Home > How Canadians and the Environment will be treated when Shell Oil takes (…)

How Canadians and the Environment will be treated when Shell Oil takes control of Northern BC

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 5 December 2007
1 comment

Energy Environment Canada-Québec UK


The following is a video on how the Irish were treated when Shell made its way through Ireland. This is exactly how Canadians will be treated when Shell’s Coal-Bed Methane Project begins operation in Northern BC.

Blood and oil in Ireland - “We hear about a looming energy shortage and we see high fuels prices. The media talks endlessly about global warming, but when do we hear about what goes on ‘behind the scenes’ of oil and gas extraction projects?

“Shell Oil, one of the most notorious thug corporations, routinely uses violence and threats of violence to guarantee its profits. Here we see a well trained group of thugs, paid for at taxpayers expense, attack unarmed demonstrators. Local politicians? Nowhere to be seen.”

Further information on Shell’s Northern BC project through the following article, “A methane battle is brewing”, and the embedded video below.


Forum posts

  • In Ireland they have no problems, do they? With climate changes, they haven’t had any really bad winters for the past ten years. Now in Canada, it’s a different story, isn’t it? I do hear the weather has already turned rather nasty in your neck of the woods. Still, you do have lots of trees that you can chop down, to keep warm, instead.