by David R. Hoffman
Ladies and gentlemen:
During the Memorial Day Holiday, it is customary to honor those courageous individuals who lost their lives in the numerous wars America has fought during its two hundred and thirty years of existence. But it goes without saying that nobody questions the bravery, the commitment and the sacrifice made by those intrepid men and women.
So, in today’s world, it is perhaps more fitting to devote a Memorial Day Speech to the cowards, the liars, the (…)
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David R. Hoffman
Memorial Day speech
30 May 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
American Morality Scam
8 August 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
9 commentsby David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of PRAVDA.Ru
Several years ago I worked for a company whose manager would routinely say “Life isn’t fair” whenever he cheated an employee out of a raise or benefits. A few years later, while in law school, I listened in stunned silence as an adjunct professor, who also worked as a prosecuting attorney, nonchalantly remarked “Oh well!” after informing my class that a man she believed was innocent had just been found guilty.
These two examples, and (…) -
24 May 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
6 commentsby David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of PRAVDA.Ru
The Bells did not toll in remembrance on April 9, 2006. The flags did not fly at half-mast. The rubbish that passes for “news” in the world of corporate-controlled media did not mention his name. Even the glut of television programs and networks devoted to the sycophantic worship of “celebrities” failed to acknowledge him.
He was, after all, a man of substance, and substance finds no home in a culture obsessed with sensationalism and (…) -
22 March 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
55 commentsby David R. Hoffman
I once saw a bumper sticker that read: “I’ve never made a mistake. I thought I did once, but I was wrong.”
Well I have made a mistake. And today I must apologize to loyal PRAVDA.Ru readers, and to the thirty percent of Americans still enamored with the Bush dictatorship.
George W. Bush is not evil. He’s just stupid.
On second thought, this stupidity does make him susceptible to the Machiavellian machinations of evil men, like Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Donald (…) -
23 February 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
By David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of PRAVDA.Ru
January 23, 1983 marked a pivotal point in an otherwise mundane life. On that date, my first article entitled, “Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday Should Be a National Holiday” was published, thus beginning a writing career that culminated with me being named the Legal Editor of the English language edition of PRAVDA.Ru
After that eventful day, I spent hours reading books and researching articles about other lesser known, but equally (…) -
Why Did It Take So Long?
20 January 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
6 commentsWhy did it take so long? 01/19/2006 17:15
It was not surprising to discover that George W. Bush chose to illegally spy on American citizens
I only have one question: Why did it take so long? In previous Pravda.Ru articles (Bush vs. Hitler, The Great American Treason, Articles of Impeachment and Indictment for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, The Death of the Bill of Rights, Parts I and II, and others), I warned of the clear and present danger the Bush dictatorship represents to America’s (…) -
6 December 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
by David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of Pravda
One frequent criticism of my articles for PRAVDA evolves from my propensity to reference my past articles in more recent ones. Some attribute this proclivity to vanity, laziness or some other ulterior motive.
The truth, however, is not as complicated or self-serving. I simply want to remind readers that there were some, like myself, who recognized the corruption, venality, hypocrisy and mendacity of George W. Bush and his minions long before (…) -
Articles of impeachment and indictment for high crimes and misdemeanors
8 August 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
5 commentsby David R. Hoffman legal Editor of Pravda.Ru
During the build-up to the illegal invasion of Iraq, some, particularly in the foreign media, accused Bush of wanting war simply for the sake of war
As I was researching and preparing notes for this article, the bombings in London occurred. In the wake of these tragic events, I became outraged by the number of right-wing warmongers in America who callously exploited these attacks in a vacuous attempt to justify the Bush (…) -
Pandora’s box of flag-burning ban
27 June 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsby David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of PRAVDA
There is a new threat to freedom in America. This threat does not come from any foreign government classified as an “enemy,” nor from any terrorist group or organization.
This threat comes from the Congress of the United States.
In 1989, in the case of TEXAS vs. JOHNSON, the United States Supreme Court ruled that burning the American flag was a constitutionally protected form of protest under the First Amendment’s “freedom of speech” clause, (…) -
Great Lies of the American free press
28 May 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
8 commentsby David R. Hoffman
Is freedom of the American press a myth?In several previous PRAVDA articles, I discussed the Bush dictatorship’s prominent use of Adolph Hitler’s "great lie theory" - the political tactic where a leader fabricates "great lies," then "eternally" repeats them until a significant portion of the population comes to accept them as truth. The Bush dictatorship also discovered a residual benefit of the "great lie theory": People are often so myopic or so embarrassed by their (…)