Home > VIDEO: Tom DeLay Exercises His Right To Incriminate Himself

VIDEO: Tom DeLay Exercises His Right To Incriminate Himself

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 29 September 2005

Edito Elections-Elected USA

Criminally indicted former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay yesterday laid out a strong case...against himself.

Each of the points below were spoken verbatim by DeLay during an interview last night on Fox News (we’ve compiled them all into a single video). If this is his "defense," he’s in serious trouble.

Watch the DeLay compilation: Quicktime Streaming

 I have had ethics charges filed starting in 1993
 Again in 1995
 A racketeering suit right after that
 Some more ethics charges right after that
 This has been going on for two years, multiple grand juries, and then they come out with an indictment
 [The grand jury] asked me to come in. ... Basically what I showed them was, yes, it was my idea to set up this political action committee
 It was my idea to set up TRMPAC
 I got it all organized
 I and four other elected officials were on an advisory board [of TRMPAC]

 I went to five fundraisers
 They did use my name to raise money
 They told me about it later, and then they would tell me things are going well
 Jim Ellis ... also runs my ARMPAC
 Jim Ellis would let me know how things were going because was interested in how things are going and how much money they were raising
 The point here is is Texas deserved a Republican House of Representatives. The way you got change that was to take the majority in the Texas House, and that was my goal. It was successful
 Ronnie Earle let my lawyers know last week that I was going to be indicted
 I have hired Dick DeGuerin, who is my lawyer, who is the same lawyer that taught Ronnie Earle a lesson


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