Home > Causachun coca! Wañuchun yanquis!

Causachun coca! Wañuchun yanquis!

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 20 December 2005

Edito Parties Agriculture - Fishery - Animals South/Latin America

Thanks to Pachamama, Mother Earth, thanks for the Coca Plant.

We, Aymaras and Quechuas, original nations of the Andes, have survived the onslaught of the white man until today thanks to our coca leaf. From the moment the white man came to our land he has tried to control our leaf for his own enrichment. He has abused it here and now he is abusing it everywhere else. Since it has escaped his control he is intent on destroying it.

He has labeled our sacred plant a drug, to be prohibited and eliminated under universally binding drugs conventions. With these conventions the United Nations have offended and betrayed the Aymara and Quechua Nations.

Under the cover of these conventions and after impoverishing our people with their neoliberal policies, the United States government, foremost enemy of the Indians, has used its dollars to bribe the officials of Bolivia, corrupt its institutions and pit white Bolivians against us. Recently the United States Embassy in La Paz has funded a mercenary force with orders to eliminate the coca plant and the Indians defending it.

Coca is not a drug!

This lie has to be called. The moment has come for us to stop the menace of anihilation of the coca plant and our communal ways of living.

The coca plant has sustained us through all adversities until today and we will strive, with all our might and with her help, to thwart the white man’s wicked plans.

Like other plants coca is a medicine, a holy plant. Thanks to coca we have withstood the untold sufferings brought upon us by the white man’s unholy war on drugs.

Therefore, the United Nations should respect our coca leaf and take it off their prohibitive lists.

Therefore, the United States should get all their drug war personel and equipment out of Bolivia. They have abused their stay. Let them go home to fight their own countries drug war.

Therefore, the white men should stop their war on drugs and accept that we live peacefully with the coca plant. They should consider reports from Harvard University, their most cherished academic institution, about the beneficial uses of our plant.

But this will not come about without our active intervention. We have to rise to the occasion.

The moment has come for the original nations to take power in our own hands.

The moment has come for us to redeem the coca plant.

We have learned to treat the plant with respect and she has generously rewarded us

From now on we will no longer tolerate any foreign powers harming our plant. We will be her sovereign guardians.

Those nations that accept this will be our friends. We will help them treat its abuse.

Those that will continue to repress our plant will be our enemies and the predictions of sickness and misery proferred by our yaquiris, as recorded by legend, will certainly befall them.

As long as the American invader fights us, we, the original nations, won’t forget our war cry, born from the pain of our people:

Causachun coca! Wañuchun yanquis!
Long live coca! Yankee go home!


Forum posts

  • bush is permanently drunk on power & greed.
    Bring on the COCA.

    • Bush is (certainly was) one of the cocaine abusers to which Evo Morales refers. Bush is an abuser, period.

    • Viva la Bolivia!

      Hope this come out correct. My espanol (spanish) is not too good.

      I am glad for the people of Bolivia. Finally, a sensible and smart person in a position to do some good for the people

      Karl Colorado, USA

    • Viva Bolivia! (no "la") Good try!
      Heard in Venezuela: "a polyglot is a person who speeks many languages;
      a tri-lingual speeks three languages;
      a bi-lingual speeks two languages;
      a person who speeks only one language is an estadounidense!
      At least you aren’t proud to be one of those!

  • I bet the Nazis in DC are shitting bricks over Evo Morales victory. Now what happens if the left wins in Mexico as well? Is the Evil Empire falling?

  • It is about time that the nonsense stops and the truth is told to the world! The coca leaf could be a blessing for many illnesses that afflict us today, but under its currenct legal classification and status, it is associated with crime, addiction and corruption. All of which are the result of a long term campaign (spawning almost a hunderd years) by politicians and secret deals which have resulted in the current state of affairs.

    The history behind the plant is an amazing one, held sacred by the ancient civilisations that flourished in South America.

    The war on drugs should be expose for what it is, a tool used against the countries where the plant grows naturally to usurp their power and coerce them into helping a black trade that makes billions of dollars for their controllers.

    I hope to see the day when all the cover ups are exposed and the real people behind the conspiracies are brought to justice.

    • You are right! It’s not about coca, its about profit. They push all kinds of very harmful drugs on us as long as they come from the pharmaceutical companies, what would happen to their profits if people who needed the benefits of this medicine could get it, as god intended, from the soil?
      Many years ago, my grandmother cured me of tuberculosis after having been hospitalized for a year without any benefit. She also cured her son from dysentery and she did it with medicinal plants. This knowledge has to be preserved not destroyed!

  • Well, this is long overdue I daresay. Throughout the long, tortuous and remorselessly boring course of history there have been many heads of state posessed of peculiar idiosyncracies; Churchill was a drunk, Lenin, a syphilitic sex fiend, Stalin, a drunken wife murderer, Franklin Roosevelt, a crippled philanderer, Hitler, a syphilitic homosexual lunatic, Khomeini, a humourless, hirsuite religious fanatic, Arafat, a conniving closeted homosexual, Mao, an obese anal retentive sex fiend, the narcississtic baseball player, Fidel Castro, Jack Kennedy, another sex maniac, and the "ne plus ultra", Bill Clinton, about whom no more needs to be said; but Bolivia, in electing this crack head midget [or is he a dwarf? I always confuse the two] must needs be heartily congratulated for going above and beyond the call, in presenting the world with it’s most bizarre and amusing politico in recent memory. Even the comic opera buffoon, Chavez must bow in awe and amazement at this spectacle.

    • Watch out, your ignorance is showing!

    • up yer ass, you pompous, arrogant, humourless blowhard.

    • I beg yer pardon, Mr 64.***.49; When i called you a "pompous, arrogant, humourless blowhard" i omitted to mention your hopeless, brainless naivete. If you think for one moment this crack head dwarf isn’t a front for the murderous south american cocaine cartels and their even more soulless bedmates the russian [jewish] maffiyas, then your smug, sloganizing ignorance has metastasized to a point where any hope of your recovery is essentially gone.

    • Would that be the same murderous south American Cocaine cartels supporteded by the biggest criminal conspiracy in history, the current US Junta? Great how they can play act a drug war in South America whilst rescuing the Heroin trade from Afghanistan which was almost wiped out by the Taliban. The real reason for invading Afghanistan was the revival of the Massive Heroin Trade.

      Any Cocaine Drug War is all about price and who controls it, prferably the US Junta.

      Don’t worry A-hole, there should be enough Coke around to get you stoned while you live out the remaining life of your delusions.

    • By the way 68, I’m just passing traffic, but since you hold the programmed view, it is thus yourself who is in a position of having to "recover". Your words have the distinct ring of slogans, are general and presumptive. Most obviously though is the point my first post was making, you are ignoring the bigger picture which actually puts your failing democracy of the USA, fair and square into the central role, like a huge spider pulling the strings for its own selfish ends, and with not a thought for the consequences to the rest of the planet.

      Your days are numbered and I as well as many others sit patiently, counting them down.

      You are funny to watch in your blustering hubristic lunacy. A nation of Narcissisists.

      There are many reasons why you are now going to fall, and mistaking an Indian from a great Andean tribe for a Crackhead Dwarf, illustrates one of them perfectly.

      Catch you around, loser.

    • sounds like yer sufferin’ from a serious case of freudian projection there bunkie.

    • you may think yer passing traffic, but after reading your post it seems more likely yer passin’ gas. If self righteousness was explosive you’d be measured in megatons.

    • Never expressed anything which could relate to self, another spurious assumption, drongo.

    • 68 called an elected leader who is widely respected a Crackhead Dwarf based upon nothing but his own presumption.

      He also made various other unsupported accusations, mostly in self projection it is noted, against people who had expressed any support fpr a fledgling popular leader or his cause.

      On the basis of this bluster, I Rabbit, took the liberty of identifying the personage behind the number 68, as being Hubristic, a lunatic and a member of the narcissisric portion of the US populataion bringing the nation into grave disrepute and failure.

      This would not seem unjustified upon review, so rail away. Looney.

      Furthermore whilst Rabbit is not gassing, you fellow are the gas of which you speak, I claim no righteousness, not for myself or my country and certainly not for the pant humping prime minister Johnny Howhard.

    • You need not "claim righteousness", Bunny Boy, you ooze it, radiate it, broadcast it; it emanates from you like grease from a corpse. Your current pet, the pequeno crackhead is respected by whom? The cali cartel? The Medellin cartel? The tyrannical geriatric murderer, Castro? The corrupt mastermind of the oil for food ripoff, Kofi Annan? All the desperate, idea-less, hysterical leftists who have been wandering, unguided since the fall of the Soviet Union? I am a man of neither the left or the right, I am your worst nightmare; an objective viewpoint. The denizens of the political left have been wandering in an intellectual cul de sac for the last 90 years, hemmed in by the profitless ghosts of Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Marx, Lenin, Mao, et al, they wander faint, hallucinatory and sun struck in a dialectical desert, so badly afflicted they cannot even recognize water when they are near it. Poor, pathetic Bunny Boy. I am neither of the left or the right, I am at heart a humorist and while political crazies can occasionally be slightly annoying, they are always fun to laugh at. That is why I am here.

  • "We Aymaras and Quechuas, original nations of the Andes........." I think I get it now. He is a short, suntanned Aryan. A Racist who does not like white people simply because they are different. Sieg Heil the Cocaine Fuhrer !!!

  • As long as these are regulated and not sent to America, I don’t see it as a problem. It’s part of their culture.

  • Le hace muchos anos cuando vivi en Mazatlan, Sinaloa, un libro sobre La Mama Coca. Era la historia del viaje do Los Incas atravez muchas miles de millas. Para aguantar y sobrevivir, La MamaCoca le dio unas hojas poderosas para masticar cuando sentian cansancio o hambre y eso le daria fuerza para resister el viaje. Y por eso La Bandera Peruano tiene la hoja de coca en ella. Puede Uds. conocer de que libro digo? susana

    • Disculpa la ignorancia de estes gueros. no saben nada. El Creador hace de todo y desgraciadament ellos son parte del circo en que vivimos. los payasos!

    • The fact of a "controlled substance" is the heart of the matter. The Legislative process or outright bribing the "chain of command" are logical avenues but only one is HONEST....


    • Yep, coca is an amazing plant. Like so many things, Western culture has completely perverted it.

      The US State Dept actually RECOMMENDS consumption of coca tea, because it helps the body use oxygen more effectively, thus helping one cope with travelling in the high Andes. How two-faced then, that the US DEA at the same time tries to wipe the plant from the face of the Earth!

      Actually, the game is two-fold:

      1) Control the distribution of illegal (thus expensive) cocaine through a few covertly-approved sources. Funnel the money into covert ops. Wage war on all other sources.

      2) We can’t have natural-source analgesics like cocaine out there. Any drug derived from plants can’t be patented, and can be made too cheaply!! No matter that cocaine was used successfully for years by Ear/Nose/Throat specialists and other medical practitioners as a topical painkiller. Nope, Big Pharma requires that all drugs be synthesized from chemicals, and Big Pharma must be served!

      There you have it. That’s the Big Picture.

  • bravo and i pray for all brave hearts
    give the fire spark
    more fuel exposes shadowy demons