Home > What We Can Do to End the War (about oct 27 demo)

What We Can Do to End the War (about oct 27 demo)

by Open-Publishing - Friday 26 October 2007

Edito Wars and conflicts USA

By Tara Lohan,

With 11 actions planned across the country, the U.S. will show this Saturday that we will not be still or silent until our troops are home. Will you join us?

The majority of Americans and Iraqis oppose the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq. Polls indicate that 70 percent of Americans are against the war and over 80 percent of Iraqis want coalition troops out of their country. In the four and a half years since the invasion, nearly 4,000 U.S. soldiers have been killed and nearly 30,000 seriously wounded. There have also been an estimated 1 million Iraqi civilians killed and over 4 million have fled for their lives.

The war has racked up a bill of over $600 billion of our taxpayer money and yet left Iraq a country in economic shambles and political unrest, and with a population living in fear of daily violence. (Check out the video to the right.)

For the duration of this war, people in the United States have raised their voice in opposition. They have marched, signed petitions, held vigils and written to their elected officials. But it hasn’t been enough. Yet.

This Saturday, Oct. 27, United for Peace and Justice, the largest anti-war coalition in the United States, has organized 11 massive anti-war rallies to take place around the nation. Participating organizations include veterans and military family groups, as well as hundreds of national and local peace groups.

Leslie Cagan, national coordinator of United for Peace and Justice said, "Never before have we seen anything like this. In regional centers throughout the nation people will gather in an expression of the widespread opposition to the war. This war, with its senseless death and destruction in Iraq, is draining our communities as resources we need here at home are squandered every day. It is time to bring our troops home."

Tens of thousands are expected to participate in the coordinated day of opposition to the Bush administration’s war in Iraq. The protest will take place in 11 regional centers including New York, Boston, New Orleans, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Jonesborough (TN), Seattle, Salt Lake City, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Orlando. Several other cities are conducting smaller gatherings for those who are unable to travel.

Nancy Lessin, co-founder of Military Families Speak Out, stated, "In the coming weeks, Congress will decide whether or not to continue funding the war in Iraq for another year. Military families and Iraq veterans will participate in the regional demonstrations on Oct. 27 to join people from around the country to remind Congress that funding this war is killing our troops."

The actions are designed to send a message both to the Bush administration and to Congress, said Cagan. They hope to give people a platform to express their opposition to the war in Iraq and to the importance of channeling that money to local communities where health care and education have been cut across the country. It will also be a place to raise awareness to prevent another ill-conceived war, this time with Iran.

"The timing is important," said Cagan. "It has been almost a year since voters said loud and clear that we want this war to end. Everyone saw the midterm elections last year as a mandate to end the war. And it is almost exactly a year until the next election. As we gear up for 2008, we want to be clear that the anti-war movement is not going away and we need to keep putting ourselves out there."

This is no longer Bush’s war, said Cagan, but Congress’ also since it has had a year to take action.

Organizers of the event hope to not just remind people of the enduring horrors in Iraq but to generate hope and energize people to go back into their communities and keep working at the local level.

Cagan says she understands the frustrations that have come from people who’ve been marching and opposing this war for years with little positive response from our government. "Some people are fed up with protests but are even more fed up with the war," said Cagan. "We have few vehicles to express our opposition, and we need to use every one we have. We’ll never know the lives we may have saved or the destruction we may have prevented that resulted from our previous anti-war protests. But I do know that the minute we stop, things will get worse."

Even if you’ve marched before — even if you’ve marched 20 times since March 2003, it is still important to get out there on Oct. 27 and let our elected officials and the entire world know that our country wants our troops out of Iraq.

"Being a visible, public, bold movement does have an impact on policymakers," said Cagan. "And it will ripple across the country and get more people engaged in a whole range of activities."

For more information about the Oct. 27 actions, visit Oct.27.org or United for Peace.

Tara Lohan is a managing editor at AlterNet.

Forum posts

  • Thousands march against Iraq war in US

    From correspondents in New York

    October 28, 2007 05:49pm

    UP to 100,000 demonstrators joined marches in major cities across the US today to demand an end to the war in Iraq, organisers said.

    Local television stations showed crowds filing peacefully through the streets in New York, Los Angeles and other cities.

    The protesters waved banners that read "End the war now", ’Stop Bush" and "Worst president ever", referring to the increasingly unpopular US military campaign in Iraq launched by President George W. Bush.

    The coalition of groups behind the protest, United for Peace and Justice, issued a statement putting the total number of participants at 100,000 across various cities including Boston, Chicago, San Francisco and Seattle.

    Police estimates for the turnout were not immediately available.

    "End this war, bring the troops home now. We need money in our own communities, not in a war that never should have happened," a member of the campaign group, Leslie Cagan, told New York’s NY1 television news channel.

    As of last Friday the overall death toll for the US military in Iraq stood at 3837 according to Pentagon figures, since the March 2003 invasion that ousted former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.


    • Remember :

      UFPJ sabotaged the Anti-War Movement by endorsing the Warmonger John Kerry in 2004, altogether with Move On, an organization paid the billonnaire Georges Soros.
      How can such a coalition pretend to organize united demos. They’re not one word about A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition (the left wing of the Anti-War Movement), co-founded with International Action Center with Ramsey Clark.

  • It was good to see the nationwide turnout for this event. There is a core of responsible, life seeking people growing in the face of those who are irresponsible and war mongering. We are angry that humanities essence to help one another has been manipulated to serve our own destruction. However, demonstrations of our protest is not enough. We need a better understanding of those who lead our world into war. These individuals have been in power for all of civilization and have always lead to it’s collapse. They are psychopaths and psychological deviants. The science of Political Ponerology studies their influence on normal man and how our ideologies become perverted through their warped psychology. They look human like everyone else, but they lack the qualities that make us human. We need to understand what these people are if we’re to have any hope of ending the War.

    • Very well stated. It couldn’t have been stated any more truthfully and openly.

      Those who represent the men and women of the united States have lost any moral and ethical value.
      They no longer represent the people only the good of the CORPORATE WORLD.

      Thank you!

    • hmmm... Ponerology maybe applied to ignorant (ignorance=rage) "brain washed" operatives. But the real "roots" have without doubt an historical and cultural background.

      I believe it started very simply by the simple idea of some man, filled up with "selfishness" and "pride", about their "value" ( and in here "value" started as abstract and subjective as it can be) being greater than anybody else. Than it evolved with the logical need to demonstrate or "objectify" that notion. This notion or mind-set pervaded all cultural backgrounds of all civilizations, in some form or another, at least from the "unscientific accepted" Recorded History to the present day(it probably is much older). Its the better car, house, knowledge, clothes, luxury & ostentation, social position... and finally power. Power in any unrestricted form as the ultimate goal... which justification can only be religious .

      Ultimately it has to be ’religious in character’ because any other logical, scientific, practical... moral... or any other attempt to justify or explain it fails miserably. So what may have started with some minor character fault, that almost every human being has been tricked to experience in his live, turned into an unbelievable and horrible beast.

      Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, and nothing has more pervasive power than religion. Anyone repressed, imprisoned and or dispossessed can hate their "Lords" and dream or pray for their downfall. But religion is a repression without guns, a prison without halls or bars without form, and dispossession without violence because is mostly done by the very own hand of the victim. It is an "enchantment" of the soul a prison for the mind.

      So the ultimate pursuit of absolute power, gave birth to the Pharisaic Idea . A fanatic fundamentalist form of society. And my idea is not anti-semitism, which is just a veil, a "escape goat", because worst forms of Pharisaic Idea , have developed in modern times with other dogmas than those of the old Jewish religion. But to have an idea of what it is:

      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGG44eq2Vs0 ;
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e4XDdoxOkE ;
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WvvhSB34yk ;
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uedNcomMeQ8 ;
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uFHacB_3tw ;

      It is not really, i’m certain, a semitic invention, but for the lack of better historical references... An absolute lord or lords, with temporal, spiritual and profession tyrannical power over everybody and everything else!... is in gross contrast with all the great Prophets, Philosophers and or Masters of the ages, from east to west that all spoke not off laws but of INDIVIDUAL SACRIFICE and MERIT... " if someone strikes you on the left chic... have merit, courage, a will of iron... and offer him the right chic" (don’t be terrorized, coerced or violent)... hey!! but no one can strike a church, religion or congregation on the chic??!! ... in Hindu or Buddhist regions is taught " dispossess yourself of material(virulent) desires"... hey!! but no church, religion or congregation can have those, its elements can INDIVIDUALY, but the whole is only a reflection of many often opposing desires??!!

      Making a long story short... Jesus said " i’m the light, the truth and the life" ... in my opinion He said I’M "AN" ULTIMATE EXAMPLE, follow my example and became like me... eternal !?... no!?... He must had be talking to the INDIVIDUAL "will", "merit" and "inner strength", because if ’we’ put a group, church or congregation in the middle with so many opposing desires, one must question His wisdom, nonetheless because only individuals with merit, iron will and inner strength, can follow difficult examples, and groups, any group, is an "abstraction" and lack the human characteristics, and the whole is only a reflection of many often opposing desires.

      The "Masters" where all this time, always, trying to talk to you INDIVIDUALY... yes YOU, any and every one of YOU. They never thought of founding any religion or institutionalize any intermediaries. So the "pharisaic idea" solution to those messages was "Anthropomorphizing"... everything... from immemorial times. So born the so many debate and controversy surrounding Great Masters lives, fill with myths and lies and the central messages forgotten or distorted. And in consequence, trough out history, religion, or some practices of religion ( no intention of offending no one) has been responsible for more dead, maiming and ruin of human lives than any other force on earth.

      Nazi Holocaust ? ... a "kindergarten" recreation... enter inquisition history:
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWGL46d5kCY ;
      http://arcticbeacon.com/movies/ ;
      http://arcticbeacon.com/movies/catholic_inquisition_torture.html ;

      But the war against the human spirit ans soul continues, characteristics that can ONLY be expressed in the INDIVIDUAL human, are now in the "high" exaltation of the GROUP, like in Socialism, Corporativism where corporations have a legal status the same as an individual , Brotherhoods dedicated to works of nefarious "black magic" where individuals must lose their "souls" to "egregoras" or group deities (and are powerful!... like the Masons) ... and mass Religion. I believe it doesn’t hurt for everybody to learn about the "Illuminati", astrotheology, masonory history specially American masonic history, all the naked truth, and became prepared.

      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMPoBjQH2QA ;
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlbIYTjeQP4 ;
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtuJQ0FTEWw ;
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amLDfAMnLVc&NR=1 ;
      http://arcticbeacon.com/movies/Pharmacratic_Inquisition.html ;
      ( no need comments!)
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-IQLCgOTpg (they wanted to live forever) ;
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI8q8xTSoXk&NR=1 ;

      Conspiracy Theorys, judge by your own spirit. period.

      But... even the so much mundane money is a Believe System, it has a religious character. And almost all the major International Bankers are Knights of Malta, Bavarian Illuminati... or other Jesuit branches... Ge!... how could they build enormous fortunes in Europe, on the times of the all knowing and powerful Inquisition, out of gold schemes and money out of nothing, without cutting a share to the "church" ... or even be subservient to it, an instrument of something bigger !?...

      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HS8OINpeMM ;
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuYDEBGKuw4 ;
      http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6433985877267580603&q=money+as+dept ;
      (money as debt to make all slaves... )

      Secret Societys, again developing from Europe and escaping the grip of the Roman Church... go figure!
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VViX8e2YfjI ;

      But how iraque war enters and why ?... the best explanation

      http://www.vaticanassassins.org/mideast_conflict.htm ;
      basically its RELIGIOUS

      The Master Minds ?

      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8HUVYDLV_Y ;
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VSq0w5sQ38 ;
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIpYZ9NgvjI ;

      Far fetched ? Just read this... its all valid today.
      http://www.archive.org/stream/catholicimperial027917mbp/catholicimperial027917mbp_djvu.txt ;

      I’m not against religion or religious groups in a fundamental way. But prophecy and delusions... like in this exposition of "end times", the "rapture" of the good guys, and the bad destroyed in a "blink of an eye"...
      http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=16794281886149679 ;

      I see perhaps some form of nuclear war, while the chosen flee to DUMBs, meaning are "Raptured" suddenly... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFGZ6tvG5X0 ;
      And at surface the "protestant" and or "heretic" people are Nerve Gas "chemtrail" pulverized over night and die in a "Blink of an Eye". See them training http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvioxJUL6C0 ;

      Too much to believe ?..., right. But what a powerful way to fulfill a prophecy. And some form of "Lunacy"(ponerology) cannot explain the so well prepared steps that the world seem to go into.

  • SHillary’s already voted for authorization for bush to start another war BASED ON LIES....again.

    You really think you can stop the machine with protests?? You’ll need more than that.
    Torches, pitchforks, guillotines, nooses maybe.

    • You really think you can stop the machine with protests?? You’ll need more than that. Torches, pitchforks, guillotines, nooses maybe.

      If i understand correctly... but, why kill the servants ?

      After all those are "works" that the oppressors are used to do. They even kill there own servants themselfs for the simple "guilt" of consciousnesses, and or for not wanting to do their bidding.

      Listen the "heretic", and then see him be killed by his own driver.




      The American presidency has a rate of assassinations real real "astronomic", and the "masters" even make public examples of it, otherwise you could not have this Zapruder film...


      goes from 1 to 11, but the title changes on part 2


      Violence is not the answer. Kill the servants and they put there other servants, that you vote for in no time. Kill the Masters: Jesuits, Black Popes, International Bankers, "black nobility"... maybe something could start to change, but those "entitys" have colossal standing armys of regulars, assassins and spooks, and the probability to even get a single one of them is diminute, and you give them the perfect excuse to declare a brutal tyranny, to dispossess the people of everything, microchip them... even put surveillance cameras in peoples homes toilettes!.. ultimately they would win all the way!

      Remember Ghandi... go see the film 30 times. Simple truth and humility are more powerful than empires, and it needs:

      Colossal civil disobedience.

      Ghandi was arrested inumeral times for refusing to obey something, and he did it without violence. My suns would go live to Patagonia, before and ’if’ they are forced to serve in any army of aggression.

      Colossal religious ( or controlled mass religion) disobedience.

      (i’m not cristian, jew, hindu, buddist or what ever... NOT EVEN AN ATEISTE... but i don’t need them in anyway to even declare in my conscience that i might even have a greater moral ground than the pope. Sounds abusive ? it is not. Those are the notions that avoid religious slavery. Can declare easily that any "high pontifice" are great persons without knowing any of them, but that i’m not inferior. Never go to any mass of any kind, read the same books they do, draw my own conclusions, and never give even a "penny" to any church of any kind, feel wonderful about that and can see perfectly that JFK was right in the speech above)

      Colossal financial disobidience.

      Never buy nothing on Fiat Money credit. Can’t agree on paying interests on money out of nothing. Don’t participate in any casino "stock market" of any kind. Invest in Land and precious metals... don’t be a debt slave.

      Than i guaranty things start to change fast.

    • EVERY time citizens buy oil and gas they support the OIL MAFIA’s REIGN of TERROR and aid and abet those that have declared war on the world in search of ever more OIL PROFITS! If you REALLY want to make sure you don’t aid in the killing and torture of innocents then find a way to STOP buying gas or at least USE AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. These wars are NOT just "for oil" but rather OIL PROFITS, as 30 years ago the U.S. could have been building cars that got 50mpg IF there was truly any "oil shortage" and we STILL can, but the whole idea is to WASTE as much oil as possible ALL for the sake of OIL PROFITS. The oil companies can’t get their hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars in BLOOD MONEY to the banks fast enough and they are setting WORLD RECORD PROFITS on the backs of the BLOOD spilled by American servicemen and women and innocent civilians. As long as the world remains addicted to their OIL DRUG then they will invade and kill to protect "their" oil turf. Just say NO, NO MORE BLOOD FOR OIL COMPANY PROFITS!!!

    • If you REALLY want to make sure you don’t aid in the killing and torture of innocents then find a way to STOP buying gas or at least USE AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE.

      Gee... all too easy, just help spread the info, help the disclosure project.


      See all those reports (link to videos at the bottom of page), staged by Dr. Steven Greer of the disclosure project.



      More at



      There is even a new physics of ’earth’., that are never going to be teached in universitys ... soon(maybe not!)... with REAL scientists that are never going to see a Nobel prize (yet!). Just laugh at the imbeciles that say that it breaks the current ’supposed’ law of physics.






      Horrors about the Einstein-Carter-Evans theory, that should have had a Nobel prize(Dr. Myron Evans) long ago and the earth ’Free Energy’.



      I do... I laugh even in the face of doctors and engineers to the point of almost insult about the topic of Free Energy, and point to the ECE unified field theory, and Tom Bearden (tesla inspired) new electrodynamics ’scalar wave’ theory... its time to reasonably tell all those Academia people they MUST go to school again because of the suppression.

      More applicable today we have Water as Fuel, yes!... it involves new forms electrolysis and current engines burning H2 + O2, on demand, at precisely correct stoichiometric rates, that is, it could be engineered without a tail pipe, because the product of combustion is pure water and it can be recovered... who needs petrol!?.





      In France there is a boom of demand for kits to burn Strait Vegetable Oil in diesel engines to the point many supermarkets rationalize theirs kitchen frying oil ( 2 bottles a person)... many brands are cheaper than diesel. Better!... collect your own used restaurant vegetable oil, treat it with Diesel Secret Energy, install a small HHO generator onboard (can save up to 30% fuel consumption ) and be nostalgic about going to the gas station.


      Hybrids: ask your local car dealer for a model with IVT hydrostatic transmission( its suppressed of course) , +100MPG SUV is pretty feasible even with today fuel. If they would be fitted with a ’smaller’ generator engine, and there are many more efficient Internal Combustion Engines out there than the current crop, and a electric motor for drive and a IVT hydrostatic transmission with recuperative braking, and maybe a 200MPG SUV is possible.




      There are a lot of things for every taste and with new technologies, starting with simple fuel eficiency.



      If people don’t ask ,’DEMAND’, for anything of this, maybe all those projects will end up in the secret section of the Vatican library.