“Veterans Affairs Secretary Anthony Principi has just tendered his resignation earlier this month, under great pressure. James Nicholson, former Ambassador to the Vatican, is slated to and has taken over the reins of the very troubled Department of Veterans Affairs.”
The real reason for Mr. Principi’s departure was really never given, however a special report published by eminent scientist Leuren Moret’ naming DEPLETED URANIUM as the definitive cause of the “Gulf War Syndrome”. This (…)
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Depleted Uranium (DU): Main Cause of the Gulf War Syndrome
26 January 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
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Drug Addicted US Troops Sent To Scotland For Help
14 January 2005 par (Open-Publishing)
Drug Addicted US Troops Sent To Scotland For Help Iraq Veterans In Rehab With NHS Patients Liam McDougall, Health Correspondent 09 January 2005 A PICTURESQUE Scottish hospital is being used by the US military as a base to treat drug and alcohol addicted troops who have fought in Iraq, the Sunday Herald can reveal. The US department of defence is sending up to 40 damaged servicemen and women a year - including marines, army and airforce personnel - to Castle Craig rehabilitation clinic to (…)
Beyond Neverland: What to do AFTER we’ve deposed GWB Hook
29 December 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
4 commentsBy Jane Stillwater No, I’m not identifying with Peter Pan these days because America has become NeverNeverLand. I identify with Peter Pan because I’m just a little guy up against the Prince of Darkness. "Jane! Don’t you know that all your efforts aren’t doing any good? You are just one little person up against a 100-trillion-dollar mob. Give it up!" Never. I’ll just think happy thoughts, cover myself with pixie dust and keep dreaming of a better world. If accepting (…)
9/11 Rescue workers get "WTC Cough" from inhaling pulverized cement
4 December 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsApparently 9/11 is still having it’s very negative effect on people, the damage extends past the lives lost. Rescue workers have come down with what scientists have called, "world trade center cough" from inhaling pulverized cement.
Some rescue workers have asthma type breathing difficulties, others just have a constant cough. The "WTC cough", effects the lungs. Since the particles were so fine, perhaps an investigation as to how so much "pulverized cement" was created, is in order. Was (…) -
GI threatens suicide over return to Iraq
2 December 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
11 commentsSTRATFORD - A serviceman, apparently distraught over the prospect of being sent back to the war in Iraq, threatened to kill himself as he stood naked and screaming outside his house.
Police took the man into custody at his Fernwood Drive house. He was taken for treatment to Bridgeport Hospital.
Dispatched to investigate a report of a possible suicide attempt Thursday, officers saw the man naked with blood on his body in front of the garage area, police said. As officers approached, the (…) -
Genocide By Omission
2 December 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
Genocide By Omission
By Lloyd Hart
Earlier this fall it was finally admitted by scientists and researchers at the university of Harvard Medical School in Cambridge Mass. that Linus Pauling was absolutely correct in his research and findings in the 1980’s on the best way to combat AIDS. That way of course was to rebuild the immune system.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a disease where the immune system fails and allows the body to fall victim to opportunistic diseases it (…) -
George Bush Has Graves’ Disease: Cause of Erratic Behavior?
1 December 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
"After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad." whined George W. Bush about Saddam Hussein. Actually, it may be worse than that. Sources close to the Army Medical Corp believe that someone, probably agents of Saddam Hussein, ruined Bush’s family by poisoning the drinking water with iodine or lithium at one of the Bushes’ homes. Family dog Millie, George, Barbara, and son Marvin have all contracted Auto Immune Diseases. The odds (…) -
Wounded Soldiers contract rare blood infection
1 December 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsDoctors at Walter Reed, Landstuhl medical centers work to stem antibiotic-resistant bacteria
by Chris Walz
An unexpectedly high number of Soldiers injured in Iraq and Afghanistan are testing positive for a rare, antibiotic-resistant blood infection, Army officials said Friday. A total of 102 Soldiers tested positive for the bacteria Acinetobacter baumannii between Jan. 1, 2002 and Aug. 31, 2004.
Doctors at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, in (…) -
Weapons of Self-Destruction
25 November 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
8 commentsIs Gulf War syndrome - possibly caused by Pentagon ammunition - taking its toll on G.I.’s in Iraq?
by David Rose
When he started to get sick, Staff Sergeant Raymond Ramos’s first instinct was to fight. "I had joint pains, muscle aches, chronic fatigue, but I tried to exercise it out," he says. "I was going for runs, working out. But I never got any better. The headaches were getting more frequent and sometimes lasted all day. I was losing a lot of weight. My overall physical demeanor was (…) -
World AIDS Day
20 November 2004 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentDecember 1st was established as World AIDS day in 1988 in order to raise awareness, education, and to fight prejudice. AIDS continues to be an urgent issue, and there are still many things to be done to stop the pandemic worldwide.
In 2004, this important day will focus on reducing the vulnerability of women and girls to HIV. Women are the focus this year because gender inequality fuels the AIDS epidemic worldwide. Women across the globe do not have the same rights and access to (…)