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National Analytical Study on Racist Violence and Crime

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 19 April 2005

Edito Discriminations-Minorit. Italy

RAXEN Focal Point for ITALY

de Annamaria Rivera Collaboration: Paola Andrisani


The present report, like the former Analytical Study on discrimination and racist violence (2000-2002) is based on the theoretical supposition that “races” do not exist but rather human groups which are “racialised”, that is, socially considered and treated as “races”1.

In our opinion, racism is part of a process of social classification so that some groups (migrants, refugees, minority groups) are perceived and labelled as different or radically different from the group which the advocates and/or perpetrators of racism belong to.

Anyone belonging to a minority group and/or at a disadvantage from an economic, legal, social, religious point of view, can be racialised and become a victim of racism, independently of the phenotypical objective differences, and without great cultural differences. This is why, also in this report, we prefer to speak of racist instead of “racial”2 violence and crimes.

The report is, therefore, based on a well defined theory of racism3, without which, as weshall explain later, it is impossible to clearly distinguish the expressions of discrimination and racist violence and counter them efficiently. This is why we have dedicated a lot of space to the definitions of terms and key concepts (see par. 3). The space reserved to the gap analysis is equally extensive: what makes the Italian context unusual, is the lack of systematic surveys, constant monitoring and consequently, quantitative and qualitative data concerning discrimination, violence and racist crimes. Later, we shall point out that in our opinion, this deficiency is a sign of the underestimation of the phenomenon (also and especially by the government and more generally by the institutions); and this is, in itself, a cultural and political factor to be added to the analysis.

As far as we know, during the period under examination, no group of data and no report on a national level have been published on the subject of racist violence and crimes except for one research4. To compensate for the lack of reports and reliable quantitative data, we have directly carried out a small investigation, both by interviewing professionals who deal regularly with the defence of the rights of migrants and ethnic minorities and by examining a certain number of daily newspapers. From the latter and the aforementioned research, we have taken a number of cases which we considered a sample and which we have analysed extracting some information on the offenders and the victims of racist violence and to the places in which it usually took place.

Much space has been reserved to a general view of the extreme right wing organisations and populist xenophobic parties, as we feel that this can throw light on the characteristics of those we have defined as the “political actors of xenophobia and racism”.

We have also dedicated a great deal of space to the analysis of the Italian legislation on racist crimes, to show that it would be sufficient to prosecute effectively and adequately racist type violence.

Lastly, in the documents enclosed, which form a consistent part of this report, we have included: a description of the number and composition of immigrants and ethnic minorities; a general glimpse of the current legislation and policies on the subject of immigration and integration.

The conclusions we have reached are the following:

• The individuals and groups most exposed to racist violence, a category which
also includes verbal and symbolic expressions, are: foreign citizens from third countries (migrants and refugees), especially those practising the Muslim religion; Roma and Sinti gypsies; Jews.

• Among the offenders of racist acts of violence, symbolic/verbal or physical,
are included: individuals and groups from different extreme right trends;
ordinary citizens or unidentified individuals/groups; militants of the Northern League including members of the government and of local, national, EU
institutions; public officials and especially representatives of the different
police forces.

The racist acts of aggression can be indirectly encouraged by the legislation on immigration and by a social and cultural context which does not facilitate the integration of migrants, refugees and ethnic minorities or guarantee them the enjoyment of fundamental rights.

These acts of aggression are directly encouraged by:

• the active xenophobic propaganda carried out firstly by the Northern League
and also by political currents of the extreme right wing, propaganda,
insufficiently countered and even justified, by members of the central

• the intolerance towards migrants, refugees, gypsies, increased or exploited bysome media (television and press), political forces, some members of the
In the Italian context, which continues to be disturbing - if only because the main political actors of xenophobia are members of the central government - one positive element exists consisting of a large variety of subjects (trade unions, anti-racist movements, associations, both lay and religious, for the defence of the rights of foreign citizens and ethnic minorities) who carry out a vital activity of condemnation of and opposition to discrimination and racism.
The work of these subjects deserves to be encouraged and sustained as it represents one of the most important and efficient bulwarks against xenophobia and racism.


1 See Par. 3: “Glossary and definitions of some terms and key concepts”.

2 Since the specific subject of this report is violence and racist crimes, we have left discrimination in the background. However, we are aware that one cannot make a sharp distinction between the former category and the latter: a cumulative, systematic discrimination against vulnerable groups can be considered a form of violence often motivated by prejudice or contempt towards them.

3 Among the numerous contributions to the theory of racism, we have mainly referred to: Montagu, M.F.A. (1942) Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race, New York: Columbia University Press; Guillaumin, C. (1972) L’idéologie raciste. Genèse et langage actuel, Paris-La Haye: Mouton; Rex, J., Race, Colonialism and the City, London: Routledge and Kegan; Gallissot, R. (1985) Misère de l’antiracisme, Paris: Editions de l’Arcantère; Taguieff, P.-A. (1987) La force du préjugé. Essai sur le racisme et ses doubles, Paris: La Découverte; Burgio, A. (1998) L’invenzione delle razze. Studi su razzismo e revisionismo storico, Rome: manifestolibri; Gallissot R., Kilani M., Rivera A. (2001) L’imbroglio etnico, in quattordici parole-chiave, Bari: Dedalo.

4 Rivera, A. (2003) Estranei e nemici. Discriminazione e violenza razzista in Italia (with Inventario dell’intolleranza by P. Andrisani, Rome: DeriveApprodi.

RAXEN Focal Point for ITALY

Forum posts

  • I personally think "racism" is a catch phrase to make people not act and look at the true issues at hand, by a forced "guilt".

    I am blonde and white by birth. I have been held at Gatwick (UK) airport for 11+ hrs in a cell for non-stop questioning in 91’ (wrong visa in my Passport), I’ve been held and singled out in Turkey (I had cut my hair and didn’t look like me pic in my passport) and questioned, I’ve been held in MPLS (US) in 02, because I’ve been to a lot of the countries that are "deemed" scary

    Does racism exist, sadly yes hate exist, but not at the depths the media wants you to believe.

    Allowing non-stop illegals into any nation tears apart it’s core, i.e. healthcare, job pay, education, etc.

    • And there was that time I was surrounded by police cars in the UK, a car was stolen that looked like mine, and there is the amounts of times I have to put up with pure sex and disgusting talk by passing Latinos and US bubbas out in the streets in in stores, and there was the incredible humilation, questioning,blood test, health exams, finanicail records, etc I (Born American)and my husband had to go through to get my husband (English) of 7 years into this country. etc, etc, etc.

      Again I know hate is real, but special treatment (looking the other way at the entering illegally, health cost, disease,,etc) for anyone brings about more hate.

      Why should an illegal be able to do stuff I’d get penalized for in a big way?

  • Is the guy in the hood punching the swastika supposed to be a klansman, or a jihadist, or what?

  • When I was growing up the word racism did not exist, when I went to England in the 60’s I was first confronted by the manifestations of discomfort and unease at the large number of invaders from Africa,Caribean and Asia. The more this inmigrants poured in the "racism" factor was born and established. Racism, the word, has been adulterated, missapplied and manipulated for purely political reasons. There is absolutely no foundation in which the migration of people of unassimailable stocks should be permitted and allowed into someone else’s living space. Stop this ill applied inmigration policy and "racism" will dissapear overnight. People of different races and cultures and varying tongues love and respect each other only in so far as a healthy distance is kept between them. The Yellow races have their living space, Africans have their own, the Arabs have their own, why is not racism a factor in those lands ? Very simple : you don’t have inmigration from each other continents to invade those living spaces. Why have we behaved suicidaly different from those other nations and persist in continuing aiding and abetting the large industry movement of peoples? Why are we complaining ? Whom are we complaining ? Why enact malicious legislation to gag and circumvent natural human rights ?The answer is not to be sought in voluminuous tomes of theses’s, hypothese’s and opinions by so called "analysts ,professors and other crypto intellectuals" with the aid of publishing houses diseminating material which expresses unintelligble data and misinformation( cliche words such as economic migrants, refugees, illegals are all pseudonyms for conquering invaders ). The invader enjoys all the paraphernalia and frills of their "human rights", these very same human rights are denied to the "invadee". People, nations, want their living space, people demand and want the right to associate or dissasociate with whomsoever they wish to, people want to decide who comes into their land and who does not. These are basic and inalienable human rights, rights of free men. But the people are not consulted, and then we are told we live in a democracy, just like we are told we are racists, homophobes, xenophobes and a plethora of other epithets. We are told, we are not advised or asked. A slave is told what to and not to do. Tomorrow ,I would not be surprised, if they compel us to marry foreigners and cohabit with them in a Bushesque "Shock and awe " crusade against "racismus" . If one thinks that things have reached a critical level, it is high time to rubb off one’s eyes and wake up, this is only the tip of the iceberg , worse is to follow, the current invasion trends will become a Tsunami in the space of 10 to 15 years, in which case by that time a country would cease to be a nation and simply serve a thoroughfare, unless the trend is stopped and reversed.

    • "People of different races and cultures and varying tongues love and respect each other only in so far as a healthy distance is kept between them."

      Alexander the Great’s empire did pretty well, and he REQUIRED his officers to marry locals. America has done pretty well absorbing waves of Italians, Chinese, Poles, and now, Latinos. Sometimes it’s a bumpy ride, but America is better for it.