Home > Bush: “How do you know his life would have been good?"

Bush: “How do you know his life would have been good?"

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 20 October 2005

Edito Governments Mary MacElveen

By Mary MacElveen

This past week, I have had discussions with a number of people through emails where they have suggested that I back down in my criticisms of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton since she voted for the war and perhaps will be the Democratic candidate come 2008. But, if I want to remain truthful with my readers and have credibility, I simply have to stay the course. As an American that has been against this war from the start, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s vote for this war was wrong as well as any other Democrat. That opinion goes equally towards any Republican that voted yes to this war.

One woman’s opinion to me was this: "I think it is worthwhile to write to any Democrats with whom you are disappointed and express to them your anger and disappointment, but I think when we go public with our barbs, we should focus on Bush and other Republicans" So, does she only want me to write faxes which never get answered to those within the Democratic Party such as Hillary Clinton or John Kerry who voted for this war and keep them private? As a journalist, I simply cannot if the purpose I serve is to get the truth out to my readers.

She then went onto say to me: "Your explanations for bashing Hillary and some other Democrats is that they have not lived up to your hopes. But that is exactly what I heard from the Ralph Nader supporters in the 2000 election — and nothing would dissuade them from bashing Democrats then either." It has nothing to do with my hopes, but the truth. It also has everything to do with saving lives. This war in Iraq where people are dying is more important than saving any politician’s political career. If they are as worried as to how they are perceived by the public, then my opinion is always go with the truth instead of political posturing.

As I was reading an article written by Arianna Huffington 2008: Will Al Gore Be the Anti-Hillary? This paragraph caught my attention where Ms. Huffington writes: "One major party donor, who is supporting Hillary even though he is against the war, told me that Clinton had assured him that she, too, was "against the war" but believed that there was no way a woman could ever be elected president while being against the war. "She is convinced," the donor told me, "that she’d be attacked as soft on defense and unable to deal with national security and the war on terror. And I think she’s right. I’d rather she be anti-war, but I can’t argue with her reasoning." So, if we are to believe this is true, was her vote for this war made for purely political reasons? If that is the case, then Sen. Clinton owes these military families an explanation especially when many are coming out against this war and where their loved ones are no longer with them.

According to another source from a fellow Democrat this was emailed to me: “Hillary would have no chance in hell had she voted the way we had wanted her to.” What this person’s shows me is that she had to vote yes in order to run for a possible presidential run and I feel that is the reason why John Kerry voted yes to it as well. This same source also wrote to me stating this: “I think she has been doing what she knows she has had to do to get into the White House. Once there, she can afford to act out of her conscience and turn things around” So, she voted for a war of lies to get into the White House? Whatever happened to the truth? Whatever happened to standing up for one’s beliefs? If she does become the Democratic candidate and wins: Wouldn’t it be a little late to turn things around? What about the thousands of lives lost by our soldiers and innocent Iraqis?

The reason that I am coming down hard on these Democrats who voted for the war and wish to run and have run for the presidency is after reading yet another article and it turned my stomach.

Upon reading Jeff Norman’s article: Another Amazing Disgrace I was sickened beyond belief where a mother of a fallen soldier whose name is, Dolores Kesterson was told this by Pres. Bush “How do you know his life would have been good?" I was also amazed at where he stated this according to Mrs. Kesterson: "We won’t know in our lifetime whether or not Iraq was a success." So, based upon that statement made by Pres. Bush: How can these Democrats vote for this war? In fact, how can any elected official for that matter if he does not know whether or not the war in Iraq will be a success? Our soldiers deserved better from the very commander in chief that sent many off to die untimely deaths. They deserved better from every single elected official who voted for this godless war.

Now the latter source stated to me: “Give her the benefit of the doubt. She’s just been playing her cards right to get into the White House. Had she played any other way, she wouldn’t stand a chance.” I just cannot go along with that way of thinking. There is no benefit of any doubt when this war has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be based on lies and there is no doubt that human lives have been lost forever. Is voting yes to a war a card game where they wish to rise to the ultimate power? That sort of thinking should shock everyone who has and is vehemently against this war.

While I am a Democrat, I am first and foremost an American who is searching for truthful leaders to lead this nation. I am an American first and foremost seeking leaders who truly honor our soldiers and do not use them for any political game or gain. I am also a journalist who has to ask the tough questions if I am to be seen as a credible writer.

It will not be anything that I have written to that will give the Republicans ammunition to hit Democrats or vice versa, it will be their voting records and whether or not what they are telling us passes the smell test.

"Senator, in everything I said about Iraq, I turned out to be right and you turned out to be wrong and 100,000 people paid with their lives; 1600 of them American soldiers sent to their deaths on a pack of lies; 15,000 of them wounded, many of them disabled forever on a pack of lies." George Galloway to US Senate Committee 5/17/05

Forum posts

  • Any man or woman that would vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton need a sanity check. Her husband was a failure as a President and you know the saying - Behind every good man is a good woman. (What good woman?) These two have a problem with marriage, morals, ethics and with the fact no title of nobility is to hold a government office (the real Thriteenth Amendment).

    We need a man that is ethical, moral and puts God first in his life. Until this takes place Americans are in real trouble.

    • Excuse me, but doesn’t Bush put God first? Doesn’t seem to help matters much does it? His ’God’ is money. How about putting human beings first (that aren’t necessarily in the top 10% earnings bracket)?

      Anyhoo, the neocons are ensuring a near-eternal legacy of their agenda via Supreme Court appointments, right down through to the way local parks officers are being selected for jobs. Germany 1933? They are dismantling the Constitution. And unless electronic voting is stopped or made accountable through non-biased paper audits we can expect more ’red state’ suprises 1/2 way into the counts in 2008.

      I say to you Dems: Thank You for rolling over like good little lap dogs. Two parties my eye.

    • Well, that leaves out George W. Bush. But why not a woman (not Hilary)?

    • whose God? yours? mine? Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish (guess it can’t be Muslim)? Hope it’s not the same as GWB refers to, since his "god" supports lying, cheating and murder!

    • Whose God??? Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish is NOT the Creator (a.k.a. God), it is a belief system that ostensibly leads one to the Creator. The falacy is, it does not. We need to sift through all the rhetoric, ritual, dogma and embrace true spirituality and connect with the essence of our Creator (a.k.a. God). True God-related spirituality is achieved by means of scientifically applying spiritual teachings and spiritual techniques that allow ego to vanish in the fire of divine love and ego-oriented spirit, better called intellect, to be replaced by the Holy Spirit. Such true spiritual teachings can only be affected by a true connection to our innermost self. Because all humankind is God-made, Spirituality is our true nature and spiritual development is the most direct way to solutions of love and peace in all creation.

      Prayer, Meditation, Gratitude, Spending time in nature—including near fire and water are practices to create spiritual/emotional health.

      Prayer: Harvard researcher and mind/body medicine expert Herbert Benson, M.D. found that regular prayer or the repetition of spiritual phrases such as "Shalom," or "Hail Mary," triggers relaxation and reduces stress. Make prayer a time of personal conversation with God, state your need or concern and ask for divine intervention. Acknowledge all you have to be grateful for and give thanks for that which you desire. Giving thanks is more effective than asking for what you desire. God knows what you need before you need it and has already sent it to you—therefore giving thanks acknowledges what you haven’t seen yet. Establishing a regular prayerful routine is important.

      Meditation: Researched for centuries, meditation is proven to have physiological benefits, including stress-relief, improved immune and cardiovascular function, relaxation, and decreased pain. Regular meditation practice leads to new insights about life issues (often resulting in the healing of past emotional trauma), heightened creativity, inspiration, greater compassion for others, and a greater connection to one’s own inner guidance. There are a plethora of books and classes on meditation practices.

      Time in nature: The most visible manifestation of spirit is nature, where we most fully encounter and interact with life’s primal energies in the forms of earth, water, fire, and air. Walking/hiking are easy and practical ways of reconnecting with nature and the earth, as are gardening, biking, camping and boating. Spending regular amounts of time outdoors within a natural setting, you enable yourself to better appreciate the rhythms of life, including your own.

      Modern living prevents us from a balanced life. Time in nature helps restore that balance, while also deepening our connection with Spirit. Being near the water is a spiritually healthy experience, due to water’s higher concentration of negative ions. Swimming in natural water is a great way to benefit from water’s life-enhancing energy. Soaking in a mineral hot spring provides therapeutic benefits for a variety of ailments.

      Exposure to a campfire or fireplace has health benefits. Leonard Orr discovered that fire cleanses the bio-energy field of negative energies, and is a powerful aid in curing physical disease. Orr recommends spending a few hours each day near fire. Fire is also an important component of the vision quests undertaken by Native Americans to connect with the Great Spirit and discover their life purpose.

      The closest expression of Spirit is the air. Clean, fresh air is essential to health on all levels, and practicing conscious breathing is a potent self-care method for restoring energy and making you more aware of the power of Spirit as it flows through you.

      Regular exposure to the four elements creates consciousness of Spirit’s loving intelligence to sustain the world, while more deeply recognizing our place within it.

      Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD

    • God is dead...this is obvious, he has not answered one prayer or done one thing for the human failings, in fact his representatives are usually the most corrupt and degenerated (Catholic Church Pedophile Ring, etc. born again political power mongers) people on the planet. When people stop believing in fairy tales and start taking responsibility for their actions and living for today, then things can and will change, and actually change for the betterment of the people of this earth.

  • If one wants to know the truth about the Dems and the Reps, go to the following link.


  • The enemy is not republicans or democrats. The enemy is war! Is it unimportant enough to compromise on that? What use is strategic pinpointing? We need a wake-up call to what is really going on behind-the-scenes, slyly placed across party lines and all on the same team.

  • if I have to choose between Hilary Clinton and a Republican who was (or soon becomes) against the war, I would vote Republican. I’m a 2nd generation Kennedy Democrat from a large Irish Catholic family. Hilary Clinton is not electable for POTUS, so I can only hope she doesn’t run (or doesn’t get the nomination).

  • I have held my nose and voted for the last time. I am convinced that the only honorable thing to do is to speak out loud and long. If Hilary had done that, she might have helped to stop the war! Imagine the impact if someone with her visibility spoke the truth! Look at the coverage she has! Who knows how many she could sway? If she hasn’t got that much passion, let alone integrity,(we know she hasn’t) she’s not my kind of leader.

    I deeply regret my vote for Kerry, too. The weakling won the election, but hadn’t the stomach to fight for it. I actually read some places that the Dems didn’t really want to win, ’cause they’d then have to clean up W’s mess, and it would be difficult! This goes beyond moral cowardice to a truly sick realm.

  • It really is amazing that people still buy the lie of the left/right paradigm. It’s all BS folks. Think about it. This goes back to the original neocon/Trilateral Comm. Coup d’etat mistakenly referred to as "Watergate." Watergate was nothing more than a coup d’etat choreographed by Israel and the Trotskyites. If you remember, it was here that Hillary first surfaced as a Harriet Myers against Nixon.

    Then of course, we have the 40 years of Clinton/Bush ties. They’ve always been friends. The fued is made up.

    It was Bush 41 after all, that was Clinton’s handlers when the CIA first approached him in college back in the 60’s. Why do you think he was a college cheerleader just like Dubya? that’s the way the CIA and Black Ops initiate their bluebloods. It’s an age old tradition of blackmail and mind control. You need to read Tranceformation of America by Cathy and Mark Phillips. She lays it all out in the book. Hillary is a witch who practices Black Majik. Bush 41 and Clinton are both in Secret Societies and both heavily into young boys.

    Bill Clinton is bi, leaning more to men. Hillary is also gay. It’s all true. And I’m NOT a right winger or Republican. In fact, I used to think myself a leftist until I researched all this fully.

    Hillary has a 4 hour dinner every Friday with Rupert Murdoch for christs sake. Think about that for a minute. Can you honestly say that any news channel mentions Hillary more than Fox? This is all an illusion. Hillary is not acting like a neocon. She IS a NEOCON. Take the red pill folks. Or at the very least quit treating your politicians as if its Yankee’s Vs. Red Sox.

  • Give up on the Washington Democrats as a source of leverage in opposing the Iraqi War. They are as far away from redemption as the Republicans.

    The only thing that will change the attitude of the DemoRepublicans is a measure of law that would send their children to the Iraqi War.

    The Democrats need to experience a total lack of support for their go along to get along attitude that not only sides with the war, but with things like welfare reform, NAFTA, PATRIOT Act and all the other Globalist machinations being imposed on us.

    The Democrats want you to think they’re on your side....baloney

    • It’s true, no one is on our side. We have no democracy but an oligarchy ruled by the millionaires and most people follow the trance of Hannity and Co. so they can’t question things. I may have to live here but I don’t have to like it!

  • Miss MacElveen, I congratulate you for getting the truth out. This beautiful country needs some truth told for a change. Mrs. Clinton has let down the people who trusted her — and to what end? With all the things that are going on I keep asking: Where is Hilary? Why is she so quiet? There are just a few Democrats that represent the people who put them there—and we know who they are. I say let them get to h—l out of the Democratic Party and strengthen the THIRD PARTY which at least attempted to get to the bottom of the fiasco in Ohio after the 2004 elections—while the Democrats looked on. Unless, of course, we want a recurrence in 2008.

    • Right after the obviously rigged 2000 and 2004 elections I changed from Democrat to unenrolled. Green Party are the only ones who cared about the Election abuses. This tells you that Kerry is in it with W. They put on this "guise" called a campaign evey 4 years to make us believe that we have a Democracy. We are one Nation under Corprorations!
      There is no right and left, no red state blue state.
      WAKE UP>>>this all makes for great news and this makes the corporations even happier. The people in the U.S. have NO say about anything. The elections are rigged, whichever way they feel necesary at the time to keep peoplefrom being suspicious.
      Spread the word...vote 3rd, or 4th Party. Our votes don’t count anyway at least we can vote for someone who cares!

  • It is a predestined position they just have the technologies to really screw us now,I beleive that JOHN KERRY AND GEORGE BUSH ARE COUSINS
    Its all relative.
    Secondly George Bush uses the Christians God to make others hate the beliefs.
    Hey, I beleive in Christ and peoples freedom to their beliefs HE DOESN"T SPEAK FOR ME!
    so please dont ball all christians into one,I follow God not Georges God guess I am not rich enough for that,
    Thank (my) God!

    • I think it’s so fantastic these days that so many people are trying to get past the fake left/right paradigm used by the REAL controllers to control the people using BOTH major parties and more than anything want to find reasonably HONEST leaders that value integrity as a first priority as well as preserving our Constitutional Freedoms and precious Bill of Rights. IMO our country’s real freedom and prosperity is being daily attacked from both the so called left and right. Totalitarianism is just as total IMO from either the "communist left" or the "fascist right" and I want NEITHER.

      Those that supported the so called "(p)atriot" act without even bothering to read it have ZERO business being a voice in a responsible government here in these United States and should have been recalled immediately! They will never get my vote for their slovenly use of my tax dollars. Neither those who gave their consent for the Iraq war. Gutless cowards, I would NEVER vote for Hillary Clinton as The NWO agenda she shares is in REALITY not much different than the Neo-Con cabal that has hijacked the WILLING and eager Republican party.

      Who would I like to see? I value people as "diverse" as R.- Ron Paul and D.-Dennis Kucinnich not because I happen to agree with every thing they think but because in this era of scripted questions and answers, avoidance of any subject of any real worth, war for Oil and Empire and Isreal, a crashing economy, and all of the hordes of things us and our children will have to face it would be so refreshing to have someone worthy of our trust, IMO.

  • We all have to realize that uniting as a people will be the only way to conquer the terror perpetrated on us by a small group of rich powerfull people, who we help by giving them power.This we do unwittingly. They have us where they want us because we have to spend much of our time keeping our heads above water, by working and paying bills , looking after our precious kids. The technique they use is simply DIVIDE AND CONQUER , GOOD COP BAD COP,which they apply in everything they do. From dividing the Shias and the Sunnis in Irak, often through FALSE FLAG OPERATIONS, like the bombing of the UN headquarters, to kill people like Sergio Di Mello, to dividing Amerika into left versus right and republican versus democrat, so as to keep us joining forces against their evil empire which is based on pure greed andpower lust.Bill Clinton is going around the world playing goodwill ambassedor working to alleviate poverty in Africa ( good Cop), while George Bush wants to veto a bill against torture of " terrorist prisoners", some 12 year old boys beeing filmed whilst beeing sodomised by a phosphoric baton of some sort. ( BAD COP). They are truly happy when others like myself from the western world might start disliking any thing American because of Georges terrorist foreign policy agenda. Again DIVIDE AND CONQUER! How better to GET AMERICANS TO BACK HIM UP IN HIS FOLLY WHEN THEY FEEL THE HATRED FROM ALL COUNTRIES AROUND THE WORLD! This then causes people to rally behind their Leader! His Administration the neocons will steer the world to an Armaggedon, because what they are doing will cause Nuclear War to become a reality. The Media is owned by these powerful neocons and they all work in cahoots. They ARE NOT DIVIDED> WE ARE! The solution should come from the GRASS ROOTS, by always making ethical choices in our own lives, not to profit from the misery of others of any race or country! Stop BEEING GREEDY! WORK TOGETHER AS HUMANS OF THE SAME SPECIES< AND IGNORE WHETHER YOU ARE REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT< those are just names and George Bush and his Regime do not abide by Christian or Republican values, he just uses you for his own agenda AND YOUR PRECIOUS LIVES DONT MEAN ANYTHING TO THE NEOCONS AT ALL EXEPT CANONFODDER. START WORKING TOGETHER AS DECENT HUMANBEEINGS with true ethical values and UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL! Kind regards Mari Holland From Canberra Australia

    • Well said, Marie Holland, well said. I dumped the Republican Party because it no longer represents citizens. and are greedy for power and money. Citizens everywhere must revolt against dishonest government...nothing more than deceptive cowards and thieves...and seek out honest represenatives willing to serve under and be subservient to the people, the Bill of Rights/Constitution. There are good representatives who speak well and honestly...D. Kucinick, D-Ohio, R. Paul, R-Texas, Brian Schweitzer, Governor of Montana. There others with courage.

      In the mean time, I have disengaged involvement with the economics of my country...less tax dollars for the thieves. For me, it is step one.

  • Democrats and others that have voted FOR the war in Iraq and have not apologized and recanted their position need to be removed from office via the election process. In all other matters they should be considered verboten and excluded from our group.

    In my view, the media have let the American people down in a BIG way. A caveat - not all have done this but they are relegated to the extreme few. The majority have lathered to be firm supporters of the powers that be, advocating war that was based on lies and innuendo.

    I blame the media readership too. If they had been a bit more demanding instead of accepting the words of a traveling ministry of deceit, maybe the media would have been more responsible. But, remember, the readers expect honesty and integrity from the press.

    What we see is a media that is so firmly embedded with the politicians and espouse everything that is put to them like a good stenographer and never challenged anything. They sold their soul to the devil while declaring their independence and separateness.

    A critical mass is closely approaching, if not already here, where the population will rise up in civil disobedience to reclaim their Constitutional rights.

    Reporters in general should learn the lesson of Judith Miller. They should renew their dedication to watchdog journalism - asking tough questions and unearthing the truth for the public. Judith Miller is but the tip of the iceberg. When journalism editors and publishers allow unbridled commingling of their reporters with the people they are reporting on, it is inevitable that the result will be a very biased viewpoint published. As my dear departed father told me more than once, ‘You can’t work them during the day and go to bed with them at night.’ Unbiased is unbiased.

    It is time, or past time, to reassert ones responsibility and do the job of conscientious reporting. Delivering the facts instead of being a parrot and repeating verbatim the material (not facts) of the powers being reported on.

    The American people have a Very Low regard for the Congress and the current Administration at this moment. They also look at the media as purveyors of untruths.

    If this is to change, and change it must in order to survive, then the media must re-evaluate its standards and profession. The people’s trust once lost is very hard to gain again.

    Robert O’Donnell CWO USN(Ret)

    • 22Nov00 - Bilderberg’s Magic Wand of Power
      Bilderberg, it is said, has an uncanny knack of inviting people who later reach very powerful elected positions. It is another one of those surely unprovable allegations, that the most powerful people in the world are selected or ’interviewed’ for supposedly democratically elected jobs, including heads of state, at Bilderberg.
      Hard evidence of anything to do with Bilderberg policy-wise is almost impossible to get hold of. All venues are swept for bugs (not that we were using any at Genval this June!) and minutes of the steering group are definitely not publicly available.

      Nevertheless, circumstantial evidence suggests Bilderberg really do have a magic wand. Take a look at the list of important career moves for the following democratic appointments:

      Bill Clinton - Head of State - USA
      Attends Bilderberg meeting, Germany, 1991 - gets Presidential Nomination Aug 1992
      Tony Blair - effective Head of State - UK
      Attends Bilderberg meeting, Greece, 1993 - becomes party leader Jul 1994 - becomes Prime Minister May 1997
      Jack Santer - previous Head of State (sacked for corruption) - Europe
      Attends Bilderberg, Germany, 1991 - becomes European President Jan 1995
      Romano Prodi - present Head of State - Europe
      On Bilderberg Steering Committee mid 1980’s, attends Bilderberg meeting, Portugal, Jun 1999 - sworn in as President of Europe Sep 1999 (term lasts until Jan 2005)
      George Robertson - CEO - NATO
      Attends Bilderberg meeting, Scotland, 1998 - sworn in as Secretary General of NATO Aug 1999