Home > Honor the Legacy: Tell The President to Support International Law

Honor the Legacy: Tell The President to Support International Law

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 30 May 2004


This Sunday, May 30th, nearly a million World War II veterans and their families
will join President Bush for the dedication of the new World War II memorial
in Washington, DC.

As part of a coalition of veterans groups and human rights organizations, Oxfam
America is respectfully calling on President Bush to take this opportunity
to rededicate our nation to international humanitarian and human rights law—the
humane rules of war that arose from the ashes of World War II and became a
part of American culture.

The rights outlined by the Geneva Conventions are universal. Upholding these
rights protects and supports Americans serving our country in Iraq and around
the world. These soldiers are our children, our spouses, our friends, our countrymen.

Sadly, the documented prison abuse in Abu Ghraib underscores the need for President
Bush to rededicate our nation to the Geneva Conventions and the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights. We must protect the lives and dignity of all civilians, prisoners
of war, and wounded combatants around the world—including the Iraqi people
and US men and women serving today in Iraq.

Let President Bush and the world know that you think the US should stand behind
the Geneva Conventions. Click here to sign this petition!


Thanks for your support.

David Moore, Internet Campaign Organizer Shannon Scribner, Policy Advisor Oxfam America

Education for Peace in Iraq Center
Veterans for Common Sense
Amnesty International USA
National Council of Churches
Physicians for Social Responsibility

Collective Bellaciao