The incidence of floods has greatly increased throughout the world in recent decades. However, because the day to day weather is highly variable one cannot attribute any specific weather event (such as the current Asian, South American and Australian floods) to man-made global warming. It is clear that increased atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution leads successively to global warming, increased sea temperature, increased evaporation, increased air moisture and thence to increased (…)
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Gideon Polya
Man-made climate change and floods: 50 expert, science-informed views re extreme floods & climate change
19 January 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
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Scientific opinions, global warming & 2010-2011 Pakistan, Brazil, Sri Lanka & Australia flood disasters
15 January 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
Because the day to day weather is highly variable one cannot attribute the severity of any specific weather event (such as the current La Niña-associated Queensland and Eastern and Southern Australian floods) to man-made global warming.
However increased greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution leads successively to global warming, increased sea temperature, increased evaporation and thence to increased precipitation.
Indeed the incidence of floods has greatly increased throughout the world over (…) -
Climate Emergency Network, La Niña, Climate Change & Queensland flood disaster - stop burning coal & gas
15 January 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria in Australia are currently ravaged by floods associated with the latest La Niña climate event. However man-made global warming from greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution has increased sea temperatures and increased the likelihood and severity of such flood disasters. The Climate Emergency Network has issued a statement urging Australia, a world-leading per capita GHG polluter, to stop burning coal and gas.
Queensland, Australia, continues to be ravaged by (…) -
Huge US natural gas leakage means STOP gas rush, gas boom, gas-fired power plants & global Gasland
5 January 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
Because natural gas-fired power plants emit half the CO2 and much lower levels of other pollutants per unit energy produced as coal-fired plants there is a big push for a coal to gas transition. However methane (CH4; the major constituent of natural gas) leaks and is 72 times worse than carbon dioxide (CO2) as a greenhouse gas (GHG) on a 20 year time scale.
It can be readily calculated that a 3.7% leakage of CH4 yields that same GHG effect as burning the remaining 96.7% of the CH4 (see (…) -
1/1/11 New Year’s Day Message is ONE (1): Unity and Equality for all Humanity on its ONE and only Planet
2 January 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentThe fundamental message on 1/1/11 is indeed 1 (ONE) – 1 man-one-vote, there is only 1 Planet (Spaceship Earth) for Humanity, and equal shares in resources i.e. until we necessarily all cease carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution in 2050 the ratio of my share to your share should be 1.
All decent folk subscribe to the essential egalitarianism of the second sentence of the American Declaration of Independence “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are (…) -
A detailed resource to stop the Gas Boom, Gas Rush, Gasland obscenity devastating Australia and America
27 December 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentA proposal for 1,000 MW gas-fired power plant to be built 1.5 kilometres from the SE Queensland, Australia Lockyer Valley town of Gatton (population 6,000) has drawn the ire of local residents. The local Lockyer Valley Regional Council (LVRC) has rejected an application from the proponent, Westlink, to build the plant. Westlink is appealing this decision of the council. [1].
The local opposition to the gas-fired power plant has been stated by Chris Hall of Keep Lockyer Rural: “[ re (…) -
Make Christmas Day a Memorial Day to 7.8 million infants dying from US Alliance hegemony each year
24 December 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
At Christmas 2010 we celebrate the birth of Jesus and remember his parents fleeing as refugees from the slaughter of the children by cruel King Herod. 2 millennia after the birth of Jesus there are some 20 million Muslim refugees and a cruel and evil President Obama presides over an American Empire that murders about 1,000 children every day (see “Hey, hey, USA, how many kids did you kill day? Answer: 1,000”, Bellaciao, 1 May 2009: ) and has (…)
Australian hypocrisy & Mainstream media censorship over 20 million Muslim refugees & Christmas Is horror
21 December 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
The Age newspaper of Melbourne is arguably Australia’s most “liberal” newspaper. However, as described below, even after the horrendous Christmas Island (Australia) refugee disaster (50 refugees killed in a wrecked boat) The Age still censors the Awful Truth about 20 million Muslim refugees that anti-Asian Apartheid Australia has helped the US generate.
The Age (part of the Australian Fairfax media empire) is certainly more ethical and progressive than the Australian taxpayer-funded (…) -
WikiLeaks saga elicits Censorship & active Genocide Ignoring by Australian Mainstream Media
17 December 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
Two major features of WikiLeaks are that (1) the leaked cables simply provide documentary confirmation what sensible people had surmised already about the war criminal, genocidal US Alliance and US state terrorism; and (2) the real scandal that neither WikiLeaks nor Mainstream media (MSM) will report the horrendous carnage of 8 million dead so far in the US War on Terror.
Below is documentary evidence of how one of Australia’s leading "liberal" newspapers, The Age (Melbourne), actively (…) -
Pro-US Australian Labor Government threats to WikiLeaks & Julian Assange => decent Oz will Put Labor Last
10 December 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
Leading WikiLeaks figure, Julian Assange, is an Australian-born Australian citizen (see Wikipedia: ). So far the WikiLeaks releases re Australia have exposed what US officials thought of PM Rudd (“control freak”); Rudd’s advocacy of US war with China and Australian soldiers for war in Pakistan; successful lobbying of the Labor Government by BHP Billiton to block a $21 billion Chinese investment in mining giant Rio Tinto; revelation of secret Australian Government pessimism over the (…)