9/11 Mind Swell: Scientific evidence refutes the official story
by Joel S. Hirschhorn Global Research, August 11, 2009
As we approach the eighth anniversary of 9/11 consider this paradox. In the post 9-11 years the scientific evidence for disbelieving the official government story has mounted incredibly. And the number of highly respected and credentialed professionals challenging the official story has similarly expanded. Yet, to the considerable disappointment of the international (…)
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9/11 Mind Swell: Scientific evidence refutes the official story
12 August 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
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Keeping Track of the Empire’s Crimes
9 August 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
by William Blum, Global Research, August 5, 2009
If you catch the CIA with its hand in the cookie jar and the Agency admits the obvious — what your eyes can plainly see — that its hand is indeed in the cookie jar, it means one of two things: a) the CIA’s hand is in several other cookie jars at the same time which you don’t know about and they hope that by confessing to the one instance they can keep the others covered up; or b) its hand is not really in the cookie jar — it’s an illusion to (…) -
The West has its own suicide bombers
9 August 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsBy John Feffer
The actor Will Smith is no one’s image of a suicide bomber. With his boyish face, he has often played comic roles. Even as the last man on earth in I Am Legend, he retains a wise-cracking, ironic demeanor. And yet, surrounded by a horde of hyperactive vampires at the end of that film, Smith clasps a live grenade to his chest and throws himself at the enemy in a final burst of heroic sacrifice.
Wait a second: surely that wasn’t a suicide bombing? Will Smith wasn’t reciting (…) -
23 July 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
ISI vs. CIA: When Spies Don’t Play Well With Their Allies TERRORIST GROUPS IN INDIA
July 9, 2009...4:21 pm Operation Blue Tulsi: 15 Years in Planning, 10 Years in Preparation and Today in Execution Jump to Comments
by Xavia Team
Every inquiry must start somewhere. We have chosen this inquiry to start in the late eighties when two junior intelligence officers one Pakistani other Indian faced each other on opposite sides of the law. The Pakistani intelligence officer had caught the (…) -
Tell ilgiornal Frankenstein in Afghanistan
1 July 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentTell IlGiornal Frankenstein in Afghanistan
It is hoped a Bellaciao reader, will translate this for Bellaciao, Italy.
An interview by journalist Stefano Lorenzeto appeared in Italy’s Ilgiornale. My name appears in a paragraph with Bin Laden and Zawahiri. Also 9-11 numerology, ESP and UFO’s appear part of the narrative by Professor Paone who was interviewed. The subject of the interview was his book on Al Qaida and 9/11, US twin towers attack. In a summary of the article written in Wall (…) -
Flight 11 DID NOT FLY on 911
23 June 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
4 commentsAmerican Airlines itself is the source for information that AA Flights 11 (North Tower) and 77 (Pentagon) did not fly on 911. These flights are critical to the the government’s crumbling cover up! Without those flights, Bush and his murderous co-conspirators will have to revise the big lie. They will have to concoct yet another cover story from the ground up! A cover up is on the brink of collapse when those guilty of capital crimes and high treason either turn on one another or are forced (…)
Troo Wit Troot
17 June 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
I am not Irish. However, I like the way they speak what is called, for no good reason I have been able to discover, "English," and hence I feel that even if what I have to say fails to make the kind of sense I have in mind at least I will have the satisfaction of having said it in a way I like. I did not do so well with Greek (see my "9/11 Aletheia"), having learned that aletheia does not rhyme with panacea but is pronounced "uh LAY thee uh," with the stress on the second syllable. It does (…)
CIA head suggests Cheney almost wishing U.S. will be attackedAuthor
16 June 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
WASHINGTON — CIA Director Leon Panetta says former Vice President Dick Cheney’s criticism of the Obama administration’s approach to terrorism almost suggests “he’s wishing that this country would be attacked again, in order to make his point.”
Monday 15th June, 06:10 AM JST
Panetta told The New Yorker for an article in its June 22 issue that Cheney “smells some blood in the water” on the issue of national security.
Cheney has said in several interviews that he thinks Obama is making (…) -
Video: “Anthrax War” Filmmakers on Capitol Hill
4 June 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
On June 3, 2009, filmmakers Eric Nadler and Bob Coen held a congressional screening, in the Canon Office Building, with respect to their riveting documentary, “Anthrax War.” They are also the co-authors of “Dead Silence: Fear and Terror on the Anthrax Trail,” a companion book to the film. Trailers for the documentary, and more detailed information about the investigative project of Nadler and Coen, which was done on a global scale, can be found at: http://www.anthraxwar.com/ As a result of (…)
The Truth Wars
27 May 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
by Michael David Morrissey
Why "Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice" is a misnomer.
I suspected it might happen, but I was hoping for the best from my fellow "scholars" in the 9/11 "research community." Instead, I got the worst. Hence the quotes, because I can no longer have confidence in either their "scholarship" or their sense of "community." This is important not because it tells us anything about 9/11, but because it tells us something about 9/11 truth-seekers. How can we expect to (…)