Home > From an Angry Soldier
I’m having the worst damn week of my whole damn life so I’m going to write this while I’m pissed off enough to do it right.
I am SICK of all this bullshit people are writing about the Iraq war. I am abso-fucking-lutely sick to death of it. What the fuck do most of you know about it? You watch it on TV and read the commentaries in the newspaper or Newsweek or whatever god damn yuppie news rag you subscribe to and think you’re all such fucking experts that you can scream at each other like five year old about whether you’re right or not. Let me tell you something: unless you’ve been there, you don’t know a god damn thing about it. It you haven’t been shot at in that fucking hell hole, SHUT THE FUCK UP!
How do I dare say this to you moronic war supporters who are "Supporting our Troops" and waving the flag and all that happy horse shit? I’ll tell you why. I’m a Marine and I served my tour in Iraq. My husband, also a Marine, served several. I left the service six months ago because I got pregnant while he was home on leave and three days ago I get a visit from two men in uniform who hand me a letter and tell me my husband died in that fucking festering sand-pit. He should have been home a month ago but they extended his tour and now he’s coming home in a box.
You fuckers and that god-damn lying sack of shit they call a president are the reason my husband will never see his baby and my kid will never meet his dad.
And you know what the most fucked up thing about this Iraq shit is? They don’t want us there. They’re not happy we came and they want us out NOW. We fucked up their lives even worse than they already were and they’re pissed off. We didn’t help them and we’re not helping them now. That’s what our soldiers are dying for.
Oh while I’m good and worked up, the government doesn’t even have the decency to help out the soldiers whos lives they ruined. If you really believe the military and the government had no idea the veterans’ hospitals were so fucked up, you are a god-damn retard. They don’t care about us. We’re disposable. We’re numbers on a page and they’d rather forget we exist so they don’t have to be reminded about the families and lives they ruined while they’re sipping their cocktails at another fund raiser dinner. If they were really concerned about supporting the troops, they’d bring them home so their families wouldn’t have to cry at a graveside and explain to their children why mommy or daddy isn’t coming home. Because you can’t explain it. We’re not fighting for our country, we’re not fighting for the good of Iraq’s people, we’re fighting for Bush’s personal agenda. Patriotism my ass. You know what? My dad served in Vietnam and NOTHING HAS CHANGED.
So I’m pissed. I’m beyond pissed. And I’m going to go to my husband funeral and recieve that flag and hang it up on the wall for my baby to see when he’s older. But I’m not going to tell him that his father died for the stupidty of the American government. I’m going to tell him that his father was a hero and the best man I ever met and that he loved his country enough to die for it, because that’s all true and nothing will be solved by telling my son that his father was sent to die by people who didn’t care about him at all.
Fuck you, war supporters, George W. Bush, and all the god damn mother fuckers who made the war possible. I hope you burn in hell.
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Forum posts
24 April 2007, 03:09
24 April 2007, 04:49
Angry soldier, I greatly admire your courage. Leave to a Marine to say it best...my best to you and the little one. Join this family! We support you for real!! http://www.mfso.org Military Families Speak Out
24 April 2007, 19:43
Artificial threats fabricated to launch an artificial war, commanded by an artificial president, with artificial deadlines and an artificial withdrawal.
This Illegal invasion and occupation was never intended to be moral or justified. My heart is heavy for soldiers who were led to believe that it was somehow patriotic to follow orders or that they were somehow serving the american people or the country by following thos illegal orders. The military has been duped once again. They should all turn on their commanders and return home to storm the white house and arrest the criminals who brought us this insideous invasion.
God’s strength to you and your baby.
26 April 2007, 07:43
Here Here !! Lock em up and keep em there!!
For the soldier, you wont find many bush or war supporters here. No words could replace your loss, and there will never be enough words to explain the death of the innocents in Iraq and around the world when wars are for no real reason. Only profiteers have gained and the rest around the world LOST.
Do the soldiers know its an illegal war, cuz I just found a news page that I had to stop reading after two soldiers had positive things to say !! I was apalled that they would news that up, and never news up the real truth and the majority that disagree.
I sincerely hope that you will find necessary support in many ways, to overcome this devastation and find motherhood to be the greatest love of all, as it is.
Ps. I didnt vote for him,
nor will i ever vote again.
29 April 2007, 08:05
I agree with you, soldier.........
those who are responsible for this war (Bush, the Republicanazi party) need to be arrested, tried, and hung by thier thumbs for what they’ve gotten this country into. Like another post suggested, perhaps if all of the American soldiers over in Iraq decided to go to the White House and storm it to arrest Hitler, and put him on Death Row for the atrocities he’s committed, then this wouldn’t happen again in this country. But, since this is a pipe dream, and the damage to the US has been done, the only hope is that there will be some impeachment or perhaps UN action against the bush administration and those who are responsible for this "war".
Your husband needs to be avenged for what the American Hitler did to him and other Marines.
29 April 2007, 08:31
Applause! Applause! I am glad you wrote that while you are unfortunately going through hell. It was well put and well worded. My heart goes out to you and your baby. We are all thinking about you.
Bush and Cheney should be sent to Abu prison and forced to stand naked and laughed at by all the other prisoners in fact the whole dam administration should be forced to form a naked piramid while we all get to stone them. All the needless lives lost this administration has caused. How they are not in Prison, I don’t know. If only all of those votes were counted and we leugitimate elections.
29 April 2007, 18:51
Dearest Angry Soldier:
Your words speak volumes for so many and with your permission I would like to share your essay with others; you are an inspiration for us all. Thank you for saying what many would but are afraid to say. Godspeed! KB98388
29 April 2007, 19:18
And so she will lie to her kid and the kid will want to be a stupid as his father and she wonders why we have wars and people like her are stupid enough to join.
Her father was in Vietnam and she was still stupid enough to think things had changed.
Should I feel sorry for this woman? I don’t. She joined. I was smart enough not to. My kids were smart enough not to. Remember Vietnam?. I do. What if they had a war and nobody came?
I feel sorry for her kid. Just another piece of cannon fodder in training.
Does no one learn from history?
30 April 2007, 06:28
WAR is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.
In the World War [I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows.
How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle? How many of them dug a trench? How many of them knew what it meant to go hungry in a rat-infested dug-out? How many of them spent sleepless, frightened nights, ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun bullets? How many of them parried a bayonet thrust of an enemy? How many of them were wounded or killed in battle?
Out of war nations acquire additional territory, if they are victorious. They just take it. This newly acquired territory promptly is exploited by the few – the selfsame few who wrung dollars out of blood in the war. The general public shoulders the bill.
And what is this bill?
This bill renders a horrible accounting. Newly placed gravestones. Mangled bodies. Shattered minds. Broken hearts and homes. Economic instability. Depression and all its attendant miseries. Back-breaking taxation for generations and generations.
For a great many years, as a soldier, I had a suspicion that war was a racket; not until I retired to civil life did I fully realize it. Now that I see the international war clouds gathering, as they are today, I must face it and speak out....
Read more at WarIsARacket.com
30 April 2007, 17:04
This letter is so powerful and worthy of dissemination among all of our congressmen/women, however, without the author’s signature it is wide open to contentions by war supporters that it is a blogger’s complete fabrication. Any chance she (the author) would lend her name?
VN Vet in Oklahoma
1 May 2007, 03:37
Jesus frikking crist!! I dont where to begin. What the fuk did she think he was getting in to!!?? And why be fukin pissed at everybody and thier goddam brother who happens to support the fukin war!!??? Where the hell were all the asswhipe peace mongers when Saddam was nerve gassing the fukin Kurds into oblivion, and fukin with his own people!!??? Fukin sic asshole is what he was, I want to see everybody who goes for peace, and I am one of them, protest every fukin sic ass dictator who commits atrocities and genocide, tourture..etc...fukin etc... with the same god damn holier than thou zeal as with our goverment!! If not fuk you all!!! Dont pick and choose when you get active with your fukin protests!!! Where was everybody when he invaded Kuwait??!!Yea, screw them all, I wish we would NOT GET INVOLVED IN SOMEONE ELSE’S CONFLICT AT ALL!! Yea, lets become isolationists, screw Darfur, let the worthless UN figure it out. How many bullshit resolutions did they level at Saddam, how many times did he kick out the weapons inspectors??!! Who the fuk cares!!! Let them all rot, I know, lets abolish our fukin military!!! Why need them, we can all be pacifists, no one would attack a pacifist!! We can spend the money elsewhere, and if we get into problems, we can sit down with the bad guy and have tea and talk it out. Maybe somebody else with a military force can help us, right?! The whole situation is so absurd, we deny their was WMD, but yet he nerved the Kurds. We should not have gotten involved, I agree with those who feel the same. But to deny the positive outcomes had THE REST OF THE FUKIN NATIONS supported us, is bullshit!! The rest of the world, minus those who are trying to help, pisses me off more than our government!! And Vietman is a good example, if those who would force thier beliefs on others seek to take by force, what they wish, and subjugate the people, then should not those of us who can help, help?? Or do we turn a blind eye? As far as Ms" I am so pissed"!! I am sorry for your loss, and I wish we never went. But we did, and if it was for oil, I want to know when we can start getting it!! But we tried, and we failed. And if we would have had help, maybe we could have done something different. But there are people over there WHO THANK YOU FOR TRYING!! But disrespect those we have helped with your fuked up attitude, during the second world war my home country, Holland, was attacked...somebody came and helped us!!! And now my family is with those who fukin tried. Fuk all the others who would stand by and let others live under a dickhead leader and fukin terrorists!! Fuk them all!!
1 May 2007, 10:26
If you didn’t know where to begin, it was a sign that you didn’t know what to say. Duh! And you certainly proved it with your compassionless neo-con tirade. May God have mercy on you.
3 May 2007, 05:03
ATTA BOY could not say it better myself.
2 May 2007, 04:08
"...I’m not going to tell him that his father died for the stupidty of the American government" may sound kind for her kid but it is one reason why people are fooled into these wars (and are killing kids) for the stupidity of their government!
Her husband obviously thought he was doing the right thing and should be honored for that, but as she said herself; "We’re not fighting for our country, we’re not fighting for the good of Iraq’s people, we’re fighting for Bush’s personal agenda."
7 May 2007, 01:22
OK. You people really buy this? Lets take this from the top. What U.S. Marine would EVER refer to themselves as a soldier? I haven’t met one yet. There is a distinct difference that only Marines would understand. From that alone, I begin to wonder. Secondly, what MOS (job) did she have that she was being shot at? The USMC doesn’t put females in combat jobs. That is not to say that combat doesn’t find them, because 6 female Marines have given their lives during this conflict. However, she sounds, for lack of a better word, battle-hardened. Once again, it makes me wonder. Lastly, I have met many Marines in my 17 year career, and I can say with certainty, that a Marine would choose a different venue to say these kind of things, because if she got out 6 months ago, she could still be held responsible for what she says about the government. In other words, the Marines still have her in the IRR (Ready Reserve). And EVERY Marine would think about that before opening their mouth with this sort of opinion. I’m not saying that it is fabricated, but I am VERY skeptical. And if you are not, I have some beachfront property I want to sell you in St. Louis South Dakota. Just give me the money upfront!
9 May 2007, 20:43
If I die in Iraq I’ll die supporting a war I personnally believe in, a President I support and voted for, and I’ll die doing what I love, being a Marine. I have lost friends to. Not husbands, i’m sure that must hurt a little more. But they all died for a cause that is what we all agreed to. And if you are a Marine why did you say from an angry soldier. Should have said Marine. You earned the title. I am sorry for your loss though and hope the rest of your life is a happy one. Especially for your baby.
Semper Fidelis
9 May 2007, 20:46
From an angry SOLDIER!?!?! What MARINE in their right mind would ever call themselves a SOLDIER!! I agree with the previous post, YOU EARNED THE TITLE MARINE IF YOU ACTUALLY ARE ONE, SO USE IT!!
9 May 2007, 21:18
Nope, dont believe it’s a Real Marine writing this for several reasons....
1-No real Marine calls themselves a "Soldier"
2-A real Pregnant Female doesnt have to leave the forces, so thats a Canard
3-if it were true, her name and that of her husband would have been all over the american Press as the Journo’s would lapp it up
4-the letter seemingly fits every anti-war talking point into a nice little package to be e-mailed for mass consumption
Sorry, until the name is released, i think this is just propaganda