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Afghan Genocide, WikiLeaks, Denial & Western media censorship of 4.5 million post-invasion Afghan deaths
by Open-Publishing - Thursday 29 July 2010Wars and conflicts International USA Australia Gideon Polya
Western genocide denial and holocaust denial: despite WikiLeaks, there is massive Western media censorship of 4.5 million post-invasion Afghan deaths from Australia-complicit US-imposed war and deprivation.
WikiLeaks is celebrated for breaking through the Anglo-American, Zionist and neocon Wall of Silence and exposing US Alliance atrocities in Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan. However as the example below demonstrates, Western Mainstream Media (MSM) such as leading Australian newspaper The Age (Melbourne) can comfortably report WikiLeaks stories while simultaneously continuing holocaust denial and genocide denial by censoring estimates of the horrendous full dimensions of the ongoing Palestinian Genocide, Iraqi Genocide and Afghan Genocide.
The Age newspaper, arguably Australia’s most respectable major newspaper and Mainstream Medium, has an On-line version and in particular a National Times section that carries op-ed articles by in-house or invited commentators which can then be commented upon by readers.
Because there is limited use to just preaching to the converted (e.g. the decent, anti-racist, pro-environment, pro-humanity readers of Bellaciao or other so-called Alternative Media) I have taken to commenting on articles in The Age On-line.
My sensible, informed, humane comments often evade censorship or are only partly censored by the “moderator” but in some cases are completely or partly censored.
A consistent pattern I have found is that comments critical of Apartheid Israel and racist Zionist (RZ) atrocities or of US Alliance war crimes are very likely to be censored or partly censored (as noted by the addition “edited by the moderator”). .
Thus some days ago (19 July 2010) I commented upon an article by former Australian Democrats Senator Natasha Stott Despoja about the horrible Major Party-supported maltreatment of Afghan and Tamil refugees arriving in Australian waters by boat and entitled :”Labor joins “race to the bottom” on asylum seeker policy” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/po... ).
I thought I would evade censorship by referring to Israel obliquely as a “Particular Country” but “the moderator” was on the job and my comment was completely censored. The following is what Australia’s most liberal Mainstream medium did not want its readers to read, even when buried in a stream of 80 other comments. I should note that my frequently censored comments are made under my name Dr Gideon Polya and I attempt to provide a documentation source whereas comments The Age publishes are typically anonymous, uncredentialled and unsubstantiated.
Further, Australia has a pro-war, pro-coal, pro-Zionist, human rights-abusing Labor Government (headed by PM Julia Gillard after the pro-Zionist-led Coup against former PM Kevin Rudd) and a pro-war, pro-coal, pro-Zionist, human rights-abusing Liberal-National Party Coalition Opposition under Tony Abbott (these Major Parties being collectively known as the Lib-Labs).
Comment re asylum seekers completely censored by The Age: “1. Rudd called the "people smugglers" trying to find haven for desperate refugees "scum" who should "rot in hell" - raising the issue of how one should describe the pro-war US Alliance and Australian Lib-Lab politicians complicit in the generation of 22 million Muslim refugees in the first place - 7 million (from Palestine), 5-6 million (Iraq), 3-4 million (Afghanistan), 2 million (Somalia), 2.5 million (NW Pakistan).
2. Julia Gillard is hailed as "Australia’s first woman PM" but her pro-war and anti-refugee policies can be seen as anti-woman, anti-mother and anti-child - about 50% of the 22 million Muslim US oil war refugees are children and 75% women and children.
3. Both the Rudd-Gillard and Gillard Governments have failed to act decisively over the routine violation of Australia’s sovereignty and border protection by a Particular Country through the routine forging of Australian passports for terrorist purposes. Rudd was chastised by Australian supporters of that Particular Country for expelling one of its diplomats.
4. Gillard and Rudd have failed to act effectively against 50,000 illegal immigrants estimated to be presently in Australia while beating up hysteria over a few thousand asylum seekers coming by boat (it is quite legal to come to another country and ask for asylum).
5. The annual death rate is 7% for infants in Occupied Afghanistan (UN data) as compared to 5% for Jews in Nazi-occupied France (Jewish Holocaust historian Professor Sir Martin Gilbert) - ergo, Australia should dump pro-war Gillard and vote 1 Green.”
End Comment.
Yesterday (28 July 2010) sent the following carefully researched comment to The Age in response to an article by a researcher Rachel Reid, researcher in the Asian section of Human Rights Watch, concerned with analysis of the WikiLeaks documents about Occupied Afghanistan and entitled “Awful Truth on the scale of Afghan civilian deaths (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/po... ). Her article made the key comment: “: "Leaks reveal many strikes have killed the innocent while missing the target."
My comment on the WikiLeaks article was completely censored. This is what The Age did not want its readers to read about the horrendous civilian deaths in Australia- and US-Alliance-occupied Afghanistan: "The article ignores the estimated 3.5 million post-invasion non-violent avoidable deaths in Occupied Afghanistan due to Occupier-imposed deprivation in a war -torn country.
Note that of the 5-6 million Jews killed in the Jewish Holocaust, 1 in 6 died from deprivation (see Professor Sir Martin Gilbert, "Atlas of the Holocaust").
Post-invasion under -5 infant deaths in Afghanistan total 2.4 million (90% avoidable) and post-invasion non-violent avoidable deaths total 3.5 million (UN Population Division data). Comparisons with the Iraq War (1.4 million post-invasion violent deaths; see Just Foreign Policy) suggest about 1 million violent post-invasion violent deaths in Occupied Afghanistan. 3-4 million Afghan refugees have been generated plus a further 2.5 million Pashtun refugees generated in NW Pakistan by Australia-supported US war policies. This has been described as an Afghan Holocaust and an Afghan Genocide as per Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention (notably by top US lawyer Professor Ali Khan, Kansas).
A key reason for the 3.5 million non-violent avoidable deaths in Occupied Afghanistan is US Alliance violation of Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War that unequivocally demand that an Occupier supply life-sustaining food and medical supplies "to the fullest extent of the means available to it". Reality according to WHO: annual per capita total health expenditure in Occupied Afghanistan is US$29 as compared to US$3,122 for Occupier Australia.
0.3 million infants die and 0.3 million mothers are bereaved each year in Occupied Afghanistan (UNICEF) - tell that to pro-war Julia Gillard via the ballot box."
End Comment.
To give The Age some credit, the variability of its censorship policies have enabled me to get through the Mainstream Media “Wall of Silence” on many occasions (perhaps their toughest censor was elsewhere employed on those days).
Censorship and hiding the Awful Truth is not going to help in the long run. As the WikiLeaks saga demonstrates, the Truth will eventually out.
When the full magnitude of the Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide is known there will be no place to hide for those responsible and for the holocaust deniers and genocide deniers who are accessories after the fact of mass murder on a scale commensurate with that of the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million killed, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation).
Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Tell everyone you can.