By Peter Fredson
June 28, 2006
Many people have debated the mentality and honesty of George W. Bush. There is a hard-core fundamentalist Christian Republican component that still believes George Bush is a good president, a canny strategist, and a compassionate conservative. But about 70% of Americans feels he is the worst president that has ever disgraced this country. They point out that “staying the course’ is a sure indication of lack of imagination and that lunatics follow that strategy in the hope that failure will magically become success. Some even have large VICTORY signs printed in desperate anticipation.
The lack of new ideas is shown by the Bush formula of having his speech writers use slightly different wording but without altering the basic message one whit. Anyone can predict what any of his speeches will include. First of all is the famous 9/11, the date which Bush has mentioned innumerable times to make up for a lack of ideas.
Next is his War on Terror, which seems to be world wide and increasing in strength if you can judge by the polls of people who hate the sights and sound of the Bush administration. Then there is the “course” which he must follow, because he knows no other. This is the “dumb as a fence post” strategy.
Don’t tell anyone anything, including the American population, and if everyone is kept in the dark nobody will be able to criticize their imperial leader. Particularly don’t tell the Iraqis you might be leaving because that will make them MAD, as they love the chewing gum and chocolate the GIs give them in recompense for killing the children’s parents.
As a substitute for intelligence, Bush uses secrecy, stealth, aggressive action, preemption, and catchy slogans. His arrogance stems from no personal intellectual quality, but from being his daddy’s boy who was foisted on the Dominionists, Reconstructionists, and Army of Goddists nearly ten years ago.
There is a sociopath quality to Bush which makes him repeat his mistakes, hoping for a miracle from his Old and New Testament entities, a pathetic but viciously dogmatic hope which plagues his every moment.
His petulant attack on the Constitution, which he evidently believes is a worn-out document, has aroused no anger or shame among his followers, including most of the Republican senators. Yet this is the most damning and damnable evidence of his spoiled brat irritability and irresponsibility. He fully intends to put some of his favorite Bible passages into the Constitution as a palliative for his True Believers who still faithfully believe he served his country by going AWOL.
Not content with angrily disposing of our Constitution he has on various occasions attempted to show his political genius by changing the Constitution to suit his fundamentalist Biblical ideology. His sexually repressed followers howl against any insertion of penis into any opening that is not a vagina, for purposes of procreation, not recreation, and they mean to impose harsh penalties for anyone presuming to enjoy sex.
While stating that he doesn’t hate gays, Bush does not intend to let them act in a permissive manner. If it were up to Bush he would put a microphone in every bedroom to catch people in the act of “doing sex, and send them to some dank dungeon for daring to challenge his dogma, or perhaps have them flogged in public.
Of course, we know that Bush loves to put microphones in any room, anyplace in the world, because terror lurks in the hearts of anyone who is not a fundamentalist Christian Republican and he means to put the world under his thumb or nose. And if his agents catch a single word to indicate that someone hates Bush, he will send a shiny missile in a pilotless plane to show his Unitarian authority, though he destroy an entire village in the process.
Bush uses distraction to keep people from criticism. The latest of many distractions was the ultra-patriotic emotive attack on the terrible flag-burners, who deserve death or worse. All the Republican Senators showed their patriotism by making emotional speeches about God, Country, Honor, etc, although not by volunteering to serve in the Armed Forces.
All the sycophants did their sycophanting in full view of microphones and FOX NEWS where it would do the most good for true sunshine patriots who would love to castrate the few flag burners among us. After all, symbols are most important than economy, environment, democracy, political stability, or honesty.
With his “stay the course” strategy we can expect to hear all the old arguments of the past 7 years brought up time and again. Bush loves to exploit emotions, religion, patriotism, 9/11, terror, etc. and uses them to distract people from his failure as a sometime president. But you already know all this and should keep it in mind during the up-coming electoral hoorahs.
Forum posts
29 June 2006, 03:40
Doubtless Bush is dumb as a fence post. He is just one in a long fence of dumb fence posts—the American people.
29 June 2006, 21:44
Yes, much of the population anywhere in the world behave as they have been told by politicians and priests. Most people are not dumb..perhaps afraid to challenge the tide, perhaps not in full command of intelligence, perhaps living on the edge of poverty and misery..but they often built guillotines for politicians, and often rise in sullen anger and swift destruction to destroy the tyrant. Americans are lawful people but when the President flouts all laws for arrogant imperialism and lust for power and wealth, sooner or later a deluge might come and sweep away this administration with its neocon bastards and cowards.
30 June 2006, 15:06
"sooner or later a deluge might come and sweep away this administration"
The operative word in your response is "might." It ain’t gonna happen.