Australia (or more precisely Apartheid Australia because of its continuing race-based perceptions, regulations, laws and policies) has an appalling 222 year history of complicity in 22 genocides, from the ongoing Aboriginal Genocide that commenced in 1788 with invasion of Australia to the ongoing Afghan Genocide (2001-2010) (see “Australia’s secret genocide history”: ).
Australia has a more recent 60 year history as a cowardly, greedy and racist lackey of a violent, racist and genocidal (…)
Home > Keywords > International > Australia
Pro-war, pro-US, pro-Zionist Australian Lib-Lab MPs defy Australian people over Afghan War => Sanctions?
31 October 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
Australian Federal Labor & Victorian State Labor Government lies and slies hide climate change inaction
15 October 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
Top climate scientists say that we must reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2 ) concentration to about 300 parts per million (ppm) from the current disastrous 392 ppm for a safe planet for all peoples and all species. However world governments are hell-bent on increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution.
This disastrous inaction is most apparent in the “brown coal” state of Victoria in climate criminal Australia, a world leader in annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution and the (…) -
IAJV statement: anti-racist Australian Jews condemn Apartheid Israel’s violations of International Law
8 October 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV) is an organization of anti-racist Jews who demand equal human rights for Palestinians (see: ).
IAJV has issued a powerful and ethical statement by means of public advertisements condemning Israeli violations of International Law. (see: ).
The following advertisement appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald and Australian newspapers on 9 October 2010 and Australian Jewish News on 8 October 2010.
“The attitude we (…) -
Australia’s hung Parliament forshadows Afghan War Debate - yet "The Age" already censors the Awful Truth
5 September 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
With the hung Parliament result in the recent Australian Federal Election a major crack has appeared in the US Alliance edifice of lies, propaganda and deception over 9-11, the War on Terror and the horrendously deadly, 8 million-victim wars of occupation still being waged in Occupied Iraq, Occupied Afghanistan (and elsewhere).
With 72 seats for Labor (the Labs) , 73 seats for the Liberal-National Party Coalition (the Libs), 1 Green seat, 1 Greenish independent (Andrew Wilkie) and 3 right (…) -
"Don’t mention the War": 50 Questions Australian ABC TV Q&A wouldn’t ask Opposition Leader Tony Abbott
17 August 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
The taxpayer-funded Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), the Australian equivalent of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), has a TV program moderated by presenter Tony Jones and called Q&A. In Q&A selected studio audience members or viewers submit questions to a panel of 5 MPs, commentators or other public figures (all but one panellist usually being quite right wing) (see: ).
In my view, the ABC achieves "balance" by positioning its editorial policy between the (…) -
ABC FOS: Questions Q&A won’t ask of pro-war, pro-coal, pro-gas, pro-Zionist Australian PM Julia Gillard
10 August 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
Australia’s post-Coup, pro-war, pro-coal, pro-gas, pro-Zionist Labor PM Julia Gillard appeared in a stultifying episode of the TV Question and Answer TV program "Q&A" but 50 Elephant in the Room questions (listed below) were not put - the unspoken narrative of the current election campaign in Murdochracy and Lobbycracy Australia (right wing Libs versus right wing Labs, with the anti-war, pro-environment Greens hoping for 15% of the vote) is "Don’t mention the war".
The (…) -
Afghan Genocide, WikiLeaks, Denial & Western media censorship of 4.5 million post-invasion Afghan deaths
29 July 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
Western genocide denial and holocaust denial: despite WikiLeaks, there is massive Western media censorship of 4.5 million post-invasion Afghan deaths from Australia-complicit US-imposed war and deprivation.
WikiLeaks is celebrated for breaking through the Anglo-American, Zionist and neocon Wall of Silence and exposing US Alliance atrocities in Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan. However as the example below demonstrates, Western Mainstream Media (MSM) such as leading Australian (…) -
Censorship & suppression in Murdochracy, Lobbycracy & neocon Lib-Lab-dominated Australian 2010 elections
19 July 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
Australia is going to the polls in August. However Australian voters have not got that much to choose between: an extreme right wing, pro-war, pro-coal, pro-Zionist, human rights-abusing Liberal Party-National Party Coalition Opposition (the Libs) and an extreme right wing, pro-war, pro-coal, pro-Zionist, human rights-abusing Labor Government (the Labs) led by PM Julia Gillard, these overwhelmingly neocon politicians being collectively known as the Lib-Labs.
At the last election (2007) (…) -
BZE Zero Carbon Australia Stationary Energy Plan launch: 100% renewable energy by 2020 for A$370 billion
16 July 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentWednesday 14 July 2010: Launch of Beyond Zero Emission’s Australian Sustainable Energy Zero Carbon Australia Stationary Energy Plan for 100% renewable energy by 2020 for A$370 billion.
50 volunteer engineers and other experts of the Australian NGO Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE) and the University of Melbourne’s Melbourne Energy Institute (MEI) have developed a plan to provide 100% renewable energy for Australia within 10 years.
Wednesday 14 July 2010 saw the launch at the University of (…) -
Climate Wars: Science, Climate Emergency Network & “gas is dirty energy” vs Environment Victoria’s "gas"
9 July 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
Climate Wars: Science, Climate Emergency Network (CEN) & “gas is dirty energy” versus Environment Victoria (EV) “clean energy” marketing spin & PR incorrectly implying that "gas is clean energy."
The excellent, science-informed, Victoria-based Climate Emergency Network (CEN), the leading Victorian environmental activism group Environment Victoria (EV) and other climate action groups (CAGs) have joined forces in a campaign to replace the Victorian Hazelwood power station , one of (…)