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The September 24 National March on Washington DC will be the largest antiwar protest...

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 7 August 2005

Edito Demos-Actions Movement Wars and conflicts USA

September 24 Will Be a Huge Success - But We Can’t Do It Without Your Help

Dear A.N.S.W.E.R. friend,

The September 24 National March on Washington DC will be the largest antiwar protest since the November election. Volunteers are working around the clock, and buses from all over the country have been reserved to bring people to DC.

The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition relies on the generous contributions of people who are committed to building this movement. The costs of renting buses, sound sytems, port-a-johns, logistical and stage equipment, along with printing leaflets, posters and stickers, requires us to immediately raise $100,000.

The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition relies on the generous contributions of people who are committed to building this movement. The costs of renting buses, sound sytems, port-a-johns, logistical and stage equipment, along with printing leaflets, posters and stickers, requires us to immediately raise $100,000.

Each chartered bus from New York City rents for $1,400 - $1,700. To enable people from working class communities and young people to come to DC on September 24, it is imperative that we keep bus ticket prices low. The buses have to be paid for in advance of the demonstration - although most ticket sales come in the last two weeks before the demonstration.

Each chartered bus from New York City rents for $1,400 - $1,700. To enable people from working class communities and young people to come to DC on September 24, it is imperative that we keep bus ticket prices low. The buses have to be paid for in advance of the demonstration - although most ticket sales come in the last two weeks before the demonstration.

The battle to raise sufficient funds is tough but with your help, we can do it.

We are asking you to donate as much as you possibly can today. If you have contibuted before, please consider making another generous donation. If you have never participated as a donor, now is the time. Click here to make a donation through our secure server, where you can also get information to write a check.

Forum posts

  • Why don’t you people ever protest the bombings in London, or the killings of Muslims by Muslims in Iraq? I hope the FBI and Scotland Yard are there photographing and wire tapping every bloody last one of you.

    • what dont you people show up for veterans beneiefts so many rallies its sickning,but you choose too protest against the war our President put us in.Stand up for our rights be there Nov 9 2005 show support fo veterans rights.

      Signed Gysgt Angelo Vitalone Sr.

    • Maybe you were sleeping, or on holiday on another planet ?

      The London bombings, LARGELY covered by the mainstream media, have been worldwide protested and condemned. Governements around the world have called for a one minute of silence in commemoration of the 53 killed in London (no such a thing has ever been organized by our governments for the 2000 times as much civilians killed in Iraq).

    • First of all , I would like to thank you for your sevice to our country. And I would like to offer you my services as a language/spelling tutor. Or perhaps your branch of the service offers some classes to help you become more literate. Or perhaps you are dyslexic? At any rate, your outrage over the lack of Veterans benefits is right on the mark. But you are mistakenly laying the blame for lack of support on democrats/progressives. Senator Patty Murray(D) WA State tried over and over to bring the lack of funding to the attention of the entire Senate,in the form of bills aimed at increasing VA funding. She was shot down EVERY time, until it became obvious that the Republicans would be held responsible for their shameful behavior at election time. So they were finally embarrassed publicly into acting to fund the VA. But only enough to keep it going for 2005. What about next year??? This administration is spending a BILLION dollars a week in Iraq, but struggles to find 1.5 Billion. to keep the VA barely functioning. So Mr. Vitalone, perhaps your outrage would be better directed at the Republicans, who support this war,or struggle,or whatever they are calling it this week, and supposedly support our troops. But when they come home, expecting the promises made to them, in return for their (and your) service to our country to be kept, the door is slammed shut in their faces. The Republicans deserve your ire. Give them Hell, they asked for it. Cyra Brown

    • If we lived in a fascist country, my friend, I am sure they would be wiretapping and photographing any who are opposed to the policiies of the regime. Think about what you are suggesting. Fascism depends on people like you to succeed.

    • Due to the fact that this is a democracy, our government is accountable to us, the people. We don’t "protest" the actions of governments/groups that are not accountable to us. We protest what OUR government does in our name, with our taxes, with the lives of our sons and daughters. We protest because it is our right and our duty.

      This should be obvious to ANY thinking person. It makes one wonder how "you people" could be so stunningly illogical.

    • how "you people" could be so stunningly illogical, can be explained in one word...UNEDUCATED. The citizens here are receiving very poor quality educations, they learn nothing of history or the things their government has done over the 200 years of it past, they can hardly read when they leave school so they can not educate themselves. Praying, propaganda, and re-written history is about all they receive, they can not be expected to do any critical thinking, they have been taught to accept the "Taliban" type of indoctrination unquestioningly which they start to get from the time they are 5 years, old not just in school, but also in church just like the Taliban. When people get brainwashed from such a young age, they can no longer determine truth or obvious contradictions.

      The United States is becoming a third world country, even China will overtake us and the people here will become the new "Africans" scratching out a subsistance living, not even having the intelligence to ask what ever happened to the promise that was once the great United States.

  • ANSWER is Cointelpro.

    just like George Soros, Move-on, and so many others. They want you to donate $50 and feel that you’ve done your part. Don’t give these fools $50- do something yourself.

  • Sept 24 - 26 Surround the White House - STOP the WAR NOW Gathering in DC

    FREE Image 2 Copy, Paste and SEND AROUND the EARTH

    Go 2 http://www.RogerART.com

    Scroll Down till U C Sept 24... SURROUND the... WHITE millionbairs HOUSE

    Thank, U Roger@RogerART.com

  • Last time I went to one of these anti-war protests I was surrounded by anarchists, communists, and WTO-smashers. I don’t want to be used and I don’t want to march the streets with a bunch of jackasses. If this is an anti-war march, then can we please make clear that this is an ANTI-WAR march, not any of the numerous other things typically plastered on banners at recent marches?

    • The last time you attended a protest was when the easter bunny hopped over to my house and laid an egg all decorated with glitter and ribbons. Then Santa came and gave me all sorts of wonderful gifts fresh out of his sleigh, and then little red riding hood appeared and gave me a big basket full of goodies having escaped from the big bad wolf. So please keep attending those anti-war protests that you ALWAYS go to otherwise I won’t get all of those goodies.

    • You want an organized anti-war protest? Apparently you’re to young to remember the anti-war marches during the Viet Nam war. The purpose of the exercise is to grab the freakin mainstream media by the short hairs and get massive TV coverage. That’s what it’s about. The more people who turn out with the passion and A PISSED OFF attitude the more the coverage. Violence is always counterproductive, but who doesn’t remember the footage of the 68 convention in Chicago. I say to all those who read this, get off your asses and march, these bastards have stolen our children and are making them fight a war, not for freedom or whatever bullshit the frat boy President or his lackeys are spewing forth these days, these beautiful kids are fighting a war for the betterment of multinational corporations and for no other reason. And remember we are in this conflict because WE let them do it. And we can, and must end the madness.

  • This mass demonstration is a good start and kudos for those, who participate in whatever degree they can.
    However, it would be even better, to take the example, of your proud ancestors, who grabbed their pitchfork or what else, to storm and overrun the nests of tyranny and had succeeded, in chasing away the usurers.

  • Sorry, but to be a part of the Anti-War protest in September would classify us in the same category as Traitor Jane Fonda. I will Not support this type of activity, but I will support their right to assemble. ,,,,Russ

    • Better yet Russ, stick you head back up your ass and don’t worry what others do or don’t do about the son of a bitch you helped to elect as president.

    • Russ- Why are you not over in Iraq fighting for our freedom? Are you a chickenhawk like the leaders of our country? Why don’t you put your butt on the line for your coke snorting, AWOL president who is fighting to defend his father’s honor and vindicate our right to unlimited oil ? Tell me the name of one Administration official or Republican congressperson or governot whose family is over in Iraq? Just one Russ-please.

    • Hey Russ,

      Jane Fonda at least has more b@lls than a craving little pu$$y like you ever will. If you don’t want to march against the war, then take your little ’mangina’ down to your local recrutiment office and sign up! Otherwise, #&$% off!