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Kucinich Demands IG Investigation Into FBI’s Handling Of Investigation Into Forged Niger Documents

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 5 November 2005

Nuclear Wars and conflicts Justice Secret Services USA Italy Africa

FBI Drops Investigation Just As Italians Make A Potential Break In The Case;
Kucinich Sends Department Of Justice A Letter Demanding Investigation

WASHINGTON - November 4 - Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) today sent a letter to the Department of Justice Inspector General (IG), Glenn A. Fine, demanding an IG investigation of the FBI’s handling of the situation.

The letter, sent today, states:

Dear Inspector General Fine:

I am greatly dismayed to learn that without answering any of the key questions pertaining to the forgeries known as the Niger-Iraq uranium documents, the F.B.I. has closed its two-year investigation.

Firstly, while the Italian investigation has identified Mr. Rocco Martino, an occasional informant, as the distributor of the forgeries, the F.B.I. has decided to close its investigation without determining who authored the forgeries. What basis did the F.B.I. have to end its investigation with the author of the forgeries still at large?

Secondly, while the F.B.I. closed its investigation based on its conclusion that Mr. Martino distributed the forgeries for personal profit, it is dismaying that the F.B.I. ended its investigation without determining who compensated Mr. Martino.

It is further disturbing that based on evidence of official Italian cooperation with the F.B.I.’s investigation, the F.B.I. closed its own investigation because it concluded that the government of Italy had not sought to manipulate U.S. foreign policy with the creation and dissemination of forgeries.

It is nearly unbelievable that the FBI is satisfied with the non-finding that the Italian government had no responsibility in manipulating intelligence to influence U.S. foreign policy. What about the more likely scenario of manipulation by Americans, Iraqi nationals or combination of both and/or rogue elements within the U.S. intelligence?

None of the questions regarding the origin of the forgeries has been answered, nor will they be answered, by the Italian investigation. It is unconscionable that the F.B.I. should abandon its investigation without answering these key questions.

The forged documents may have surfaced in Italy, but they directly impacted U.S. foreign policy, with serious repercussions. The President used the uranium forgeries as evidence that Iraq was producing nuclear weapons. He declared this evidence to the American people in his 2003 State of the Union address as reason for military intervention in Iraq.

I respectfully request that you review the F.B.I. investigation. How extensive was the investigation? Were there sufficient numbers of investigators and resources committed to the investigation? Did the F.B.I. interview White House officials? Which ones? Did the F.B.I. interview officials from the C.I.A. or other intelligence agencies? Which ones? What were the findings of the investigation? What is your overall assessment of the quality and thoroughness of the investigation? Furthermore, I request that you determine whether or not the investigation was prematurely closed and recommend whether or not you believe it should be reopened. I look forward to your response to my requests.


Forum posts

  • Mr. Kucinich is a daydreamer. Or he still dreams of the old days when justice was present. With all the power in the hand of the GOP gang, what do you think what will happen?
    They probably laugh their a..es off.

    • If nothing happens, then we will know who created the forgeries. It was probably the FBI themselves, or the CIA, and they didn’t want to bite their own tails.