Grossly human rights-abusing Australia must be described as Apartheid Australia because both the major parties (the Liberal-National Party Coalition and the Labor Party, collectively known as the Lib-Labs and representing about 90% of the electorate) voted for race-based exclusion of Northern Territory Indigenous Australians from the protection of the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act (see: ).
However Apartheid Australia has gone much further than this offensive, race-based discrimination (…)
Home > Keywords > International > Australia
Australia’s war crimes & hypocrisy - acts on 1 WW2 death, IGNORES 23 million dead in US Asian wars
13 January 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
Genocide-complicit, genocide-ignoring Apartheid Australia honors Petraeus & votes NO to Goldstone at UN
10 November 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
Apartheid Australia has race-based Apartheid-style laws violating the human rights of Indigenous Australians and is involved in the continuing racist atrocities of the Iraqi Genocide and the Afghan Genocide.
Apartheid Australia makes donations towards the Palestinian Genocide tax deductible while making donors towards orphanages or hospitals in Israeli-besieged but internally democratically-elected Hamas-run Gaza Concentration Camp potentially liable for life imprisonment under Apartheid (…) -
Letter to the World re Climate Racism, Climate Terrorism & Climate Genocide by Apartheid Australia
25 September 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
Letter to the World re Climate Racism, Climate Terrorism & Climate Genocide by Apartheid Australia.
Dear Sir/Madam,
First World-imposed climate genocide is predicted (from estimates of top UK climate scientist Dr James Lovelock FRS) to kill 10 billion non-Europeans this century, this carnage including 6 billion under-5 year old infants, 3 billion Muslims (a Muslim Holocaust 500 times greater than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust or the "forgotten" WW2 Bengali Holocaust), 2 billion Indians, (…) -
Climate racist, climate criminal Apartheid Australia threatens Developing World with Climate Genocide
23 September 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
4 commentsAn Indian child is set to address the UN Climate Summit in New York. This 13 year old Indian child, Yugratna Srivastava, can tell the world leaders - including PM Kevin Rudd (aka KRudd), the leader of climate criminal, functional climate change denier, climate liar, climate racist, climate terrorist and world-leading per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) polluter, anti-Asian, anti-Indian Apartheid Australia – of the acute threat man-made climate change poses to the children of the world. (…)
Greens blockade Developed World’s dirtiest power planet - Hazelwood, Victoria, Climate Criminal Australia
15 September 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
Climate racist First World countries like climate criminal Apartheid Australia are polluting the common atmosphere of the Earth and threatening Africa and Asia with a Climate Genocide this century that will kill 10 billion non-Europeans as surely as if nuclear terrorism-linked Apartheid Australia got its UK, Apartheid Israeli or US pals to drop thermonuclear weapons on African and Asian countries.
European countries are set on a deliberate (if necessarily unspoken) course of finally (…) -
Get Climate Criminal Apartheid Australia to ICC for Climate Racism, Climate Terrorism, Climate Genocide
6 September 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
Global warming-threatened nations should urgently take Climate criminal Apartheid Australia to the International Criminal Court (ICC) over Climate Racism, Climate Terrorism and Climate Genocide.
The First World continues to ignore worsening, First World-imposed, Climate Racism and Climate Genocide that is set to kill 10 billion non-Europeans this century due to unaddressed climate change, this including 6 billion infants, 3 billion Muslims, 2 billion Indians, 0.5 billion Bengalis, 0.3 (…) -
Pro-Zionist, pro-war, pro-coal Australian Labor Government opposed by anti-racist Jews against Zionism
20 July 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
Outstanding, anti-racist Jews against racist Zionism (see: ) not only try to protect Humanity from anti-Arab anti-Semitic racist Zionist atrocities and racist Zionist (RZ)-backed US Alliance atrocities, their principled humanitarian statements also deny the false, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic canard of the racist Zionists and their backers that all Jews support these horrendous crimes against Humanity. For all decent, anti-racist Jews and indeed all anti-racist humanitarians the core moral (…)
Letter to the World re Oz, US War Crimes, worsening Climate Genocide & 3 billion victim Muslim Holocaust
13 June 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
Dear Fellow Terran,
Re US Alliance & Australian (Oz) War Crimes & Climate Genocide.
Murder is the deliberate, knowing taking of human life. According to Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention, Mass Murder or Holocaust becomes Genocide when it involves deliberate, knowing “intent to destroy in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group”. [1].
Genocidal mass killing can occur violently (through bombs and bullets) or non-violently (through deprivation and (…) -
Australian racism 1. 2,000 Indians protest racist anti-Indian violence in Melbourne, Australia
2 June 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
Racist White Australia has a long history of egregious violent racism towards Indigenous Australians (as in the ongoing Aboriginal Genocide in which 9.000 Indigenous Australians are passively murdered by White Australia each year), Africans (against white Afrikaaners in the Boer War and black Africans in the Sudan War), Semites (Jews, Arabs and Arab-culture Muslims), Asians (mainly Indochinese, Koreans, Indians, Afghans, Iraqis and Arab-culture Muslims through discrimination and (…)
US & Australia criminalize Muslim charity (zakkat) - 65 years for Palestinian Mandela’s aid to orphans
31 May 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
The UK BBC has just reported that the founder members of what was once the biggest Muslim charity in the US have each been jailed for 65 years for giving money to aid the orphans from Israeli killings of Occupied Palestinians.
Shukri Abu Baker, 50, and Ghassan Elashi, 55, were convicted of channelling funds to the Palestinian militant group, Hamas. Three other members of the Holy Land Foundation were jailed for between 15 and 20 years by a Dallas court. The charity was found guilty last (…)