Published on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 by the Independent / UK Shell Urged to Abandon $20bn Siberian Pipeline That Could Drive Whale Species to Extinction by Jonathan Brown
Spring is being keenly awaited on Sakhalin in Russia’s far east after another long winter. But when it finally comes in June it offers little prospect of a thaw in relations between environmentalists and Shell.
With the melting of the ice after eight months, the Anglo-Dutch oil giant is set to enter a crucial offshore (…)
Home > Keywords > Environment > Energy
Shell Urged to Abandon $20bn Siberian Pipeline That Could Drive Whale Species to Extinction
26 April 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
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Venezuela Plans More Oil Discounts
26 April 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
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Published on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 by the Boston Globe Venezuela Plans More Oil Discounts 2 from Mass. play role in deal for region
by Susan Milligan
CARACAS - Leftist President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela said yesterday he would greatly expand the discounted home heating oil program he started last year for needy people in Massachusetts and other northeastern states.
Chavez, a firebrand populist who has clashed repeatedly with (…) -
Biodiesel in Kosovo
23 April 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
Dear All,
I am Fadil H. Ukiqi, from Prishtina, Kosovo and I am interested to start collecting waste vegetable oil and start production of biodiesel.
Allready we have created some good interaction with similar ongoing activities through Europe. Their help will be mostly in councling and providing trainings and counsalting ( due to unsolved political status).
In our opinion it will be wery benefittory activity for whole communityes and small buisneses through Kosovo. Allso we have done (…) -
20 April 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
OilCrash, produced and directed by award-winning European journalists and filmmakers Basil Gelpke and Ray McCormack, tells the story of how our civilization’s addiction to oil puts it on a collision course with geology. Compelling, intelligent, and highly entertaining, the film visits with the world’s top experts and comes to a startling, but logical conclusion - our industrial society, built on (…) -
Oily Corrupt Cabal
11 April 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
The Bush Cabal’s oily plan is in full effect, when Jr. and his corrupt cabal stole power in 2000 — in the US gasoline was $1.21 per gallon, today it’s at $2.65 per gallon and rising. Look for sweet light crude to sell at $80.00 per barrel and gasoline at $3.50 per gallon come June.
With the help of the events on 9/11 — Dickie’s secret energy plan has fallen right in place:
Former Unocal employee, Hamid Karzai, became the President of Afghanistan and one of his first accomplishments was (…) -
VENEZUALA-USA : Connecticut latest state to accept Venezuelan oil
8 April 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentConnecticut latest state to accept Venezuelan oil
This Little League team in Meriden, Connecticut, is sponsored by the East Main Street Citgo station. They were the 2000 playoff champs.
Residents of Connecticut become the latest northeasterners to receive discounted heating oil from the Venezuelan-owned oil company Citgo, after the state’s attorney general dismissed questions by the state governor that the program might be illegal.
Record crude oil prices (…) -
Breaking Imperial Ties: Venezuela and ALBA
8 April 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
Monday, Mar 27, 2006
By: Tim Anderson - Green Left Weekly In late 2005, while war raged in the Middle East and oil prices rose drastically, governments and oil companies repeated the “market forces” mantra, saying there was nothing they could do about oil prices. However, the Venezuelan government-owned US-based petrol distribution company Citgo (with eight refineries and 14,000 petrol stations across the US) decided to discount up to 10% (…) -
Venezuela Takes Over Two Foreign Operated Oil Fields (
7 April 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 By: Gregory Wilpert -
Caracas, Venezuela, April 5, 2006-Venezuela’s state-owned oil company PDVSA took over seven oil fields last weekend, which were previously run by foreign oil companies. Five of these fields were ceded to PDVSA intentionally and two, run by the Italian oil company Eni and the other by the French oil company Total, PDVSA took over without the companies’ agreement.
The takeovers were the result (…) -
Greg Palast Speaks With President Chavez
4 April 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentChavez rules out return to cheap oil
By Meirion Jones Producer, BBC Newsnight
04/03/02 "BBC" — — In an interview with BBC Newsnight’s Greg Palast, Mr Chavez - who is due to host the Opec meeting on 1 June in Caracas - said he would ask the oil cartel to set $50 a barrel as the long term level.
During the 1990s the price of oil had hovered around the $20 mark falling as low as $10 a barrel in early 1999.
"We’re trying to find an equilibrium. The price of oil could remain at the low (…) -
Earthrace - Round-the-World biodiesel racing boat
2 April 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
NZ’s biodiesel racing boat project aims to break the round the world time for a motorised boat. See link for details.