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"Don’t mention the War": 50 Questions Australian ABC TV Q&A wouldn’t ask Opposition Leader Tony Abbott
by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 17 August 2010Wars and conflicts Australia Gideon Polya
The taxpayer-funded Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), the Australian equivalent of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), has a TV program moderated by presenter Tony Jones and called Q&A. In Q&A selected studio audience members or viewers submit questions to a panel of 5 MPs, commentators or other public figures (all but one panellist usually being quite right wing) (see: http://www.abc.net.au/tv/qanda/ ).
In my view, the ABC achieves "balance" by positioning its editorial policy between the extreme right wing, pro-war, pro-coal, pro-Zionist Liberal-National Party Coalition and the extreme right wing, pro-war, pro-coal, pro-Zionist Labor Party (collectively known as the Lib-Labs). The Libs are currently in Opposition and the Labs are in Government Federally.
Having submitted many important questions to Q&A without any being asked I thought it would be instructive for decent folk all around the World to see what Elephant in the Room questions that Australian ABC Q&A won’t ask.
Accordingly, I have created a website called “Questions Q&A won’t ask” as a public record of extraordinary Mainstream media censorship in pro-war, pro-coal, pro-Zionist, human rights-abusing Murdochracy and Lobbyocracy Australia.(see: https://sites.google.com/site/quest... ) .
On Monday 16 August there was a special Q&A program in which the sole panellist was Liberal-National Party Coalition Leader of the Opposition Tony Abbott.
Tony Abbott’s opponent in the current Australian Federal elections is Australia’s pro-war, pro-coal, pro-Zionist Labor PM Julia Gillard who had supplanted the previous PM Kevin Rudd in the overnight 24 June 2010 pro-Zionist-led Coup. To irreverent Australians who love nicknames, PM Julia Gillard is variously also known as (aka) Queen Coal, Julia Caesar, Julia Dullard, Julia Bollard, Rudd in a dress, Rudd in skirts, KRudd in a dress, KRudd in skirts, Wicked Witch of the West, Madame La Guillotine, and Guillotine.
PM Julia Gillard made a solo appearance on Q&A the week before and, of course, had been protected from scrutiny by being fed the most pathetic questions (for the awful details see “50 Elephant in the Room Questions Q&A didn’t ask pro-war, pro-coal, pro-Zionist PM Julia Gillard (“Don’t mention the war”): https://sites.google.com/site/quest... ).
Below are 50 Elephant in the Room questions for Tony Abbott that were not put by Q&A, substantially because the unwritten Australian Mainstream media rule in this extraordinarily spin-obsessed Australian election campaign is “Don’t mention the War” (for details of the actual program consult: http://www.abc.net.au/tv/qanda/ ).
1. Last week at the Sydney Town Hall launch of the Beyond Zero Emissions Zero Carbon Australia 2020 Report, [leading Coalition MP and former Coalition Leader] Malcolm Turnbull endorsed this expert plan for 100% renewable energy for Australia by 2020. Will you do likewise?
2. UNICEF reports that 311,000 under-5 year old infants die each year in Occupied Afghanistan, 90% avoidably and due to US Alliance war crimes in violation of the Geneva Convention. How is this consistent with your personal Right to Life beliefs and who has been advising the Coalition?
3. UNICEF reports that 311,000 under-5 year old infants die each year in Occupied Afghanistan, 90% avoidably and due to US Alliance war crimes in violation of the Geneva Convention. Can you explain Labor and Coalition policy that helps to violently impose childlessness on over 300,000 Afghan mothers each year?
4. Post-invasion under-5 year infant deaths in Occupied Afghanistan total 2.4 million, 90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes in violation of the Geneva Convention. How is this consistent with your personal Right to Life beliefs and who has been advising the Coalition?
5. Post-invasion under-5 year infant deaths in Occupied Afghanistan total 2.4 million, 90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes in violation of the Geneva Convention. Can you explain why Labor and Coalition policy has helped to violently impose childlessness on millions of Afghan mothers?
6. You assert that Australia is in Afghanistan because of terrorism – yet top Australian insurgency expert Colonel David Kilcullen says that there has been minimal Al Qaeda presence there since 2001. Can you please explain contrary Coalition policy and reveal who is advising you?
7. Labor-ruled Australia was involved in Iraq for nearly 2 years and in Afghanistan for nearly 3 years. Yet MI5’s chief, Australia’s Colonel Andrew Wilkie, UN Chief weapons Inspector Hans Blix and many other experts say there were no Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction. Can you please explain Coalition war policy and reveal who is incorrectly advising you?
8. The British Deputy PM Nick Clegg of the rightwing Liberal Democrat-Tory UK Coalition Government has stated in the House of Commons recently that the Iraq Invasion was illegal. Should Australians, including complicit Labor and Coalition politicians, be prosecuted for war crimes in Iraq?
9. Former President of the Australian Liberal Party. John Valder, has called John Howard a war criminal for the illegal invasion of Iraq. Should Australians, including complicit Labor and Coalition politicians, be prosecuted for war crimes in Iraq?
10. Former PM Kevin Rudd and post-Coup PM Julia PM Gillard and PM Rudd have both been castigated for not attending National Security Committee meetings. In view of expert overseas advice that there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction, that the Iraq Invasion was illegal and that the Iraq and Afghan Wars have increased the terrorist threat, how have both the Labor and Coalition Governments been given dangerously false advice?
11. Labor- and Coalition-ruled Australia was ostensibly involved in both Iraq and Afghanistan over terrorism. Yet MI5 chief Baroness Manningham-Buller testified to the Chilcot Inquiry that invading Iraq and Afghanistan has increased the terror threat in Britain. Can you please explain and reveal how the Coalition is being advised so incorrectly?
12. Major General Albert Stubblebine, former head of US Army Intelligence, has stated that the World Trade Center was explosively demolished on 9-11 and that the US Government has been lying to us ever since. Labor- and Coalition-ruled Australia was ostensibly involved in both Iraq and Afghanistan over 9-11. Can you please explain and reveal who is advising the Coalition so incorrectly? The perpetrators?
13. Professor Niels Harrit of the Chemistry Department, 9-Nobel-Laureate University of Copenhagen, Denamrk, found unexploded nanothermite high explosive in all World Trade Centre dust samples studied i.e. the US did 9-11. Can you please reveal who is advising you otherwise? The perpetrators?
14. Former President of Italy and intelligence intimate Professor Francesco Cossiga has stated that the US CIA and Israel Mossad did 9-11 for US and Zionist hegemony. Can you please reveal who is advising you otherwise? The perpetrators?
15. Apart from former PM Rudd expelling an Israeli diplomat, that upset your Israeli and Zionist friends, the Labor Government has done nothing to protect Australian sovereignty and border security from Israeli state terrorist forging of Australian passports and has not acted against the Israelis and Australians involved. Can you please explain why the Coalition has not demanded that the Government protect Australia’s border security from Israeli state terrorism?
16. Apart from former PM Rudd saying it was “deplorable” , to the concern of its Israeli and Zionist friends, the Labor Government has not demanded extradition of Israeli and Australian Israeli terrorists involved in murderous attacks on Australians on the Gaza Aid Flotilla in international waters. Can you please explain why the Coalition Opposition has not demanded firm action?
17. The Labor Government, the Opposition and the Australian Federal Police have been sent a detailed dossier setting out 50 ways in which Australian and Israeli racist Zionists threaten Australians and Australian security – yet no action has been taken. Can you please explain why not?
18. 800,000 Palestinian children are highly abusively incarcerated in Israel’s Gaza Concentration Camp without charge or trial and for the crime of being Indigenous Palestinians living in their own country. Yet last year after the Gaza Massacre (1,400 Gazans killed versus 0 Israelis from rockets the previous year) then Deputy PM Gillard led a pro-Zionist delegation to Israel. Why did you not protest this action?
19. Hamas won 76 seats out of 132 in the Occupied Palestinian elections in 2006 held under Occupier guns. Yet both Labor and Coalition call Hamas “terrorists” and support the Israeli-installed Palestinian Government and Apartheid Israel that denies a vote for the Government ruling the Holy Land to 90% of Palestinians. Can you please explain this to anti-racist Australians?
20. British Conservative PM David Cameron has described Gaza (1.5 million inmates, half children and three quarters women and children) as a “Prison”; eminent Jewish American scholar Professor Noam Chomsky says likewise; and the Catholic Church has described it as a Concentration Camp. Why does the Coalition support Apartheid Israel when it is committing horrendous war crimes against women and children?
21. Under Labor and the Coalition Northern Territory Indigenous Australians excluded from the protection of the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act and then under Labor ditto to Afghan refugees and Tamil refugees.. Will the Coalition extend this deeply offensive discrimination to even more people? To all Indigenous Australians? To all refugees? To Italians? To Jews? To Catholics?
22. Australia has 0.3% of the World’s population and its Domestic plus Exported gas pollution is about 3% of the World’s total. Currently Australia’s greenhouse gas pollution per capita under Labor is 60 times that of Bangladesh and makes Arthur Calwell’s "2 Wongs don’t make a White" looks quite innocuous. Surely "all men are created equal" means "equal per capita GHG pollution"?
23. The US EPA re-valued a human life at US$6.9 million several years ago when this was worth Australian $10 million. Accordingly the 10 million violent and non-violent avoidable deaths associated with US Middle East wars (mostly women and children) cry out for reparations of Australian$100 trillion (Australia’s circa 1% share, means Australia$1 trillion). Should Australia pay up?
24. Eminent scholars, writers and international lawyers now refer to an Iraqi Genocide, an Afghan Genocide and a Palestinian Genocide with associated violent and non-violent excess deaths now totalling about 10 million. Why does Australia, with its US Alliance and Israeli friends, continue to grossly violate the UN Genocide Convention and the Geneva Convention?
25. Iran eschews nuclear weapons and invasion of other countries. However Australia has routinely invaded and occupied other countries with the US since 1950 and is intimately involved in US nuclear terrorism. Can you please explain?
26. 9,000 Indigenous Australians die avoidably each year due to gross poverty and a 2 to 3 –fold under-funding of Aboriginal health. Can you please explain this atrocity?.
27. Consult the "My School" site and you will quickly discover that more than twice as many children from a particular top Melbourne private school get to university (61%) as compared to children from a particular impoverished Melbourne Government school (30%). Why do Labor and the Coalition betray kids from Labor-voting families?
28. Consult the "My School" site and you will quickly discover that more than twice as many children from a particular top Melbourne private school get to university (61%) as compared to children from a particular impoverished Melbourne Government school (30%). Do you think that Labor under-funding of state schools imply a deliberate policy of keeping future voters in safe Labor seats as ignorant as possible?
29. The new Gillard Government is evidently even more pro-Zionist that the Rudd Government – yet as reported by Jews Against Racist Zionism, many outstanding Jewish scholars are publicly opposed to the crimes of racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel. By rejecting the advice of outstanding anti-racist Jews can both Coalition and Labor be seen as anti-Jewish anti-Semitic?
30. A new book, “The Plight of the Palestinians”, co-authored by some very famous anti-racist Jewish scholars, talks of an ongoing Palestinian Genocide. By utterly rejecting the advice about the Palestinian Genocide from eminent anti-racist Jews can Labor and Coalition be seen as anti-Jewish anti-Semitic as well as anti-Arab anti-Semitic ?
31. Very prominent anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish writers condemn an Apartheid Israel that is seen by some to be the greatest threat to Jews since the Nazi era. By utterly rejecting the advice of such eminent anti-racist Jews can Labor and Coalition both be seen as anti-Jewish anti-Semitic?
32. Heroes in the fight against Apartheid Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Tutu and Jewish South African hero Ronnie Kasrils condemn an Apartheid Israel. Yet Labor and tha Coalition consistently support a genocidal, race-based Apartheid Israel. Can you please explain?
33. In 1946 Australia’s first Australian–born Governor General, eminent Jewish Australian Sir Isaac Isaacs condemned Zionism for the threat it posed to both Palestinians and to Jews, threats that have been horribly realized in subsequent decades. Why do the Coalition and blindly pro-Zionist Labor totally reject the advice of Sir Isaac Isaacs and other eminent anti-racist Jews?
34. Labor has not just betrayed Kevin Rudd. Pro-war, pro-coal, pro-gas and pro-Zionist Labor has also betrayed anti-war, pro-environment and anti-racist Labor voters. Why should not such Labor supporters now vote 1 Green and put Labor last?
35. Labor ministers have repeatedly and incorrectly referred to gas as “clean energy” whereas, depending upon the extent of gas leakage, gas burning can be dirtier than coal burning. Will you publicly correct this oft-repeated Labor falsehood in the interests of the education of our children?
36. 255 top US scientists, 11 of them Nobel Prize winners and all members of the prestigious US National Academy of Sciences, have issued a 2010 Open Letter on climate change action in which they state “Delay is not an option”. Can you explain why both Labor and Coalition have anti-science policies of climate change inaction?
37. The Synthesis Report of the 2,500-delegate 2009 Copenhagen Scientific Climate Conference concluded that “Inaction is inexcusable” . Can you explain why both the Coalition and Labor reject the science and opts to continue a policy of inaction?
38. Top scientists and economists want a revenue neutral Carbon Tax and slam a Carbon Trading Emissions Trading Scheme or ETS approach as empirically ineffective, dangerously counterproductive and inherently fraudulent. Can you explain why Labor supports an ETS approach rejected by top scientists and economists and why the Coalition rejects a Carbon Tax?
39. Top climate scientists say that we must urgently reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration from the current dangerous and damaging 390 parts per million to a safe and sustainable 300 parts per million as soon as possible. Can you explain why both the Coalition and Labor reject the science and are hell-bent on increasing Australia’s greenhouse gas pollution?
40. World Bank analysts have recently estimated that man’s greenhouse gas pollution is 50% bigger than thought and that livestock is responsible for over 51% of the bigger figure. Yet the Labor-Turnbull ETS completely and permanently excluded agriculture. Does this mean that Labor will insist on keeping at least half of Australia’s huge greenhouse gas pollution forever? What will you do?
41. Britain’s former Chief Scientist has said that Britain must rapidly reduce its annual per capital greenhouse gas pollution 6–fold to that of India. To do likewise Australia would need a 25-fold reduction. Can you explain why both the Coalition and Labor reject the science and is hell-bent on increasing Australia’s greenhouse gas pollution?
42. Gillard Labor has already disposed of a noted Queensland icon Kevin Rudd. However the anti-science climate change inaction policies are set to destroy the Great Barrier Reef that, incidentally, employs 70,000 people in tourism. Can you explain what both Labor and the Coalition have against the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, other Queensland icons and against Queensland jobs?
43. Australia is the world’s worst per capita greenhouse gas polluter. CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology are predicting catastrophic temperature rises this century. Can you explain why both Labor and the Coalition reject the science and are hell-bent on increasing Australia’s greenhouse gas pollution?
44. The Coalition and Labor have made Australia complicit in what scholars call the Iraqi Genocide, the Afghan Genocide and the Palestinian Genocide. Now scholars refer to the looming Climate Genocide that is set to kill 10 billion non-Europeans if climate change is not addressed. Can you expect anti-racist Jewish or non-Jewish Australians to vote for either the Coalition’s and Labor’s policies of inaction?
45. You are publicly pro-Life and pro-Mother. Can you explain why both Labor and the Coalition help to violently impose childlessness on over 300,000 Afghan mothers each year?
46. You are publicly pro-Life and pro-Mother. Can you explain why both Labor and the Coalition have helped to violently impose childlessness on millions of Afghan mothers?
47. You surely believe that “all men are created equal”. Can you please explain why you deny marriage to same sex couples?
48. The National History Curriculum ignores genocidal Anglo-American atrocities of the 20th and 21st centuries notably the World War 2 Bengali Genocide (6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death in the 1943-1945 Bengal Famine). What is the Coalition’s stance on holocaust denial?
49. The Coalition has offered $1.5 billion towards the acute Mental Health crisis that impacts many Australians – but Labor only offers a paltry $0.3 billion. How do you explain Labor’s continuing policy of outrageous neglect towards the mentally ill?
50. Pre-Coup PM Rudd described the people smugglers who try to find safe have for several thousand refugees “scum” who should “rot in hell”. How then would you describe the genocidal Australian, US Alliance and Israeli war-makers and violent occupiers who have generated about 22 million Muslim refugees in the first place?
In 1945 many Germans said that “they didn’t know” about the Holocaust atrocities (30 million Slav, Jewish and Gypsy dead) that had happened during the war. Australians in general are also unaware of the atrocities in which they are complicit because of the holocaust denial and genocide denial of Australian Mainstream media in relation to the ongoing Palestinian Genocide (1967-2010 excess deaths 0.3 million), Iraqi Genocide (4.4 million violent and non-violent excess deaths, 1990-2010), Afghan Genocide (4.5 million violent and non-violent excess deaths, 20010-2010), Muslim Holocaust (post-1950 excess deaths from deprivation total 0.6 billion) and worsening Climate Genocide (10 billion non-Europeans predicted to die avoidably this century due to unaddressed, man-made climate carnage) (see “Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/musli... ).
However for present day Australians the Awful Truth is only a few mouse-clicks away. Don’t let the politically correct racist (PC racist), "look the other way" or just plain uninformed Australians get away with the plea of ignorance, that “they didn’t know” – tell everyone you can.