Home > Election Fraud 2004- The biggest story of our lives
Election Fraud 2004- The biggest story of our lives
by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 10 May 200532 comments
At 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on Election Day, I checked the sportsbook odds in Las Vegas and via the offshore bookmakers to see the odds as of that moment on the Presidential election. John Kerry was a two-to-one favorite. You can look it up.
People who have lived in the sports world as I have, bettors in particular, have a feel for what I am about to say about this: these people are extremely scientific in their assessments. These people understand which information to trust and which indicators to consult in determining where to place a dividing line to influence bets, and they are not in the business of being completely wrong. Oddsmakers consulted exit polling and knew what it meant and acknowledged in their oddsmaking at that moment that John Kerry was winning the election.
And he most certainly was, at least if the votes had been fairly and legally counted. What happened instead was the biggest crime in the history of the nation, and the collective media silence which has followed is the greatest fourth-estate failure ever on our soil.
Many of the participants in this blog have graduate school educations. It is damned near impossible to go to graduate school in any but the most artistic disciplines without having to learn about the basics of social research and its uncanny accuracy and validity. We know that professionally conceived samples simply do not yield results which vary six, eight, ten points from eventual data returns, thaty’s why there are identifiable margins for error. We know that margins for error are valid, and that results have fallen within the error range for every Presidential election for the past fifty years prior to last fall. NEVER have exit polls varied by beyond-error margins in a single state, not since 1948 when this kind of polling began. In this past election it happened in ten states, all of them swing states, all of them in Bush’s favor. Coincidence? Of course not.
Karl Rove isn’t capable of conceiving and executing such a grandiose crime? Wake up. They did it. The silence of traditional media on this subject is enough to establish their newfound bankruptcy. The revolution will have to start here. I challenge every other thinker at the Huffington Post: is there any greater imperative than to reverse this crime and reestablish democracy in America? Why the mass silence? Let’s go to work with the circumstantial evidence, begin to narrow from the outside in, and find some witnesses who will turn. That’s how they cracked Watergate. This is bigger, and I never dreamed I would say that in my baby boomer lifetime.

Forum posts
11 May 2005, 00:41
11 May 2005, 01:35
I agree whole heartly that the election was a fraud. A Christian does not allow this to happen in his circle. too many people voted for Kerry but did not get it counted
Edna Franklin
13 May 2005, 04:03
Why are the Democrats so quiet when the election was rigged. There’s something rotten in Denmark.
30 May 2005, 03:25
How much more appalled can we get by this administration before something is done??? I’m holding a demonstration calling for impeachment in my town on June 6th. I suggest everyone else reading this arrange to do same in their town!
11 May 2005, 03:56
My husband and I were just talking about how much worse and more dangerous this administration is then Nixon.
This man who calls himself President was NEVER truely elected. He has stolen 2 Elections and we must keep up the Fight to break the Media silenceand let the people know that their votes aren’t being counted. After all each Kerry vote was voided when the Repubs rigged the race for W.
Please keep the articles coming. I mention this imposter W. and how he was never elected to people daily, it can’t hurt to inform as many people as possible.
11 May 2005, 04:34
No kidding. They’ve been stealing elections with their DRE voting machines for about a decade starting with senate races in Georgia and Nebraska.
If they weren’t 100% confident they could steal it in November you’d better believe some "national security" crisis would have kept Junior from making a spectacle of himself in three debates. They knew they had it in the bag.
Incidentally both Kerry’s AND Bush’s internal exit polls showed Kerry winning on Nov. 2.
11 May 2005, 07:44
Our current state of affairs are sickening. Murder Bush is out spreading "democracy" and "freedom", what a joke. As he said, it’s easy to run a totalitarian society. We all must revolt! That’s the only way we can change things! Revolt! Revolt!
11 May 2005, 12:00
It appears that you don’t get too many alternative views on this site, so let me give you mine (even if it’s going to get me flamed).
I think you guys need to keep your feet on the ground. All these cries for a "revolt," and statements that the election was a fraud...it looks to me like you are just flying off the handle. If all of you are just blowing off steam, that is fine, and understandable. But most people will not take your statements very seriously.
In science, they have a saying: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. If you want to claim that we have just experienced the most massive election fraud in history, you will need very substantial evidence. Exit polls are not enough. Overlooked systematic errors could easily explain the discrepancy between the exit polls and the actual vote. For instance, if Bush voters were slightly less likely to answer the exit poll, that would be a possible explanation. Or, if Bush voters tended to go to the polls later, that would explain the early exit polls favoring Kerry. There might be many other explanations; these are just a couple of examples.
I simply don’t believe that fraud on the scale you’re speaking of could be effectively concealed—it would have come out by now. If you believe otherwise, you will have to show some kind of proof that it happened.
11 May 2005, 13:00
The evidence has "come out by now"..... You’ve just been reading some of it. The trouble is that too many people don’t believe anything unless it’s on Fox News...... because then they just know that it must be "fair and balanced". Both elections were stolen. The evidence is massive. What about the voters wrongly disqualified in Florida in 2000? All those given untrue criminal records? What about the Diebold executive who promised, publicly to use his machines to deliver Ohio to Bush? The voters who pressed the button for Kerry and got Bush? The list really does go on and on and on......
11 May 2005, 17:34
Much is made of the disparity between exit polls and poll results. Little is made of the endless polls run in the six-month period before the election. In almost all of these polls, Bush had a narrow lead. Kerry hardly ever had a larger lead than the margin of error (except for the bounce he received after the Democrat convention). Any comment?
12 May 2005, 06:14
Hey, pal, sorry to be so blunt, but when you say things like "calm down" and "Overlooked systematic errors could easily explain the discrepancy between the exit polls and the actual vote." I have to say that you’re sadly misinformed. Try reading some of the statistical studies done by Ph.D.’s from Stanford, Pitt, MIT, etc., etc., etc. These guys are not wrong. You are either a repug or just not intelligent to engage your brain before opening your mouth.
So shut the hell up and get on the train. BUSH OUT NOW!
14 May 2005, 22:22
election, the polls kept going back and forth, but neither Bush nor Kerry ever led by more than the MOE in the October polls. The final poll before the election showed Kerry winning Florida.
17 May 2005, 06:44
11 May 2005, 16:07
Much is made of the disparity between exit polls and poll results. Little is made of the endless polls from in the six-month period before the election. In almost all of these polls, Bush had a narrow lead. Kerry hardly ever had a larger lead than the margin of error (except for the bounce he received after the Democrat convention). How does this fit into the "stolen election" theory?
14 May 2005, 22:29
Since the differences in the pre-election polls were within the MOE for both Bush and Kerry, the way "this fits in" is that the pre-election polls simply showed it was "too close to call." Also, the run-up polls poll "likely" voters, many of whom end up not voting; whereas the Exit Polls poll confirmed voters.
11 May 2005, 17:33
Much is made of the disparity between exit polls and poll results. Little is made of the endless polls run in the six-month period before the election. In almost all of these polls, Bush had a narrow lead. Kerry hardly ever had a larger lead than the margin of error (except for the bounce he received after the Democrat convention). Any comment?
14 May 2005, 18:52
It is interesting to note how determinedly conservatives defend democracy—they encourage defending it over in Iraq etc.—but when it comes down to it they are on very rocky ground concerning the election. They defend it with all the arrogance of a fascist, neither encouraging debate, nor allowing questioning. Additionally with the nuclear option, it seems that few, if any conservative knows the meaning of democracy. It certainly is not the oligarchic system that they seem to defend. [for those of you who do not know what an oligarchy is, look it up; it is not the blind, religious, and sacred honorship of a ruler like we have]. Moreover, I was watching the polls, during the run up to the election and, depending on which place you got your news, your opinion of who was winning was always subject to the preconceived notions of what channel you were watching. By and large Fox was always for Bush—as you would expect. The others were sometimes at odds. Thus the wise thing to do was to look at polls of polls, which any sane person did on the Internet, the verdict was almost always in favor of Kerry. In regards to individual states, both Florida and Ohio were leaning towards Kerry by 5-8 points. The fact that one of these could have switched might have been tolerated, however for both of them to switch the way they did, and by such large margins indicates that nothing less than vote fraud could have occurred. Additionally, in certain states there is an indication of vote padding, which insulated Bush’s win with the popular vote.
If anyone who supports Bush doubts this, just ask yourself how much you support your leader, and whether you would cheat for that support. I have a feeling that many of you say that you are ethical, but I think that we both know better. I have seen people casually walk by another who is getting mugged, careless to another’s pain. Does anyone do anything? No. In a similar way does anyone do anything when someone cries wolf now? No. We have all seen too much corruption to even care. And we want to believe in optimism despite, or perhaps because of all the corruption.
In truth, Americans are a bunch of apathetic, idealistic, fools getting ready to run into the sea, all at the behest of a religious leader, whom they think has voice of god, and their best interests in his heart….
What a simply wonderful children’s story.
14 May 2005, 22:38
Also, the differences between the Exit Polls and the "Results" were outside the MOE. There have been many papers published demonstrating that the chances against that happening are astronomical. Mitofski has published several theories to explain the difference, but those explanations have all been exposed as implausible.
16 May 2005, 19:34
"I was watching the polls, during the run up to the election and, depending on which place you got your news, your opinion of who was winning was always subject to the preconceived notions of what channel you were watching. By and large Fox was always for Bush-as you would expect. The others were sometimes at odds."
Do you have any specific examples? You are right to focus on pre-election polls state-by-state, but you don’t include specific examples, other than generally bashing Fox News. I followed the election very, very closely. The Opinion Dynamics poll, the Time/CNN poll, the Zogby poll, Gallup, and many others, as I recall, consistently showed Bush with a slight lead, but occasionally so slight that it was within the margin of error. At no time, howerever, do I recall Kerry consistently ahead, except for immediately after the Dem convention. I may very well be wrong—I’m going on memory here—but instead of calling me a brainwashed sheep, it would be more helpful for you to dig up some specific examples to support your position. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. (There are other issues, too. First-time voters are more likely to vote Democrat, but they are also less likely to actually show up on election day and vote. People may SAY they plan to vote for one candidate or another, then decide to do something else on election day.)
I don’t care what names you call me, I know I’m very pro-democracy. Allegations of stolen elections are deadly serious. If true, and the situation is not remedied peacefully, it ultimately requires armed insurrection. I think that that makes the burden of proof very high on those who make the allegation.
If you cannot show that the controversial exit-polls were consistent with pre-election polls in general, you have a serious problem with your argument.
18 May 2005, 05:02
Pre-election polling (which measures how variously weighted samples of people who answer their land-line telephones think they’ll vote) bears no relation to exit polliing (which measures how people who actually voted actually voted). Sorry.
18 May 2005, 14:22
No relation at all? So if pre-election polling consistently shows one candidate with, say, 70% of the vote in every state, then that candidate wins every state by approximately 70%, but exit polls show the other guy should have won with 60% of the vote, the pre-election polls should all be dismissed out of hand? We should then disregard the actual election results?
Exit polls don’t measure how people actually voted, they measure how they SAY they voted. Many people will respond with "None of your damned business," and others may even lie.
By the way, I got polled by a local TV station yesterday. A computer called me on the phone. I answered one question truthfully, then hung up when someone else called. I have no idea how my incomplete response affected the poll.
18 May 2005, 14:35
PS—the polticians who are running for office certainly think pre-election polls mean something. They use them to make critical decisions, such as which states are worth fighting over with their limited ad dollars, especially in the last days of the campaign. That’s why "battleground states" like FL, PN, NM, OR, and NH were swamped with political ads, while states like GA, MA, TX, NY, and CA were not (relatively speaking).
18 May 2005, 19:41
People have been burned at the stake for less.
12 May 2005, 06:06
thanks jim, you just became a true Patriot in my book. hope that you made a dollar (or euro) tor two along the way, as this kind of *radical* free speech has a way of limiting speaking engagements & t.v. appearances, i’m afraid. i hope not.....but i applaud you for listenintg to the little voice rather than simply falling in line.
the first step is understanding that their interests and America’s interests are TWO SEPERATE concepts. Off-shore, above-reproach, and end-days......they’ll push themselves away from the table with no thought of who has to try to make sense of the mess they’ve left behind. rome is falling......long live rome
14 May 2005, 18:16
if mr. lampley is correct about the exit polling then there can be no doubt that the election was rigged.....i feel sick how about we be adults in this country and investigate both the ohio returns and king county,washington? can we depart from our tribes and come together as a nation who believes in the constitution? mr.lampley is a great patriot; for he has nothing to gain by bringing this to the nation’s attention and will be surprised by the viciousness of the attacks that are sure to follow.......we all should admire and respect the courage of mr.lampley....
14 May 2005, 23:13
Behind The Election: Bush Cheated. Narrated by
Shallow Throat and starring an assorted cast of liars, thieves,
media whores and idiots.
"Most incisive parody tell all, couldn’t quit scrolling" -Roger Ebert
The docudrama: http://bushcheated04.com
The song: http://bushcheated04.com/loser.html
In the time of chimpanzees Bush was a monkey,
Butane in Rove’s veins as he ran the junkie.
Newscasters lying while we tube feed the vegetables,
Dog food dinners for the grannies stealin’ Tylenol.
Kill all your brain cells and put it in neutral,
Iraq is flamin’ with the loser and the cruise control.
Babies in Gitmo is how Rummy plays D,
Gamble with democracy, try to kill diplomacy.
Someone came sayin’ I’m insane to complain
About a looted treasury and a stain on my country.
Can’t believe what they want us to breathe,
You get a lungful of mercury and a moron in the lead.
So you change some votes with a few keystrokes
Doin’ cages in Florida, and lines in Ohio.
George says he’s emperor
But he’s a cheater baby
He stole the election (fascism meltdown)
George says he’s emperor
But he’s a loser baby
So why not impeach him.
Forces of evil in a bozo nightmare,
Playing all the rubes with a phony echo chamber.
One is a weasel as the others sport the flag;
A mother alone gets her son back in a bag
With the rerun wars from Mr. Cocaine nose job,
The devious bullshit of a race war flip flop
A GI hung himself with a guitar string;
A slab of cannon fodder and he’s hanging so he doesn’t
I can’t write if you can’t relate,
Trade the cash for a gay bash for the body for the
And this time it’s a piece of crack
We’ve fallen for the bad times, we’re choking on the
George says he’s emperor
But he’s a cheater baby
He stole the election (fascism meltdown)
George says he’s emperor
But he’s a loser baby
So why not impeach him.
“If this were a dictatorship it’d be a heck of a lot
easier, just so long as I’m the dictator.”
George says he’s emperor
But he’s a cheater baby
He stole the election. (I can’t believe this)
George says he’s emperor
But he’s a loser baby
So why not impeach him.
George says he’s emperor
We’re all losing baby
So we’ve got to change it (Sprechen sie Deuthsche
George says he’s emperor
We’re all losing baby
So we’ve got to change it. (Or there’ll be nothin’ to
be sayin’).
George says he’s emperor
We’re all losing baby
So we’ve got to change it. (I can’t believe this)
George says he’s emperor
We’re all losing baby
So we’ve got to change it.
17 May 2005, 23:37
recently the exit polls in the ukrainian election hinted that the election had been a fraud and stolen by the incumbant. the results of these exit polls eventually forced a second election and now the ukraine stands as a democratic beacon and star in the bush exportation of american democracy. our exit polls were charged with liberal bias. it is a known fact that the republican party stole the 2000 election; what would prevent them from continuing the process as there are no penalties for their crimes, only rewards.
20 May 2005, 19:29
You’re exactly correct. According to a young Republican programmer who worked for Yang Enterprises, Inc. of Florida (YEI), he was told to create a touch-screen program for voting machines that could "flip" a certain percentage of votes. He was told by Mrs Yang that it was "needed to control the vote in South Florida." He met with Tom Feeney (R, FL), a Scots-golf-trip buddy of Tom DeLay, about implementing this. He was assisted by Henry Hai-Lin Nee, who was later convicted of espionage on behalf of the Chinese government against the US. Clint Curtis was finally being taken seriously by a Florida DOT investigator named Ray Lemme, who told Curtis he was about to crack the case and "this thing goes all the way to the top," then suddenly became an apparent suicide in a motel room in Valdosta, GA. Any resemblance to Dan Casolaro and the INSLAW/PROMIS case is, unfortunately, NOT coincidental.
Please see http://www.bradblog.com/ClintCurtisSummary.htm
BTW, there was widespread fraud and intimidation and vote suppression in Ohio as well, which was reported to the variopus commissions of the government which were supposed to be overseeing this, and it sank without a trace. The media hardly mentioned the meetings and the fights in Ohio over this fraud.
23 May 2005, 03:27
I just have this burning question... why or what made Kerry concede so quickly? THAT was the biggest shock of all.
25 May 2005, 17:09
What made him conceded "so quickly." BECAUSE he LOST, you idiots! Bush won by more than 3.5 million votes, for crying out loud. Come on people, don’t you have a life?? Isn’t there some pro-abortion rally that you need to attend, in keeping with your party’s platform?? I mean, come on, only 15 states allow abortions without parental notification, you still have 35 more to go!!
Kerry Lost because we are not going to trust the country to someone who wants a "GLOBAL TEST" what in hell does that mean?
Christ, get a life!
25 May 2005, 18:09
63.***.93.** cannot prove girlie-Bush won any election any better than anyone can prove that he didn’t. There’s no paper trail, dumbass! All we have is your lying words based on the lying words of liars telling you that Bush received more votes. Since you believe in transactions without a paper trail, you should send every liberal here $100 to purchase some beach front property near Crawford, Texas, that all the liberals on this website own. We guarantee that you would just love the neighbors. They’re really your kind of people. Just don’t try to prove anywhere, or tell anyone, that you paid $100 to every liberal on this website for ownership of that property. . .because even your beloved neighbors would laugh their asses off whenever you tell the story. You’re just another girlie-Bush troll who should go back to investigating all those polyps and other weapons of mass destruction up your colon. Freedom and any other use or derivative of the word "FREE" sickens you even more than the average girlie-Bush!
30 May 2005, 03:30
63***93***- Kerry NEVER called for a global test, that was NOT what he said. That was the Rove line given for you to buy into the day after debate. Sure took focus off the lousy job Bush did! Did you watch the debate or simply buy into the lie without question???? If you did watch it, didn’t you bother to reason, wait, that’s not what I heard???