Home > Christmas message: If you have faith in God ... how would He expect you to (…)

Christmas message: If you have faith in God ... how would He expect you to react?

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 24 December 2005

Edito International Religions-Beliefs History Mary MacElveen

by Mary MacElveen

To all of our readers around this planet I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Happy Hannukah and a Happy Kwanza ... no matter how we express ourselves during this season, it is far more important to do so with love in our hearts.

The other day, taking a cab to the market, in conversation with a Jewish cab driver, I asked him his take on how we should express what is in our hearts during this season. He said: "If someone wishes me a Merry Christmas, I take that as a sign of good will" ... and that, folks is the very lesson of this season.

During this past year, we have seen what hatred can do.

We have seen the horrors of Iraq, the genocide in Dafur and the victims of Katrina.

You may ask why I include Katrina, which was a natural disaster. That is because through hate, greed and lies, United States forces were concentrated in Iraq ... and the end result was where innocent people were left behind.

If we truly have love in our hearts, we must find some way of reaching out to others to stop the hate.

We have seen the hate expressed by those who were responsible for the attacks in London, Bali and those who have seized any opportunity they can in Iraq based upon some higher belief. That is completely off base since no God that I know would condone the killing of innocent people.

During these times of great loss, it is my belief that God is crying a multitude of tears.

To those in the United States, in Venezuela and other parts of the globe who have written angry letters in response to my editorials, I want to state that how I write is from the heart and that I must point out human suffering in the hope that humanity can correct it.

Is it so wrong to feed and treat the poor when they are sick? Is it so wrong to speak out against unbridled greed when humanity is suffering? Just look into your hearts.

If you have faith in God: How would He expect you to react?

To those who have written wonderful letters in support of my editorials here at VHeadline.com, all of you have been the wind beneath my wings. You have often inspired me, kept me going and reaffirmed for me that I was on the right path. During these past few months you gave me a gift that I will always cherish by taking time out of your busy schedules. Your kindness. A writer could not ask for a better gift.

I want to express my thanks to Roy S. Carson who has given me this wonderful venue to reach out to each and everyone of you. He is not only my editor, but a dear friend. I also want to thank my fellow colleagues here at VHeadline.com. They too have become dear friends.

I would like to leave all of you with this quote by the late Mother Theresa: "There is much suffering in the world ... physical, material, mental. The suffering of some can be blamed on the greed of others. The material and physical suffering is suffering from hunger, from homelessness, from all kinds of diseases. But the greatest suffering is being lonely, feeling unloved, having no one. I have come more and more to realize that it is being unwanted that is the worst disease that any human being can ever experience."

Should you find yourself alone during this season, go out and find a stranger and express to them some human kindness.

If we can end the suffering of being alone, we shall realize that we are all in this together.

Mary MacElveen


Forum posts

  • This article is such a convlution of messages it’s depressing.

    1. Mr Bush has no more business in a message of peace than Hitler.

    2. Faith in God has no value unless the life lead is one of selflessness.

    3. "Just because" it’s the year end feast days of some religions is no reason that ’good will’ should suddenly blossom, only to wilt in the weeks ahead. In fact, THAT it seems to blossom only once a year give rise to suspect its genuinity. Why not on March 2nd? Why not August 14th?

    I find it hypocritical to the extreme for religions to pride themselves on their ’messages of peace’ at this ’special time of year’. There are 365 days in a year. These feast days are no more ’special’ than any other of the 355 days when people are suffering and hungry and homeless, sick, malnourished et al. God would certainly find no difference. Why is it you do?

    Wake up humanity - God will not fix what you have destroyed. He expects YOU to fix it. EVERY DAY.

    The Solstice is upon us - the Light returns.

    • March 2006 - a month that will go down in infamy. Next year will be worse than we can imagine.

    • ya gotta love the lefties. always bitchin’ about the homeless, hungry, diseased, the dying and the poooor. they must love ’em a lot, cos every time they get in power they do everything they can to create more of them.

  • Hate begins at the top & trickles down contaminating all who choose to follow the edicts of the corrupt emperor. Hey it happened before in Germany. Now it is happening in Amerika. Only human beings who have conviction and faith that transcends worldly illusions, see how morally bankrupt many so called leaders are. Leaders who utter platitudes for peace as their policies and bombs destroy Gods children, are the very vipers Jesus warned people about. A nation whos actions are so inhumane should not proclaim love of humanity. Love heals rather than to harm. Love builds rather than destroys. Bush saying he has a culture of life is blatant lie. Nothing new. Lies are all that come out of the WH office.

    Love is a verb, an action. So is hate. Words mean nothing if a persons (or an administrations) actions contradict.

    Many believe that Katrina was a man made tragedy. Literally. There was a stand down of support. Despite the fact that days BEFORE the hurricane, Bush and Company knew she was about to hit. Yet the first responders that were here and ready were commanded to not respond? The radios frequencies were deliberately disabled. And there are numerous reports of people in NOLA that heard explosions. The levees were blown deliberately, is the consensus of witnesses of the events in NO, as well as a diver that found burnt evidence as he inspected the damage. Besides the fact that the flood occured AFTER the hurricane had passed, the following day AFTER when any potential danger no longer existed. Besides the fact that Katrina was not as powerful as they said she would be. 2+2 do NOT equal 5. The official tales never do add up do they?

    Human beings fear the displeasure of God, if you have faith and protect your own humanity by protecting others human rights, peace, homes, freedoms,etc,. Whatosoever ye want for yourself if you are a believer, you will wish for all other human beings. A persons morality can be measured by whatever he deems acceptable if it happens to other human beings.

    I am appalled by the segment of Amerikans that justify tortures and wars. Thank God the majority of Amerikans are against this immoral imperial state.

    And those with faith, pray for those human beings who are poor, who are sick, who are lonely, , who are in occupied lands, who are persecuted.... remember the innocent, there is a world full of humans in need of your prayers. Yes actively do for those whom you can. That is good. But pray for the countless others whom you will never meet. When Jesus said love thy neighbor he meant the whole world.

    • "And those with faith, pray for those human beings who are poor, who are sick, who are lonely, , who are in occupied lands, who are persecuted.... remember the innocent, there is a world full of humans in need of your prayers"

      Prayers of petition imply that God is ’not on the throne’ and needs help and prompting from the human side to know what to do. It is at once ludicrous and egotistical

      This idea that ’thinking, or praying’ about the misfortunes of the vast majority of humanity will somehow help those in need may tends to ease the conscience of those doing the praying - only. "I’ve done my part" they feel, "I prayed for you!". Well, think again.

      God has no little magic wand to wave over the underprivileged to fix their plight simply because you or I reqest it. And He certainly does not act specifically on the whims and pathetic bleetings of humans. God knows the existence and condition of all of humanity individually - for He DWELLS WITHIN all humanity. It is OUR job to fix the ills of this world.

      Stop making requests of an ’outside’ God and start embracing the Divine Spark within. God is not separate from its creation. God is WITHIN US. Humanity is a Divine creation from the lowest to the highest - ALL are part of God. WE are his tools, his magic wand. It is our job.

      Religions would have us believe that we are grovelling worms at the feet of Deity for that helps to keep religions in power. Religions deliberately manipulate the collective mind of humanity.
      There is no religon higher than Truth - the Truth that humanity contains the Spark of God within itself. The cosmos is the temple - humanity is the Arc.

    • hey, 64.***.49, get off yer holy roller high horse an’ quit yer preachin’. separate yer church and yer state. yew can worship yer god and i’ll worship mine.

    • hey 64.***.49. it’s called tolerance. got any?

  • George W. Bush wouldn’t be president today if the Democrats thought that winning and preventing WWIII was more important than gay marriage in this time of HIV. I guess the wages of sin really are death.


    • gay marriage? inna pig’s eye! the homosexual lifestyle is built on promiscuity, partying and ostentatious display. the whole "gay marriage" thing is a political trojan horse engineered to drag the rest of society down to their level.

  • It never ceases to amaze me that there are so many "holier than thow"s who have nothing better to do that sit at there computers trying to put down people who are just trying to do a little bit of good. So what if this article isn’t exactly perfect for you? Instead of putting so much effort into trying to tear it apart and replace it with your own version of the perfect vision why not just try and show a little humility and respect and leave it alone? Why not go out on the streets and tear down christmas trees in the shopping malls if you feel that strongly about your own correctness?

    • http://www.counterpunch.org/madsen04222003.html

      Bush’s "Christian" Blood Cult
      Concerns Raised by the Vatican

      George W. Bush proclaims himself a born-again Christian. However, Bush and fellow self-anointed neo-Christians like House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, John Ashcroft, and sports arena Book of Revelations carnival hawker Franklin Graham appear to wallow in a "Christian" blood lust cult when it comes to practicing the teachings of the founder of Christianity. This cultist form of Christianity, with its emphasis on death rather than life, is also worrying the leaders of mainstream Christian religions, particularly the Pope.

      One only has to check out Bush’s record as Governor of Texas to see his own preference for death over life. During his tenure as Governor, Bush presided over a record setting 152 executions, including the 1998 execution of fellow born-again Christian Karla Faye Tucker, a convicted murderer who later led a prison ministry. Forty of Bush’s executions were carried out in 2000, the year the Bush presidential campaign was spotlighting their candidate’s strong law enforcement record. The Washington Post’s Richard Cohen reported in October 2000 that one of the execution chamber’s "tie-down team" members, Fred Allen, had to prepare so many people for lethal injections during 2000, he quit his job in disgust.

      Bush mocked Tucker’s appeal for clemency. In an interview with Talk magazine, Bush imitated Tucker’s appeal for him to spare her life - pursing his lips, squinting his eyes, and in a squeaky voice saying, "Please don’t kill me." That went too far for former GOP presidential candidate Gary Bauer, himself an evangelical Christian. "I think it is nothing short of unbelievable that the governor of a major state running for president thought it was acceptable to mock a woman he decided to put to death," said Bauer.

      A former Texas Department of Public Safety officer, a devout Roman Catholic, told this reporter that evidence to the contrary, Bush was more than happy to ignore DNA data and documented cases of prosecutorial misconduct to send innocent people to the Huntsville, Texas lethal injection chamber. He said the number of executed mentally retarded, African Americans, and those who committed capital crimes as minors was proof that Bush was insensitive and a "phony Christian." When faced with similar problems in Illinois, Governor George Ryan, a Republican, commuted the death sentences of his state’s death row inmates and released others after discovering they were wrongfully convicted. Yet the Republican Party is pillorying Ryan and John Ashcroft’s Justice Department continues to investigate the former Governor for political malfeasance as if Bush and Ashcroft are without sin in such matters. Hypocrisy certainly rules in the Republican Party.

      Bush’s blood lust has been extended across the globe. He has given the CIA authority to assassinate those deemed a threat to U.S. national interests. Bush has virtually suspended Executive Orders 11905 (Gerald Ford), 12306 (Jimmy Carter), and 12333 (Ronald Reagan) which prohibit the assassination of foreign leaders. Bush’s determination to kill Saddam Hussein, his family, and his top leaders with precision-guided missiles and tactical nuclear weapon-like Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) bombs is yet another indication of Bush’s disregard for his Republican and Democratic predecessors. It now appears that in his zeal to kill Hussein, innocent civilian patrons of a Baghdad restaurant were killed by one of Bush’s precision Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs). Like it or not, Saddam Hussein was recognized by over 100 nations as the leader of Iraq — a member state of the United Nations. Hussein, like North Korea’ Kim Jong Il, Syria’s Bashir Assad, and Iran’s Mohammed Khatami, are covered by Executive Order 12333, which the Bush mouthpieces claim is still in effect. Bush’s "Christian" blood cult sees no other option than death for those who become his enemies. This doctrine is found no place in Christian theology.

      Bush has not once prayed for the innocent civilians who died as a result of the U.S. attack on Iraq. He constantly "embeds" himself with the military at Goebbels-like speech fests and makes constant references to God when he refers to America’s "victory" in Iraq, as if God endorses his sordid killing spree. He makes no mention of the children, women, and old men killed by America’s "precision-guided" missiles and bombs and trigger-happy U.S. troops. In fact, Bush revels in indiscriminate blood letting. Since he never experienced such killing in Southeast Asia, when he was AWOL from his Texas Air National Guard unit, Bush just does not seem to understand the horror of a parent watching one’s children having their heads and limbs blown off in a sudden blast of shrapnel or children witnessing their parents burning to death with their own body fat nurturing the flames.

      Bush and his advisers, previously warned that Iraq’s ancient artifacts and collection of historical documents and books were in danger of being looted or destroyed, instead, sat back while the Baghdad and Mosul museums and Baghdad Library were ransacked and destroyed. Cult leaders have historically attempted to destroy history in order to invent their own. The Soviets tried to obliterate Russia’s Orthodox traditions, turning a number of churches into warehouses and animal barns. Cambodia’s Pol Pot tried to wipe out Buddhism’s famed Angkor Wat shrine in an attempt to stamp out his country’s Buddhist history. In March 2001, while they were negotiating with the Bush administration on a natural gas pipeline, Afghanistan’s Taliban blew up two massive 1600-year old Buddhas in Bamiyan. The Bush administration, itself run by fanatic religious cultists, barely made a fuss about the loss of the relics. It would not be the first time the cultists within the Bush administration ignored the pillaging of history’s treasures.

      The ransacking of Iraq’s historical treasures is explainable when one considers what the blood cult Christians really think about Islam. Franklin Graham, the heir to the empire built up by his anti-Semitic father, Billy Graham, has decided being anti-Muslim is far more financially rewarding than being anti-Jewish. Billy Graham, history notes from the Nixon tapes, complained about the Jewish stranglehold on the media and Jews being responsible for pornography.

      Franklin Graham continues to enjoy his father’s unfettered and questionable access to the White House. But in the case of Bush, the younger Graham has a fanatic adherent. Graham has called Islam a "very evil and wicked" religion. He then announces he wants to go to Iraq. Graham obviously sees an opportunity to convert Muslims and unrepentant Eastern Christians, who owe their allegiance to Roman and Greek prelates, to his perverted form of blood cult Christianity. Graham says he is ready to send his Samaritan’s Purse missionaries into Iraq to provide assistance. Muslims and mainstream Christians are wary that Graham wants to exchange food, water, and medicine for the baptism of Iraqis into his intolerant brand of Christianity. In the last Gulf War, Graham could not get away with his chicanery. The Desert Storm Commander, General Norman Schwarzkopf, stopped dead in the tracks Graham’s plan to send 30,000 Arabic language Bibles to U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia. Today’s Pentagon shows no such compunction to put a rein on Graham. It invited him to give a Good Friday sermon at the Pentagon to the consternation of the Defense Department’s Muslim employees. To make matters worse, under Bush’s "Faith Based Initiative," Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse stands to receive U.S. government funds for its proselytizing efforts in Iraq, something that should be an affront to every American taxpayer.

      Bush’s self-proclaimed adherence to Christianity (during one of the presidential debates he said Jesus Christ was his favorite "philosopher") and his constant reference to a new international structure bypassing the United Nations system and long-standing international treaties are worrying the top leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. Well-informed sources close to the Vatican report that Pope John Paul II is growing increasingly concerned about Bush’s ultimate intentions. The Pope has had experience with Bush’s death fetish. Bush ignored the Pope’s plea to spare the life of Karla Faye Tucker. To show that he was similarly ignorant of the world’s mainstream religions, Bush also rejected an appeal to spare Tucker from the World Council of Churches - an organization that represents over 350 of the world’s Protestant and Orthodox Churches. It did not matter that Bush’s own Methodist Church and his parents’ Episcopal Church are members of the World Council.

      Bush’s blood lust, his repeated commitment to Christian beliefs, and his constant references to "evil doers," in the eyes of many devout Catholic leaders, bear all the hallmarks of the one warned about in the Book of Revelations - the anti-Christ. People close to the Pope claim that amid these concerns, the Pontiff wishes he was younger and in better health to confront the possibility that Bush may represent the person prophesized in Revelations. John Paul II has always believed the world was on the precipice of the final confrontation between Good and Evil as foretold in the New Testament. Before he became Pope, Karol Cardinal Wojtyla said, "We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through. I do not think that wide circles of the American society or wide circles of the Christian community realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel." The Pope, who grew up facing the evils of Hitler and Stalin, knows evil when he sees it. Although we can all endlessly argue over the Pope’s effectiveness in curtailing abuses within his Church, his accomplishments external to Catholicism are impressive.

      According to journalists close to the Vatican, the Pope and his closest advisers are also concerned that the ultimate acts of evil - the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon - were known in advance by senior Bush administration officials. By permitting the attacks to take their course, there is a perception within the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy that a coup d’etat was implemented, one that gave Bush and his leadership near-dictatorial powers to carry out their agenda.

      The Pope worked tirelessly to convince leaders of nations on the UN Security Council to oppose Bush’s war resolution on Iraq. Vatican sources claim they had not seen the Pope more animated and determined since he fell ill to Parkinson’s Disease. In the end, the Pope did convince the leaders of Mexico, Chile, Cameroon, and Guinea to oppose the U.S. resolution. If one were to believe in the Book of Revelations, as the Pope fervently does, he can seek solace in scoring a symbolic victory against the Bush administration. Whether Bush represents a dangerous right-wing ideologue who couples his political fanaticism with a neo-Christian blood cult (as I believe) or he is either the anti-Christ or heralds one, the Pope should know he has fought the good battle and has gained the respect and admiration of many non-Catholics around the world.

    • The christmas tree is a Pagan symbol - So are the lights on it. Holly and Ive are Pagan symbols, Mistletoe is a Pagan symbol. The evergreen wreath is a Pagan symbol.

      It amazes me that so many holy rollers have no idea that their precious belief is built upon pagan symbolism. The conglomeration of non-christian symbols that christianity has become would be laughable if it weren’t so sad. Sad because it’s a hodge-podge of ignorance.

      I don’t need prayers from anyone and my prayers won’t help anyone. I prefer direct intervention. Working at homeless shelters and random acts of giving. Those are a few things that actually help people, instead of ’praying’ that some unseen, unknowable, intangible, exterior super-hero will help them.

      All people are my brothers and sisters - not just those who happen to believe what I believe.

      I’m so glad the holiday is over. The religious won’t feel obilgated now to wish me ’good will’ and they can get back to their yellow ribbons and supporting war.

    • While it is true pagan symbols abound in the secular world, the intent of the faithful is to do good and support the efforts of those they beileve, are doing the same thing. Whether you call it being spiritual or deluded, the fact remains that the followers of prayer and any other spiritual incantation, has been proven to cause an effect. Call it a collective psychic force or, an answer. The intent is good and, IMHO, more energy spent dwelling on good, rather than evil, will ultimately lead to a better world for us all.

      While it’s a documented fact that all Republican presidents and, many our nations leaders participate in occult rituals at Bohemian Grove. With Democrats and Republicans being two sides of the same coin, can it be any wonder that the will of the governed be damned.

      I say we should be glad that the topic of "Seasonal Joy and Love" comes around every year. It gives us pause to reflect on just how badly we missed opportunities during the year. Hope is not a bad thing if you care to act upon it. Being pro-active is much more postive than finding fault in good intent.

    • oh how the antichrist can deceive!!!

    • Bush proved to me he was saintly.
      The only man to receive his repreive from a death sentence was Henry Lee Lucas. :)
      Oh, and his brother JEB cut Ottis Toole slack from the death penalty in Florida.
      The Konfomist has an interview of Ottis Toole. Both he and Henry Lee were partners in murder, cannibalism, sadism....you name it. AH! That’s why they got pardoned, they found a soft spot in the Bush brothers heart. lol

    • preachin’ again 64.***.49? you got yer own church yet?

    • Church is a building - the temple of God is in the heart. If it’s not in the heart, you won’t ever find it in that building. When did christianity become the sole proprietor of truth?

    • to hear you endlessly prate on, one gets the impression that you are [or think you are] in sole possession of the truth..................and, actually, "church" is the naturalized european form for the Latin "ecclesia", which refers to the people, the members, the human assets of Christianity, not, as you incorrectly state, "a building". Like most religious fanatics you never seem to tire of being wrong.

    • "...actually, "church" is the naturalized european form..."

      Actually the "church" is an institution. It consists of a heirarchy of poli/religio professionals claiming divine heritage. None of which have any more ’influence’ with God than my rose bushes. The "institution" gained power through the intervention of Constantine and through a series of law which successfully outlawed paganism up to and through the 5th century. It did not gain power through it’s purported message of the ’gentle prince of peace’. It usurped and incorporated all forms of paganism into it’s myth and social agenda. The institution itself is bent on mind control and monetary benefit for itself alone.

      The ’church’ is on its last leg - although it’s currently divesting itself into other forms of control and corporate benefit.

      All of humanity is one brotherhood. Religions divide man into warring camps.
      Remember, God is free - no doctrines required.

    • Fear not God, but watch carefully the bastard who collects taxes to build weapons to expand his empire so as to collect more taxes, and employ more tax collectors, and more soldiers, and more weapons, and more soldiers, oh, and more palaces, and more palace guards, and n.....news just in, that the fat bastard tax collector called cheney dick has been hospitalised, ....(maybe), of course, there is a God.

    • So which God will be sending the next message.

      Will that be the catholic god, the jewish god, or the muslim god. Perhaps the the bhuddist god, or even the mormon god.

      What the world really wants to know is how god relaxes, fishing perhaps? golf? or maybe he likes reading the funnies....ah if only we knew.

    • How about the leftist god? The one whos mummified corpse is still worshipped in his shrine on red square?

    • Well, well; it seems my comrade 64...49 is the Max Planck of political discourse....One small problem though: The definition I offered comes directly from the Oxford English Dictionary. I make the mistake of correcting his abuse of the english language and he seizes the bit in his teeth and he’s off and running with another religious tirade. Chill, Comrade...We get it..It’s a very popular, even faddish stance to take these days, but, until you educate yourself about your perceived enemy you would be better served by remaining silent. Your ignorance is an embarrassment. A few examples, if I may: 1. The primitive church never "outlawed" paganism. 2. Your "gentle Prince of Peace", by word count, spoke more about Hell than any other subject and is quoted as saying: "I bring not peace, but a sword." 3. The church’s membership is larger, and growing faster than ever before. 4.Mankind doesn’t need religion to hate himself and his brother [although it has proven to be a useful pretext] ............consider your own religion: Militant atheistic leftism, between the years of 1917 and 1987 is responsible for the violent murders of over 100,000,000 people [30 to 40,000,000 in the Gulag alone]..............God is free???! Kewl!! I like free stuff!!...........Give up preaching 64...49; You are no good at it.

  • We should be able to say what we want to say it is Christ Birthday..that is Merry Christmas

    • Say merry christmas, by all means. In the privacy of your own home.
      But not on every occasion to everyone you meet.

      Some take offence.
      Some do not.

      Best place for religion is the history book.

    • 68**159***you try so hard to mock and discredit 64***49*** but what he said makes so much more sense than your snobbish rants.

    • Upon this rock I will build My Church,good enough for ya?

    • Wonder if they take offense at their holyday pay?