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Australia’s hung Parliament forshadows Afghan War Debate - yet "The Age" already censors the Awful Truth

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 5 September 2010

Wars and conflicts Parties Australia Gideon Polya

With the hung Parliament result in the recent Australian Federal Election a major crack has appeared in the US Alliance edifice of lies, propaganda and deception over 9-11, the War on Terror and the horrendously deadly, 8 million-victim wars of occupation still being waged in Occupied Iraq, Occupied Afghanistan (and elsewhere).

With 72 seats for Labor (the Labs) , 73 seats for the Liberal-National Party Coalition (the Libs), 1 Green seat, 1 Greenish independent (Andrew Wilkie) and 3 right wing Independents, a Governing Coalition will have to be formed to get a barely workable Government majority of 76 out of the 150 seats.

A key condition for Green and Greenish Independent support for Labor was a debate on the Afghan War. Further, Greenish Independent, former Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Wilkie, is famous for resigning his top intelligence post just before the invasion of Iraq in 2003, declaring that there was no hard evidence for Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) – a position supported by UN weapons inspectors at the time and subsequently vindicated after the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq (none were found).

Australia has a compulsory preferential voting system so that the second preferences of those voting for Minor Parties are added in if one of the Major Parties, the Liberal-National Party Coalition and Labor (the so-called Lib-Lbs), fail to get an absolute majority in any seat. In the 2010 Federal Elections the primary vote was 82% for the pro-war Libs or pro-war Labs, 12% for the anti-war Greens and 6% informal (defaced or otherwise invalid ballots). However the “2-party Preferred Vote” result was 49.99% for pro-war, pro-Zionist Labor and 50.01% for the pro-war, pro-Zionist Liberal-National Party Coalition (see: http://vtr.aec.gov.au/ ).

The US Alliance position, that the Mainstream media lying has made quite resistant to Truth, can be summarized by the following utterly and absurdly false propositions: (1) 9-11 was done by Muslim terrorists in caves to overthrow Western civilization; (2) although no Afghans were involved in 9-11 according to the “US “official version of 9-11” and despite the Afghan Government’s offer to hand over Osama bin Laden to a Third Country, Afghanistan had to be invaded to capture Osama, destroy Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in order to protect the world from “terrorism” (the goal has subsequently shifted to “installing US-approved democracy”) ; and (3) Iraq assertedly had Weapons of Mass destruction and assertedly represented a threat to the US, Europe and indeed the World (the goal has subsequently also shifted on Iraq to “installing US-approved democracy” i.e. murder or imprison all those you don’t like and then hold “democratic elections”).

The facts of the matter are that we don’t know exactly who did 9-11 but key scientific , military, and intelligence experts say that the US did 9-11 (very likely with Israeli complicity). The key scientific evidence is the discovery of unexploded nano-thermite high explosive in all WTC dust samples studied by Professor Niels Harrit from the prestigious Department of Chemistry of the 9-Nobel–Laureate University of Copenhagen (see” Experts: ”US did 9-11” . https://sites.google.com/site/exper... ).

Further, the Afghan Government offered to hand over alleged 9-11 master-mind, formerly US-backed Osama bin-Laden, to a third Country; no Afghan were involved in the 9-11 atrocity (according to the Bush Administration’s “official story”); and even the FBI’s Most Wanted List does not want Osama bin-Laden over 9-11.

Furthermore, Iraq did not have WMD; UK Deputy PM Nick Clegg recently told the British House of Commons that the Iraq Invasion was “illegal”; and former Director-General of UK Security Services (MI5) in 2002, Baroness Elizabeth Manningham-Buller, has reiterated that there was no hard evidence for Iraqi WMD and that the War on Terror has actually increased the terrorism threat.

And for all the neocon- and racist Zionist (RZ)-promoted “terror hysteria”, the fact is that while 7,000 Westerners have been allegedly killed by Muslim-origin non-state terrorists in the last 40 years (this including 2,000 Israelis illegally occupying Palestinian land and ignoring hard evidence that the US did 9-11), the number of violent deaths and non-violent avoidable deaths in the 21st century War on Terror now total about 8 million, the breakdown being 2.5 million (Occupied Iraq), 4.5 million (Occupied Afghanistan) and 0.8 million global opiate drug-related deaths due to US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from 6% of world market share in 2001 to over 90% today (see UN Office on Drugs and Crime, UN ODC, World Drug Report 2007: http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-... ; Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide: https://sites.google.com/site/iraqi... ; and Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide: ttps://sites.google.com/site/afghan... ) .

Nevertheless, in one part of the US Alliance, US lackey Apartheid Australia, some debate may now happen about the Afghan War and, necessarily also about the War on Terror, the illegal invasions and devastation of Afghanistan and Iraq and who did 9-11.

Many key questions about the War on Terror will now be put and answered in the Australian Parliament – and recorded officially in Web-published Hansard and often broadcast by the taxpayer–funded Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).

Because of the hung Parliament and the successful Greens demand for an Afghanistan War Debate, the following key questions that pro-war, pro-Zionist, neocon Mainstream media and politicians have successfully evaded this century will now be put (most likely correct answers in parentheses) – who did 9-11? )(the US, likely with Israeli involvement); how many Afghans have died? (4.5 million); how many Iraqis have died? (2.5 million); is the Afghan War illegal, an Afghan Holocaust, an Afghan Genocide and a war crime? (yes, yes, yes, and yes); is the Iraq War illegal, an Iraqi Holocaust , an Iraqi Genocide and a war crime? (yes, yes, yes, and yes); have politicians, media and intelligence officers lied about the War on Terror and are thus accessories to treason, war, mass murder, mass infanticide and war crimes? (yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes).

It is almost unbelievable that the Truth will now be told - albeit only in Australia due to a hung Parliament - given the extraordinary record of lying by omission and commission by the pro-war, pro-Zionist, neocon Mainstream media and politicians.

Thus consider the recent words of outstanding conservative American humanitarian Dr Paul Craig Roberts in an article entitled “Goodbye. Truth has died taking Liberty with it” (9/11 Blogger.com: http://911blogger.com/node/23027 ): “There was a time when the pen was mightier than the sword. That was a time when people believed in truth and regarded truth as an independent power and not as an auxiliary for government, class, race, ideological, personal, or financial interest. Today Americans are ruled by propaganda. Americans have little regard for truth, little access to it, and little ability to recognize it.. Truth is an unwelcome entity. It is disturbing. It is off limits. Those who speak it run the risk of being branded “anti-American,” “anti-semite” or “conspiracy theorist.” Truth is an inconvenience for government and for the interest groups whose campaign contributions control government. Truth is an inconvenience for prosecutors who want convictions, not the discovery of innocence or guilt. Truth is inconvenient for ideologues. Today many whose goal once was the discovery of truth are now paid handsomely to hide it…. America’s fate was sealed when the public and the anti-war movement bought the government’s 9/11 conspiracy theory. The government’s account of 9/11 is contradicted by much evidence. Nevertheless, this defining event of our time, which has launched the US on interminable wars of aggression and a domestic police state, is a taboo topic for investigation in the media. It is pointless to complain of war and a police state when one accepts the premise upon which they are based.”

Notwithstanding the hung Australian Parliament, whistle-blower Australian hero Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Wilkie and the Greens representative Adam Bandt in the Australian House of Representatives, and the adumbrated Afghanistan War Debate in the new Australian Parliament, the pro-Zionist, pro-war, neocon Mainstream media and politicians will do everything they can to stifle the Truth that decent folk like Dr Paul Crag Roberts demand.

The censorship of the Afghanistan War Debate in Australia has already begun in arguably Australia’s most liberal Mainstream newspaper, The Age newspaper of the Fairfax stable. It recently published a pro-war article by one Andrew Riddle (a journalism student at second ranking Wollongong University and former Australian soldier in the Australian Regular Army and is now in the Army Reserve) and entitled “Pulling out of Afghanistan won’t help Afghans” (see: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/so... ).

Some choice quotes from Andrew Riddle, no doubt informed by the appalling Mainstream reportage in Murdochracy Australia (where pro-war, pro-fossil fuels Mainstream Media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s News Limited owns 70% of Australian city newspapers): “It’s always easy to oppose war. War is awful. Awful, however, is not the same as simple. Simple is what the anti-war movement wants; it wants the war to be about American imperialism and stealing Third World resources, crowded with war crimes and founded on lies. It wants Afghanistan, in short, to be Iraq. But Afghanistan is not Iraq, and never was…. The Taliban were one of the most horrific regimes in recent history. They were worth overthrowing, and they are worth fighting… Perhaps the Afghanistan campaign is not worthy of unqualified support. Indeed, the tenacious culture of Pashtun resistance may make a staged withdrawal the best possible solution… However, with the break in the bipartisan grip on power, and more than half of the electorate now opposing our contribution to Afghanistan, it’s important to take the debate seriously, rather than choosing the feel-good option of simplistic pacifism… The decision to leave 38 million Afghans to sort it out themselves should not be easy or simple.

I sent the following informed, substantiated comment in response to the article by Andrew Riddle to The Age but it was completely censored - the Truth must not be told:

“The article is simplistic warmongering in making a highly flawed case for endless war against a remote, non-threatening country. It is also incorrect by commission and omission.

1. The population of Afghanistan is 27.2 million (2008; UNICEF) not “38 million” as stated.

2. The Taliban can be legitimately condemned for religious fundamentalism and for religious interpretations that violate the rights of females and women (cf US and Oz Christian fundamentalists). However the US Alliance grossly and murderously violates female rights in Occupied Afghanistan where 311,000 under-5 year old infants (half female) die each year (UNICEF), post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 2.4 million (half female), post-invasion avoidable deaths from deprivation total 3.5 million (half female; UN data) and the “annual death rate” is 7% for Occupied Afghanistan under-5 year old infants as compared to 4% for Poles in Nazi-occupied Poland and 5% for French Jews in Nazi-occupied France (Google Polish Holocaust, Afghan Holocaust). .

3. Those making war are obliged to adhere to the Geneva Convention. Thus Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War states that the Occupier must provide life-sustaining food and medicine to the Conquered Subjects “to the fullest extent of the means available to it” but in Afghanistan the Occupier permits an annual per capita total health expenditure of only US$29 as compared to $3,122 in Australia (WHO data) with horrendous consequences (see #2).

4. Post-invasion Afghan violent deaths and non-violent avoidable deaths from deprivation total 4.5 million with 3-4 million refugees - a US Alliance Afghan Genocide war crime violating the UN Genocide Convention.”

I may be jumping the gun, but this example tells me that the Afghanistan War Debate will be stifled by even the most ostensibly liberal Mainstream media in politically correct racist (PC racist), pro-war, pro-Zionist , genocide-complicit Apartheid Australia.

What can decent people do?

In the face of the continuing Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide, Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide, decent folk around the world must (a)
inform everyone they can about the Awful Truth that the Mainstream media try desperately to hide and (b) urge Sanctions and Boycotts against all people, politicians, corporations and countries complicit in these appalling atrocities.

In 1994 in Singapore an 18-year-old American Michael Peter Fay was sentenced to caning for theft and vandalism (for spray painting rather than for chewing gum spitting that the tidy Singaporeans also regard with extreme disapprobation). Caning is a routine court sentence in Singapore. Fay’s case was the first caning involving an American citizen. The number of cane strokes in his sentence was reduced from six to four after US officials requested leniency (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michae... ).

Such medically-supervised caning would be an appropriate punishment for cowardly, dishonest, unethical, holocaust denying and genocide denying Western journalists (both male and female) located in the Muslim World and who fail to report the horrendous magnitude of the ongoing Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide that has involved 0.6 billion avoidable deaths in the Muslim World since 1950 (see my book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”: http://globalavoidablemortality.blo... ) and 8 million deaths (mostly Muslims) in the genocidal, racist Zionist (RZ)-promoted War on Terror (for the horrendous dimensions of this ongoing catastrophe see “Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/musli... ).

I look forward to media reports of the first such modest punishments meted out to irresponsible, unethical, cowardly, lying, holocaust-complicit, holocaust-denying, genocide-complicit, and genocide-denying holocaust-complicit Australian journalists – they should consider themselves lucky for, after all, William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willia... ), the journalist apologist for genocidal Nazi Germany in World War 2, was arraigned, tried, convicted and hung by his neck until he was dead.