Home > Israel Defense Force video of siege of ’Mavi Marmara’ Hoaxed !
Israel Defense Force video of siege of ’Mavi Marmara’ Hoaxed !
by Open-Publishing - Saturday 12 June 2010Humanitary Wars and conflicts International
Israel Defense Force video of siege of ’Mavi Marmara’ Hoaxed!
(whatdefuck.com) - Three sleuth posters working together at conspiracy forum whatdefuck.com proved the Israeli Defense Force footage of the attack on the Mavi Marmara was a deliberate fabrication as seen in this video originally broadcast by SKY NEWS:
The unraveling of this tall tale on the high seas began on the morning of Friday, June the 4th when the poster known as Shadow made the following remark to another forum poster known as JayRodney:
"I had a close look at web pics of the Mavi Marmara and the ship in the vid that shows the Turks attacking the IDF as they land. I do not believe it is the same ship. Compare them though, I’d like your opinion on it."
To which JayRodney responded: "I have to conclude by my initial observation ’Mavi Marmara’ should be visible 36-37 seconds into the video. Octo is getting screen shots and we will make the best comparison based upon available evidence.
I think it’s safe to call shenanigans. It looks suspiciously like Mossad Productions, I’d say the margin of error is less than 1%. This is most assuredly propaganda."
Then the proverbial bomb was dropped, irrefutable evidence provided in the form of an animated .gif file:

The poster known as Octo said: "ok, the pics are from slightly different angles, but to the best of my knowledge at approximately the same place of the ship(s) superimposed: doesn’t even look like the same ship to me."
Proof positive! The boats name should have been visible in at least one frame of the SKY NEWS video. Not only is the ships designation ’Mavi Marmara’ conspicuously absent, but the entire vessel is clearly different; it’s not the same boat!
This IDF footage is clearly fabricated, I wonder how the Israeli government will explain this away?