Home > Iraq: We Are Winning, Not

Iraq: We Are Winning, Not

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 28 April 2005

Edito Wars and conflicts International USA

In Bushzarro world, an undiminished “insurgency” over the period of a
year is considered winning the “war” (occupation), according to
Chairman of the Bushzarro Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Richard Myers http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitem.... “I’m going to say this: I think we are winning, okay. I think
we’re definitely winning. I think we’ve been winning for some time.”

Sure, General, we’re winning, and I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

According to Myers, since “coalition forces” (more accurately a loose
and shifting cabal of the bribed) have thwarted “half the attacks”
launched by the resistance, this means the United States is winning the war against the Iraqi people.

In non-Bushzarro terms, the idea of
winning means you defeat your opponent and roll back his gains.
Obviously, this is not happening in Iraq, a fact General Myers alluded
to when he said, “I think their capacity stays about the same and where
they are right now is where they were almost a year ago,” in other
words, a stalemate. Me win peace against ter’ism, non-president
Bushzarro may as well tell the world, no al-Kaydee on run in Eye-rack.
No motion, no gain is victory.

Fact of the matter is, the United States is losing in Iraq. Consider this chart

and then think about oceanfront property in Arizona. In January, the
CIA admitted “the United States and its Iraqi allies are not winning
the battle against Iraqi insurgents,” in other words, they are losing.

“A Knight Ridder Newspapers analysis of U.S. government statistics
shows the U.S. military steadily losing ground to the predominately
Sunni Muslim insurgency in Iraq,” the corporate media admitted < http://www.freep.com/news/nw/iraq22e_20050122.htm
> around the same time. “The analysis suggests that, short of a
newfound will by Iraqis to reject the insurgency or a large escalation
of U.S. troop strength, the United States won’t win the war.” In other
words, unless non-president Bushzarro and Gen. Myers can magically
convert every single Iraqi into a Stepford human-that is to say,
convince them occupation and unending deprivation is in their best
interest-they will eventually leave Baghdad via helicopters from the
embassy rooftop in the Green Zone, and sooner before later.

Sec. of Forever War Rumsfeld diverged a bit from Gen. Myers. “The
United States and the coalition forces, in my personal view, will not
be the thing that will defeat the insurgency,” said Rumsfeld, heading
off down the well-tread path of Bushzarrospeak. “So therefore winning
or losing is not the issue, in my view, in the traditional,
conventional context of using the word ‘winning’ and ‘losing’ in a
war.” In other words, the United States wins even if it loses. “The
people that are going to defeat that insurgency are going to be the
Iraqis. And the Iraqis will do it not through military means solely,
but by progress on the political side and giving the Iraqi people a
sense that they have a stake in that country.”

Never mind that the vast majority of Iraqis want the United States out
of their country-immediately. “Four out of five Iraqis report holding a
negative view of the U.S. occupation authority and of coalition forces,
according to a new poll conducted for the occupation authority. In the
poll, 80 percent of Iraqis surveyed reported a lack of confidence in
the Coalition Provisional Authority, and 82 percent said they
disapprove of the United States and allied militaries in Iraq,” the
Washington Post < http://www.globalpolicy.org/ngos/advocacy/protest/iraq/2004/

>reported nearly a year ago. Rumsfeld may say he wants the Iraqis to
“have a stake” in their country, but he really does not mean it, as the
stage managed and rigged “election” held recently indicates.
“Indicating a general skepticism of foreign involvement in their
political future, 83 percent of those polled said that only Iraqis
should be involved in supervising the 2005 elections.” Of course, this
did not happen.

In Bushzarro world, where reality is reviled, Rumsfeld can say the
Iraqi people “are going to defeat that insurgency” but facts on the
ground, as wonks and corporate media types like to say, indicate
otherwise. “Secretary of State Colin Powell has privately confided to
friends in recent weeks that the Iraqi insurgents are winning the war,
according to Newsweek,” Salon < http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/110104V.shtml
> last October. “The insurgents have succeeded in infiltrating Iraqi
forces ‘from top to bottom,’ a senior Iraqi official tells Newsweek.”

Let’s check the ballistics here: the United States lost in Vietnam, not
because it lacked the “will,” as right-wingers are wont to lament
(i.e., the United States didn’t kill enough Vietnamese), but rather
because the Vietnamese people refused to accept the occupation of their
country. France lost in Algeria for the same reason and De Gaulle was
forced into a political, not military, solution-a referendum allowing
Algerians to choose their own destiny, be it independence or remaining
part of France. “In March 1962 a cease fire was negotiated between the
French government and the FLN and De Gaulle’s referendum was held in
July,” notes Arab.net < http://www.arab.net/algeria/aa_french.htm
> . “The Algerian people spoke with a single voice. They voted for
independence. Following the referendum the French departed from Algeria
en masse. By the end of the year most colonials had evacuated the
country that had once been French Algeria.”

Eventually, the same thing will happen in Iraq, regardless of
Rumsfeld’s Bushzarro mumbo jumbo. It is inevitable. But what is far
less certain is this: will the United States finally learn it cannot
invade (easy enough with its conspicuous military prowess) and then
impose its political will on people who are vehemently opposed to
occupation and humiliation? If the United States finds itself once
again lost in the “Vietnam Syndrome” wilderness-in other words, lacking
the ability or will to face the music, i.e., people will resist foreign
occupation, and will do so for decades, against immense odds, until
they prevail-then the American people will be duped again and again,
until the war machine finally breaks due to economic strain. In fact,
that break may very well be right around the corner.

It may not bode well for Americans, but it will certainly be a relief
to billions of people who are currently on the Bushzarro target


Forum posts

  • To bad for the Iraqi civilians! Freedom, democracy, human rights or christianity are just words.

    • Maybe to you. Not to me and a billion others.

    • If you think a shophisticated weapons can win any war ,you are a fool to beleive so,u can be a president or any leader but,you got lack of understanding.

      Whats democracy?? --------------------- whats Islamic Law?

      1)Will of people ------------------------ 1) Will of God

      2)6/10 people say ----------------- 2) Smoking is prohibited,causing
      selling ciggy generate income,--- harm to body is prohibited,can prevent
      law is passed to do so. ------------- lung cancer.

      3)Woman is deprived in ad-board,---------- 3) woman are protected, with her dignity. by wearing
      all about sexual expression in bill boards, --- loose garments.
      wheather selling a coffee, ice cream ,or a car
      irrelevent of products & woman.

      4) Free to do adultry, end result is Aids, ---------- 4) marry one, if u can afford marry2,3 or 4. all
      sexually transmitted disease n much more.------- need to be treated equal, if cant jst marry one.
      Average a man would have had sex with 3 or 4
      gals.but talk about polygamy in islam.

      Ask your self are you a hypocrate, or you want real solution.
      Islam is a practical solution to the problem, today society facing to many problems , because the lack of understanding about the root cause of the problems.
      Islam address all the issues a human need to know.so, why not have islamic law.

  • no, America is, at this point, most certainly winning. will she continue to win? That remains to be seen. Is the faux democratic, faux republican American oligarchy a particularly admirable form of governance? No, it is not, but, unfortunately, it is and has been far superior to any other form of governance developed on this planet. Socialism gave us 100,000,000+ dead in eighty five years from their mass executions, slave labor camps, laogai, and innumerable wars whose victims will never be counted. French republicanism is a comic opera farce beyond Gilbert and Sullivan’s best efforts. Italy? What government do they have this week? And then there is Islam.
    What people do not understand about Islam is that it is a political entity, a form of governance masquerading as a religion. If one does even a modest scan of the historical acts of Islam, one will discover that it is an endless record of murder, mass murder, enslavement of indiginous peoples, rapine, invasion of peaceful nations, and the creation of a "borg" like mentality in its adherents that defies common logic or common decency. America at this point is indeed winning. I truly hope she continues to win.

    • Actually, because of good PR—propaganda—the US never reminds itself of what it has done, how many bodies it has trod on, how many treaties is has broken, how many it has enslaved—whether by proxy of directly—and the various genocidal acts it has committed. The fact that you don’t know them, or more appropriately choose not to state them, is evidence of how insulating the "so called" American Dream is. The Capitalistic dogma makes you unaware of just how similar your own nations practices are those of your enemies, and how hypocritical you are for your faith, which bears a great resemblance to Islam for all of its arrogance and pride. In truth, individuals of your ilk deserve to get torn down by the various little terrorizing flies that are swarming around the US and swarming within. For I myself am an American and I hate blindness, the arrogance, apathy, willful stupidity and intolerance that all blossomed as a result of our own hypochondria after 9/11. Accordingly it is not a country that I will ever be proud of or respect. And, in all likelihood, America never was what it was designed to be since men are often too optimistic to see the truth, and as such America will never reach its supposed perfection. My faith was misplaced.

      I have torn away the veil.

    • Perhaps the veil has been torn away, but your myopia leads me to believe you have your burkha on backwards.
      If america is all that bad you can always leave.....................................................
      and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

    • You right wingdings are all overconfident because your Rapture Index has been very high lately. The only ones who will be high-fiving Jesus are the liberals. Jesus was a liberal. And Jesus said, "Be like me!"

    • Hitler, a National Socialist, thought jesus was a German.
      Carl Jung, a Swiss liberal, thought jesus was an Aryan.
      Most liberals of my acquaintance are atheist-humanist and are convinced jesus doesn’t exist.
      Christian Science has a rubber jesus they can mould into any shape they want.

      I will never cease to be amazed by the human genius for self deception.

    • Buddhism in Thailand, Hinduism in India, Christianity in Europe, North America and the Austral countries and Islam. They’ve all done some pretty inhuman things.

      Islam swept over North Africa like lightning. Have you ever wondered why? The main reason is that the Church in Constantinople had been persecuting heretical sects vigorously. The Muslims let them practice their religion in peace. Why should they fight for Constantinople? A secondary reason is that if a soldier on the battlefield were about to be killed, he could express his wish to join Islam and be spared.

    • Wait a minute.... It really doesn’t matter in this context what Hitler or Jung thought. The person you’re responding to was quite simply correct. Jesus was a liberal. Get over it. And, by the way, that’s not just the thought of someone, it’s based on the Biblical narrative in which Jesus spends his time and effort on the poor, the disenfranchised and the sick. He preached a Gospel of love and all the right wing can do is throw up smokescreens of hate and bigotry. It’s all a bit sad really......

    • I just love how uneducated some people are not to know a literary alusion when they see one.

    • I believe this is what the military calls a "target rich environment". So many mouthy, uneducated liberal imbeciles it beat up on, I feel as if I had died and gone to..............................
      Oh well, back to work........
      By simple word count, the one subject Christ expounded most energetically was hell. In all four of the gospels......hell.
      The nature of hell. Who would go to hell. That those in hell would dwell there eternally. How to avoid going to hell.
      How terribly illiberal of Him.

    • Where the lefties are concerned it’s more likely to be a literary illusion................

    • The religious socialism of Lenin, Stalin, Dzerzhinski, Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxemborg, Mao, Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, Ho Chi Minh, Khruschev, Pol Pot, Kim dae Jong, Kim Jong Il, et al, surpassed by far all the evil ever done by all the other religions on the planet, and in only eighty five years. Quite an accomplishment really. I’m not surprised you omitted religious socialism, in that it is probably your faith of choice.
      The relationship between Islam and Christianity was not as simple or as copacetic as you believe. All non Islamic faiths were reduced to a state of "Dhimmitude", which is only marginally different from slavery. They were heavily taxed, subject to pogroms, violence, fraud, theft, and outright murder.
      I was trying to figure out if you were simply stupid, or a liar.
      In that you seem to be after a fashion reasonably well informed, but with a regrettable penchant for leaving out inconvenient facts that do not support your premise, I am afraid I must conclude that you are a liar. The Muslims have a word for it: "Taqiyye".

    • YEP, CHRIST WAS ONE JUDGEMENTAL SON OF A GOD, WASN’T HE?................................

    • Ho, ho... your wit makes my sides hurt..... In your case a literary delusion?

    • You are only kidding yourself! Bush and his gang are liars and murderers of innocent Iraqis (and Americans)...the numbers of Iraqis dead are said to be in the area of 100,000...Bush had NO RIGHT TO MURDER THESE PEOPLE. Bush has committed treason against his own country and lied to and bullied the rest of the world. It’s time to bring him and his administration to justice: a trial and imprisonment, preferrably in Iraq. By the way, Bush was not elected in either 2000 or 2004. The Republican-owned, secret counting software "delivered" the vote to Bush in 04, the results of which are contrary to the exit polls. There is a myriad of evidence supporting the fact that the election was stolen by Bush and his gang of greedy corporate criminals. The world needs to stand against the Bush administration!

    • No good Americans are going to leave America because the current Bush administration is corrupt and criminal. This Bush administration is going to be defeated and exposed as the sub-humans they are: not fit to wipe the shoes of the ordinary citizens of the world.

    • subhumans? perhaps you would prefer "untermenschen". it might be wise if you and your socialist friends came up with a "final solution" for dealing with us.

    • read the Qur’an, read the sirat, study Ibn Ishaq. Understand Islam before you speak.

    • Hi... you plonker,,

      she wore her burkha from the back..

      but i think you talk from your arse, because to begin with you never had a face.

    • [And Jesus said, "Be like me!"]

      Please Dont Disrespect JESUS (Peace be upon him). He never killed anyone. He never dropped N-Bomb on civilians(i.e japan,vietname, salvador, iraq, Afghanistan). He never said to kill someone. I am a muslim and it is an insult for me if you think you are on the foot step of JESUS.

      JESUS is standing for peace and I swear to GOD; you all will see when he will come back. What he will do and what for he will come back. I pray he should come in our lives.

      Best Regards to those who see truth and tell the truth.

      I dont find any stupid other then americans who think they are loved by the world. Indeed they are mostly hated by all the world. They have killed people starting from red indeans to iraqi childerens today. In most of the wars of last century AMERICANS were involved in following the step what they said of JESUS(peace be upon him) but they are liers and ask anyone he will say JESUS will forbid the killing of innocents even if it is by mistake or by any precies bombing devices.

      So please dont say JESUS (peace be upon him) is on yourside. We are not stupid that much.

      You are humans and you are doing it wrong. Admitt it and you may get mercy otherwise be in hell for favouring evil.

      Hehe Bye for now.

    • I don’t understand how you Christian always confused about Jesus, sometimes you said his God and sometimes he’s son of God and he will come back from resurrection and will kill the pig and destroy the Cross you’re worshipping and he will kill the Anti-Christ and the law of Allah will reign and peace with it! I encourage you to read about Koran the book whom never been falcified or changed.I bear witness that I deliver my message to you to look for the truth before it’s to late for you.

  • Of course we’re losing in Iraq- We’ve just about lost America as well. I wonder if this could have something to do with America’s problems...

    from a speech by Laura Bush...
    "the first lady proceeded to note that he(Bush) is "usually in bed by now" and said she told him recently, "If you really want to end tyranny in the world you’re going to have to stay up later." She outlined a typical evening: "Nine o’clock, Mr. Excitement here is sound asleep and I’m watching ’Desperate Housewives.’ " Comedic pause. "With Lynne Cheney. Ladies and gentlemen, I am a desperate housewife."

    THIS is what the first family does at night? Not that it would help if Bush paid more attention(he’d f**k things up even worse) but shouldn’t he be a bit more curious about life than that? He stated in an interview that he didn’t really do much reading or watch the news. He reads a bit of a novel at night then goes to sleep at 9. How is this guy qualified to be president? And where exactly does he get his information? Condi’s briefings? It might be that Bush really does think that things are going well in Iraq and that he is spreading democracy considering the ’information’ he gets.

    His credibility is shot. The country is being run by clowns. We obviously can’t wait for them to end this atrocity in Iraq. The disconnect between DC and the American people is growing...there is no mandate, illustrating that the election was stolen. The question is, how do we remove King George and return the power to the people?

    • You lefties lost America a long time ago, and it is tremendously amusing that you are just waking up to the fact. Unlike the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, Viet Nam and other worker’s paradises, you can always leave.

    • The guy is a drunk, that is why he is in bed at 9:00, he drinks himself into a stupor and then passes out obviously.

      As to getting his information from Condi’s briefings, its more like Condi’s underpants.


    • Still, back to the POINT of the article.

      The Iraq adventure is turning into another defeat for the US on the scale of that great victory by the Vietnamese people. Iraq will be seen to be a very big mistake in terms of US foreign policy. The seeds are being sown, even as we squabble on Bellaciao, for mass hatred of the US to follow, and unfortunately many US deaths.

      Even the history taught in US schools ( a great fictional read) will I feel in the future, have Bush down as possibly the worst president ever to skulk the White House halls. Further US administrations will doubtless go to great lengths to distance themselves form his legacy, and hopefully stem the tide of rising global hatred.

    • Oh no... it’s Mr "I can’t find my Caps Lock key" again. I’m sorry to say this but just because you use capital letters it doesn’t make you any more right. It is after all the typed equivalent of shouting and as we all know "Empty vessels make the most noise".

    • "You lefties lost America a long time ago, and it is tremendously amusing that you are just waking up to the fact. Unlike the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, Viet Nam and other worker’s paradises, you can always leave."

      So, the "righties" won America did they? Does that explain why a country once respected and even aspired to by much of the world has become a laughing stock. You have a President with all the brains and charisma of a door knob rampaging around the world on a mad right wing crusade while you all seem to sit at home adding up rapture points (Do you really think God runs a superstore loyalty scheme? - By the way how many points do you need for a toaster?) and cheerleading for the end of the world. And, if "lefties" are just Communists then can we assume Hitler as the role model of the "righties"?

    • Yes Mr. Cap. Keys, our "Jim/Jeff" troll plant is here to argue the immoral positions of W. (Warmonger) Bush. They wind him up and turn him loose on the internet, he repeats every official lie and falsehood. I guess they probably pay him minimum wage or maybe in bird seed for being their parrot. And when you get him going he hits the caps lock and away he goes.


    • The world "respected" us? When? What part of the world?? Name one country on this planet that even respects itself. Name one country on this planet whse respect we might want. I dare you. I am confident you will not try to take up this gauntlet. You are a lost man trying to champion a lost cause. You are a fanatic. The truth does not interest you. You simply seek affirmation of your bizarre, sanguine, atheistic religion.

    • Most morality has its source in some sort of metaphysical belief system, except of course, left-liberal morals, which is something they make up on the fly. It must take a lot of mental gymnastics to condemn shooting arab suicide bombers the very same day you talk your girlfriend into aborting your twins.

    • the thought that a man might be attracted to a woman really does offend you doesn’t it?

    • Oh Mr Caps Lock, you are such a silly little boy. You really shouldn’t mess with thinking until they let you out of that little rubber room and give you your crayons back.

    • Mmmmm... interesting (rubs chin and considers the rather bizarre psychopathology of this strange person)..... Britain used to respect you. And how exactly am I a fanatic? Atheistic religion? A tautology methinks. Oh well.....

    • Look, I dared!!

    • Britain? Britain??.........Too Easy. Possibly the most imperialist nation since Rome. India...enslaved. South Africa...enslaved. [incarcerating the Boer women and children in the first concentration/death camps] "Rhodesia"....enslaving a large portion of the Zulu nation to dig diamonds for DeBeers. Conspiring to draw America into WWI by the murder of nearly 1000 U.S. citizens [Lusitania Conspiracy]......They [contrary to popular "wisdom"] were the first to initiate the bombing of civilian populaces in WWII [the "Lindemann Plan"] It was their Imperial Delusion that created the bogus "states" in the middle east that we are having to deal with now....................I could go on, but, the bottom line is: Who the hell wants or needs Britain’s "respect"? They have been a parasite, a user, a tick on our ass for over 100 years.
      You remind me of Mark Twain"s axiom " Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." It is probably best that you remain silent from this point on.........until you learn something.

    • P.S.............In that the word "religion" derives from the Latin root "Religar", referring to any common group of believers; it implies no metaphysical properties or action. Therefore NASCAR, Soccer, Homosexuality, or for that matter Atheism or Socialism could rightly be termed "religions".
      Have a "nice" day.


    • So, you don’t understand English either? Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. How do you manage to shout quite so much with that pacifier in your mouth?

    • Perfectly fair point... But you did ask! And I delivered.

    • But, before you get out the rocks, remember that you live in a glass house. Don’t even think that imperialist arguments or the abuse of civilians is a road that you want to go down. That road leads to defeat... and I don’t think you would like that.

    • So you don’t need Britains respect but you do need us to cover your sorry arses in Iraq?

    • No. But, it seems to bother you rather a lot. Mmmmmm, what might Freud make of that?

    • poorly, very poorly.

    • there are no innocents, none, zero, zip.

    • You are covering your own asses. To the credit of Tony Blair and his Labour govt, at least they have the foresight neccessary to recognise the danger they and all of Europe are in. Remember the school in Beslan? What if that happened in Coventry, or Carlysle? It may, soon. The genius [dirty genius] of taking the fight to the middle east is that it forces Islam to fight on it’s own ground, otherwise the jihadis and suicide bombers that are fighting there would be getting visas to Britain, Europe and the U.S.
      In conclusion, please be so kind as to recall that the majority of the middle eastern states that are so much of a thorn in our side now are entirely the creation of post WWI British foreign policy and the British foreign service..............most particularly Israel.


    • the last time I checked ol’ Sigmund was dead, and the only thing he might "make" is dinner for worms.

    • I wish Freud was dead... But sadly, the old fools ideas persist and as such there are a world of therapists who would think you have some sort of crisis in the trouser department.

    • the perfect way to I.D. a leftist: everything is about sex.......and your use of sexual innuendo as a form of passive-aggressive ad-hominem seems to verify Mr. Caps Locks observation about your lack of substantive arguments.

    • If you want a substantive argument.... Just name your topic.


    • I wish this man would just go away, but, in reply, if read in sequence, the above posts are a case study in the arguing skills of these involved leftists. Regrettably having to agree with Mr. Caps lock, they all have opinions but are gloriously free of the burden of knowledge aquired by reading the canonical books of Islam. They are also the first to point fingers and call names when their ignorance is exposed.

    • Funny that, but you sure as hell aint kicking my ass. (Although there it is again.... the anal reference - are you sure about your position on that one?) Unless I have a braille PC then I suspect that the blind bit of your comment resolves itself. I was merely, as any sensible person would have understood, offering you the chance to name the ground for a debate. But if you can’t hack it, that’s okay.

  • BLAIR RE-ELECTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA!

    • Above three posts 68 134 =Mr Caps lock talking to himself. Supposed to be the first sign of madness, but in his case it’s just symptomatic.

    • And? Your point is exactly? At least the election was substantially fair unlike the one for your un-president. At least most of our electorate respect a democratic mandate.

    • And - at the obvious risk of being described as mad due to consecutive posts :-) - Blair leads The Labour Party..... The Labour Party is a socialist party, so it’s nice to see you supporting the lefties.

    • unlike you, politics is not my religion. if an evil man does good, it is still good. if a good man does evil, it is still evil.

    • that is your opinion, but most Americans do not consider the elections to have been stolen. as a matter of fact, in this country, the Democrat party has always been synonymous with election fraud, so we take their whining about these particular elections as an example of ironic humor.

    • Who precisely gave you the right to decide what my religion may be? It certainly isn’t politics. It might be helpful if you could outline what exactly you think communism or socialism actually is. Your views seem to be extreme but also uninformed or worse, informed by only one side of the argument.
      For example, when speaking of education Marx defined the relationship of country and citizen clearly and sensibly. "From each according to his abilities and to each according to his needs". That is an education policy we could all benefit from. You might like to think of it as "No child left behind." The difference is that Marx meant it while the problem is that no government has actually tried it.

    • words have meaning. "religion" decends from the Latin root "religar", meaning, any common group of believers or followers. spirituality or metaphysics do not enter into it. Another way to recognise religion is when people "believe" something for which there is absolutely no proof, or for which the body of accepted evidence is entirely against said "belief". Leftist rhetoric and documents are rife with the statements; "i feel" and "i believe" rather than "I think", because a thought process requires logic and proof which is sadly lacking in the leftist weltanschauung. Marxism has been tried numerous times, and always it was a disastrous and sanguine failure.
      You already are aware of the nations which tried Marxism and because of it, became poverty stricken graveyards, so I will not ennumerate them here. The leftist defence is to claim that it was not "true Marxism". It was true Marxism.........in the beginning. This is proven by the fact that, after the various revolutions, all these nations developed in a similar, trackable, almost parallel curve and ended up in almost identical misery; military dictatorships lording it over miserable populations and ruled by oligarchies identical in their behaviour, greed, blood lust, deceit and rhetoric. Karl Marx was a failed economist who left the key element out of his equasions: human ambition. As a result, the only people who were allowed to express ambition in the nations that attempted Marxism were the members of the assorted nomenclatura. Ambition is a human constant evidenced by the ambition of so many people world wide that are ambitious for another attempt at a Marxist state: at which point, when it is attained, you are going to abandon your ambition? A thought process so illogical is also unworkable.
      Karl Marx was an economist in the same manner that Sigmund Freud was a psychological savant.
      Both have been proven by time [the only true equalizer] to have been terribly wrong.
      Therefore, I stand by my observation: Marxism/Leftism is a religion. You, by self admission are a Leftist. Ergo, Leftism is your religion.

    • 10 out of 10. You begin with an argument that suggests certainty expressed in such form as "I believe" or "I feel" rather than "I think" is failed because it does not engage the thought process, logic and proof. That’s an argument, I think - but it rather spoiled by your normal manner of absolute certainty that manifests itself in each posting you make. But, you came through for me in the end with your certainty about leftism being my religion. I fundamentally disagree. You play word games without considering that words have no value without meaning. Therefore your desperate desire to cling to etymology over common sense is perplexing. Ask someone living in the real world what they mean by religion (and, after all the word has no use without meaning) and they will suggest a faith based answer. They are unlikely to say Republican or Democrat or right or left. Therefore I shall try again. My religion is my own affair, my politics reside to the left of yours.

    • You admit the power of my argument but you don’t like my attitude?.....................
      You take exception to my sense of certainty because you take refuge in the gray areas which allow you to claim credit for victories and avoid responsibility for crimes and defeats. When I suggest you invest time in the research that would grant you a sense of certainty [and also most certainly alter your einstellung mindset 180 degrees] you remain strangely silent. You cling emotionally, hysterically to your unproven and unprovable religion of leftism for, to venture forth from it would entail sacrifices you do not have the courage to face..................... once again I challenge you: read the Qur’an at least twice.................read the Sahih al Bukhari....with particular attention to the "book of Jihad".............read the Sirat Rasul Allah...................this is just the beginning. Do not run away from knowledge because it contradicts your most dearly cherished "beliefs". Read the Gulag Archipelago the three vol. set and the Black Book of Communism and meditate on the mind boggling, soul blackening crimes of the left and ask yourself if you really want your soul to take communion with these criminal acts............................................................................"To Love Truth is to Endure the Void and Hence to Accept Death" ................Simone Weill 1909 -1943
      As an aside, I would like to note that I come on this site fairly frequently to do intellectual battle with people of the left and sometimes just to annoy them for the pure hell of it, and it has struck me that most of my opponents are probably college graduates if not full academics and that I am quite possibly the only one who posts here who can lay claim to being of the proletariat......
      Life can be very strange.................

    • Sorry to disappoint you but I doubt that either your origin or formal education is either greater or less than my own. Once again you ascribe to others that which you cannot know. As for your argument - I actually despair at your inability to see the contradiction in your own words. You speak of things that you contradict within three or four words. Not a consistent position. The secret to learning and advancement may actually come by remaining open to both yourself and others. This is borne out particularly by your suggestion that through learning I would have to make a 180 degree turn in order to find the truth. The problem is that such a turn would only facilitate an orientation to your point of view - and your point of view, while important in itself, has no more to guarantee its provenance than the view of every human on the planet. You seem to forget that it was once "true" to believe the world was flat. More recently many people held to the "truth" that drinking form a cup used by an aids victim was sufficient to develop the disease. In order to develop in any way we cannot accept that we have reached the limits of learning and understanding of both each other and the world. If that were the case then we would be living in paradise and I think even you might agree that whatever this world may be, paradise it isn’t.
      And yet again you equate politics and religion while ignoring the realities and practicalities of language. There are many words whose original meaning bears little relation to their current use and understanding and this insistence on your part to resort only to an etymology that suits your purpose is, at best, disingenuous.
      You also speak of the left using their position to avoid hard choices and yet at the same time you relentlessly use the soviets as evidence of the sheer brutality of a system you seem not to understand. We cannot be both despotic and unable to make up our minds at the same time. Otherwise Stalin would have spent most of his time giving out flowers to dissidents and gently persuading them to reform. We both agree he did not. In no circumstance have I claimed credit for any victory nor tried to avoid responsibilty for the crimes and defeats on any side. I have never defended Stalin any more than I would defend Hitler. I have tried to take a position where analysis may lead to some clearer idea of the future. if we don’t learn from history then surely we are bound to repeat it. However, I have yet to see so much as a chink of light in your belief that the right is right so perhaps you should put the rocks down and reglaze your own house. It can be a difficult dialogue when only one side seems to have ears.

    • ya know, its kinda interesting; religious socialism has had its own "John the Baptist" figures in Lenin, Stalin, Adolph, Mao and in a lesser sense Ho and Fidel and has a sort of promised messiah in the Leninist/Stalinist "New Socialist Man" and the National Socialist "Ubermensch".
      Of course the socialist promised land is the "Worker’s Paradise"...........................
      As per your despair, I truly sympathize, but we must remember that Sartre stated unequivocally that despair is the unavoidable result of atheism.
      Many thanx for your concern about the windows in my house; they are intact.

    • How many times do I have to say this. Politics of any colour is not religion.
      religion - noun - belief in, recognition of, or an awakened sense of, a higher unseen controlling power or powers, with the emotion and morality connected therewith: rites of worship: any system of such belief or worship.
      Please note "any system of SUCH belief or worship." The such in the sentence refers back to the belief or recognition of a higher unseen controlling power.
      As most politicians (to the best of our knowledge) are not invisible your argument has just sent itself charging towards oblivion.
      Satre probably also said "I would like a cup of coffee" but I don’t consider it as a way of life. He also did say that "hell is other people" and I’m not sure I agree totally with that either. Maybe he was having a bad day. As a philosopher, of course, he would not claim absolute right anyway. So maybe you would like to stop playing word games and deal with the issues. Of course you will doubtless come back with a different dictionary definition of religion and present it with your usual triumphalism. The only problem with that, is that it would prove what I have tried to say all along - certainty is foolish if it closes the door on learning. I assume that you would accept that my dictionary is just as valid as yours. Therefore we both deal in the same truth it’s only the spin that differs. By the way, what do you propose as a sensible form of government? You are very adept at pulling things down but I have yet to see you offer a workable alternative. And what exactly do you mean by socialism having John the Baptist figures? That is opinion pure and simple without a single fact or truth or anything else to back it up. There is a tautology in that sentence - or in your attitudes - because it must be difficult for those atheists to pay much heed to the new testament. You really do seem to want it all ways. what consistency there is in your argument always seems to centre upon a blind hatred of the left wing who seem to be another group to inspire fear in your good self. Have you ever tried to see the good in anothers point of view, it might cure you of being so easily frightened. It’s an old adage but people do tend to lash out at that which they do not understand.

    • Hello,

      Its so nice to see you americans fightings amongst yourselves.
      Its the final straw until Islaam takes over and enslave you lot for your collective crimes against us. Yes your civilians and military people must pay for each of thier unique contribution to your crimes on the muslim world. Calling yourselves civilised while you force your dictorial puppets to murder muslims at every turn.
      All the talking and barking in the world will not stop.
      This system demands death or victory.
      Now that these people have taken you guys on, either you guys are defeated or everyone goes up in smoke. You americans are smart enough to figure that out.
      Just bumb enough to always choose the wrong path, like the one you are taking through Iraq.
      Who knows maybe its divine intervention that you guy landed in Iraq so the people their can punish your cardboard, tin-can soldiers personally. A taste of things to come.

    • ahhh, taqiyye, taqiyye, taqiyye..................................The dulcet sound of endless muslim lies.
      here is news for you mohammad, for every dead G.I. there are 50 Jihadis turned into rotting corpses. Iran is trying to build 1 nuclear device. We could, today, turn the entire middle east into an irradiated wasteland and never miss the nukes we use from our inventory.
      and for you, personally, how about two broken legs and then being tossed bodily into a corral full of hungry boar hogs. We start with one Jihadi and end with pig turds. If your body is turned into pig turds do you still get your 72 virgins?

    • I have no hatred for the men of the left, only pity and a dumbstruck awe at their ability to believe in nothing as if it were something. As for my own political beliefs, I am essentially a monarchist.

    • A monarchist?????? You consider that a political belief system? So, if it were up to you the future of your country and probably the world would be based entirely on an accident of birth? Oh dear, of dear, oh dear...... it’s worse than I thought. That really is back to the future. Trust me on one thing - the only people who ever want a monarchy are those that don’t have one.

    • If you’re proud of that statement then you need help, sir.

    • it would depend upon who the King is, wouldn’t it?

    • That’s the trouble with a monarchy.... You don’t get to decide.

  • [And Jesus said, "Be like me!"]

    Please Dont Disrespect JESUS (Peace be upon him). He never killed anyone. He never dropped N-Bomb on civilians(i.e japan,vietname, salvador, iraq, Afghanistan). He never said to kill someone. I am a muslim and it is an insult for me if you think you are on the foot step of JESUS.

    JESUS is standing for peace and I swear to GOD; you all will see when he will come back. What he will do and what for he will come back. I pray he should come in our lives.

    Best Regards to those who see truth and tell the truth.

    I dont find any stupid other then americans who think they are loved by the world. Indeed they are mostly hated by all the world. They have killed people starting from red indeans to iraqi childerens today. In most of the wars of last century AMERICANS were involved in following the step what they said of JESUS(peace be upon him) but they are liers and ask anyone he will say JESUS will forbid the killing of innocents even if it is by mistake or by any precies bombing devices.

    So please dont say JESUS (peace be upon him) is on yourside. We are not stupid that much.

    You are humans and you are doing it wrong. Admitt it and you may get mercy otherwise be in hell for favouring evil.

    Hehe Bye for now.

    • the "apostle of allah" [may body lice and hemorrhoids torment him] said that those in hell would drink boiling water and eat the thorny fruit of the tree of Zaqqum [Sura 37, As-Saffat; verses 62-66], but, personally, I suspect Hell will be fill of starving Jihadis and dogs fighting over uncooked sausages,

    • You are a mental case.

    • Your insults cheapen you. They are low, unhelpful and filled with hatred and wilful misunderstandings that demean you and the country you represent.

    • but, the witless insults from the left are a blessing?

    • Point taken.... No they are not.

  • I want"president"BU***SH*Tand his entire"administation"to fall upon the sword.By any means necessary...Pack every one of these neoconvict b*****ds onto the next C-150 to Baghdad.You want it sooo bad...go get it.Come back with your shield or on it.The latter is much preffered -downtrodden1

    • very nice. the poetic incoherence of the lobotomized leftist.

    • And I suppose you regard the "apostle of Allah" post to be the very pinnacle of informed debate?
      If the right has any respect for itself it will part company with you. You are not of the right you are of the wrong.

  • America, Iraq, and their allies will prevail unless the American people lose their will. Irresponsible comments on sites like this one serve to give aid and comfort to those who deliberately set off bombs on crowded streets.

    Last week, a Baghdad ice cream shop was targeted by by insurgents, killing a dozen employees and customers. In your zeal to see Americans killed, are you really willing to support people who do these kinds of things?

    • what a silly question. of course they are.

    • There were NO bombs on crowded Iraqi streets until the US started dropping them.

      NO Iraqi had ever hurt one hair on the head of a any US citizen until the bimbing by the US started.

      They, and other countries bombed by the US will get their retribution.

    • The Iraqi freedom fighters will never give up until every last murdering bastard American and Brit has had their lives destroyed or ruined for what is left of it. Like the Vietnamese, they will just keep on fighting until the occupiers are defeated, even if it takes 10 years.

      The American people were mostly against this war from before it was started by that stupid bastard that pretends to be a president, so how in the world can anyone think that with all of the terrible things that have come out of this illegal war that the American people will suddenly want to change their minds and think it is right?

    • Pick up your weapon you ugly stooge for Bush and get your ass back to Iraq, maybe this time we will all get lucky and the Iraqis will blow it off for you. Who let you come back to the U.S.? We don’t want your kind to return here you do not belong. You belong with other murdering bastards for Bush so get back on over there and get yourself killed for us like you keep saying, we don’t want you coming back here breeding among the intelligent people and making more little retards, you’re a waste of the oxygen you breathe.

    • Woah.... There’s a few people in here suffering from overactive bile ducts. Surely the ideal is simple: We don’t actually want anyone senselessly killed in Iraq or anywhere else...... not even Bush stooges.
      Maybe the way forward is for US politicians to go back to wherever they left their backbones, have them reinserted and impeach Bush and his cabal of right wing wolves (apologies to all the wolves out there!) and then deliver them to the Hague. Once that process is complete perhaps they could consider the possibility of curbing their greed and staying home for a few years.

    • If they were against the war, why was he [Bush] re-elected?

    • "We don’t want your kind....................."
      Who cares?........You, my friend, are a member of a miniscule, irrelevant, and rapidly diminishing minority.......The only purpose you and your friends serve is as a negative example. Soon you will go the way of the prarie chicken, the dodo and the neanderthal;extinct, with the exception of a few in museums, kept for the edification of future generations. And the beauty of it, the true joy of it is that you will be extinct by your own hands, extinct due to your inability to deal with reality, your unwillingness to think.

    • Interesting, and your good will is appreciated, but your post is predicated on the idea that America has a truly free and representative government........which it really does not.

    • No, that is true, Saddam preferred to machine gun his victims, and , actually, a number of American citizens were killed by Palestinian suicide bombers who were supported, encouraged and financially subsidized by Saddam.

    • He did bomb the Kurds, killing tens of thousands

    • Iraqis suffer from contaminated drinking water, inadequate hospitals, power cuts and funding shortage, meanwhile the US is building itself permanent bases and ignoring billions of missing Iraqi money

    • Evidence of Iraqi support for suicide bombers that killed US citizens ? Something more credible than Fox news possibly?