint, based on events in a Licking County race in which there were more "no votes" than votes cast for any candidate, accuses the officials of fraud involving "votomatic" punch card votes, of perjury, of destroying evidence, tampering with records, thwarting the administration of the recount laws, destruction of the secrecy of, and tampering with, absentee ballots, and other similar misconduct.

Mr. Harmon, a Newark, Ohio, attorney, and native of Granville, Ohio, lost by 200 votes. Of the 78,000 votes cast, the Republican candidate received 14,300, and Mr. Harmon 14,100. 18,000 votes were never counted.

During and after the ensuing mandatory recount, Licking County officials illegally refused to permit recount witnesses to view the uncounted ballots, or to inspect the machines, and on more than one occasion misrepresented the number of voting machines that had been used.

They have also admitted that blank ballots were stored in unsecured facilites.

It has also been learned that, although in one or more Democratic precincts voters were subjected to waits of 4 hours or more in order to vote, 50 unused voting machines had been kept ’in reserve’ by the Republican director and deputy director of the Licking County Board of elections.

It is anticipated that an independent prosecutor will be appointed to investigate the complaint.

As we obtain more details of the Licking County incidents, documents, and court proceedings, this post will be updated.


Forum posts

  • No matter how long it takes, we must do everything possible to expose the nationwide election fraud that took place in American on November 2, 2004. Even if the truth only trickles out, it is imperative we continue. I am deeply grateful to everyone working arduously county by county in Ohio to expose the fraud despite obstruction by corrupt officials and judiciary and continued media suppression of the facts. Every little piece of evidence has some positive effect toward restoring our Democracy.

    • I strongly agree.
      We must stay with it. No matter how long it takes.
      There is a mountain of evidence.
      If prosecutors don’t use it, we need to make the record for history and for our children’s children.
      Best regards
      Ray Beckerman

    • I agree exactly with what you say Ray.

      A record indeed needs to be handed down for history.

      At some point the data will reach critical mass.

      That’s when the TV watchers will start to tune it and your internet site will help give them the information they need.

    • We must never forget the sacrifices men made to found this great democratic experiment and do everything, by any means necessary to ensure free elections return to America.

    • Want honest elections? Don’t vote until you know they are not rigged anymore.

  • While I feel this is a good thing to try and right a very wrong doing that has effected a lot of sincere people who were trying to effect some manner of control over their future, I can’t help but be a little pessimistic about what can be done. I have never seen a cover up machine as effective as the people who has taken it a pond themselves to cheat the Ohio voters out of the true outcome of the 2004 election. Kenneth Black has kissed enough of Bush’s ass to ensured him, "he as his back." Just like there is this blind following for Mr., Bush and his policies, there will be a blind eye to the process to right this tragedy at every political level.


  • Would it be possible to overthrow this atrocity of an "election" and have a do-over?

    Kucinich in 2005!

  • I was a teenager in the 1960s in America and a card-carrying member of the Students for a Democratic Society (until realizing that us women were making signs and ignored by the men - at which time, I joined the very new Women’s Movement in Massachusetts). I picketed, protested the Vietnam War, worked with returning GIs from that war. I have paid, and continue to pay, my dues. NEVER did I think that I would miss Lyndon Baines Johnson or Nixon or even Reagan, yet I do.

    There is such an overwhelming sense of despair among many of the people of the United States of America as we hear ever more lies - not just about the last presidential election - then hear the truth come out to absolute silence. There has never been such a war launched on our freedoms as is now happening. We are in a ’War on Terrorism’ - which means there will be no end to it, any more than there’s been a end to the ’War on Drugs.’ The fact that an unprecedented amount of heroin is being exported from Afghanistan hardly makes a ripple, while mere users or low-level dealers (and their life-partners) of pot and other drugs are put into federal prisons in ever-increasing numbers. It is amazing to me that so little outrage results or is reported, that there aren’t weekly multi-thousand strong protests everywhere across this country. The election frauds we saw in 2000 worked, didn’t they? Why would 2004 be different?

    This (worst of) Republican/Neo-Conservative administration thinks it can get away with anything that they choose to put before the people, as long as they couch it with ideas of ’keeping us safe’ - not from them but from ’terrorists.’ The sad realization is that they did get away with it, they are getting away with it and they will get away with it. Americans are now so ill-educated that they don’t know their country, never mind many of yours, and will believe almost anything if uttered as though it must be the truth.

    This is not the country I thought I knew or the country that at least had tried (or pretended) to exist according to the Consitution and Bill of Rights! There will be no impeachment proceedings against an administration who continues to politically sodomize the American people, while still vilifying Clinton, breaking laws, thieving billions, dismantling the last protections of the poor and disenfranchised, disappearing any semblance of a middle-class - their real crimes are so numerous and known. At least with Clinton, it was between consenting adults and was the ONLY black-mark found in his life after a multi-million dollar witch-hunt.

    All I can do is leave. I cannot live here any longer as it is literally making me sick, so I’m off to fight the madness from my native Canada (I always kept my citizenship). In Canada, there are problems, but I won’t be put into custody for saying what it is I know and what it is I believe.

    The anger and sadness is unbearable here. A coward? No way. Never have been. I have never imagined in my 50-plus years that the USA would ever be doing what it is and that a majority of its people, the Congress and Senate, would continue to okay it.

    • Please don’t despair, SDS Patriot! If you would read other comments here, you might find solace from the ideas of like-minded people. An article entitled "Americans Speak Out on Election Fraud 2004," which is very much akin to the one above, appeared here recently. The following are some of the comments appended to that article:

      > Americans Speak Out on Election Fraud 2004
      1st March 2005 - 06h44

      We need to start mobilizing to put pressure on Bush and his party and seek his imprisonment as well as the senior members of his gang of thugs.
      He will go down in history as the "Black President" not because of his skin color, but because of his evil evil evil soul.
      We need to start mobilizing to put pressure on Bush and his party and seek his imprisonment as well as the senior members of his gang of thugs.
      He will go down in history as the "Black President" not because of his skin color, but because of his evil evil evil soul.


      Unfortunately, history has always been written by the winners - and if the ’girlie-Bush’ and his mob keep on keeping on, while mouthy but spineless Americans stand by in a cackle gaggle, then the history according to Bush will be nothing that you nor I nor any true American could ever imagine. Besides, when did slaves ever need to learn history in order to do the work of the masters?

      You speak of "mobilizing to put pressure on Bush and his party and seek his imprisonment as well as the senior members of his gang of thugs": First of all, we have a man who is insane with greed who has his finger on the button that could and would bring annihilation to the entire world. He killed 3,000 of us without so much as blinking an eye—he just kept reading ’My Pet Goat’, didn’t he—because it served his purposes - and served them extremely well; what makes you think this monster wouldn’t joyfully nuke any large gathering of Americans and then use the same media lapdogs to recast a new and greater slaughter of Americans as an event for all those blissful ’girlie-Bushies’ out there to blame another or similar caveman who can never be caught because he died several years previously?

      The same people who concocted the lies about weapons of mass destruction are the same people who concocted the lies about caveman combat causing 9/11 - the same people who use the genuine piety of our own unsuspecting citizen neighbors against us; however, these same people are telling all of us, you and me, that we are in the minority. Do you believe it? I don’t! I don’t believe we are in the minority any more than I believe Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction that were an IMMINENT threat to Americans.

      How many times have Americans come together to fight for legitimate freedom and democracy? These punks in power don’t represent Republicans OR Democrats, and they sure as hell don’t represent America nor American values and ideals; they represent only the few and the cowardly. The only way to defeat them is for every righteous American—and I mean every Citizen who ever voted Republican or Democrat, or chose never to vote at all because of disgust with the whole damned system—to speak with the relatives and neighbors they trust. And soon there will be local movements throughout this Nation, and each Local Movement will eventually tie together with other adjacent movements, and sooner than anyone may believe, D E M O C R A C Y will arise again in this Nation, and the cowards in charge will have to make a choice: Either deal with it, or run.

      Janice Joplin sang a little tune called "Me and Bobby McGee," and a part of one refrain was: "Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose. Nothin’......it ain’t nothin’, babe, if it ain’t free!" I’m just about to the point where there’s nothin’ left to lose. Maybe there are one or two other Americans who feel the same way! Why don’t we all start talking with those we trust, and find out?

      The most important thing is: We need to get it going and get it done. N O W!!! And that includes all you Red State Rebs, out there, who’s proud to be an American!
      Yankee Blue Veteran


      Yankee, well said. Gee, how long do you think it would take to muster up the numbers of YOU it would take to overcome the neocon agenda? And a leader. There must be a leader who has the charisma to bring it all together. Unfortunately, I don’t see any Democrats on the horizon who could and would be prepared to take on the challenge. In fact, most of them have been complicit in the neocon plans. I mean, can you believe that the Democrats didn’t even read the Patriot Act before passing it! And were they not complicit in giving the president the power to go into Iraq at HIS discretion? As for 911, there’s a smell about it that I think should give us all concern and perhaps that’s what needs to be looked—well beyond what the Commission’s report tells us. I think we agree that Bush could not have pulled off what he did and will continue to do without the able assistance of corporate media. Another step we should take is to turn off the television set—refuse to be engaged in the propaganda. Ours is a capitalistic society which we can use to our advantage.

      I understand the original subject was fraudulent elections, but the disease is rooted in America’s foreign policy which has been pretty much the same over the last several decades. As that dear man, Noam Chomsky, says, the Democrats and Republicans are really the two sides of the same coin. It’s just that Junior’s megalomaniacal actions and horrific persona have brought it all to the fore. In some ways we should be grateful to the beast.
      Lest you think that I think that Canada is all that great, forget it! We have a neocon sector here too that would sell all our souls to the devil—for a price paid not by them but by the Canadian tax payer. No, we are not above the fray. But our country is so small (population) that we’re not even a blip on the radar screen. Yours is the big power and as I said in an earlier post, as you go, so do we all.


      Sping and Summer are coming. Once the weather gets better, Americans will take to the streets.


      Please stick around a while longer, SDS Patriot, and be a ’S’oldier for ’D’emocratic ’S’olidarity.