Home > France henpecked with stick blows: Alina Reyes supports Bellaciao... Thanks (…)
France henpecked with stick blows: Alina Reyes supports Bellaciao... Thanks Alina
by Open-Publishing - Thursday 2 November 20061 comment
Edito Police - Repression Justice Democracy France Bellaciao France

by Alina Reyes to support Bellaciao sign here
I just heard that the commitment to trial of Roberto Ferrario, as unique responsible for Bellaciao collective!!??, for the publication, as any website or blog could have done it, of a press statement from CGT related to the Shipyards of St Nazaire story, is notified by the Judge. This repressive action, obvious example of a will to control expression in the Net, is the symptom of increasing and very pernicious politic inflexibility, such as the one I noticed in several newspapers.
La France a un balai dans le dos: France has a broomstick in its back (a french expression meaning that stupid rigidity keeps France from acting), this is not new. It is the rigidity of our disposition and of our institutions that forced us to wait much more than a lot of our neighbors for fundamental rights such as the right to vote for women, or the right to abort.
And that will make us wait a long time again before answers can be done to questions as diverse as euthanasia legalization or marijuana un-penalization... Auto-claimed champion of human and citizen rights, our Jacobin Republic makes me think about Mrs Mesure, my first school teacher, who maintained order in the classroom with ruler raps over the children knuckles.
La France a un balai dans le dos, with its triumvirate at the top of the State, this is everyday the Punch and Judy show. Bang! Bang! Punch is all of us, “bottom people”, and between intellectual swindle, contempt and repression around every life corner, it makes a lot of knocks on the head! Oops! Stick blow again! To forbid is prescribed, in vogue! No doubt that the French, very much criticized by their neighbors, lock some madmen in a house to convince that those outside are not, as written by my compatriot Montesquieu.
Foster brothers of the English, thanks to free and sensual Elianor, the Gascon or the Girondin, more inspired by liberty than by the members of the Montagne sacrosanct “equality”, have not been worshippers of this centuries-old and centralizing devil who builds a “France from the top” not just geographic and politic, but also social and cultural. To praise fraternity while applying vassalage is not a rare paradox in this national citadel where ladders are missing...
If he hears now talking about the project for Perben law, the author of “l’Esprit des lois” (“Spirit of the laws”) must wonder if we are not forgetting his lesson: that the only guarantee for public liberties stands in the separation of executive, legislative and judicial powers... And what could his Persian observe, being back here after three centuries? Well, without any doubt that the French love to regard themselves infallible judges, and are still stubborn with their fashion: they judge everything that is done in the other nations using this rule: something foreign always seems ridiculous to them (...) They accept to submit to some rival nation laws, provided that French wig makers decide for the foreign periwigs style...
Die-hard France, I don’t want someone forbid me to wear what I like where I like, might be a potatoes sack or Quetzacoatl quills! I don’t want, because I wear high-heeled boots and black tights, to be suspected of passive soliciting and inspected by policemen armed to the teeth, as it happened to me in front of the Sacré-Coeur where I was admiring Paris panorama - which seemed instantly less beautiful to me - with my young children...
Administrative France, I’ve had enough of you penetrating into my privacy every time I ask for an accommodation certificate for my friends from south countries coming few days in the mood for tourism! I’ve had enough of you doubting my existence, as it really happened to my elder son when he was a student: as he called on family allowances office in person, with his identity card and his birth certificate, he was told to come back later because this latter document did not mention “not deceased”, nothing proved that he was really alive... Could Kafka and Gogol have imagine such a scene? The joys of bureaucracy do not exist only in the east of Europe...
France of security, I don’t want my acts being subjected to legal and anonymous denouncement, or being processed by a hyper powerful police! I don’t want to be sentenced to forced health by sanitarian authorities that never admit they are guilty (not more than responsible, when evidences are too obvious) for their large-scale mistakes...
Generous France, I hope that, as you did it for me when you gave me the opportunity to go to University without the usually requested degree, since I was one of the many abandoned children in this society, you are going to get down to the mending of social elevator, and with a better word than “positive discrimination”, to show the Republic desire to respect and promote Liberty, Equality and Fraternity... Make the words live, get out of those words used by politicians when they mouth clichés that also knock us down, this is really a question of desire... To know how to rediscover this so French culture of desire should be surely the best way to beat off the diverse obscurantist temptations that threat our society, and that are logically reinforced by a politic of stick blows.
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Forum posts
7 January 2007, 22:17
love the picture! It’s a classic!
The gimlet eyed glare of the obsessive, humourless [and probably medicated] fanatic.