ISR Issue 46, March-April 2006
Race, class, and "whiteness theory"
Adapted from Sharon Smith’s new book, Subterranean Fire: A History of Working-Class Radicalism in the United States (Haymarket Books, April 2006). Sharon Smith is also the author of Women and Socialism: Essays on Women’s Liberation (Haymarket Books, 2005). Her writings appear regularly in Socialist Worker newspaper and the ISR.
GIVEN THE depths of (…)
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Race, class, and "whiteness theory" By SHARON SMITH
7 April 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
The European Union
7 April 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
Steven McGiffen interviewed by Ed Lewis March 21, 2006 UKWatch
An updated version of The European Union: A Critical Guide, by Steven McGiffen[1], was recently published by Pluto Press. Ed Lewis of UK Watch put some questions to him about it.
Lewis: Could you briefly describe the content of your book and your main reasons for writing it?
McGiffen: Some years ago one of my sons, who was at university at the time, told me that if students wanted to find out anything about how the (…) -
Little known Shakespeare: Bush speaks
6 April 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
These passages, culled from Shakespeare, reveal the truth about our "noble" leader.
"I have touched the lowest point of all my greatness, and from this full meridian of my glory haste now to my settling. I am falling like a gasped exhalation,and men hope to see me no more"
"I see your pockets are full of dicontent,your hearts of sorrow,and your eyes of tears"
"I observe my shakey reputation is at stake, and my undeserved fame is shrewdly gored"
"The dragon wing of RIGHT espreads the (…) -
War And Death of The American Dream
2 April 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
I hve written a book called WAR AND DEATH OF THE AMERICAN DREAM that details how the Global Elite have stolen our government and used it against the American people to establish their New World Order. I make it easy for everyone to connect the dots and figure out what the media, politicians, and bankers don’t want you to know. The Global Elite is a toxic cancer that means to bury out freedoms and liberties once and for all so that they can rule the world. Please check out this book at (…)
Francis Fukuyama and the neoconservatives
29 March 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsby LOUIS MENAND
On February 10, 2004, the columnist Charles Krauthammer gave the annual Irving Kristol address at the American Enterprise Institute, in Washington. The lecture was called “Democratic Realism: An American Foreign Policy for a Unipolar World.” It defended the Bush Administration’s policies of unilateralism and preëmption, and proposed that their application be defined by means of a doctrine: “We will support democracy everywhere, but we will commit blood and treasure only in (…) -
The Lies of Bernard-Henri Lévy By Doug Ireland (In these times)
16 March 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
Bernard-Henri Lévy is so ubiquitous in France’s media that he is universally referred to as BHL. But in Parisian intellectual and journalistic circles he is known by the moniker BHV-the French department store that sells anything and everything. BHL had hoped to sell himself to the United States with American Vertigo, in which he travels the United States “in the footsteps of Tocqueville.” No one is buying.
American Vertigo reminds me of that old movie, If It’s Tuesday, This Must Be (…) -
6 March 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
Written By Mike Schiller Plastic boxes save me from confusion The world around me seeming so unreal They told me this was all just an illusion I wish it were but that’s not how it feels The data may not change the situation Alarming but I’m calm and I can see Persistent and intense exacerbation This isn’t how it’s really supposed to be Big brother’s not my brother They’re watching but not over The power’s out of hand Big brother’s not my brother Our nation made a blunder We’ve got to (…)
Is Hell Too Good for the Iraqi Warmongers? (Satire)
3 March 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
1 comment“Abandon every hope who enter here.” - Dante Alighieri
The first book of Dante’s “The Divine Comedy,” is simply called, “Inferno.” It deals with the author’s descent into hell, guided by the greatest poet of antiquity, Virgil. (1) The purpose of the journey is to free the writer of his “temptation to sin.” (2)
Born in 1265, in Florence, Italy, which was then a notable Republic, Dante became involved in politics as a young man, but he made the mistake of making an enemy out of a (…) -
Robert Fisk: Who Benefits from a Civil War in Iraq
3 March 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
19 commentsLateline Video: Robert Fisk
TONY JONES: Well, Robert Fisk is one of the most experienced observers of the Middle East and in his latest book, ’The Great War for Civilisation - the Conquest of the Middle East’, he draws on almost 30 years of reporting from his base in Lebanon to look at the forces which have shaped current events and conflicts Robert Fisk, thanks for being there.
TONY JONES: Now, unless you’ve changed your position (…) -
World War Order vs. Fair World Order
3 March 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
"During a meeting in Bulgaria, the Master Peter Deunov asked the following question: ‘In your view, what is the difference between the old teaching and the new?’ As nobody gave the right answer, the Master said: ‘The old teaching shows us how to take, and the new one teaches us how to give.’ There it is, so simple and clear... although it takes a great deal of explanation, of course, for people to understand what giving and taking mean in all areas of life. Faults such as selfishness, anger, (…)