Home > All the people in the streets the 15th : "The crisis, let them pay it (...)

All the people in the streets the 15th : "The crisis, let them pay it themselves"

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 6 November 2008

Edito Demos-Actions Movement Economy-budget


By Redascción de: Prensa Popular Comunistas Miranda

An initiative as risen up in Spain: " The Crisis they must pay it themselves",. We are alluding to this parallel movement to of a governmental meeting of the most important countries which was carried out, intenting to take measures toward a salvation from the crisis for the big monopolies owners of the world.

Meanwhile, with those planned measures they throw away the crisis on the working class and the popular masses of the whole world, by means of increase in unemployment, losts of private housings, dismissals of workers, police interventions against workers protest, and generalization of working precariousness for toilers or deprived persons in the whole world.

Moreover, at the same time greats, inmmense ressources are kept in reserve for the "salvation" of capitalistic enterprises which incur in crimes—as it can be seen in the USA—with the deviation of allowed public funds for allocating generous dividends to ejecutive officers or to cancelling astronomical debts to banks executives and owners.

Against such a situation we most strive for a general mobilization in the whole world, so is the calling we send througt the Peoples Press for Solidarity of the Miranda Communists (http://prensapopular-comunistasmiranda.blogspot.com/) mouthpiece of that fight of a combattive section of Venezuela in the Miranda State.

All of you are invited to concentrations in the public parks of all towns in the world : Against the Crisis, Against this plot to leave it on the shoulders of the whole working class. We proclam our full support for that calling arrived from Spain, we are trying to increase its presence for all the world!!

To the persons and popular organizatios we suggest they propitrate wide circulation of it, we also are calling for its translation in all the spoken languages and its widest circulation in all countries of the Earth!!

We thank you if you send the tranlates text to our addres... (pcvmirandasrp@gmail.com) and we will inmediately put it into circulation. Forward in te general mobilisation against the monopolistes imperialists!!!

Pass this calling!! Sente it to the postal officers, to the postal boxes, to the blogs!! Let this calling be translated!! Send us the translations!!! We shall carry their circulation !!! Down with the capitalistic crisis!! Let us reinforce the working class struggles!! For the Socialism on the road toward Communism!!!

Fuente: Prensa Popular Solidaridad Comunistas Miranda


Forum posts

  • You are right to be angry about the financial institutions of the world, because they will use taxpayers money to bail them out. However, to gather in parks around the world will just bring further poverty to the poor workers.

    It is because governments have ignored the God given guidance in the Bible and followed humanist ideals, that greed has taken its toll on society. In the UK Godly moral laws have been replaced with humanist ones to the total detriment of society. We reap what we sow and that is exactly what is happening.

    To follow yet another extreme path is not the solution. Store up treasures in heaven by following the one who died for each and everyone - Jesus Christ. This response to the article is an individual call to turn to God, not a discredited popular communists, or capitalists movement. It has already been proven in our lifetime that Communists, like their capitalist counterparts, just want to take power over the rest of us.

    Jesus alone loves you and it is only through him that we can be saved for all eternity. He forgives us our sinful ways and doesn’t make us pay. Ask him into your life and you will be saved. He is the way, the truth and the life and only through him can we come to our Heavenly Father God.

    There is no other way, not communism, not capitalism, or any other man made religion. Get real, get the truth, get Jesus!

    • It is because governments have ignored the God given guidance in the Bible and followed humanist ideals, that greed has taken its toll on society. In the UK Godly moral laws have been replaced with humanist ones to the total detriment of society. We reap what we sow and that is exactly what is happening.

      I respect who believes in anything because they have the DIVINE FREEDOM to believe in what they like, but also have to have the character of conciseness to tolerate the very opposite of their opinions.

      GOD didn’t write anything. EXTREMELY POWER HUNGRY men made people believe it did, so they could rip the benefices of those masses gullibility. WHAT IS ABSOLUTE AND INFINITE cannot absolutely express itself in finite and particular ways, because to do so, it MUST BECAME FINITE, IMPERFECT AND LIMITED... and ""GOD"" IS NOT A PERSON as many like to believe... because if they where monkeys then they would had made god a monkey.. a whale then god like a whale... etc etc...

      **INJUSTICE** is the problem... be it biblical, humanist, illuminist or what ever.

      PEOPLE JUST SHOULD STOP BELIEVE IN ""MANBO JAMBOs""... and use their conscience in full...

      Generally people stop to believe in santa claus by the age of 10... SO WHY (??) do they believe in a man/supra-human born out of the process of nature, Yesus Christos a personification of a solar myth of very old, sun god, light of the world, savior of the world and mankind .. the same with the Al Qaedas, talibans everywhere, ignorant unexperienced terrorists that fly big sophiticated jet air liners... governments that care about their populations, and not "Ubber All" of the politicians carriers in those governments... that giving money to the banks, is something much more complicated than simple day light robbery, and is good for the economy.. and is to save the populations( lolz lolz loz)... there can’t be a world without banks... there can be no FREE ENERGY... because science has became ANOTHER RELIGION, where those in power protect at all costs their investigation funds and grants and academia positions, at the cost of all new discoveries...

      Any good doctrines are philosophy, and if they seem just and coherent to anyone, it must be because of their intrinsic value.. the logic of the principles expressed and their truthfulness... it doesn’t matter a little BIT if they are SUPPOSEDLY the WORDS of "god" or any other famous personality... a street bagger JUST and TRUTH WORDS about anything, is much more valuable to me than any manbo jambo attributed to God by evil men...

      This are some examples of crap manbo jambos that people should put a very critic eye on, and not be complacent, gullible with a blind faith in authority... specially not go back to a religious fundamentalism that outlived its usefulness by a long time now.

  • Jesus alone loves you and it is only through him that we can be saved for all eternity. He forgives us our sinful ways and doesn’t make us pay. Ask him into your life and you will be saved. He is the way, the truth and the life and only through him can we come to our Heavenly Father God.

    First of all i really don’t want to insult no one, or or destroy their believes... but there is no such thing as **THE** BIBLE... if "bible" means book, for sure there is not such thing as "the bible", because the bible is a compilation set of very old texts collected from a larger pool of old texts, as is easily proved trough history that some books have entered and sorted out in some versions of the bible, compiled in different regions of the globe... like the book of Job... that some texts were re-edited more than once trough the millenia... that the original texts were not written in Latin or Greek, but in languages not used anymore for long long time... like the old Aramaic and Hebrew... of which there is some reasons to believe that some texts in their versions in Aramaic and Hebrew are in their turn in many cases already translations from even older languages... like the book of Enoch which *seems* to have more than 5K years old, and which in many translations contains too many passages identical to the Gospel of Mathew... to be a simple coincidence...and any mediocre philologist can prove how BAD successive translations can be for the true and original meaning...
    So too many uncertainties to have such a blind faith in the words written.


    First of all is not that there wasn’t any great master of wisdom in the historical period related with the Jesus record... PROBABLY MORE THAN 1 MASTER OF WISDOM... AND FOR SURE SOME OF THOSE MASTERS WORDS ENDED UP IN THE BIBLE TEXTS OR IN SOME VERSICLES... the point is the physical HUMAN entity,...a person called Jesus. That *PERSON* with that name is i’m afraid a fabrication. But being myself born as a Cristian in a country overwhelmingly catholic, i see no difficulty in people attain to the most sublime of words like the Mountain Sermon... love thy neighbor as thy self... praise who slanders you... do good to whom persecutes you... offer the right chick to whom strikes you in the left... DO GOOD FOR THE GOOD SAKE, BECAUSE YOU CAN ONLY BUILD A FUTURE OF GOODNESS, OTHERWISE AN EYE FOR A EYE ONLY TENDS TO MAKE EVERYBODY BLIND. IMHO THERE IS NOTHING MORE NEEDED TO MAKE A RELIGION... THE MOST POWERFUL ON EARTH.

    Add to this that the GREAT MASTERS OF WISDOM never wrote a single line by their own hand. Since the tragedy of Socrates, its easy to see why. The old tradition of wisdom is an ORAL TRADITION... the texts where by their turn written by designated disciples of those masters invariably only after a relative long period after the masters dead... and in most of the cases under a NICKNAME - a pseudonym, and in rare occasions under the name of those disciples( narcissist fools)... i believe **never** under the real name of the masters... because wisdom gets followers, that get fame, that get power... too much power in many cases to the names of those masters... and there is always a ruthless jealous lord eager to kill the masters and their families. Plotino ( if that was his real name) of the neo-platonic movement around Alexandria and its famous Library, in the beginning of the first century, is as it can be PROVED, a master of wisdom that possessed thaumaturgic powers, that is, able to do magic, that is, things not only like the TV showman Yuri Geller but also like and beyond the remote viewing of CIA fame, and telepathic, and telekineses and PES powers that PROFESSOR JD Rhine of Parapsychology fame have scientifically proved that do EXIST... had his texts written by his disciple Porfirio.

    THE VICTOR DICTATES THE HISTORY... if those ruthless lords (KINGS) can’t kill the masters and their families they invariably try to invent storys to destroy the teachings.. persecute followers.. and or infiltrate and subvert a whole *movement*... So is the history of Jesus that any attempt to really fit the history with the real proven archaeological facts and other independent very credible historian sources, always ended up in failure... not complete many BLINDLY might say, but its only do to their hopeful interpretation... something was brewing in the land of Palestine in those days in the religious and philosophical terms alright... as the Essene community (much in the style of the Mahatma Ghandi "Ashram" depicted in the movie Ghandi) of the dead sea scrolls fame is a prove( most probably the Palestinians/Israelis of then where dead sick of the Pharisee unjust grip and crazy laws)... but the Jesus record as we know it even by movies, DEFINITELY IS NOT AN HISTORICAL RECORD.PERIOD.

    So Jesus Cristh is a personification in astro-theological meaning( the most pervasive meaning of old religions) representing the old solar myths of those old *pagan* religions. In another approach it represents the stereotypic figure, NO ONE IN PARTICULAR or AT LEAST WITH THE DESIGNATED NAME, of the old INITIATING MASTERS of old brotherhoods of wisdom.. like the Chaldean Magi and others... whose secrets are secrets of nature... like today science is discovering that there is no VOID in Universe but perhaps a plenum, since after the Casimir Effect, is advanced that a tea cup of space contains enough energy to evaporate all the earth oceans... that there must not only be the old Aether mentioned in Maxwell works but perhaps several space-time dimensions... that MIND energy or SUBSTANCE-ENERGY have an inter-relation if not the same thing... that non-local non-linear field effects are pervasive trough out the universe, that is, the mechanism of MAGIC = non-local non-linear events ( like PES, telepathy, remote viewing, telekineses...) = is a pervasive phenomena in nature.

    Our evil masters don’t want us to know... for instance that the 2 law of thermodynamics is pure BS... and that the all biosphere is a prove with so many non-equilibrium systems, that to exist must be purely anti-entropic in nature... a small seed given to be a very tall tree...




    http://www.pureenergysystems.com/academy/papers/Y-Bias_and_Angularity/ ( MUST READ)


    Have you haver heard of some of those topics ??... most probably not, they are avoided by the traditional academia like the plague... but in those are some of the secrets of Jesus and the Magi and others... THERE NEVER WERE MIRACLES, only natural laws... but ignorants call it supra-natural, like a Papua/new Guinea Indian might call an airplane a magic supranatural thing.

    YES the bible might contain some of nature deepest secrets in code... or some hints... but its lost forever in there i’m afraid... simply is not possible to revert the so many millenia and cumulative effects of translations... and rooted meanings of old cultures gone forever a long time ago... that now might had seemed incomprehensibles.

    And its easy to see why men of power want to posses those secrets... what terrible power they could have, because its proved that not only the human body is a powerful battery( like in Matrix movie), but the all neuro-psychic system is like a powerful Tesla coil... capable of not only like in the scientifically proved "poltergeist" phenomena that some individuals seems to *TRIGGER* from themselves, but much more... yes! a science for generating non-local non-linear field effects, that with the proper understanding and training of the individuals involved, is a door for something much worst and sinister than "poltergeist" phenomena, if that *SCIENCE* get to the wrong hands. Yes much much worst then a H-BOMB that only can destroy, not only like the movie StarWars an army with powers not far from those romanced Jedi there, or better said perhaps the old mystical Medjay guardians .. but an overload capable of extraordinary mass hypnosis... and able to remote view and kill at a distance( no more contracted chacals needed)!... So its easy to understand why all this involves a lot of secrecy, superstition, storys... manbo jambo... why its dictated even in oriental philosophy that man is an image on earth of *GOD*... and not a sinful disgraced and feeble creature, that is not worthy of knowing nothing but servitude( what our master want)... that after all mankind, as a superorganism is the ALPHA and the OMEGA of the existence of life on planets, and that our fate is to evolve *ALL* in many thousand of years in the future to creatures like the romanticized Jesus Christ, that is, not only with its powers but also with its psychological understanding and features...

    **that is the alliance and the fate**, not die in regret after a whole life of servitude in hope of some extremely illogical manbo jambo salvation, funny enough or not, expedited by evil powerful institutions whose worst elements capable of publicly burning to dead without the slightest trace of remorse, critics of their power, mental patients and other innocents, seems to make the romanticized Satan or Devil or Diabo, like a school girl on a bad mood.

    So if you take the Bible LITERALLY the only logic conclusion is that not only it *SEEMS* written by ruthless primitive men, but also that it is REPULSIVELY VIOLENT... the bible contains inumerous passages that are repulsive violent, specially the old testament, but those are simply astro-theological allegories. Lets face it, any normal decent human being with a critical thinking mind... CAN’T TAKE THE BIBLE LITERALLY, OTHERWISE THAT IS WHAT HAPPENS :


    And following the bible literally, surely means a guaranty of no *salvation*...


    And for sure *Delusion Bubbles* are addictive like a psychotic drug, to the point one sees religious delusions in others but not its own.


    And this force of delusion and imaginary stories has killed more people on earth than any other force... and supposedly NOW people are rational and *modern*...



    SO WHAT WENT WRONG... WHO ARE THOSE MASTERS... that want people to be delusional, to take metaphoric teachings, allegoric representations and parabolic expositions literally, making an epiphany of violence out of it, and guarantying that nobody who follows it can understand his potential and his *raison d’étre* (be saved)... and even worst, harm every other parts of mankind that don’t follow enchantments... what is that they don’t tell in religions...


    Thats right. witchcraft ... greedy, tyrannical and evil(satanic) SORCERERS in search of some of the deepest secrets of nature...

    They infiltrate and subvert all their enemies, like the dark lord of the Sith... that is their *modus operandi*... they invented the fractional reserve banking systems that dominate the world and enslave everybody in debt, or money as debt, bankers & temple it was always in some cultures 2K years ago like it is now... and they make their monuments to tell about it in the open to everybody to see, *leeching* after any great Empire on earth and their gullible Oligarchical lords, the British Empire was the last one, making on it the center for operations... in detriment OF ITS OWN PEOPLE... and instrumental to launch assaults on other institutions like the USA presidency, that discounting the assassinations never seemed to get rid of extreme Anglophilic presidents since Lincoln until today... remaining to see what Obama really represents !??...


    Have anyone wondered why all international banker lords, like Rockefeller and the Rothschild are Masonic members, and or Knights of Malta or of the Temple, or Bavarian Illuminati... or Opus Dei... or many other Secret orders and societies... and many cases more than 1 order at the same time... WHY, IS THERE A THEME HERE ??... who the hell are the masters ??...and why the old testament is never sheded, in spite being a tremendous contrast with more modern teachings ??... and that even on masonic systems .. could it be that it is a continuation somehow of the same "camarilla" of Pharisees Sorcerers since the old time of the mythical Solomon (another Solar myth representation) ??.

    • *leeching* after any great Empire on earth and their gullible Oligarchical lords, the British Empire was the last one, making on it the center for operations... in detriment OF ITS OWN PEOPLE...

      Ok i must be fair... The City of London... *cabalistly* called *The Crown*... that piece of London where is the central but private bank, the Bank of England, and a representation of all the major banks in the world, as also the representations of the more influential Masonic Lodges in England and the world, and other secret societies... JURISDICTIONALLY is not part of England nor of the Great Britain... its a very PRIVATE turf that has its own flag, its own rules its own security forces... for anyone that understands, its dragons and the obelisk Cleopatra Needle with Scorpions sorting underneath gives a fair warning to whom might think otherwise.