Home > Martial Law: Police State America - We’re So Close Now Thanks to Hurricane (...)

Martial Law: Police State America - We’re So Close Now Thanks to Hurricane Katrina

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 28 September 2005

Edito Police - Repression Governments Catastrophes USA

For years we have warned that the police state is coming, how Martial Law will become the norm, how ancient laws, rights and freedoms are being overturned and replaced with repressive mechanisms of control.

For years we have presented the evidence, the Army War College documents, the domestic military takeover drills, the draconian legislation, officials left right and centre calling for more centralized military control domestically.

For years people refuted the evidence, or passed it off as being intended for something else, or simply refused to believe it. Now everything we warned you about is happening.

In the wake of the recent natural disasters on American soil, dangerous precedents have been set. We have been forced to watch how in times of crisis we must submit and follow the orders of Federal Commanders, no matter whether they deny us basic human rights or not.

Whether it be a state attack, a terrorist attack, an accident or a natural disaster matters not anymore, the outcome will be the same. We are just one event, ANY event away from Martial Law.

Getting rid of Posse Comitatus - Setting the precedent

“In a police state the police are national, powerful, authoritarian. Inevitably, national governments yield to the temptation to use the military to do the heavy lifting....once the military is used, however minor initially, the march toward martial law ... becomes irresistible.” - Representative Ron Paul of Texas - June 25 1997.

The Posse Comitatus Act is a recognition that the framers of the Constitution had a deep distrust of centralized power, particularly centralized military power that might be used against the people. State militias were preferred over a national army. In times of major disaster or emergency, it has been state governors - not the president - who call out that state’s contingent of the national guard.

We have witnessed over a long period of time how Posse Comitatus is systematically being erased. After 9/11 this was particularly accelerated. All the so called "experts" were calling for changes to long standing laws, in order to "protect" us. This led to scores of lower level Government officials pleading for exactly what the criminal elements higher up wanted all along.

Take the following AP report from November 2001:

"Our way of life has forever changed," wrote Sen. John Warner, R-Va., in a letter last month to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. "Should this law now be changed to enable our active-duty military to more fully join other domestic assets in this war against terrorism?"

So let’s get this right, "terrorists" attack us because they "hate our freedoms" and the answer is to get rid of our freedoms?

Here’s another mainstream report from 2002 documenting a senators call to abolish Posse Comitatus and let troops arrest US civilians.

Here’s former Homeland Security dictator Tom Ridge saying the same thing. And here he is saying it again.

But before the war on terror it was clear that there was preparation afoot for such eventualities. Nothing is under review, this has always been the agenda. They were erasing Posse Comitatus 14 Years Ago. In 911: The Road to Tyranny Alex Jones presents footage of troops training to put Americans into Concentration Camps. This footage includes interrogations and a retired Marine admitting that in 1988 he was kicking down doors in Norfolk, Virginia. The Marines would be ordered to the local Police station where they would don Police uniforms. They would then go to the local gun shop or dealers home and "Take Them Down."

In Alex Jones’ feature Police State 2000 he covers Operation Urban Warrior where actors posed as American citizens who were Unconstitutionally seized from their homes by the military and police. These Americans: were rounded up and confined behind barbed-wire.

The actors were told to demand to be let free and state that they had rights. They were also told to demand food and water. The troops in turn were taught to ignore them and to order them to behave in an orderly fashion. "Civil disobedience will not be tolerated" was one of the many disturbing statements heard to emanate from the military’s loud speakers.

Over the years there have been countless drills of this nature. The media simply reports them as training for dealing with foreign enemies, yet the volunteers and the participants are always told differently.

Here’s a report on another urban warfare drill entitled "The Millennium Challenge 2002". This drill was conducted secretly across 26 States in 2002.

Earlier this year details of just one of many Military operations on American soil was exposed in the run up to Lord Bush’s coronation. A secret counterterrorism program code-named Power Geyser. A small group of super-secret commandos were hidden among 13000 police and troops and "stood ready with state-of-the-art weaponry to swing into action.".

There have been literally hundreds of these kind of operations in the planning and going on for years now. Many designed to use the military on the streets of American cities in direct violation of Posse Comitatus. The Pentagon has a full Command in operation working on these activities, the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).

Whilst Studying US COIN (Counter Insurgency) doctrine at University I was subjected to weekly showings of videos where military operations were carried out in purpose built mock American towns and cities. We were also informed of how future Counter Insurgency would be predominantly conducted from Military bunkers as they had developed the technology to map out entire cities to pinpoint accuracy from satellite images. The cities in the prototypes were of course all American cities.

I remember asking the lecturer what the point was in developing this technology for use in foreign insurgency wars in places such as the mountains of Afghanistan, and why were the drills and testing of the technology being carried out purely in American towns and cities. The answer was of course that in the event of a major terror attack on US soil these types of things would go into operation. The Pentagon does indeed have "War Plans" drafted in the event of any type of terror attack, which would be coordinated by Northcom in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security and would involve Martial Law and thousands of troops on the streets.

According to respected military affairs analyst William Arkin, Northcom has defined three levels of operations, each of which triggers a larger set of authorized activities. The levels are "extraordinary", "emergency" and "temporary". During emergencies, the military can provide similar support, mostly in response to specific events such as the attacks on the World Trade Center. It is only in the case of extraordinary domestic operations that the unique capabilities of the Defense Department are deployed. These include not just such things as air patrols to shoot down hijacked planes or the defusing of bombs and other explosives, but also bringing in intelligence collectors, special operators and even full combat troops.

But as Arkin’s article makes clear, Northcom is doing more than mere coordinating. "Under the banner of ’homeland security’, the military and intelligence communities are implementing far-reaching changes that blur the lines between terrorism and other kinds of crises and will break down long-established barriers to military action and surveillance within the US."

He also said the Pentagon reviewed the Posse Comitatus Act and determined that it would not be a violation to deploy the National Guard to protect critical infrastructure in some circumstances. He said he expects more presidential directives in the future to expand the military’s homeland defense role.

Then of course we have General Tommy Franks stating that a major terror attack on US soil would mean the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government.

Some say this is nothing new. In a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations in January, former US senator Gary Hart said American founders "created such an army and called it the militia: citizen-soldiers under the immediate command of the various states that can be deployed in times of emergency. Since the late 19th century these militias have been known as the National Guard, and they were created and given constitutional status as the first responders and the first line of defense in the case of an attack on our homeland".

This is clearly an alteration of reality. The reason why the founding fathers employed militias and later created Posse Comitatus was that they knew a centralized national army could be used in a future environment to take over the country and take away the rights of everyone.

Police State infrastructure - Already in place (and in use)

We have further exposed how the infrastructure for a Martial Law Police State is already in place, and in many cases is in use. We have a whole archive on the revelations that FEMA has Concentration camps set up and ready to go in the event of any emergency that is deemed suitable for their use. As we have also seen recently, these camps need not have barbed wire and observation towers, they can simply be well guarded sports stadiums.

Detention centers are common features of any public protest event now, as we recently saw at the Republican National Convention and G8 protests.

We have also exposed the development of police State weapons that make Tasers look like water pistols. See this article on The Pentagon’s Secret Scream Sonic devices that can inflict pain—or even permanent deafness. These type of devices that are routinely used in Iraq have recently been in use in New Orleans in the Katrina aftermath.

The use of Unmanned drone aircraft has also been documented recently in New Orleans. Again, such weapons are being used not only in foreign reconnaissance but also domestically for spying on "citizens" and controlling crowds. Industry representatives are enthusiastic about the drones’ potential.

"I believe we will see Predator and Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) watching over major events, such as the Olympic Games and the Super Bowl, in the not-too-distant future," Brad Brown, then-president of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International wrote earlier this year.

Alex’s most recent film Martial Law: Rise of the Police State also documents the use of huge corporate sponsored surveillance blimps. The Department of Homeland Security is developing 900 ft long so called "Super Blimps" for surveillance, intended to fly about 65,000 feet, well above commercial airliner traffic.

We have also documented the rise in use of the national guard to break up public events. On multiple occasions we have carried stories, photos and video of tanks and armed troops on the streets of America. We saw earlier this year how such deployments are used not only to break up protests, but even something as insignificant as a rave in a field.

Future technology under development includes robot police that have the ability to run. Its like we are living in the Twilight Zone or in a futuristic dystopian film. Yet when you mention these kind of things to people they either don’t believe you or simply laugh at you. Well here’s a wake up call, IT’S THE YEAR 2005, not 1955, and these things are real.

Coming Next: Part Two, After Katrina...


Forum posts

  • Forces are not employed for emergency in democratic countries and that for very good reason. Men and women of destruction can not go along well with normal citizens. The brutality we saw in New Orleans is proof enough.

  • Martial Law can exist---to some extent—but overall it will not be effective for a few reasons.
    There is not enough law enforcement. And even if it were to increase it would become an army unto itself with shoot to kill orders of Americans by Americans—and whereas it may begin as martial law it would become simply a war.

    If we ever get to the point---and we will---of martial law---that will begin our Madd Max
    society. And just like Iraq once the unraveling begins.....

    • It won’t be the Nat’l guard or the US military enforcing martial law.
      It will be the private miltary co’s(pfc’s). Why wasn’t Blackwater mentioned in this article. Apparently there were scores of those guys in New Orleans(and still are).
      Read all about this - ggogle news or something.

  • The U.S. is just “one terrorist attack away” or “one more big natural disaster away” from nation wide martial law and a Hitler-like totalitarian system because the american people became too fat and lazy intellectually to remember and understand the significance of past events that were forewarning’s of present day events. Every dictator/tyrant of the past always employed the strategy of manufacturing terrorism because they were power hungry people. All power hungry tyrants are impatient people who hate waiting for events to happen that grant them the golden opportunity to seize absolute power and impose it on their docile and apathetic populations so they consistently employ the “fake terror” stratagem to speed up the process. Most americans still believe to this day that 9/11 was an attack that originated from half the world away from america and that the “war on terror” and the heightened state of domestic surveillance(spying on the american people) and security measures(intrusive and oppressive search and seizure and imprisonment of americans) are natural responses to enemy attacks from outside or to natural disasters. George Orwell incorporated this theme of fake terrorism into his timely and superb novel about a totalitarian society called “1984” in a conversation between two of the main characters in the story(winston Smith and his girl friend named Julia) during one of the rare moments when they believed that they were safe from the all seeing eyes and all hearing ears of Big Brother. In that conversation, they were discussing the war between their country Oceania and their enemy Eurasia, and the character named Julia mentioned that she believed that the war was a hoax and that their own government itself was firing off the missiles that were devastating portions of their city and killing its people to keep them frightened and in a permanently obedient warlike frame of mind. George Orwell wrote 1984 in 1949 and he clearly understood the idea that totalitarian leaders and governments create the terrorism that they need to use as the reason why they must seize dictatorial power and take society into a permanent state of militarization and perpetual war. Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, stalin, Noriega, Ferdinand Marcos, the Shah of Iran, Pinochet, and many other dictators recognized the utility of this concept and employed it regularly to keep their peoples scared and subservient to their authority. There is no reason to believe that the current crop of dictators of the U.S./Britain/israel are any different from these dictators of the past. The only difference is that bush/blair/sharon have access to state of the art weapons and scientific technology and employ them with devastating power and consequences for their nations and the world in general. And totalitarian leaders and governments know that they must not sundenly thrust their fascist systems upon the people all at once lest it cause a backlash from an alerted and alarmed populace. They understand that people are more accepting of evil if it is fed to them in small doses over an extended period of time as long as it is given to them in the context of security and protection in a time a national emergency or a state of war. It is like feeding people rat poison in such small doses over a long period of time that they cannot tell that they are being poisoned because the deterioration in their health is so gradual that they adapt to it until they die. This is how the bush regime persuaded the american people to suspend their suspicions of centralized authority and power and to accept tyranny in tiny spoonfuls over five years until hurricane Katrina forced them to realize that their government was waging war against them as well as the people of Afghanistan and Iraq. There is a saying “better late then never” and the american people are beginning to shake off their lethargic state of mind and reacting to the evil nature of the bush regime after five years. But what if it is five years too late. The time to oppose and defeat the bush regime was five years ago when it was still relatively new and powerless and vulnerable. Now it has accumulated almost total power and control over this nation and its people. The bush regime and depleted uranium weapons share one common attribute-they are man-made evils and both should never have been allowed to come into existence. They are practically impossible to remove once they become lodged in the soft tissues of their victims. The consequences are always dire and the inevitable result is death. The american people signed their death warrants after 9/11 through their fearful and thoughtless decision to relinquish their freedoms to bush and his regime in the mistaken belief that they were being protected from terrorism through this bargain with the devil. The american people did not have the slightest clue when they were seeking protection from “terrorism” by placing themselves in the custodianship of the terrorists in the white house that they were running towards the approaching fire instead of away from it. Even the animals in the wild have enough common sense to run away from dangerous predators or situations. But americans on the other hand have lost that natural instinct for self preservation and suppressed the advanced human trait of using rationality and logic for finding solutions to problems and instead have elected to give the predators control over their freedoms and lives. The american people had been conditioned over the last fifty years to believe that the greatest threats to this nation come from enemies half the world away and because they are different looking and acting and thinking. This conditioning has had the intended effect of dulling the minds of the american people to the point where they can no longer see that the greatest enemy that threatens this nation is the internal one that looks just like us and acts just like us and appears to think just like us. They have convinced us that they are one of us and made us lower our defenses and suspend out better judgement so that they could destroy us without arousing suspicion. The american people after 9/11 behaved just like the people of Orwell’s Fictional Oceania in “1984” and like these imaginary people, the american people accepted totalitarianism in exchange for protection and waited too long to oppose tyranny and ended up living in a police state system like Big Brother. The american people were so arrogant to believe “It could never happen here” because they had become complacent and convinced in their inherent superiority as americans that they let the evil terrorist bush regime slip past them while they were congratulating themselves and admiring themselves in the mirror. Now it has happened here and I fear that the american people will come to accept it much the same way that the german people did in the 1930’s. The nazi third reich never died away, it simply went into hibernation until the proper time arrived for it to awaken in a different place and go on its destructive rampage again.