by Sasha Lilley
The town of Columbus, Nebraska, bills itself as a "City of Power and Progress." If Archer Daniels Midland gets its way, that power will be partially generated by coal, one of the dirtiest forms of energy. When burned, it emits carcinogenic pollutants and high levels of the greenhouse gases linked to global warming.
Ironically this coal will be used to generate ethanol, a plant-based petroleum substitute that has been hyped by both environmentalists and President George (…)
Home > Keywords > Environment > Energy
Green Fuel’s Dirty Secret
6 June 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
31 May 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
10 commentsby William Fisher Amid the ever-escalating rhetoric between the United States and Venezuela, the president of the oil-rich Latin American country, Hugo Chavez, has been busily scoring points with low-income American consumers. Under a program sometimes dubbed petro-diplomacy, Citgo, Venezuela’s wholly-owned gas and oil subsidiary, has been providing discounts of up to 60 per cent on heating oil to poor communities in the U.S. The program is currently operating in Maine, Massachusetts, (…)
Globalization’s Watchdogs
31 May 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
4 commentsby Mark Engler
When Bolivian President Evo Morales announced plans to nationalize his country’s oil and natural gas resources in early May, he did more than lay out a promising path for development. He also provided an ideal opportunity to illustrate how large segments of the U.S. and British press have adopted roles as watchdogs for corporate globalization. Since Bolivia’s energy exports go to Brazil and Argentina rather than the United States, and since the nationalization is unlikely to (…) -
Enron’s Schemes "The Very Nature of Profit-Based, Market Capitalism"
28 May 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsby Wallace Roberts
Despite the conviction of a couple of bad apples at Enron, its top management is not the real culprit in this case. The real culprit is a bad idea: deregulation of the natural gas and electric power industries.
Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling, the former chairman and CEO respectively, can be said to be just "sharp traders," businessmen who did what the free market demands of rational players: take advantage of every loophole they could find to make a profit.
Early (…) -
The Great Iraq Oil Grab
28 May 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
The official reasons the U.S. invaded Iraq don’t hold water. So, as the man said, follow the money ... straight to the oil fields.
By Joshua Holland
There’s a story, perhaps apocryphal, that Pentagon planners wanted to name the invasion of Iraq, "Operation Iraqi Liberation." Only when someone realized that the acronym — O.I.L. — might raise some uncomfortable questions, was "Operation Iraqi Freedom" born.
Supporters of the Iraq war airily dismiss chants of "no blood for oil" as a (…) -
New Estimate of Venezuela’s Total Oil Reserves Makes It the Grandest of Grand Prizes for US
23 May 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
6 commentsNew Estimate of Venezuela’s Total Oil Reserves Makes It the Grandest of Grand Prizes for US - by Stephen Lendman
I just finished reading an important new book the author’s publisher sent me, which I’ll shortly be reviewing for publication. The book is investigative journalist (and in his words "forensic economist") Greg Palast’s latest foray into exposing the hidden from view crimes and wrongdoings of the Bush administration. I’m very familiar with Palast’s important work and can only (…) -
20 May 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
Venezuela Considers Selling Oil in Euros
Friday, May 19, 2006 By: Michael Fox -
Caracas, Venezuela, May 18, 2006-Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez declared on Tuesday that Venezuela would consider putting the sale of its oil in Euros. His comments come after Iran had announced that it too is contemplating switching to the European currency.
“That was an interesting proposal made by the president of Iran,” Chavez (…) -
19 May 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsStudy: Exxon Valdez Oil Lingers in Alaska by Dan Joling Oil spilled by the Exxon Valdez 17 years ago extends farther into Alaska’s tidal waters than previously thought and could be causing long-term harm to wildlife, a study concludes.
Research chemist Jeffrey Short and colleagues at the National Marine Fisheries Service in Juneau concluded that oil was found between the high- and low-tide lines where predators such as sea otters and sea ducks may encounter it while disturbing (…) -
Venezuela Proposes Discounted Heating Oil to Low-Income Europeans
16 May 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
Monday, May 15, 2006 By:
Caracas, Venezuela, May 15, 2006-Yesterday, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez proposed providing a low cost heating oil program to low income Europeans. The proposal comes after Venezuelan subsidiary Citgo provided a well received heating oil subsidy to hundreds of thousands of households across six states in the US.
“I want to modestly offer help to the poorest people who in winter, don’t have (…) -
State Department Memo: "16 Words" Were False
16 May 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
12 commentsBy Jason Leopold
Sixteen days before President Bush’s January 28, 2003, State of the Union address in which he said that the US learned from British intelligence that Iraq had attempted to acquire uranium from Africa - an explosive claim that helped pave the way to war - the State Department told the CIA that the intelligence the uranium claims were based upon were forgeries, according to a newly declassified State Department memo.
The revelation of the warning from the closely guarded (…)