WHAT IS KILLING HUNGARIANS? For millions of former subjects of the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe the Cold War is still killing but is killing them softly. Thanks to lying mainstream media essentially nobody knows about this (except for specialist epidemiologists) - the silence is deafening. We are OBLIGED to INFORM EVERYONE about mass mortality and gross inhumanity.
On 26 January 2006 a letter (reproduced below) was (with some slight changes) variously sent to governments and mainstream (…)
Home > Keywords > Authors > Gideon Polya
Gideon Polya
Excess death of Austrians, Bulgarians, Czechs, Estonians, Germans, Hungarians, Latvians & Ukrainians
27 January 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
1 comment -
Why do Asians study in Australia, UK & US? PC racism of media lying over US war crimes
23 January 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentPC RACISM (politically correct racism) and cowardice in US-UK-Oz academia has resulted in the mal-education of a current establishment of PC racist journalists, academics and politicians who simultaneously DENY any racism, are COMPLICIT in horrendous mass murder in Asian wars and IGNORE the horrendous, continuing passive genocide of Asians in US wars in gross contravention of the Geneva Conventions (so far there have been 2.1 million avoidable post-invasion deaths and 1.7 million (…)
My Lai saviour & US hero dies - expose UK-US state terrorism, PC racism & Coalition war crimes
12 January 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentHUGH THOMPSON, the American helicopter pilot who courageously intervened to save Vietnamese civilians from massacre by US troops at My Lai, Vietnam in 1968, has died.
HUGH THOMPSON (Vietnam veteran, US Army helicopter pilot, Purple Heart, Distinguished Flying Cross, Soldier’s Medal) (4/15/1943-1/6/2006) was an American hero and a profoundly decent human being of the kind whose decency and courage surely give hope for all humanity.
On March 16 , 1968, Hugh Thompson (24) and his 3 man (…) -
New Year’s Resolutions - 10 Ways to Stop the War
2 January 2006 par (Open-Publishing)
The latest UNICEF report (December 2005) estimates that in 2004 the under-5 infant mortality was 122,000 in Occupied Iraq, 359,000 in Occupied Afghanistan and 1,000 in the occupying country Australia (noting that in 2004 the populations of these countries were 28.1 million, 28.6 million and 19.9 million, respectively) ().
About 1,300 under-5 year old infants will have died in Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan on Christmas Day 2005 alone and (…) -
Formal complaint to ICC over UK-US state terrorism & war crimes in Occupied Iraq & Afghanistan
20 December 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentThe following is the text of a Formal Complaint sent to the International Criminal Court over UK-US State Terrorism and Coalition War Crimes in Occupied Iraq and Afghanistan:
19 December 2005
Office of the Prosecutor,
International Criminal Court,
The Hague, The Netherlands
Dear Mr Moreno-Ocampo, Mr Brammertz and Mrs Bensouda,
On 14 October 2004 I made a formal complaint against the Australian Government and its Coalition allies over war crimes in Iraq, specifically illegal (…) -
UNICEF latest - 0.5 million infant deaths annually in US-occupied Iraq & Afghanistan
18 December 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentAs we approach Christmas Day, thoughts turn to mothers and infants and the joy, hope and magic of new human life. However we cannot ignore the reality in a First World-dominated world of about 55,000 avoidable deaths and about 35,000 under-5 year old infant deaths that will occur on this Christmas Day due to deprivation- and malnourishment-related causes.
More specifically, we should consider the mothers and infants of war-wracked countries and in particular the countries currently (…) -
US Coalition-restored Afghan opium & 0.4 million global drug deaths
30 October 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsSince 2001 there have been about 0.4 million global drug deaths linked to US Coalition re-establishment of globally-dominant Afghan opium production (almost completely destroyed by the Taliban in 2000-2001 but 76% and 86% of global production in 2002 and 2004, respectively, after US Coalition invasion and conquest).
Of these 0.4 million post-2001, US Coalition-complicit, opioid-related deaths 1,200 have been Scots, 2,000 Australian, 3,000 Canadian, 3,200 British and 50,000 American.
7 (…)