Home > Why Do We Hate Them?

Why Do We Hate Them?

by Open-Publishing - Friday 18 August 2006

Edito Wars and conflicts Religions-Beliefs

Fear and Loathing in the Occident

By Jason Miller

Islamophobia is a mental and spiritual affliction. And our Western ruling elites bear the responsibility for inflicting it upon the psyches of the masses.

Now that the Stalinist/Maoist regimes have collapsed or evolved toward capitalism
and no fascist states with imperial ambitions exist (besides the United States and
its few allies), the American Empire needed to find a new "enemy" to replace
Stalinists and Nazis.
Much of the soft power employed by the leaders of America’s
"top down democracy" stems from psychological manipulation of "the mob".
Mobilization of the masses against a common enemy "threatening the very existence of the American Way" has long been a staple in the United States’ ruling elites’
ongoing push to monopolize the world’s wealth, power, and prestige.

And who better to vilify than Islamic people? Many are dark-skinned and live in
developing nations, meaning their lives are inconsequential in the prevailing moral
calculus of the West. The Middle East is predominately Islamic, its sands are oozing
with crude oil, and it is home to Israel. From the perspective of the Empire, what
better region to target than the Middle East?

And whether one believes that 9/11 was a false flag operation perpetrated by the US
government or the work of radical Islamic Fundamentalists, the members of the Bush
Regime obviously shed their crocodile tears publicly while privately celebrating the
event as their Pearl Harbor. 3,000 civilian deaths and the demolition of a powerful
symbol of the Western "value" of avaricious Capitalism whipped the American public
into a furor against the "evil Muslims" who "hate our freedoms".

Never mind the fact that the United States and Israel have undertaken a nearly
unparalleled program of military aggression and ethnic cleansing throughout the
Middle East since the formation of the illegitimate colonial nation in Palestine.
Given the premises for founding Israel, someone needs to remind Great Britain and
the United States that it is incumbent upon them to create a homeland for
homosexuals and Romani people. After all, they were also Holocaust victims and are
people without a nation. And like the Palestinians, the other inhabitants of the
Middle East are more akin to animals than human beings. So why not establish two
more colonies on their land?

On August 13, Sixty Minutes aired a segment that revealed a great deal about
Islamophobia and the role the corporate media plays in its proliferation.

In his recent open letter to Mike Wallace, Michael K. Smith declared:

Your interview with Iranian Prime Minister Ahmadinejad was a disgrace to the
journalistic profession. You began with the condescending manner of a school
principal lecturing the class clown for immature behavior and squandered the entire
interview on hypocritically accusatory questions. If gall were an Olympic sport,
you’d take the Gold Medal.

Michael made some fine points throughout his letter. However, I opine that he was
too generous when he called Wallace’s vituperative verbal assault an interview. What
I witnessed was Mike Wallace, the Ugly American. Brimming with contempt, impatience, hubris, and belligerence, he more closely resembled the Grand Inquisitor than a journalist.

Did Wallace truly fail to grasp that he was acting as an apologist and cheerleader
for bellicose, heartless, and ruthless perpetrators of war crimes on behalf of
Israel, and thus is a Zionist (as Ahmadinejad suggested)? Through its grossly biased
coverage of the "War on Terrorism" and mindless perpetuation of the inane myth that Israel has the right to annihilate an unlimited number of civilians to protect its
"right to exist", CBS News has joined the squad of corporate media cheerleaders
which has been shamelessly complicit in the Empire’s egregious crimes against
humanity. I submit that one can be a Zionist and a journalist. Mike Wallace is
living proof.

Yet in spite of Wallace’s tenacious efforts, the "devil incarnate", Ahmadinejad,
remained composed. At times Ahmadinejad seemed to thoroughly enjoy Wallace’s obvious "flustration" in attacking him from what has become an absurdly untenable position, both morally and logically. For those of us who don’t believe the Western media fairy tale that the United States is a force for good engaged in a noble struggle in its bid to rid the world of the evil of Islam and defend Israel’s "right to exist",
Wallace’s ill-fated attempt to expose the malevolence of the "enemy" was quite

Just as Wallace scrambled madly in a hopeless attempt to prevail intellectually in
his interrogation of Ahmadinejad, the debt-ridden, aging American Empire and its
allies are flailing wildly in a desperate attempt to claim military victory in the
Middle East. And like Ahmadinejad, those who comprise the resistance to occupation
and exploitation in the Middle East are facing down their occupiers with a deft
persistence, filled with a confidence born from the knowledge that recent history
has not been kind to imperial invaders facing a people determined to expel them
(i.e. Vietnam, Lebanon, and Iraq).

In the perverse worldview of the Neocons, Israel, and AIPAC, Iran is considered to
be a part of the "Axis of Evil". Since Wallace championed the cause of the
"benevolent" United States in his Sixty Minutes interrogation of the leader of one
of the members of the "Axis", it is instructive to consider the "evils" Iran and
resistance groups like Hamas and Hezbollah have perpetrated.

While various resistance groups in the Middle East have certainly committed war
crimes by killing civilians, the "leader of the free world" and its counterpart in
Palestine have annihilated hundreds of thousands more civilians than have the
so-called "terrorists".

Yes, militant Fundamentalist Islamic individuals wield much of the power in Iran.
But let’s put on our thinking caps to discern how that situation evolved. In 1979
hard-line anti-American Islamic clerics assumed control of the Iranian government
when they ousted the Shah (the corrupt US puppet who tortured and killed tens of
thousands of Iranian "dissidents" during his reign of terror). Ironically, the
Iranian government the United States loves to hate exists because the CIA and MI6
facilitated the Shah taking power from Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953. The significance?
Mossadegh was a democratically-elected secular prime minister who had had the
audacity to nationalize the oil industry because the British oil companies were
grossly exploiting the Iranian people. By acting in typical fashion (by taking out a
populist leader and replacing him with a vicious tyrant), the United States provided
an incubator for powerful anti-American sentiment. Thus the United States and Great
Britain are responsible for the theocracy in Iran which they fear and despise.

Corporate media pundits like Michelle Malkin and Anne Coulter are the vanguards in
spreading pernicious distortions which fan the rapidly spreading emotional flames of
fear, prejudice, and hatred comprising Islamophobia. Two of the most disturbing and
inflammatory perversions of the truth the Western media entities disseminate are
that all adherents of the Islamic faith are radical fundamentalists and that Sharia
Law is universally harsh and grossly inferior to the Empire’s system (which provides
"liberty and justice for all").

Just as Christianity encompasses a broad spectrum of people with varying ways of
practicing and expressing their faith, the Islamic world is filled with human beings
who have diverse ways of expressing their religious beliefs. There are liberal,
moderate, and Fundamentalist Muslims. And surprising as it may seem, most
practitioners of Fundamentalist Islam, like most Fundamentalist Christians, are
essentially peaceful individuals. In fact, a Muslim truly following the tenets of
Islam practices moderation and tolerance. Many Muslims are no more willing to strap
plastic explosives to their belts for a suicide mission than most Christians would
be to bomb an abortion clinic. There are radicals from both religions, but they are
very much in the minority.

Another lie deeply embedded in the barrage of communications we receive from the
Western corporate media is that the United States and its allies are morally
superior to the "evil Muslims". One aspect of Islam they offer as "proof" of this
faulty conclusion is that many Islamic nations incorporate Sharia into their legal
systems. While Sharia can involve harsh and rigid forms of justice, it exists to
varying degrees in the many Muslim nations around the globe. Judiciaries in Islamic
nations manifest the influence of Sharia in ways that span the spectrum from
extremely dogmatic to highly secular and liberal.

While the Western media’s blistering criticism of the more draconian actions of some
Islamic nations (i.e. Iran’s execution of teenagers) is definitely warranted, the
Empire has a great deal of house-cleaning to do before it is in a position to preach
to other nations on human rights issues.

Here are but a few recent examples of the United States’ own flagrant human rights

1. carrying out quite a number of its own executions in a manner recently discovered
to inflict a great deal of suffering on the victim

2. routinely torturing and suspending justice for suspected "enemy combatants"

3. funding the Israeli Apartheid and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians

4. occupying a nation where it has killed over a million Iraqi civilians since the
Gulf War invasion (through brutal economic sanctions and military actions).

5. funding the Israeli devastation of Lebanon

6. supporting numerous ruthless and murderous regimes (as long as they are friendly
to US corporations)

7. having cynically embraced Saddam Hussein as an ally (knowing of his crimes
against humanity) when it furthered US interests and invading Iraq preemptively to
topple him when he ceased to be useful.

8. having kept the House of Saud in power for years despite its harsh practice of
Sharia (i.e. thieves’ hands are severed and adulterers are stoned).

9. maintaining the largest prison population in the world through a legal system so
unjust that 50% of those incarcerated are Black when Blacks comprise 14% of the
general population.

10. engaging in numerous outright massacres of civilians (i.e. Haditha, Fallujah)

In light of the above, how long will it be before a significant portion of the
Muslim population falls prey to an extreme prejudice against all Westerners called
Anglo-Christophobia? Let’s hope it does not happen any time soon.

Speaking of Christians (at least the Fundamentalist ones), their demonization of
Islam is actually rather amusing. Christian Fundamentalists share more common ground
with the extreme members of the Islamic faith than they perhaps realize. Some Muslim
nations treat homosexuality as a crime. Abortion is illegal in virtually every
circumstance throughout much of the Middle East. Separation of church and state does
not exist in nations like Iran. Implementation of the death penalty is common in the
Middle East. How can men like John Hagee reconcile their cognitive dissonance in
advocating war against Iran, a model of the theocracy they strive to implement in
the United States?

CBS, Mike Wallace and the rest of the United States’ corporate media can continue to
do the Empire’s bidding from now until the world comes to an end (which may not be
as far away as I make it sound if sanity and humanity do not prevail over greed,
ignorance, and hatred). However, their nearly endless bombardment of intelligently
crafted lies readily distributed to nearly every corner of the globe are powerless
to alter the truth.

In truth, Israeli and American lives are no more precious than those of the Arab and
Persian human beings populating the Middle East. And neither the United
States/Israel/Great Britain nor the nations and groups comprising the resistance in
the Middle East are innocent of the deep transgression of murdering innocents. Each
nation or group also commits human rights abuses against its own people in some
fashion. However, Western exploiters and invaders are culpable of far more frequent
and grievous war crimes than the Middle Easterners who are defending themselves,
their resources, and their people.

If the majority of the human beings controlling the corporate media had a shred of
moral decency they would focus their efforts on informing their viewers, listeners,
and readers of the vast number of war crimes committed by Israel and the United
States. They would start portraying the "terrorists" as the resistors of oppression
they truly are. They would make a distinction between the various Middle Eastern
resistance groups’ legitimate attacks on their occupiers’ militaries and the war
crimes they commit against civilians. And they would devote most of their remaining
substantial resources to the inundation of news consumers with stories, photos and
video footage depicting the tragic and gruesome civilian suffering and death.

As it is, the Western corporate media shamelessly serve the Neocons by perpetuating
a virtually endless cycle of hatred and violence. They incite and feed Islamophobia
and they fabricate a plethora of false justifications for the malevolent actions of
Israel and the United States. But then in a fascist nation, corporations are wedded
with the state, militarism is the state’s primary focus, scapegoats and enemies are
essential, and the function of the Fourth Estate is to provide the propaganda to
control the masses.

Just imagine if the mainstream media in the United States actually began fulfilling
its role (in what is ostensibly a free society) and acted as a check on our
government rather than its accomplice. If more Americans knew more truth, instead of
hating Islamic people and pushing to intensify the war in the Middle East, the
masses would be demanding that reason, justice, and peace prevail. They would demand that the United States completely withdraw its military from the Middle East and leave Israel to stand on its own, which would force the Israelis to finally settle
the Palestinian issue in a just manner and to cooperate with their neighbors as

If the major media entities of the West were living up to their responsibilities as
members of the Fourth Estate, perhaps 3 year old Ali Ahmad Hashim of Qana would
have been bombed to death, the members of the Ghalia family would not have been
obliterated on a Gaza beach, 76 year old wheel-chair bound amputee Abdul Hamid
Hassan Ali would not have been massacred at Haditha, Cindy Sheehan would not be
grieving for a son lost to a war of imperial aggression, and Reuven Levy of Haifa
would not have been annihilated by a rocket attack as he was doing his job for
Israel Railways.

I am not holding my breath waiting for money-driven enablers of war like Rupert
Murdoch to start heeding the advice of Jiminy Cricket. However, I will not succumb
to their assault of malicious distortions. I refuse to fear, hate, or consider
myself at war with 20% of the world’s population simply because they choose to
follow the teachings of the Qur’an.

Islamophobia is an intellectual and spiritual malignancy. Reason and humanity are
the cures.

Jason Miller is a 39 year old sociopolitical essayist with a degree in liberal arts
and an extensive self-education (derived from an insatiable appetite for reading).
He welcomes responses at willpowerful@hotmail.com or comments on his blog, Thomas Paine’s Corner, at http://civillibertarian.blogspot.com

Forum posts

  • The NeoCons chose Muslims to be the patsies/boogemen to take the fall for the 9/11 inside job! Just watch a video like Loose Change 2nd Ed., free on Google.

  • How PC this piece. They are hated because whites hates everyone who is not white, hates anyone who does not admire them, hates anyone who will not worship them. They believe they are the master race and hardwire to see other humans at best as sub-humans. Everyone knows that.

    • I think that most peopke in the west are welcoming to different races & cultures , the exception is islam , & the reason for this is everywhere in the world .
      In Sudan , Philipines , Egypt they kill christians , in India they kill hindus, In Israel they kill jews,in Thailand they kill Buddhists , in Lebanon they’ve kidnapped the country , In Iraq muslims kill muslims because they are the wrong sort of muslims.
      The sooner we wake up to the fact that ’islam is NOT a religeon of peace we can , will & should close our borders to muslims & send the ones here back to the piss-holes from whence they come.

    • You are doing what so many people of darker skin hate, sterotyping. I am a white person and I don’t judge anyone by the color of their skin. For you to say these things is no different than the foolish white people who say the same things about people of color.
      Two wrongs will never make a right.

    • Dear Jason Miller: We have many native-born African-American muslims who have nothing to do with killing anyone. There are many muslims of other nationalities who have nothing to do with killing anyone. I think you are talking about Arab fundamentalis muslims, who are much like American fundamentalist christians and Iraeli fundamentalist jews - they kill. That does not mean that Christianity or Islam or Judaism are religions of killing, it means some people use them as fronts. We buy into the front by believing it has anything to do with religion when all it really has to do with is money and power.

    • If one wants to project the image of erudition, or surreptitiously ridicule erudion by the feigning thereof, by affecting archaic verbal forms, one should first learn their proper use. Otherwise one might be perceived, perhaps rightly, as a buffoon. To wit, the word "whence" is never preceded by the word "from." The word "whence" tacitly includes the notion "from." For example, the phrase "... to the piss-holes from whence they come ..." would corrctly be rendered as "... to the piss-holes whence they come ..."

    • That comment is one of the most stupid utterances ever, close to the low-level statements from Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice and other criminals. It’s coming from a pitiful ignorant who knows nothing about Islam or History. Big bravo to the author for not having been "deleted" from this forum because of insulting words that cannot originate from well-mannered individuals. Muslims do not come from “piss-holes” but from the most pure lands. The piss-holes are the places of rabid and idiotic racists who will never be able to figure out the kind of low lives they are. The West as we know it now never welcomed anybody. The West took people as slaves from Africa to use them barbarically in North America and stole North America from the Aboriginals. They did the same in Australia and other places and mistreated all people living in those places. What Spain did to South American civilization is known to everybody but to the likes of you.
      The Muslims do not kill. They defend themselves. They’re being killed everywhere even in their own lands by brainless savages coming from the so-called civilized West which was so far behind the Islamic civilization a few centuries ago that leaders in Europe were gathering to decide whether a woman was a human being or not.
      If the author of this bunch of Bush-like lies goes to the mosque to watch Muslims pray, (s)he will understand (with the help of a higher IQ) the real meaning of a universal human being.
      Saying that Islam is not for peace while the word Islam itself comes from the root SLM from which derives the word salam (peace, in Arabic) is just ridiculous and sounds more like the bad propaganda from the real evildoers: Illuminati and Zionists.
      Jews came under the protection of Muslims in Spain when they were persecuted because they knew they would treat them with respect and compassion.
      You’re funny saying you want borders closed to Muslims when it’s your armies that go to Muslim countries uninvited and committing all kinds of proven atrocities!!!
      Some Muslims may make mistakes and act contradictory to the teachings of Islam but only because they’re fed up with the injustice they’re victim of, all coming from the West. Or they’re framed into some bloody actions by the vile secret services like Mossad and CIA hiding behind fronts named Al-CIA-Duh or else. If we were to judge Christians or Jews based on Bush or Cheney’s deeds, the condemnation won’t take long! So Islam cannot be judged by the bad actions of some, if they really did some. It has been clear to the world of honest thinkers that Oklahoma, 911, London, Madrid and even the Tsunami were done by dirty secret services of your good West and their Zionist blackmailers. Therefore, we’re not going to judge the entire Western world based on your comments because it won’t be fair.
      Peace to those who really want it.

    • Could you tell me who is making the arms? Who is selling the arms? Who is making and has the most sophisticated bombs? Who has the warplane carriers? Who has spies all over the world and had made of spying an industry? Who is putting puppets on the head of all governments in the third world?
      The day you will be able to answer these questions you may be able to understand and find out who are the killers, and who are the others that you accuse, that are just defending themselves and their principles.

  • Andy Rooney, in the August 20 60 Minues show, said people sent him lots of things. Somebody had sent him a Bible. Somebody else had sent him a Koran (as he pronounced it). He then said he suspected one of them was much better than the other. Not hard to guess which one he was referring to. Way to go, American Christian Rooney.

  • Everyone wants to say that neocons are the only culprits. The fact is that neo-conservatives of occidental America are merely the most visible of the risible. These fearmongers pander to the very people who criticize them, subsequently lulling a good majority of the citizens into a false sense of absence of security. It’s why we fear the poor people in barren lands who barely have rocks to hurl in their own defence against our amassed arsenals of size and power enough to destroy the planet. This has all gone beyond the simple-minded abuses of xenophobia to complete insanity. We, to our own hurt, have become the tools of wretched corporations and other greedy phathoms that pretty much only exist at banks on paper. We are the dupes insured by the larry Silverstiens to be slaughtered just for money. Meanwhile, we’re insanely urged to hate an enemy that has been created in our demented imaginations. Most unfortunately, just for that false sense of security we have found in our new captivity, replete with a utter loss of libery and human dignity, we hate whomever we are told to hate. We are sad indeed.

  • why??? because the zionists who have controlled our culture for a century have deemed it so.
    .....need proof?? Google: who runs the media
    .....how long has this been in the making?? since a select few kahzarian jews emigrated to the us and became the hollywood moguls of the early 20th century - ie the warner brothers,a. zukor,sam goldwyn(goldfish),l.b. mayer etc.etc.
    ---bow down to katie kouric the latest in a long line of jews who control/are the media!!!!

    • I would argue there are many who have no ill feeling towards Muslims at all. I cannot say the same about America.
      Whilst not wanting to tar all Americans with the same brush the image and opinions of Americans throughout Europe and Asia is not good. America is widely seen as the israels loyal lap dog - and let’s face it that is exactly what America is. Americans are widely seen as stupid - let’s face it, her tax payers fund an illegal terrorist state to the tune of billions of dollars a year, while the victims of hurricanes are left to rot. SOme country. Does it make you feel proud? If an entire American popluation can sit idly by while their tax dollars are diverted to fund a foreign facist illegal state then the evidence is there to suggest that a majority if American’s are indeed stupid. Blind patriotism is not noble or gallant. Americans are being taken for suckers - the rest of the world can see it. I do not dislke the Muslims. I dislike America - a country that has attacked more than 70 countries in modern history. America has used nuclear weapons, tortured, stole other countries resources, raped and pillaged. Bringing freedom to Iraq? Do you think the world is as stupid as americans? If that is what you call freedem and democrary KEEP IT! Revel in your ignorance and stay the hell out foreign lands. You are not wanted and you are not liked. I acknowledge the good Americans out there who are not sucked in by the ’empire’ and challenge their corrupt govt. I hope you can turn the tide of your sorry state of a county. May I add there is nothing more despicable than so called’Christians’ who engage in the infantile debate ’our bible is better than theirs’. Really pathetic and indicative of the level of intelligence we are dealing with here.

  • Many persons will criticize this article for its faults. Does it have faults? Surely. Do I agree with everything in it? No. But generally, the author portrays a valid picture of the white west being warmongers, hypocrites and brutes. The very antithesis of what they, the western whites, would like to believe about themselves. To you white folk out there in cyberspace who need a wake-up call on this, just go check out bloggers’ comments on, say, the ABC news website regarding current events in the Middle East. You won’t be able to find more vicious, vile screed anywhere else on the net. Certainly not on any of the so-called legitimate sites. I mean this. Go check it out. It is quite appalling and it is most certainly sanctioned, at least tacitly.

    • England controls those who represent the people of America. All the pillaging and raping, that Spainish conquorers have done throughout history have been for the Queen of England. Could it be these 3 counties, America, Germany and England (AGE) that are behind all power and wealth control?

    • Find me one nation that can boast of non-muslims living peacefully in a muslim country.
      Because Armenians wont agree with you, nor will greeks, yugoslavians, lebanese, bulgarians, or any others who have had to endure decades of rule by Islam as ’dhimmi’ people, who were tolerated but had less protection than livestock.

      There is a real reason for fear of islam: history, new and old.

      Even in the recent fictionals history of the balkans we had a ’nice’ muslim leader who had penned a book called Islamic Declaration which said taht islam can not live in parallel with any other religion or social structure, taht it had to rule supreme.
      If that text didnt put the fear in the hearts of people with a modicum of historical knowledge, nothing ever will. (which explained why tens of thousands of muhajeddins ran amok there in the 90s, why the 9/11 and Madrid bombing have ties to the leftovers from that holy war, why the last 3 Al Quaeda leaders in S.Arabia were all bosnian veterans including one who came back with a bosnian passport and wife.)

      Using the crimes of the big 3 conquering nations is a weak argument.

      Seeing the treatment of non-muslims in muslims countries is enough for any intelligent man.

      Fear of something you dont know is irrational.
      Fear of something that was once experienced or has been repeated countless of times IS rational.

      The fall of europe is upon us. By 2050, half the population of europeans under 21 will be muslim.
      It can ONLY get worse from here on in.
      After living in england for 6 months and the home of the social welfare state, Sweden, only a blind man would say differently

    • Countries or perhaps those who are elected (or selected) to carry out the "will of the people" are the ones who decide who should be able to immigrate into a nation. Here in the U.S. it has been decided by the rich minority who holds a chokehold on decision making (at the moment) that Mexicans should be able to ILLEGALLY slip across the border and take jobs that Americans "won’t take" due to the poor wages.Nothing against them perse just a reflection of what is policy. I expect it is that way with alot of countries, that the Elitists policy makers try to get cheap labor into the country for their corporate cronies despite what it does to the current inhabitants citizens. Never forget their is a huge demonization effort underway to make any Islam resistors to an "american" takeover of their land and resources look like "terrorists" or some kind of person that "initiated" the agresssion being used to steal Arab resources. Look back through history, little has changed. Wars are primarily economically driven with other factors a distant second, truth is the Greedy witihin the American Empire have squandered it’s wealth and resources and blood and like any animal that has eaten all of it’s food supply it starts going after that of others.

    • Apart from a few comments here all I am reading is seething hate and extreme ignorance from those accusing muslims of ironically the same thing.

      Seems like the zionist scum are posting heavily here.

      If it were not for the Islamic world, you’d all be in the dark ages using roman numerals and walking the streets knee deep in mud and sht. Come to think of it, if it were not for muslim scholars who numerical system started and zero, you ignorant a/holes would not be on a computer writing your drivel!

      Was is not the priests of of christian history who breanded those who believed the earth was round heretics. You ignorant a/holes.

      You know your words are based on utter sht. I can see the zionist comments are for the benefit of stupid racist people being sucked in and believing your sht.

      If you hate islam so much go back to roman numerals and tell your desciples the world is flat.

    • what an absolute sinkhole of caucasophobia...........................

    • I love it!
      This is the funniest site on the web.
      Obviously none of these folks have ever read the Qur’an, the Haditha, the Sirat or the "Reliance of the Traveller".
      It’s like watching a blind dog trying to have sex with a porcupine.
      Only their insane hatred of western civilization as manifested in the tattered remains of America and Europe allows them to endorse the most sexist, elitist, racist, hate filled regime in the history of the world: Islam.
      This proves that theirs is the politics of suicide, for should they attain their fondest desire [destruction of the west], the next thing on the Islamic agenda will be the enslavement and murder of their late allies: those on the left.

    • Hey, 138 10, are you capable of writing a single sentence with no ad-hominem in it?

    • LOL,,,now I met someone to my own heart..how about that??LOL

      "Reliance of the Traveller", I doubt little if any ever heard of it..great one indeed.

      Yes that Cassis Clay fellow box his way into the hearts of nothing..


      The ’destruction of the west’ is and will be the "destruction of all", becareful what you wish for....

    • If the true cause of events is the will of Allah, and if the will of Allah is inscrutable, then the causes of events are inscrutable and science a vain pursuit. The issue is ultimately whether the universe and its creator are in any way intelligible. The West, with its traditions of natural law and natural theology, agrees for the most part that the universe is astonishingly intelligible and God somewhat so. Islam, at least at its most rigorous, denies any intelligibility whatsoever to either.

    • An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "argument to the person", "argument against the man") consists of replying to an argument by attacking or appealing to the person making the argument, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument. It is most commonly used to refer specifically to the ad hominem abusive, or argumentum ad personam, which consists of criticizing or personally attacking an argument’s proponent in an attempt to discredit that argument.

      Other common subtypes of the ad hominem include the ad hominem circumstantial, or ad hominem circumstantiae, an attack which is directed at the circumstances or situation of the arguer; and the ad hominem tu quoque, which objects to an argument by characterizing the arguer as being guilty of the same thing that he is arguing against.