Home > Bush US & racist White Australia back Apartheid Israeli Gaza Massacre (…)

Bush US & racist White Australia back Apartheid Israeli Gaza Massacre (435/4 death ratio)

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 3 January 2009

Wars and conflicts International Australia

White Australia has an entrenched culture of racism that these days is covered over with a veneer of “political correctness” i.e “politically correct racism” or “PC racism”. Thus Australia justifies its continuing major military role in the Occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories in terms of “love” for the Iraqi and Afghan people – while ignoring its involvement in what must be described as an Iraqi Genocide and an Afghan Genocide (post-invasion excess deaths 02 million and 4-6 million, respectively; post-invasion under-5 infant deaths 0.6 million and 2.1 million, respectively; refugees totalling 6 million and 4 million, respectively) (see “9-11 excuse for US global genocide. The real 9-11 atrocity: millions dead (9-11 million) in Bush wars (1990-2008)”: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/251...).

A powerful example of Australian “politically correct racism” or “PC racism” is given by appalling death statistics for its Indigenous Aboriginal Subjects, Indigenous Iraq Subjects and Indigenous Afghan Subjects (noting that Australia last year said “Sorry” to Indigenous Australians while continuing the Aboriginal Genocide; see “Stolen generations. Aboriginal Genocide” : http://mwcnews.net/content/view/20242/42/ and “Australia’s secret genocide history. La Trobe, “Bundoora Eucalyptus” & Black Crimes of White Australia”: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/221... ).

Thus from the medical literature data and the latest UN Population Division data (see: http://esa.un.org/unpp/ ), the “annual death rate” is 2.2% (Indigenous Australians aka Aboriginal Australians, Black Australians or Aborigines), 2.4% (Indigenous Australians in Australia’s Northern Territory), 2.5% (for SHEEP in Australian paddocks), 2.5% (Occupied Iraqi under-5 year old infants) and 6.3% (Occupied Afghan under-5 year old infants) – as compared to 10.2% for Australian prisoners of war of the Japanese in World War 2 (for which war crime Japanese generals were tried and hanged).

Back in the “bad old days” of 1947 Australian Labor Government, notoriously racist Australian Immigration Minister Arthur Calwell notoriously stated “Two Wongs [i.e. Chinese] do not make a White”. Now, with 435 Gazans murdered in 7 days in reprisal for 4 Israelis killed by Gazan missiles in the same period, the pro-Zionist, Bush-ite White Australian media and right-wing Lib-Labs (Liberal-National Party Coalition Opposition and and Labor Party Government) are saying that 435/4 = 109 Arabs do not make a White.

This is what Australian Acting PM Julia Gillard (of the extreme right wing, racist, pro-Zionist, pro-Bush, war criminal and climate criminal Australian Federal Labor Government) is reported as saying by Yahoo (see: “[Australian Acting PM] Gillard refuses to criticize Israel”: http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/-/latest... ), QUOTE: ""I’ve made clear on behalf of the Australian government our very deep concern about the resumption of violence. Our condemnation of the actions of Hamas in shelling into southern Israel .Our concern about civilian casualties. Our concern about the humanitarian situation in Gaza."

While undoubtedly WRONG (and indeed stupid and massively counterproductive) the firing of rockets and mortars from Gaza has killed a total of 28 Israelis in 8 years (as estimated from media and Israeli ministry of Foreign Affairs data; see “List of Qassam rocket attacks”: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o... ) corresponding to an “annual death rate” of 0.5 Israelis per million as compared to that for Israelis killed by homicide, mostly by acquaintances or relations (15 per million), Americans (56 per million), African-Americans (200 per million), Americans from Guns (100 per million) or citizens of Detroit, Michigan, USA (473 homicides per million per year) (for detailed statistics see “America’s Most Murderous Cities: http://www.forbes.com/2007/11/08/mu... ).

In contrast to the extreme right-wing, Bush-ite, war criminal and climate criminal Australian Labor Government, the anti-racism, humanitarian, pro-Peace, pro-Planet Green Senator Dr Bob Brown DEPLORED the grossly disproportionate Israeli violence: "[deplore] the violent and disproportionate action by Israeli leaders... Australia’s voice should also be raised against the threat of an imminent invasion of Gaza by the Israeli army and instead push for internationally-brokered peace talks."

Top Melbourne newspaper “The Age” reports UN concerns over FAMINE and the imminent invasion of the densely populated Gaza Strip (Gaza Concentration Camp, Gaza Bantustan, Gaza Prison) by Apartheid Israeli tanks: http://www.theage.com.au/world/fami... .

The only thing racist White Australia, Bush-ite America, Bush-ite "democratic imperialist" UK and Apartheid Israel will understand are Sanctions and Boycotts that were successfully applied against US-, UK-, White Australia- and Apartheid Israel-backed Nazi-style Apartheid regime in South Africa for "merely" denying one-man-one-vote to Africans , Indians and other non-Europeans (and "only" using armed police- rather than the military - to kill 69 Africans in its worst domestic mass murder atrocity, the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharpe... ).

The Palestinians killed /Israelis killed "death ratio" in the last week is currently 435/4 = over 100 to 1, as compared to the Hitler-ordered Nazi German reprisals "death ratio" of 10 to 1 in the Ardeatine Caves Massacre of March 1944 in which 335 Italian men and boys were executed in reprisal for the killing of 33 German soldiers by Italian partisans (see Nazi Germany-Apartheid Israel comparisons . Israeli Enemy/Israeli death ratios exceed Nazi Enemy/Nazi death ratios": http://mwcnews.net/content/view/275... ).

The Gaza Massacre is but ONE PART of over 60 years of Apartheid Israeli Palestinian Genocide: post-1967 in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Occupied Palestinian excess deaths total 0.3 million; under-5 infant deaths total 0.2 million; and there are 7 million Palestinian refugees world-wide. 4,300 Occupied Palestinians (including 2,400 under-5 year old Palestinian infants) are passively murdered by Apartheid Israel EACH YEAR by war criminal non-supply of life-sustaining food and medical requisites unequivocally demanded of Occupiers by Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (see: http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/92.htm ) - a Palestinian Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention (see: http://www.edwebproject.org/sidesho... ).

“Democratic Nazi” , racist Zionist (RZ)-run Apartheid Israel is a racist, anti-Asian, anti-African, and anti-South American nuclear terrorist state that has been conducting an anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic and anti-Christian Palestinian Genocide for over 60 YEARS – while the racist, pro-Zionist, holocaust-ignoring Mainstream media and politicians of the Western Murdochracies such as racist White Australia simply look the other way.

All decent people must apply comprehensive, personal and collective, intra-national and international SANCTIONS and BOYCOTTS against genocidal Apartheid Israel and its racist, genocidal US, UK, EU and White Australian backers – just as they SUCCESSFULLY did against US-, UK-, EU-, White Australian- and Apartheid Israel-backed Apartheid South Africa decades ago for “merely” denying Africans, Indians and other non-Europeans equal rights and “one-man-one-vote”.