USS Ronald Reagan SuperCarrier Turns Tail and Runs
(San Francisco) - The Japanese nuclear reactor killing Earthquake March 11, 2011 had the Energy of a 1,000,000 Kiloton Nuclear Weapon. The earthquake measured 9.0 on the Richter Scale. The two Atomic Bombs that vaporized much of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan “only” totaled about 32 kilotons. The deadly 9.0 earthquake was the energy equivalent of 31,250 combined Hiroshima-Nagasaki Atomic Bombs.
Famous former Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab (…)
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Japan’s 9.0 Earthquake Equal to One Million Kiloton Nuclear Weapon
18 March 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
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Japan’s Tragedy Provides Us All An Opportunity To Show That We Have A Heart
16 March 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
The severe blow from nature with which the Japanese people were struck with on Friday, March eleventh purportedly took the lives of over ten thousand people while forever altering the lives and emotional well-being of hundreds of thousands more. The need to address the multifaceted nature and ongoing complexity of Japan’s disaster is evident with each day’s news updates. Within minutes after the 9.0 earthquake, northeastern Japan was engulfed by a tsunami that has done more damage then the (…)
Note from US Navy to the Japanese: Be sure to wash up with soap and water!
14 March 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
Note to the people of Japan: Just wash up with soap and water.
The US 7th Fleet is the largest forward-deployed US Navy fleet, with 50–60 ships, 350 aircraft and 60,000 Navy and Marine Corps personnel.
The 7th Fleet was deployed, to assist the Japanese, in the wake of Japan’s extreme weather cocktail of a 33 foot tsunami wave and the fifth biggest earthquake (8.9 Richter) in recorded human history.
At a distance of 100 miles from Japan, to the Northeast, the fleet was ordered to find (…) -
Nuclear waste wasting billions of German taxpayers’ euros
3 March 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
A cash-strapped German state will fork out billions of taxpayers’ euros to deal with nuclear waste produced by an industry two out of three Germans want axed.
And it won’t even be for permanent disposal, because worldwide there’s no safe technology for that.
For years, anti-nuclear activists have demanded to no avail that the nuclear power industry fund the waste handling problem. One group, the Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg, which has fought waste dumping at the (…) -
Out Iranian Nuke Centrifuges An Act of War – Will Iran Respond?
2 February 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
1 comment(San Francisco) - Iran’s publicly avowed goal, stated world wide, is to go into the uranium fuel rod business, not build nuclear weapons. That is reflected in the uranium enrichment equipment Iran owns and operates. President Ahamadinejad is regularly seen proclaiming this all over the world in a concerted Iranian effort to steal away nuclear reactor fuel rod customers from the US or France.
The deadly serious CIA partnered with the equally lethal assassins in the Israeli Intelligence (…) -
Did PM Netanyahu get a Lethal Dose of DU?
11 December 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
Israeli PM Netanyahu Tours Fire Ravaged Area
(San Francisco) - Early December 2, 2010 deadly fires were set in Israel’s remaining forest. Before it was all said and done at least 42 people were dead - burned to death in the fire, three prisons, a hospital and a university evacuated.
Israel was caught quite unprepared and asked more that 20 countries to send help - quick! What started out as a forest fire quickly escalated to a major international incident.
Israeli Prime Minister (…) -
38 HIROSHIMAs HIDDEN: How’d The Army Do That?
16 October 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
2 comments(San Francisco) - Dr. Christopher Busby, a world famous UK based physicist, was at the UN last week with the results of his health survey of the city of Fallujah, Iraq. The results were truly astonishing, even to the jaded eyes of UN representatives, old retired war fighters and politically connected bureaucrats. No armed force had accomplished this level of death and disease in a civilian population before.
What Weapons Can Do That?
There it was in black and white, on paper, from an (…) -
GI’s Brains Fried by Military Dispensed Nose Candy
2 October 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
(San Francisco) – Now it is official. Researchers have shown that uranium oxide, or DU, “travels the nerves from the nose to the brain,” in the words of a University of Chicago doc and researcher.
A tiny amount (a milligram) of this radioactive poison quick marches up your smelling nerves right into your brain and keeps firing 1.2 Million bullets a day – forever. That’s a bunch. 850 Rounds a Minute
The radioactive 850 rounds a minute automatic weapon is about as big as the period at the (…) -
Video: Protesting Radioactive Nuclear Waste
30 September 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
On September 29, 2010, demonstrations were conducted on an international basis protesting radioactive nuclear waste. Joining in that action, the “Crabshell Alliance” staged a demonstration on Charles Street, in Baltimore, Maryland, near Penn Station. I talked with two activists at the site: Max Obuszewski and Maria Allwine. Mr. Obuszewski said that September 29th was the anniversary of one of the “worst radioactive waste accidents” in history. It happened in Russia, in 1957. See: (…)
Nuclear Energy Causes Global Warming
22 July 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
14 commentsNuclear Energy Causes Global Warming
July 21, 2010
We need energy to heat our homes and provide electricity for our appliances.
Most commonly in our world, coal, oil, natural gas, and radioactive [nuclear] materials, especially the heavy metal, Uranium, supply our energy.
Radioactive elements that produce nuclear energy do it a certain way – and the same way each time. The basics are easy to understand: (…)