by Open-Publishing - Friday 15 September 2006

Internet Wars and conflicts

I wrote the below net-letter, to a covert ’Editor’-supporter of Likud-Israel, in Sydney Australia [after they deleted my article]; and also to one of their ever-ready ’average reader’ commentators - (who jump up to support ANY censorship of Israeli treatment of the Palestinians), who said that ’reader’ Articles or Opinions about Israeli attacks and killings had no place on Sydney Indymedia because they were not ’local’ news and hence were not ’of interest’ to the people of Sydney. The ’spontaneous reader-editor-supporter’ said that the ’International News’ already covered the Israeli-Palestinian conflict ’sufficiently’.

Yeah.. Well - OK. I guess so. As long as you are an Israeli and not a Palestinian. I don’t know of any large news services owned or managed by decendents of the Palestinian ethnic group. But there are a few, however, founded or owned or managed by descendents of the Jewish ethnic group. But most of them are fair and balanced - right?

Could that be why the ONLY place you can get a Palestinian perspective in the news in the world is on the small independent, alternative Internet news sites? U.S. National Public Radio runs an almost continuous Blitz of Pro-Israeli - Anti-Palestinian theme programs and call in shows; where the ’guests are all Pro-War on Terror and Pro-Israeli. Now I wonder why that goes on, even on National Public Radio??? Wasn’t NPR, SUPPOSED to be the ONE place that we got an EQUAL hearing of ALL views? There must be something going on there that I don’t know about.

Anyhow here is my letter (written under another net-name) to several of the Israel-supporting, pseudo ’editors’: [1]] Here’s my net-letter below:

"Two Issues have been brought up here as objections and criticism of posting anything critical about Israel’s on-going destruction of Palestinian freedom-fighter, suicide-bomber activists.

1. They say it is anti-semitism to do so.

2.They say it shouldn’t be allowed to be published here at all because according to them it has no bearing on the life or interests of Sydney Australia’s people.

Well despite that, there are some hopeful world realizations going on in this decade, however- ... for::

At last! It seems that the old Anti-semite Card has become so bent and dog-eared through over-use by these logically and articularly impaired ’local’ hasbara-Zionists [In trying to use it to swat any truths that they can’t propagandize away] - that the tide of world understanding has shifted to the side of those [the army-less Palestinians ] who have had their land robbed from them by the Nuclear power, and international liar, Israel.

"But what has this to do with Sydney Australia?" (Likud supporting)’exBrit’, disingenuously asks -(while as a diversionary tactic she unsuccessfuly attempts to set herself up as a creditable evaluator of this poster’s literary style. It’s enough to make the chickens cackle! as the Armenian saying goes.) She of course knows the ANSWER is in the following questions:

Well, while the Jews were being slaughtered by the Nazis what had that to do with America, New York or Britain?

While the blacks who were trying Violently to reclaim their South African homeland - as now the Palestinians are trying to reclaim THEIR Palestinian homeland- What did that have to do with people in Australia, Britain or the US?

Did not the American Revolution have something to do with Laffayette and the French who concerned themselves with helping it?

What did my father - a pure Gallego have to do with the Jewish charities that supported Israel, that he contributed to in the 1950s? NOTHING I guess. Should he have kept his money in his pocket?

And the World should have let the Blacks and Boers fight it out without interfering? - and the US and its Media should have simply let the European Jews and the Nazis fight it out by themselves? We wouldn’t have wanted to talk about any of that then if Sydney Indymedia had been the big news service then - because according to the ’exBrit’(Likud land-grab supporter) writing on Sydney IMC none of that directly concerend Sydney Australia: The pro-Israel hypocrisy is remarkable on these threads. As if there are no such Israelis with hardline Zionist intentions any more? "

But it is not just on Australian Indymedia that you will find these covert Pro-Zionist ’editors’ deleting, and ’hiding’ all commentary critical of the actions of Israel. I have found the same thing on Boston Indymedia, on Baltimore Indymedia on Irish Indymedia (a guy/girl styling him/herself ’Daithi’ comes on an deletes all Articles and Comments to articles critical of Israel there). Same thing in LA Indymedia and UK Indymedia. They will allow a Mainstream ’news’ item critical of Israel up on the site because they really can’t stop it without giving themselves away. But mainly the covert-Zionist ’editors’ of Indymedia just want ALL news about the Israeli-Palestinian issue OFF Indymedia. Because obviously there is no way that they can intelligently defend the Israeli brutality-land-stealing ’position’. These ’editors’ know that the Israeli position is Indefensible and that is why they tout Any other news they can find to obscure - this CENTRAL world issue from being discussed.

Indymedia ’editors’ often condescend to ’tolerate’ the agent-provocateur ’commentators’ that post obscene anti-semitic slurs - Because it is good politics for Israel to leave All really anti-semitic stuff up there to show how ’tolerant’ the ’editors’ are, and how dispicable anyone against the attacks made by the Israelis are. But I have seen 10 to 20 articles come up in past years there [before they got their OSCO people&word Blocking software on there] that were very competently written with No racial slurs or crude speech - that were DELETED within hours. When a reader would ask what happened to the article or comment - the ’editor’ would say that it contained ’slurs’ or that there was ’hate-speech’ in it [meaning any factual report of Isreali actions that showed Israel committing crimes - that’s what ’hate-speech’ is.]

Of course we know that Nuclear Power ISRAEL - defended by only a few thousand Apache Helicopter Gunships [paid for by US Taxpayers at $8,000,000 PER DAY, 3Billion per year] is UNDER CONSTANT ATTACK by 40 or 50 Arab suicide bombers in a raggedy old robes and homemade bombs strapped to their bodies. So - Yes, we have to give Israel credit that they are in a tough situation. The poor Israeli bulldozer guy never knows when a Hezbullah horde is going to come charging over the boarder and put sugar in the gas tank of his Caterpillar. The patriotic Israeli Interogator never knows when some Syrian fanatics will storm MOSSAD headquaters and take the excrement soaked bag he keeps over people’s heads to ’interrogate’ them - and put it on his own noble head! Times are tough in Israel, where Hezbullah non-directed rockets might start a barbeque in the back yard of your favorite Palestinian-collaborater shepard. Then what happens to your lamb chops?

Endangered Israel! - what SHALL she do with only a few thousand tanks, some nuclear war heads a few hundred F-16 Jet fighters and a Slaughter Force armed with Uzi s to keep a clutch-hold on the land that she has stolen from those Palestinians in sandals and armed with suicide bomb-belts? I tremble for Israel! with the largest and best technologicaly equipped standing army in the Middle East, such an easy prey to Syria and Iran [the ONLY two countries left in the Middle East actively opposed to Israel]. The 1948 Israeli nation borders are under siege by these Arab nut-cases who want their bulldozed homes and land back. Tough situation for good old Israel.

Israel must of course keep all the lands that she has robbed and squatted on - and most of, all the rest of the land in the West Bank. It’s only fair for Israel to keep 90% of Palestine - so those under-equiped Israelis can defend themselves from those terrible suicide bombing Arabs, living on the other 10%, that they have evicted from their homes. Israeli security must have been improved by evicting those Arabs from their homes: for the world can see how much more peaceful Israel made that area by bulldozing those homes.

The Israelis portray themselves as a 100% ethical and truthful country: inhabited by honest and decent people. The rest of the world however claims that, it is the rosy picture, that the Israelis paint of their ’necessity’ to Torture and to steal land that is Causing Anti-Israeli(Israel says ’anti-semitic’) feeling against them in the world. The Israelis THEMSELVES have caused this Anti-Zionist/Anti-Likud antisemitism through their murderous Land-stealing and expulsion of native Palestinians. They know it. We ALL know it - but like Bush, they throw cliches up - such as,"They hate our freedom" for the less aware portion of the world to believe - if they can convince them.

Yes Israelis: If you are going to steal another people’s land and lie about it, and torture them - well YES! you are going to have people ANTI - you. That is reasonable to understand - is it not?

Even a Jewish son of holocaust survivors like Norman Finkelstein will tell the world that it is the Likud Zionist Jews that are causing the Anti-semitism that now exists in the world.

Your Anti-semite Card has shot it’s bolt boys. Anti-semite Card-waving, is dead. Game over: for Anti-semite-card excusers of Israeli atrocities.

Do the right thing Israel, and give the Palestinians ALL their post 1967 land back and we will be Pro-Israel. Return their land and homes - and so do justice to the Palestinians and we will all be Pro-Israeli. But as long as you hold that land that you have stolen from the Palestinians - most the world will be Anti-Israeli and Anti-Israel-supporters.

Doroteo Arrango

Please comment if you have experienced the same censorship from pro-zionist Indymedia ’editors’.

[1[by the way - they have ONE ranting/extremist reader that is ’allowed’ on there to write something called "The Zionist Report". This guy is so wildly ranting that he is the best recruiter for Zionism possible.

Forum posts

  • The zionists are very sinister and conniving. The anti-semite card is indeed over-used so badly that it is a bad joke. Something like 95% of the Jews in Israel are Khazar Jews and are not semitic at all. Matter of fact the Arab peoples in the area are more semitic than Israelis.

    I am so very sick of the media domination and manipulation by these people. The media people in power and the banking class, want world war three, and are trying with everything they’ve got, to foment a horrific war between the christians and the jews.

    Israel is very free masonic and evil, and the international bankster crime families want total world domination and domination of all mankind, and WWIII is part of their evil scheme to achieve it. New World Order is something that they are hell-bent on, and they engineered 9/11 to foment hatred and war between the christian west and the muslim nations, who they are trying to brand as all being terrorists, or islamo-fascists.

    We, the good people of the world, christian, jewish and muslim, must NOT let them get away with it. We need to get rid of the central banks and IMF and World Bank, default on that evil insidious debt, run the corrupt politicians out of office (they are all corrupted and controlled by Mossad in the USA), and get our hijacked government back, for any chance for freedom and justice for all, or any justice for the common good and for the good God Fearing people of the world.

    The new world order people are very satanic or luciferian, and they have a stated goal of culling the human herd by 4 billion people or so, and enslaving the rest. The leading oligarchs are huge zionists, and free masons, and they are all tied together in a devilishly sinister long term plan that they are desparate to accelerate.

    Shrub and Cheney are their puppets, and until we wrestle the power to control monetary policy and the actual coining of our currency out of their hands, the good people of this world are sunk!!!!

    Honest Dave

    • YOU SAY :

      « their ever-ready ’average reader’ commentators - (who jump up to support ANY censorship of Israeli treatment of the Palestinians), who said that ’reader’ Articles or Opinions about Israeli attacks and killings had no place on Sydney Indymedia because they were not ’local’ news and hence were not ’of interest’ to the people of Sydney.

      The ’spontaneous reader-editor-supporter’ said that the ’International News’ already covered the Israeli-Palestinian conflict ’sufficiently’. »



      We know very well your « ready-made average readers » We have the sames. We name them « The Zionist Militia of The Net » because the « average reader » is a professional group intervening every day and night, every hour, all the year long, when some news don’t obey to israeli « Hasbara » propaganda. In some French Indymedia they succeed and for example Indy Media Marseille has decided to never give a new about Israelian Palestinian conflict. The result is that IndyMedia Marseille is on its last legs and shouts for help. And nobody give a damn about it ) .

      I know only one Indymedia being « not occupied territory » by Zionist ; the « San Francisco » Indymedia « ( Not « San Francisco Bay »). It’s is the only one where we can breathe because we don’t meet here this stifling « hasbara propaganda « ).

      For information : I give you references which can explain the great brain washing by Hasbara Big Brother . This permit us to understand with what we arefighting .

      GO AND SEE :

      ***« HASBARA HANBOOK- Promoting Israel on Campus" »

      You can download it on :

      http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php ?title=Hasbara

      and in the paragraph « Hasbara Campus Manual »

      click sur Hasbara Handbook :

      *GO AND SEE : The cyber war against the the leftist websites promoted by Israeli Governement and the call to 100 000 Zionist

      www. giyus .Org

      • You can also visit CAMERA WATCH and HONEST REPORTER , all this websites promoting ccordinated actions to broadcast Israeli Prpagandea .

      And it is sure that all IndyMedia have been objects of their concerns : You and me see the result :


    • Dear French Commentator 87.**.131.*** on this BELLACIAO site:

      Thank you,

      for making the effort to bring more Honesty and kindness into the world by Confirming and Testifying to what I have REPORTED on here. The Pro-Likud-Israeli propaganda Media machine is SO powerful that very little news or COMMENTARY about the continuing series of ’targeted’ murders of Palestinians opposing the Israeli Occuptation is ALLOWED to be printed. And if it is reported then All the murders of the people Standing by their murder-’targets’ are ’apologetically’ explained away as unintended but unfortunately NECESSARY in order to slaughter their Palestinian opponent - (Who of course, we are Assured is beyond any doubt or TRIAL? a most evil person, so it is quite all right to kill him and to sacrfice anyone who happens to be NEAR him at the time.)

      Any reportage in DETAIL of On Going house-Demolitions and Squatter settlement building on destroyed Palestinian HOMESITES - is also DELETED when ever reported on the MAJORITY those INDYMEDIAS that are controlled by zionist-supporting editors - which are as you testify, almost ALL INDYMEDIA SITES.

      We will never get Honest Reporting on web INDYMEDIA SITES unless we can INFORM and SHOW the WORLD how the so called INDYMEDIA ’EDITORS’ are ERASING all news and commentary Critical of the BEHAVIOR of the ISRAELI government and the DISHONESTY of the Israeli-Influenced NEW MEDIA.

      But if we could get the FACTS out about the Dishonesty and Pro-Israeli BIGOTRY of INDYMEDIA to the WORLD - then they would have to allow Honest editors in there.

      I also thank you for the responsible and unpredjudiced way you made your commentary. Your commentary was civil and factual and left no way for you to be charged with Anti-semitism.

      People who wish to be taken seriously must always write simply about the FACTS and never charge an entire ethenic group with the degeneration that their temporary government displays.

      I hope that you will spread the word with me about this FACT of Pro-Likud INDYMEDIA CENSORSHIP. Merci, Doroteo

    • Dear Friend ,

      we have to know the Hasbara Propaganda tactic about information specially on Indymedia . They don’t want debate , they don’t want information , they don’t want the truth - because on all these level they are loosing : from Palestine to Irak and Lebanon their acts and their crimes condemn them and condemn their NeoCons-Likud ideology .

      So they fight only for silence in every Indymedia.

      And their hoax ( "Articles or Opinions about Israeli attacks and killings had no place on Sydney Indymedia because they were not ’local’ news and hence were not ’of interest’ to the people of Sydney") can make us laugh .

      On all Indymedia we can have -and we have -news from a strike of Nepal, or a cooperative from Argentina , but from the Middle East and Palestine where to day the destiny and the ethic of humanity is at stake, we are asked to play the three chinese monkeys : "Don’t see , don"t hear, don’t speak".

      Exactly like in the embedded media .

      But they can’t count on us for this new "Night and Fog".

      Once Freud said "The voice of truth speaks softly but says always the same thing " and at the end the truth is heard .

      Best wishes .