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Canadian Grotesque: The Warmongering GG, her Friendly Fascist Fuhrer and the 2010 Winter Games

by Open-Publishing - Monday 5 October 2009

Canada-Québec Sports

Jean Rejects Idea of Games-time Truce in Afghanistan

"Shortly after signing on as official patron of the Olympic Games for the 2010 Winter Games, Governor General Michaelle Jean rejected a suggestion Monday that a truce be imposed on Canadian military action in Afghanistan for the 17 days of the Olympics. "I think we must build peace in Afghanistan, and that’s what our soldiers are trying so hard to achieve..." in her earlier remarks to the truce forum the Governor General recalled joining Canadian soldiers in an emotional chorus of John Lennon’s anti-war anthem, ’Give Peace a Chance..’"

Prime Minister Stephen Harper: ’Canada has no history of colonialism’

"We also have no history of Colonialism.."

Olympic Resistance Network

No Olympic Games on Stolen Lands!

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