Home > The death and torture flights of CIA should be stopped! Bush and his gang (...)

The death and torture flights of CIA should be stopped! Bush and his gang should be judged!

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 3 December 2005

Edito Wars and conflicts Prison Europe Attack-Terrorism Secret Services USA

by Yildiz Onen Coordinator of the Global Peace and Justice Coalition of Turkey

As the Global Peace and Justice Coalition we had a press conference in İstanbul on 30 of November about the death and torture flights of CIA and its using Turkish airspace and Sabiha Gökçen airport.

Last week, there was some news about that CIA has been carrying some people, who had been captured by CIA through secret operations, to the secret prisons which was built in the other countries. In the news it was revealed that these prisoners were subjected to torture for years without being on trial. Also in these news it was claimed that among the countries is there Turkey and the territory of these countries has been used by the airplanes which has got torture room in it.

Today in the press conference, the spokeman of the Global Peace and Justice Coalition, Nuri Ödemiş said that, “In the Canadian newspapers there were some media coverege about that one of these aeroplanes which departed from İstanbul, arrived Canada on March of 2005. It was confirmed by the Transportation Ministry of Turkey that an aeroplane departed from Baku and recorded in the name of CIA’s paravane company, arrived İstanbul Sabiha Gökçen airport on 15 of November, stayed there for 27 hours and then departured to Amsterdam. As the ministry explained, 27 hours are too long for refuelling, it remains as an unanswered question how long this aeroplane had stayed at the airport and what it had done. As the Turkish citizens we have a right to know that which airports had been used by these CIA aeroplanes and why they stayed for days.”

Ödemiş lined up the claims of the Global Peace and Justice Coalition as followed:

“The Turkish government should launch an inquiry about that if İncirlik Military base had been used by CIA for such operations and or not. Also the government should investigate the operations of Bush and his gang in Turkey. As it had been revealed in the international reports that İncirlik Military base and other USA and NATO military bases might be used as torture centres, the Turkish government should made a satisfactory explanation about these claims. It should not be aloowed these torture aeroplanes’ to use Turkish airspace.”

Among the foundations that was participated in the press conference were 78’ers Foundation, Teacher’s Trade Union, Human Rights Association, Confederation of Public Employees Trade Unions, Human Rights and Solidarity for Opressed People, Turkish Disabled Foundation, Association of Architect and Engineer, The Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons.

Now, as the Global Peace and Justice Coalition we are carrying a campaing titled ‘İncirlik Military base should be closed, USA GO HOME’ until 18 of March 2006. On that thay we intend to have a big demonstration in İstanbul against the occupation with the rest of the world.

Forum posts

  • Give it a rest, Yildez.

    You know and I know that nothing will befall president Bush. His belief is far too great and his focus far too intense for your wishes/adgenda to see daylight.

    Now and for as long as they are on earth, nothing bad will happen to these fellows. They have far too much belief in themselvse for this.

    • I guess when they torture americans you will change your outlook but I think not your kind will continue to make excuses for these despots.

    • I am not sure what you’ve read into my post; but it certainly is not what I wrote. I am not supporting what is happening as much as I am pointing to the futility of the opposition.

      My assertion that nothing is going to happen to President Bush and the other administration officials is what is reality and what will be reality. The leadership is more focused and has more belief in what they are doing then that exists and is exhibited in the people who are against them.

      For all purposes the policy has been thoughtout over many, many years and past events/situtations/opportunities have been answered with the aim in mind of occupying Iraq and influencing that region. This thinking, leading to current belief and reality that the administration created is far, far stronger then anything running against it. The added fact the leadership personnel has more focus and more intent than anyone outside it makes it that much easier for them to conduct their plans.

      This thinking and belief is what makes the reality that you see and live. Their core belief and thinking easily balances out all of the opposition forces in the world (as can be seen from current circumstances.) The opposition simply does not truly believe that things will change to their liking (and to what they think is fair.) All they seem to do is to vent in response to events that come to their knowledge. Deep down they know that it is impossible for them to change the reality and their doubts, additionally weaken whatever action they take. (Namely, in this case, posting to this blog).

      What I am not saying is some kind of "new-age" meditation that the opposition do when I say that their thinking cannot surmount what is happenning vis-a-vis the war and all the other related and subsidary mechinations. It is simply that they have not known nor thought enough about these renditions — their subconsious is not convinced that they can stop them. All they are left with is reacting to some news event that presents itself. Soon enough it will fall off the radar and the opposition will quickly forget.

      To surmise, these "American Gulags" have been going on for much more than 40 years; oh, some participants may be new, like Romania but certainly, Egypt and Syria are not new team members. The time that the leadership has spent thinking and responding to in the past has given them the ability to create the reality today. The opposition has just come aware of it recently — did not have time to think about it and how to respond to it effecively (only to post on this blog and other blogs). There is no real belief that they can stop it — that is, after posting it here what is the next step? How long can the opposition sustain this effort? To what degree can the possibily observe their government? What happens if the flights turn to prision ships? How can they possibily hold to accountability what this leadership will do past 2008?

      As a related item, think of the School of the Americas... The name was changed when that became a topic and people protested (after existing for decades befoe 1998)... And it still exists today at Ft. Benning, Ga. and still functions as before. What happenned to the protesters — the opposition to that school, if you will? Simply, that the name was changed and they stopped thinking about it. Completely ineffectual were they.

      More often than not people in the opposition may verbalize some things as a means to placate their minds and heart and soon tire and forget. They are powerless. To be effective you have to be as focused and think and believe as those you oppose. And I see no where where it is true that the opposition is as focused and powerful as those in power.

      As to the second point of your reply, I think it is a unique and untennable extrapolation that this would happen to an American and that I would continue to support such actions. If it does happen, what power do I have?

    • some americans need to be tortured a bit; ted kennedy, bill and hillary, jesse jackson, norman lear, howard stern and the editorial staff of the new york times come to mind.

    • The terrorist passengers who ride on this jet should be happy. People who ride on corporate jets like these are VERY special people. The jet cost 4 thousand an hour to operate and cost in excess of 25 million per plane to purchase, so you have to be VERY special to ride in one of these.

      How special ? "Just sit tight Abdul, were getting the poker nice and hot, its only just getting a nice bright red color to the tip of it"

      Torture is VERY effective, unless you go to far, then they will say anything to make it stop hurting. Its a science not a sadistic ritual.

      Our friend Sun Tze sums it up nicely in his 3,000 yr. old book called the "Art of War" by saying "The victor in war must be willing to go far more in acts of atrocity and cruelty, than his counterpart" The USA is VERY capable and VERY willing to do this for victory, for whatever their reasons were for war.

  • Until some European countries like Germany and U.K. keep their complice with this CIA-Gang by letting them fly into their air space nothing will change.

    The religious rights want torture deployed and they did it throughout history: Inqisition and Exorcism are only a few example. Also those who suffered - like the Jews - favour now torture.

    • http://bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=9408

      Please see my related Bellaciao article and my list of 26 torture planes: http://bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=9408

      The flights CAN be stopped. The suit by the ACLU in New York is a good step.

      Specific persons like the CIA’s Deputy Director of Operations, who supervises the bloody mess can be sued and stopped.

      Companies that rent out the planes can be sued and stopped.

      Contractors that provide the pilots, aviononics, and maintenance can be sued and stopped.

      The seret is to spread the word and make sure those flights are recorded on camera and on sites like airliners.net every time they occur.

      Spread the list of CIA planes to aid this effort. Srread the word. The planes are like cockroahes: turn the light on them and they go away.

      All of the people involved with these flights — the Boston Red Sox, Phillip H. Morse, the CIA DDO, Aero Contractors company, the private lawyers (can they be subject to bar discipline?) can be exposed and this whole rotten mess stopped!

      Keep the pressure up in Europe and Demon Eyes Rice as she travels to Romania, Brussels, and Germany to boldly defy world opinion on torture flights.

      Clayton Hallmark

  • Define torture. You get all upset that CIA and military use psychological interogation means such as blindfolding someone and allowing them to think they are very high and would die if they fell or keeping them awake for 2-3 days straight and listen to rock music. Is that your definition of torture. If so, then we’re as guilty as hell. And more power to them. And why do you say "death and torture"? exactly how many mass graves do we have? Or are we gassing and burning the bodies? Get a clue in life. We’re not perfect, not even close, and yes we make mistakes and bad judgements sometimes. But you think that everything that spews out of your mouth is the gospel. I hope I didn’t offend you with the referrel to Jesus.

    • Oh yes this government does have a mass grave it’s called 9-11 where they orchestrated the murder of your fellow citizens 3,000 of them.

    • Define torture? This must be Dick Cheney talking!

      Torture isn’t rock music or being kept awake. It would be more like packing 5000 Afghani’s into shipping containers and leaving them out in the desert to die in the heat and when they scream for air, you simply shoot a bunch of holes in the container for them to ’breath’. That’s American torture.

      How about GW Bush in an orange jumpsuit with a sandbag over his head, being paraded down Pennsylvania Ave., on the end of a dog leash, led by an Iraqi woman, on his way to a mock trial in Guantanimo, to be summarily executed afterward. Actually that would not be torture at all - it would be JUSTICE.

    • Was that before the little green aliens landed and started the riots in France?

    • you know what fucker why don’t you get your head out of your asshole. let me guess your really jeff gannon the republican man whore who is VERY close to George Bush your butt buddy. You little punk.

  • Yildiz,
    I would be very happy to review your articles and correct the grammar. It is a very good effort, but difficult for solely English speakers to understand.

  • Condi Rice, neocon par excellence, just spoke to this issue and denied everything. Nobody tortured, nobody violated sovereignty, no fake journalists, no abuse, no secret jails, no sneaky flights into sovereign countries, but Iraqis will soon kill their own people and let Bush and Condi threaten other countries like Syria and Iran. Soon they will get out of Iraq, but there are no artificial time tables... just soon. Bush is a fine sensitive man who would never invade by lies, deceit or misinformation. All those nasty accusation might make Bush cry.

    Condi looked straight at the camera and denied everything, like Bush did when he said, "I don’t torture." Well, someone sure as hell tortured, abused, killed prisoners. But Condi has no idea of who that might be.

    But when you look at the Bush "strategery" you immediately see that misinformation, deceit, stealth, spinning the truth, fake journalists, accidentally fired cruise missiles are part of the whirling dervish dance to sucker gullible audiences of fundamentalists.
    Soon Bush will declare TOTAL VICTORY for his illicit, illegal and immoral invasion of a country that had no terrorists until Bush invaded. Bush does not seem to comprehend that killing people in a foreign country makes them angry.

    He thinks he deserves flowers and praise for destroying their country. He thinks it is Urban Renewal and the Iraqis should give him a medal. After all he mentioned the words LIberty and Democracy about 50 times. Would he do that if he weren’t sincere about giving the Iraqis sovereignty and helping them choose their government. Sure, his reconstruction is abysmal, pitiful, as Millennium funnels off the money for reconstruction but his cronies earned their corrupt pay as a reward for loyalty and cash contributions.

    Maybe TIME magazine should put him on the cover as the most beloved President in history, with enormous compassion for little black boys and drowning victims when he gives them cake and guitar songs.

    But anyways he will get out of Iraq soon. Sure. Soon. As soon as he, in his full majesty, is tired of killing and destroying. Not yet, because it is still fun to destroy homes, industry and infrastructure, using live targets to train his troops. But Soon. Sure. Soon.

  • Dr. Rice told our European buddies today that European lives have been saved as the result of intelligence gathered by interrogating jihadists.

    "So now, before the next attack, we should all consider the hard choices that democratic governments must face. And we can all best meet this danger if we work together."

    — Dr. Rice, 12-5-05

    Sing it, Sister!


    • amen...if the brilliant and esteemed Dr. Rice should ever lower herself to seek the presidency, I shall pretend I am a democrat, and vote for her twice.

  • What ever happened to this:

    Sep 30 - A federal judge yesterday found that lawyers for the federal government failed to prove their assertion that privacy and national security should trump the public’s right to know when it comes to photographic and video evidence reportedly documenting extreme abuse and torture at the now-infamous Abu Ghraib prison camp in Iraq.

    The decision gives the federal government 20 days to appeal and grants officials the right to "sufficiently redact" the photos.

    In the 50-page ruling, District Court Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein ordered the Pentagon to make public photographs and videos reportedly depicting rapes, savage beatings and other horrific actions committed by American soldiers and civilian intelligence agents against Iraqi captives.


    Perhaps the world needs to see once again how the Bush administration interprets the word "torture".

  • Americans ran for lives after a fake news report.Orson Welles.
    Killed own citizens Pearl Harbour & WTC.
    Entered two world wars very late.
    Kicked out of Vietnam by a far inferior force.
    Nothing heroic in attacking a war weary Iraq.Years fighting Iran.1991 Gulf war.Sanctions 10 years.
    GWB draft dodger perfect C in C as whore il presidento

    • The reality is that Bush will be held to Justice, in his lifetime, in our lifetimes, on PLanet Earth and in the grander scheme. He is a fool, a coward, and an insult to United States citizens and the rest of the diplomatic world.
      I hope we will all see him shamed along with Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and the rest of the Satanic megalomaniacs who preach belief in a Christ savior while inflicting death upon their brothers as a sacrifice to Mammon.
      He is not a representative of our people, He is not compatible with the direction the rest of the world is being called to take. He is in alliance with the darkest forces of the universe, and if we do not act in a unified manner to remove these people skilled in the dark arts of manipulation, thought control, propaganda to present the appearance of a consensus of reality which is in fact the creation of the dark ones for their continued control of our minds into submission to their dark agenda, world domination.
      The reality is that they will fail, they will be stripped of their power to fill us with darkness, and new light will shine through all who choose love over fear, with the consciousness that they are but an interconnected holon in the whole web of existence, until a new reality is restored in which all are divine and darkness is seen through and felt to be of a lower intention and excluded from the privilege to manifest alongside our light.

    • They will only fail if you US citizens will make them fail.

    • point #1 is true [in a limited sense] #2a is false #2b is unproven #3 both of those wars were european. They were none of our business and we should not have gotten involved. #4 we were thrown out of viet nam by our own traitorous stalinist mass media. #5 saddam needed to go down. good riddance. [surf the web and check out the cool pictures of shi’ite and kurdish mass graves] #6 you despise bush for not fighting in a war you were against?.................a suggestion; spend more time studying history and do a check on your logic.........it ain’t workin’ bro’.

  • LISTED: CIA Planes; EU Pacts for Lynching Muslims; CIA Front Co.s, Lawyers

    EU AGREED TO CIA PRISON FLIGHTS — With these words: "Both sides [EU-US] agreed on ... increased use of European transit facilities to support the
    return of criminal/inadmissible aliens...."

    "European transit facilities" are the airspaces and airports now claimed to be violated. "The return" is what the CIA calls "rendition"; and "criminal/inadmissible aliens" are persons who have been renditioned to Guantanamo, CIA prisons in Eastern Europe, and states that practice torture in the Middle East. You can read the actual PDF documents to get the details of how the US and EU agreed to "remove" people to these places without legal extradition.

    A US PROPOSAL right after 9/11 included these words:

    Quoting: "5. Keeping open European transit facilities to support the return of criminal/inadmissible
    aliens from the United States to Europe or the country of origin.
    Improve cooperation in removals of status violators/criminals/inadmissibles.
    More fulsome use of immigration laws to effect removals of fugitives without recourse
    to extradition."

    The above is in the first European PDF document (13803/01), of Nov. 12, 2001, entitled: OUTCOME OF PROCEEDINGS
    of : Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum - Meeting with the United States

    THE EU CAVED IN ("agreed") a little over a year later with these words:

    Quoting: "4.1. ... Both sides agreed on the areas where cooperation could be improved i.a. the exchange of data
    between border management services, increased use of European transit facilities to support the
    return of criminal/inadmissible aliens, co-ordination with regard to false documents training (US
    side will provide the EU with a paper suggesting modalities for the coordination of false documents
    training) and improving the cooperation in removals."

    The above is in the second European PDF document (5762/03), of Jan. 27, 2003, entitled: New Transatlantic Agenda. EU-US meeting on Justice and Home Affairs. Athens, 22 January 2003.

    Persons who signed this agreement could be liable to civil and criminal prosecution.

    MARK RICHARD - Department of Justice - Senior Counsel - US/EU Rep. - Brussels
    FRANK KERBER - JHA Counselor, USEUR Brussels
    MARC MEZNAR - First Secretary, USEU Brussels
    BRUCE SWARTZ - Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Criminal Matters at DOJ
    MAREN BROOKS - Policy Analyst - Department of State (INL)
    Emanuele MAROTTA, Ministry of Interior, Office for the Coordination and Planning of Police
    Forces, Service for International Relations
    Carmelo VELLA, Ministry of Interior, Office for the Coordination and Planning of Police Forces,
    Service for International Relations
    Andree PORTUEGI, Ministry of Interior, Office for the Coordination and Planning of Police
    Forces, Service for International Relations
    Enrico GORNARI, Ministry of Interior, Border police
    Sebastiano NERI, Ministry of Justice, Department Justice Affairs


    CIA DDO (Jose Rodriguez), the chief spy? CIA planes, front companies, lawyers? The 22 American CIA agents allegedly led by Robert Seldon Lady in the 2003 Milan kidnapping of Muslim cleric Abu Omar? All are listed below. The Italian secret service SISMI knew in advance of their operation, just as Mr. Lady claims. There is a document that proves, in writing, such operations involve the cooperation of EU governments. The Milan prosecutor Spataro knows this. Prime Minister Berlusconi knows this. Still, these two men are on a collision course as Spataro prepares for a show trail of the 22 "in absentia" while Berlusconi attempts to get away with denying everything.

    Proof of European complicity in lynchings ("renditions" or "removals") of Muslims is at (BE SURE to copy and paste the WHOLE address):

    Also, Italy is one of 25-plus countries (listed) in which the CIA and foreign spy agencies work out of the same office (CTIC, see list)! Any illegal operations can be stopped by lawsuits and liens on planes and companies (another list).

    CLIP AND SAVE LIST OF PLANES BELOW. It will make following the news (lawsuits, prosecutions, investigations) much easier!

    A few days after the Athens agreement on renditions, Robert Lady and a CIA lynch mob allegedly kidnapped in Milan and transported to torture in Egypt one Osama Moustafa Hassan Nasr, or Abu Omar. Now, while poor Bob Lady sits out an exile (possibly in Punta Gorda, Florida, instead of his retirement villa in Penango, Italy), lying hypocrites in European governments deny knowledge of lynchings like the one he is charged with in Italy.

    Colin Powell is right: the European governments are being hypocrites by denying they knew about renditions and torture flights , or "removals" and "use of European transit facilities," as the document calls them — or lynchings of Muslims.


    Robert Seldon Lady is an American born in Honduras in 1954. His father, William (Bill or Billy) Seldon Lady lived in Arkansas and Florida before moving to Honduras when he was 20 (in 1946). Billy Lady may have been involved somehow in the Iran-contra affair as it unfolded in Honduras. This 1980s affair involved the sale of arms to Iran by Lt. Col. Oliver North, operating out of the Reagan White House. North and his associates used the proceeds from the Iran arms sales, and proceeds from sales of Colombian drugs in the US, to finance material aid to the contra ("against") rebels trying to overthrow the elected Sandinista government in Nicaragua. The CIA was heavily involved in this.

    Bill Lady (again, Bob Lady’s dad) ran an airline out of the Bay Islands (see map) at the time. As a mining prospector, he had thoroughly surveyed the Olancho department (province) of eastern Honduras, where most of the Iran-contra action occurred in Honduras, and neighboring parts of Nicaragua. Mr. Lady had a farm near Danli in the El Paraiso department, at the time, in the thick of the action. (SEE MAP.) He also was an accomplished cruise sailor, a network controller of a worldwide amateur-radio network used by military personnel, an aviation pioneer of Honduras, and THE expert on eastern Honduras terrain.

    His son, the alleged renditioner Robert Seldon Lady, joined the CIA in Latin America in about 1984. In 2001, before leaving for Milan, Italy, Bob Lady worked under Jose Rodriguez, now the Deputy Director for Operations (DDO) of the CIA. Bob Lady is charged with being the ringleader of the Feb. 17, 2003, kidnapping of Abu Omar off the streets of Milan. Abu Omar was transferred to Egypt by the Boston Red Sox Gulfstream executive jet N85V (now N227SV) and the CIA Learjet N221SG. The Learjet is operated by Aero Contractors Limited, which has locations at the airports in Smithfield and Kinston, North Carolina, which recently have been picketed by protesters.

    Bob Lady, as the Milan station chief of the CIA, is rumored to have cooperated in the back-channel transmission (avoiding official CIA and other channels) of forged Niger documents to Dick Cheney’s and Paul Wolfowitz’s White House Iraq Group, also to the Pentagon’s Office of Special Plans (the "Stovepipe") created by Wolfowitz. President Bush picked false intelligence based on those documents, for use in his 2003 State of the Union address and elsewhere, to sell his Iraq war plans.

    Karl Rove’s foreign policy advisor, Michael Ledeen, was a key figure in Iran-contra while Bill and Bob Lady were in Honduras. If they were involved with the CIA in Honduras at the time, Ledeen knew them.

    The Milan prosecutor, Armando Spataro, has hard drives captured from Lady’s home in Penango. Lady in turn had his father’s hard drives. Bob Lady’s hard drives have revealed much about the abduction of Abu Omar; and the drives, or Lady himself, could have much to reveal about Iran-contra. Alumni of Iran-contra, like Michael Ledeen, are in the current Bush administration and were leaders in fabricating a cause for invading Iraq.


    Beyond knowing about CIA rendition flights, the Europeans are cooperating fully in them. The CIA has supposedly "secret" CTICs (Counterterrorist Intelligence Centers) in over 25 countries, including some supposed Iraq-war opponents like France, Germany, and Sweden. These are joint-venture spy-nests with the local intelligence service (Italy’s SISMI, for example) and military. The CIA supplies about 20 agents for each and an about-$20-million-dollars’ annual budget. They share offices, equipment, and information continually. There is no way SISMI could NOT have known in advance about the Abu Omar snatch in Milan. http://www.refdag.nl/artikel/123846...

    Here is a list of the countries with CTICs:

    1. Albania
    2. Bosnia
    3. Britain
    4. Bulgaria
    5. France
    6. Germany
    7. Hungary
    8. Italy
    9. Kosovo (province of Serbia)
    10. Macedonia
    11. Poland
    12. Portugal
    13. Romania
    14. Spain
    15. Sweden

    16. Afghanistan
    17. Indonesia
    18. Pakistan
    19. Phillipines
    20. Thailand
    21. Uzbekistan

    22. Algeria
    23. Egypt
    24. Jordan
    25. Libya
    26. Morocco
    27. Saudi Arabia
    28. Turkey
    29. Yemen

    30. Australia
    31. Canada

    In the spring of 2005, the CIA’s Deputy Director for Operations (the head of the espionage directorate), Jose Rodriguez, told House and Senate intelligence committees that 25 CTICs had been instrumental in arresting over 3000 suspected terrorists. http://www.refdag.nl/artikel/123846... Many of these have been renditioned; flown to the jails of the CIA, US military, and brutal regimes (Egypt, etc.); tortured; and subjected to indefinite imprisonment — all without any legal proceedings except, sometimes, kangaroo courts in countries where they were transported to.

    The renditions and imprisonments have taken place mainly in the above countries. Human rights groups and other investigators in those countries have a lot to learn.


    Gettng governments of the US and the above countries to do anything about CIA abuses will be hard. However, people can be sued for these abuses when they can be identified in the US and other countries more or less subject to the rule of law.

    In the US, Aero Contractors (which operates CIA planes out of Smithfield and Kinston, NC) and its president Norman Richardson, Richmor Aviation (NY) and its owner Mahlon Richards, CIA shell companies and their lawyers like Dean Plakias (MA) and Scott Caplan (WA) — these are but a few of the many US firms that could potentially be served legal actions by victims of CIA kidnapping and torture, based on the existence of the landmark lawsuit filed Dec. 6 by CIA victim Khaled el-Masri of Germany. Already Aero and Plakias have heard from Masri’s lawyers. Then there are CIA officials like James Pavitt, its retired DDO (Deputy Director for Operations). The DDO reportedly is the specific officer who approves kidnappings and torture measures for specific victims. The DDOs can be gone after. Pavitt was the DDO from Aug. 1999 to Aug. 2004, succeeded by Stephen Kappes (Aug. to Nov. 2004). The Nation says the DDO since Nov. 2004 is Jose Rodriguez. http://www.thenation.com/doc/20041213/vest

    BESIDES PERSONS ALREADY CHARGED, like the alleged organizer of the Abu Omar rendition in Italy, who reportedly is in Punta Gorda, Florida, who else might be liable, criminally or civilly, for Abu Omar’s Feb. 2003 abduction from Italy and transport via US planes and air bases to Egypt? Omar, when briefly released, called home to report what happened to him and got rearrested for that. He was tortured and maimed, allegedly in the presence of CIA officer Robert Lady, and remains imprisoned by his Egyptian torturers.

    There are numerous current and retired employees of the CIA’s Operations Directorate who potentially could be sued for CIA renditions and related abuses. Some of them have signed fat book contracts and are reaping large speaking fees bragging about their outrages. An example is Michael Scheuer, the McLean, VA, man who was in charge of snatchs from 1995, when the first victim was seized, until June 1999. There were some 50 victims in that period. Since 9/11, there have been 150 to 200 snatches.

    According to the Washington Post, in the wake of 9/11, our President ordered the CIA to break up the organization that murdered 3000 innocent Americans. Director-CIA George Tenet delegated the task of individuals to target to DDO Pavitt and Rodriguez, who at the time was the director of the Counterterrorist Center (CTC). Already Tenet has been named in the groundbreaking lawsuit by el-Masri, along with CIA "John Does," which probably includes Pavitt and Rodriguez.

    As for Jose Rodriguez, before he became the CIA DDO in late 2004 he was the head of the CIA Counterterrorism Center, CTC. The CTC is the part of the CIA that carries out renditions. So for ones done in that time frame, Rodriguez could be liable personally. No wonder he is so publicity shy. http://www.refdag.nl/artikel/123846...

    AERO CONTRACTORS is another potential defendent and is being sued by the German citizen Khaled el-Masri and the ACLU. Aero Contractors is a real, rather than a shell, company that provides the pilots and flight crews for most CIA planes. The planes are owned by the CIA through phony companies fronted by lawyers. However, the victims’ lawyers can serve papers on the CIA-front lawyers, who are known, and thus secure liens in US courts against the CIA’s planes.

    A list of CIA shell companies for owning aircraft (while leaving actual operations to Aero Contractors and other CIA contractors) appears at the end of this article, along with their agents (lawyers) for legal service.


    Indispensable to Newswatchers, Planewatchers,
    and all CIA Watchers.

    by Clayton Hallmark

    Includes rendition planes, CIA front companies, contractors.

    — -See list of owner companies (AVSPECS, etc.) at end.
    — -Does not include contractor planes unlikely used by CIA.
    — -Some planes have had more than one number. There
    are 50 numbers below but only 44 separate planes.
    "r" — Denotes rendition or prison (Guantanamo, etc.) plane.

    N-number, Maker Model, Serial No., OWNER

    r-N50BH____Gulfstream III, s/n 359, CRYSTAL
    r-N85VM____now N227SV, Gulfstream IV, s/n 1172, BOSOX
    N120JM____Fairchild SA227-AT, s/n AT-577, PATH
    N157A____Beech B200C, s/n BL-53, AVSPECS
    N168BF____Raytheon Hawker 800XP, s/n 258373, WELLS
    N168D____CASA CN-235-300, s/n C135, DEVON
    N173S____Beech B300, s/n FM-4, STEVENS
    N187D____CASA CN-235, s/n C-143, DEVON

    N196D____CASA CN-235, s/n 139, DEVON
    N212CP____Cessna 208B, s/n 208B0531, PATH
    N219D____CASA CN-235, s/n C-145, DEVON
    r-N221SG____Gates Learjet 35A, s/n 182, PATH
    r-N227SV____ex N85V, Gulfstream IV, s/n 1172, BOSOX
    r-N259SK____ex N829MG, Gulfstream III, s/n 327, S&K
    (bought from PRESIDENT)
    N299AL____Raytheon B200C, s/n BB-1823, AVSPEC

    N312ME____Beech 200C, s/n BL-46, AVSPEC
    r-N313P____now N4476S, Boeing 737-7ET, s/n 33010,
    r-N379P____now N44982, ex N8068V, N581GA, Gulfstream V,
    s/n 581, BAYARD (after Dec 2004), PREMIER
    N505LL____DeHavilland DHC-8-315, s/n 415, PATH
    r-N581GA___ now N44982, ex N379P, N8068V, Gulfstream V,
    s/n 581, BAYARD (after Dec 2004), PREMIER
    N824MG____Learjet 55, s/n 106, PRESIDENT (Plane, number
    now registered to "Lear II, LLC," Bellevue, WA.)
    N825MG____Learjet 55, s/n 055, PRESIDENT (Plane, number
    now registered to "Lear I, LLC" Bellevue, WA.)
    N828MG____Gulfstream III, s/n 409, PRESIDENT. Number no
    longer assigned. Plane sold to Raleigh Holdings.
    r-N829MG____N259SK, Gulfstream III, s/n 327, PRESIDENT
    (sold by Mark J. Gordon to S&K and renumbered)
    N845S____Douglas DC3, s/n 25509 (43-48248), STEVENS
    N955BW____Fairchild SA227-DC, s/n DC821B (C26B), AWS
    N956BW____Fairchild SA227-DC, s/n DC864B, AWS
    N961BW____CASA C-212-CC, s/n 248, AWS
    N962BW____CASA C-212-200, s/n 290, PRESIDENT
    N963BW____CASA C-212-CC, s/n 320, AWS

    N964BW____CASA C-212-DF, s/n 379, AWS
    N965BW____CASA C-212-DF, s/n 393, AWS
    N966BW____CASA C-212-200, s/n 289, AWS
    N967BW____CASA C-212-CD, s/n 304, AWS
    N968BW____CASA C-212-CD, s/n 309, AWS
    N1016M____Cessna 208, s/n 20800153, CROWELL
    (Obviously not for overseas, but Crowell is a front.)
    N2189M____Lockheed 382G-44K-30, s/n 4582, RAPID
    (owner), TEPPER (operator)
    N4009L____Raytheon B300C, s/n FM-9, STEVENS
    N4042J____Beech B200, s/n BB-874, STEVENS
    N4456A____Raytheon B200C, s/n BL-143, AVSPEC
    r-N4476S____N313P, Boeing 737-7ET, s/n 33010, KEELER
    (was PREMIER’s N313P)
    N4489A____Raytheon B200C, s/n BL-145, AVSPEC
    N4557C____Lockheed 382G-44K-30, s/n 5027, RAPID
    (owner), TEPPER (operator)
    N5139A____Raytheon B200C, s/n BL-144, AVSPEC
    N5155A____Raytheon B200C, s/n BL-146, AVSPEC
    N6161Q____Dehavilland DHC-6-300, s/n 633, AVSPEC
    r-N8068V____now N44982, ex N379P, N581GA, Gulfstream V,
    s/n 581, BAYARD (after Dec 2004), PREMIER
    N8183J____Lockheed 382G-44K-30, s/n 4796, RAPID
    (owner), TEPPER (operator)
    N8213G____Lockheed Hercules L100-30, s/n 5055, HSL
    (Plane had PRESCOTT markings.)
    r-N44982____ex N379P, N8068V, N581GA, Gulfstream V,
    s/n 581, BAYARD (after Dec 2004), PREMIER


    AVSPECS - Aviation Specialties, Inc.
    AWS - Aviation Worldwide Services, LLC, sister company to
    PRESIDENT, both owned by Blackwater USA, Melbourne, FL
    BAYARD - Bayard Foreign Marketing, LLC
    BOSOX - Boston Red Sox coowner Phillip H. Morse; Assembly
    Point Aviation (registered); Richmor Aviation, Inc. (charters)
    CROWELL - Crowell Aviation Technologies, Inc.
    CRYSTAL - Crystal Jet Aviation, Inc.
    DEVON - Devon Holding & Leasing, Inc.
    HSL - HSL Company. Registered civilian Hercules C-130 oper-
    ated by PRESCOTT Support Company
    KEELER - Keeler and Tate Management, LLC (737 formerly
    owned by PREMIER)
    PATH - Path Corporation
    PREMIER - Premier Executive Transport Services, Inc.
    PRESCOTT - Prescott Support Co. Had its name on HSL plane
    PRESIDENT - Presidential Airways, Inc. - Sister Co. of AWS,
    both owned by Blackwater USA, Melbourne, FL, mercenaries
    S&K - S&K Aviation, LLC. Gulfstream III got from PRESIDENT
    WELLS - Wells Fargo Bank Northwest NA. Trustee,
    registered plane.
    RAPID - Rapid Air Trans, Inc./Rapid Air Transportation, Inc.
    Owns 3 civilian Hercules C-130s operated by TEPPER.
    STEVENS - Stevens Express Leasing, Inc.
    TEPPER - Tepper Aviation, Inc., Crestview, Florida.