Home > Horror: as US citizen is beheaded on video

Horror: as US citizen is beheaded on video

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 12 May 2004


A poor quality videotape posted Tuesday on an Islamic militant website showed
five masked men believed to be linked with Al-Qaeda beheading an American hostage
dressed in orange Guantanamo Bay style

"My name is Nick Berg, my father’s name is Michael, my mother’s name is Susan.
I have a brother and sister, David and Sarah. I live in Philadelphia," the man
in the video said.

After reading a statement, the man was beheaded.

A body found in Baghdad over the weekend has been identified as Mr Berg.

"Berg’s body was found with his hands behind his back and beheaded," said a US
official who declined to be identified. "The body was found along a roadside
by a US military patrol."

Parents are blaming the Bush administration for his death, saying that US authorities
had contributed to the tragedy by unlawfully detaining their son for nearly
two weeks before his disappearance.

Michael Berg claimed on Tuesday that his son, Nick, was held by US authorities
without access to a telephone or lawyer because of suspicions that he was an
insurgent or terrorist. By the time he was finally released in early April,
according to Mr Berg, the security situation had so deteriorated that it was
difficult for him to make his way home.

"That’s really what cost my son his life, the fact that the United States government
saw fit to keep him in custody for 13 days without any of his due process or
civil rights," Mr Berg said.

The family’s accusation comes as the Bush administration struggles to fend
off allegations that it has denied the civil rights of thousands of mostly
Arab detainees it is holding in military prisons.

Collective Bellaciao

Forum posts

  • The militants are really idiots. They had the world opposition of the big bad Americans that torture poor defenseless muslums. Now, with this horrific video, they show that they are the ultimate animals. They make the prison treatment look tame. No use on being dumb if you cannot show it.

    • They sawed his head off. The guys in prison wearing panties on their heads are terrorist. Too bad we can’t have Sadam back for a day to run the old prison.

    • I am not so sure that this is not a plot of the great United States. You must admit it sure gets the heat off others that really don’t want heat. After all what is one more life?

    • You retard, show some respect.

    • how can i see the video. any 1 know the web site it is on?

    • ive seen the video m8 it made me so f**king mad u just wanna kill them the b**tards. its sick pure sick

    • faked
      figure it out
      stupid americans will believe anything
      US pysch-ops at work

    • I have seen many pics of what happened but I was wondering if you could tell me what website I can see the video on.

    • my daughter came to my work today and told me how they beheaded that man.i pitured in my mind when i first heard of what happened,somekind of fast death for him[i was hopeing]but when i heard of the SLOW painfull death he had i was so angry.i think what our solgersdid to those men was awlful but now i want our president to take irac off the map.they are so evil.i hate to think what that poor mans family is going threw.i hope they all go to hell!!!

    • i am an american and would like to see the video not just clips of it, does anyone know the website or where to see it so i can never forget what these mad men have to potential to do,,,aka 9/11
      thanks, proudly mid-western

    • fuk u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Ill tell you what you dumb ass, if you think thats fake lets send your ass there and see if its fricking fake Dip Shit!!!

    • have you found this video? I would as well like to see it?

    • Just checked out the web site you listed what a collection of garbage. I bet Bush authorized this junk its about his educational level. I have never seen anything so funny in my entire life. By the way Brittney Spears is a big Bush supporter in case you didn’t know. She has appeared in more than one interview stating that she "trusts and admires him" so your retouched photo of her as a lesbo is really a slap in the Republipukes face as she is one of yours.....

  • poor quality fake video footage, its bush trying to stir up shit, i want to see some high quality video of a man screaming as they saw his head off

  • I think its a terrible thing and a cowardly act by the terrorist. I think what goes around comes around , GOD will deal with them when the time comes. I hope they burn in HELL in the mean time.