Scientists Use Sunlight to Make Fuel From CO2
By Chuck Squatriglia 01.04.08, 8:00 PM
Sandia researcher Rich Diver checks out the solar furnace which will be the initial source of concentrated solar heat for converting carbon dioxide to fuel. Eventually parabolic dishes will provide the thermal energy.
Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico have found a way of using sunlight to recycle carbon dioxide and produce fuels like methanol or gasoline.
The Sunlight to (…)
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Scientists Use Sunlight to Make Fuel From CO2
12 January 2008 par (Open-Publishing)
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Tar Sands Processing requires massive inputs of water, energy, land, labour
7 January 2008 par (Open-Publishing)
For each barrel of oil produced from the tar sands, between two and 4.5 barrels of water is needed. The waste sand and water contain naphtha and paraffin, which are used in the extraction process, and oil leftovers like benzene, naphthenic acid and polyaromatic hydrocarbon, among others. Chemicals found in the tailing ponds are known to cause liver problems and brain hemorrhaging in mammals, and deformities and death in birds.
December 31, 2007 What the Tar Sands Need Processing requires (…) -
Wary of Protests, EXXON Plans Natural Gas Terminal in the Atlantic
16 December 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
Reprint from The New York Times, December 12, 2007 by
by Jad Mouawad
Exxon Mobil said Tuesday that it would like to build a $1 billion floating terminal for liquefied natural gas about 20 miles off the coast of New Jersey, a move meant to deflect safety and environmental concerns about proximity to populated areas.
The company plans to anchor a boatlike structure in the Atlantic Ocean to process natural gas imported by cargo ships from faraway suppliers in the (…) -
AGRO-FUEL toasting the Indonesian rainforests (+video)
15 December 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentWhilst teeming with a vast diversity of life, Indonesia’s lush rainforests are quite simply disappearing — meaning that its eco-system and climate processes are sorely being affected.
75 percent of the nation’s rainforests have already been cut down by loggers wishing to exploit the opportunity to make huge profits feeding the insatiable worldwide demand for timber.
Many of the logging companies act illegally, aided by distributive corruption at every level of bureaucracy.
The area of (…) -
How Canadians and the Environment will be treated when Shell Oil takes control of Northern BC
5 December 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentThe following is a video on how the Irish were treated when Shell made its way through Ireland. This is exactly how Canadians will be treated when Shell’s Coal-Bed Methane Project begins operation in Northern BC.
Blood and oil in Ireland - “We hear about a looming energy shortage and we see high fuels prices. The media talks endlessly about global warming, but when do we hear about what goes on ‘behind the scenes’ of oil and gas extraction projects?
“Shell Oil, one of the most notorious (…) -
China out of Oil: 1000 trucks are stranded
29 November 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
Chinese tiger has nothing in tank
Rowan Callick, China correspondent | November 28, 2007
CHINA is running out of fuel. Police are guarding petrol stations in several inland provinces to prevent fights, as shortages of petrol and diesel are causing huge queues of trucks, buses and cars.
In Kunming, capital of the southwestern province of Yunnan, 1000 trucks are stranded.
A truck driver named Li told the Chuncheng Evening News he had been stranded at the Stone Tiger Gate petrol station (…) -
U.S. Navy steps up fuel deliveries to Gulf forces
25 November 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsLONDON, Nov 23 (Reuters) - The U.S. military has stepped up chartering of tankers and requests for extra fuel in the U.S. Central Command area, which includes the Gulf, shipping and oil industry sources say.
23 Nov 2007 11:07:33 GMT Source: Reuters
By Stefano Ambrogi
A Gulf oil industry source said the charters suggested there would be high naval activity, possibly including a demonstration to Iran that the U.S. Navy will protect the Strait of Hormuz oil shipping route during tensions (…) -
OPEC leaders may discuss creation of currency basket to price crude
17 November 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
OPEC leaders may discuss creation of currency basket to price crude
The Associated Press Friday, November 16, 2007 RIYADH, Saudi Arabia: Leaders of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries meeting this weekend in the Saudi capital are likely to discuss the possibility of creating a currency basket to price their crude, Venezuela’s oil minister said Friday.
Rafael Ramirez, the minister, said the issue will come up at a closed session in the two-day OPEC summit, Dow Jones (…) -
Biofuel: a Real Danger to Poor Countries
14 November 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentBy Ramine Abadie
Energy. Experts and NGOs are concerned about the perverse effects of this type of production in a world that faces hunger shortages.
While the European Union plans to promote biofuel, experts in food, development, and NGOs are sounding the alarm bell about the risks linked to its production - more particularly the harmful effects on food production. According to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) figures, there are more than 850 million people in the world who face (…) -
12 November 2007 par (Open-Publishing)
2 Published on November 05, 2007
Question of the day- who and what is determining the price of oil and your gasoline and home heating bills? Don’t ask Uncle Sam, because George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are running a regime marinated in oil that does not issue reports which explain the real determinants of petroleum pricing beyond the conventional supply-demand curves.
Columbia University 09/04 Photo : Joëlle Pénochet
First, let us create a historical framework to provide some (…)