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IAJV statement: anti-racist Australian Jews condemn Apartheid Israel’s violations of International Law
by Open-Publishing - Friday 8 October 2010Wars and conflicts International Australia Gideon Polya
Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV) is an organization of anti-racist Jews who demand equal human rights for Palestinians (see: http://www.iajv.org/ ).
IAJV has issued a powerful and ethical statement by means of public advertisements condemning Israeli violations of International Law. (see: http://australiansforpalestine.com/31286).
The following advertisement appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald and Australian newspapers on 9 October 2010 and Australian Jewish News on 8 October 2010.
“The attitude we adopt towards the Arab minority will provide the real test of our moral standards as a people.” - Albert Einstein, in a letter to the New York Times, 1948.
Not all Australian Jews condone Israel’s actions. As a growing group of concerned Jews, we share the widespread outrage at the Israeli Government’s unjust treatment of the Palestinian people.
We condemn Israel’s constant violations of international law which include:
• the invasion of Gaza in 2008 that caused around 1400 mainly civilian deaths.
• the ongoing blockade of Gaza in contravention of the Fourth Geneva Convention.
• the military assault in May against a civilian flotilla in international waters trying to break the blockade on Gaza.
• the separation wall running through the West Bank which was ruled illegal by the International Court of Justice in 2004
• the 43 year military occupation of the West Bank and the illegal settlements.
We believe that uncritical support of the Jewish State is not the way to memorialise the Holocaust. We have a moral obligation to speak out.
Join us in urging the Australian Government to exert pressure on Israel to conform to International Law and humanitarian standards.
Published by Independent Australian Jewish Voices on behalf of:
Total 132
1. Andelman, Larissa
2. Asoulin, Eran
3. Balint, Tony
4. Bartels, Ditta
5. Beauchamp, Alice
6. Benjamin, Andrew
7. Bersten Robyn
8. Bilander, Berish
9. Binder, Geoffrey
10. Bishops, Naomi
11. Bloch, Barbara
12. Blooman, Geoffrey
13. Bloomberg, Karen
14. Boniface, Harry A
15. Braun, Leo
16. Brull, Michael
17. Buckstein, Ron
18. Burke, Carolyn
19. Bush, Jenny
20. Carleton, Jenny
21. Cebon, Benjamin
22. Christoff, Peter
23. Clemens, Ruth
24. Cohen, Ian, MLC
25. Cox, Eva AO
26. Curthoys, Ned
27. Dahlstrom, Bronwyn
28. De Saxe, Mannie
29. Dean, Tamara
30. di Suvero, Henry
31. Docker, John
32. Dowse, Sara
33. Emerman, Marsha
34. Epstein, Sarah
35. Erlich, Nicole
36. Fink, Michelle
37. Flax, Gabrielle
38. Freadman, Anne
39. Frenkel, Steve
40. Fried, Nadia
41. Ginges, Hal
42. Ginges, Heather
43. Glasbeek, Harry,
44. Glasbeek, Sandra
45. Goldbloom Zurbo, Sandra
46. Goldman, Arnold
47. Goodman, David
48. Grant, Matthew
49. Heilpern, David
50. Horsburgh, Jennifer
51. Hunt, David
52. Israel, Janine
53. Jacobs, Keith
54. Jacobs, Margaret
55. Jaivin, Linda
56. Jordan, Helen
57. Kamerman, Sol
58. Kaplin, Angela
59. Kaye, Margaret
60. Kitchener, Theo
61. Kitching, Gavin
62. Koval, Peter
63. Kozlowski, Michael
64. Krantz, Kt
65. Leber, Sylvie
66. Legge, Bill
67. Leser, David
68. Leveson, Ruth
69. Levey, Geoffrey
70. Levy, James
71. Levy, Valerie
72. Lindell, Geoff
73. Loewenstein, Antony
74. Loewenstein, Jeff
75. Loewenstein, Violet
76. Marin, Paul
77. Markiewicz, Anne
78. Martin-Iverson, Victoria
79. Midalia, Dan
80. Midalia, Leon
81. Moore, Stefan
82. Morris, Alan
83. Munz, Martin
84. Musry, Haskell
85. Neering, Ian
86. Nimni, Ephraim
87. Nissen, Alex
88. Oaten, Rod
89. Pataki, Tamas
90. Pogos, Abe
91. Porzsolt, Vivienne
92. Prestel, Claudia
93. Raber, Richard
94. Reed, Karl
95. Rich, Joe
96. Riemer, Andrew
97. Romer, Marta
98. Ross, Edna
99. Roszycki, Jack
100. Rothfield, Andrew
101. Rothfield, Pamela
102. Rubinstein, Keren T
103. Rubner, Paul
104. Rutovitz, Jay
105. Saks, Daniel
106. Sarkadi, Andrew
107. Schetzer, Louis
108. Shapiro-Liu, Rosemary
109. Siddle, Genevieve
110. Silverstein, Jordy
111. Slezak, Peter
112. Slezak, Vera
113. Stratton, Jonathan
114. Tambour, Anna
115. Topliss, Helen
116. Vance, Bernard
117. Varga, Susan
118. Vorsay, Avril
119. Wetherell, David
120. White, Michael
121. Winston, George AM
122. Witton, Nic
123. Witton, Ron
124. Zagor, Matthew
125. Zion, Deborah
126. Zion, Lawrie
Anonymous: 6
My comment.
The anti-racist Independent Australian Jewish Voices and the 132 signatories must be applauded for their courageous moral stance.
Only prosecutions of genocidal, war criminal, nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, race-based Apartheid Israel before the International Criminal Court (ICC) and comprehensive intra-national and international Sanctions and Boycotts against Apartheid Israel and its principally Anglo-American, EU and Apartheid Australian racist Zionist (RZ) and pro-RZ supporters will bring justice for the Indigenous Palestinian people - just as comprehensive international Sanctions and Boycotts against Nazi-style Apartheid South Africa and its principally Anglo-American and Apartheid Australian supporters eventually secured freedom for African, Asian and Indian non-Whites of South Africa.