Home > Perception Management of 9/11 Truth – Keeping the Lid on Free Energy

Perception Management of 9/11 Truth – Keeping the Lid on Free Energy

by Open-Publishing - Monday 5 January 2009
1 comment

Wars and conflicts Attack-Terrorism USA

Version with embedded links etc:

Perception Management of 9/11 Truth – Keeping the Lid on Free Energy

Andrew Johnson, Jan 2008

This article is a summary of a longer one posted at http://tinyurl.com/911dewmu which has embedded links and reference to audio material and other evidence.

It is now clear that the real truth of 9/11 has been hidden by managing people’s perception of the evidence relating to the events of that day. In the mainstream media, we have mainly heard stories of hijackers, planes, fires and building “collapses”. Over the last 2 years, I have come to realise how a sophisticated perception management strategy is being operated within the 9/11 truth movement. One other author has also written about some general problems with the 9/11 Official Truth Movement. Additionally, I have written about how I think that key figures in what might be called the “9/11 Official Truth” movement seem to be involved in a mixture of “cover up” and “muddle up” regarding the discussion of and general conclusions about the most important 9/11-related evidence of all – which ultimately relates to what is known as “Free Energy” technology.

Accessing “Free Energy” means being able to extract useful energy from the environment, or from within materials themselves – without “burning” any fuel. Nikola Tesla called it “radiant energy” (as he proposed it was present everywhere – as sunlight is on a clear day). Others call it “vacuum energy” or “zero point energy” or even, perhaps, “orgone energy”. Mainstream science usually states that “zero point energy” cannot be made to do useful work because that would violate certain laws of physics. Some experimental evidence does call this conclusion into question, however.

Here, I will attempt to show why I have concluded that there is a concentrated effort to draw attention away from the evidence that Dr. Judy Wood has discussed in her comprehensive pictorial studies posted at http://www.drjudywood.com/. A part of this effort involves repeated attempts to tarnish or discredit her reputation, probably because of the fact that Dr. Judy Wood has proposed that most of the WTC complex was destroyed using some type of Directed Energy Weapon. Related to this, there is an effort to play down or ignore the significance of Dr. Wood’s Qui Tam case against NIST’s contractors, some of whom (SAIC, ARA and Boeing) just happen to be involved in directed energy weapons research, assembly or manufacture.

More recently, Dr. Wood has posted studies that link the events of 9/11 to something known as the Hutchison Effect, and also to Hurricane Erin. Despite efforts to obfuscate and muddle up discussion of these studies, more and more people are becoming aware of them, not least because of Dr. Wood’s appearance on several regular and reasonably well known non-internet radio programmes such as those of Rollye James and Richard Syrett.

The New Chapter

The new “muddling” tactic seems to be to blame HAARP for the destruction of the World Trade Centre Complex and simply pretend that Dr. Judy Wood – and half of the research she has completed - does not exist!

It should be noted here that in April 2008, the Press Release I posted to introduce Dr. Wood’s Hurricane Erin Study, I specifically stated:

A later part of the study examines some of the data relating to patterns of earthquakes in 2008 and possibly associated unusual weather patterns, which may be related to secret or partially disclosed environmental modification technology (such as HAARP). However, the study does not establish any clear links between HAARP and the events in New York on 9/11.

Now we consider recent actions by Alfred Webre, an International Lawyer, peace and environmental activist, prominent in the naissant field of Exopolitics, and Leuren Moret - a Geoscientist who has travelled the world to discuss and expose the dangers of radioactive contamination caused by the use of Depleted Uranium in modern artillery shells.

How could these 2 people, who have seemingly worked hard to get disclosure of the truth in their respective fields, possibly become negatively involved in the matter of discussing Dr. Judy Wood’s 9/11 research?

Both Alfred Webre and Leuren Moret attended Dr. Judy Wood’s presentation at a Conference in Madison, Aug 4th – 5th, 2007. At that conference, Leuren Moret gave a presentation about Depleted Uranium and Alfred Webre gave a presentation about false flag operations and the setting up of an international war crimes tribunal. In his presentation, Alfred Webre discussed the problems we, as people, e.g. in relation to solving environmental problems, he said:

3. Shift to new breakthrough energy technologies - moving beyond petroleum and nuclear which are the principal tools of the war crimes organisation - to breakthrough fuel-less non-polluting zero point energy technologies that are now sequestered in the National Security State.

Alfred Webre Interviews Dr Judy Wood and John Hutchison

On 14th Feb 2008, Alfred Webre, at his own home, interviewed Dr. Judy Wood and John Hutchison to discuss the relationship between their respective research. The interview – which was over 1 hour long - included a discussion of specific physical evidence relating to 9/11 - evidence that suggests the World Trade Centre towers were destroyed using one or more directed energy weapons. Alfred Webre then read segments from the Press Release about Dr. Wood’s Hutchison Effect/911 study, which I posted on 30th Jan 2008, including:

“In early January 2008, Dr. Judy Wood posted a new study on her website (www.drjudywood.com), which relates effects seen in photographs taken before, during and after the destruction of the WTC tower[s]”

However, Webre omits, at that point the words, “to effects seen in John Hutchison’s ongoing experiments,” as it clearly states in the press release.

Alfred Webre and Leuren Moret Interviewed by Sofia Smallstorm

The next development in this story took place a few months later when, on November 14th 2008, Alfred Webre and Leuren Moret appeared on Sofia Smallstorm’s “Expansion” programme on RBN (Internet). Leuren Moret is introduced as a Geoscientist and Alfred Webre as an “international lawyer”. (i.e. neither speaker shares technical qualifications equivalent to those of Dr. Judy Wood). Just over half way through this interview, the following exchange took place.

LM Well, it was really Judy Wood’s presentation which had the physical evidence and the photos which are not available – they haven’t been …
AW Without… without referring to Judy Wood – in your own words – why do you think HAARP caused it?

At around 44:40, Moret states:

“Judy Wood’s [Madison] presentation is the key to understanding how they carried out the destruction of the World Trade Centre Buildings.”

Leuren Moret then repeatedly mentions “the energy budget” and that a “large” or “massive” amount of energy would be required to “basically powder[ise] those buildings”. Webre mentions nothing of his earlier interview with Dr Judy Wood and John Hutchison – which was very much related to the energy issue.

Questions about the Webre/Moret Interview

1. In the interview, why is Leuren Moret so focused on “the energy budget” for what happened at the WTC? HAARP is a disclosed facility and its energy budget should be known or able to be known – in relatively specific terms. Leuren Moret does not give any figures for HAARP’s power consumption, nor does she attempt to quantify the energy used to destroy the WTC. She quotes no figures – at all.

2. If HAARP was used to destroy the WTC, wouldn’t someone from the HAARP facility know this? If Moret thinks they would not know this, then why didn’t she describe or suggest how or why HAARP’s operation on 9/11 was covered up? Indeed, Moret provides no evidence that HAARP was even operational on 9/11.

3. What particular expertise or knowledge qualifies Moret to be certain that HAARP was used on 9/11 to destroy the WTC?

4. Why does Leuren Moret not comment on Alfred Webre’s instruction to her to “not mention Dr. Judy Wood”?

5. Leuren Moret mixes up laser technology and HAARP - she says that she witnessed a demonstration of the Shiva laser – but she does not describe any links at all between this project and HAARP. (She mentions Micro-nukes too). Is Leuren Moret confused about this, or is she trying to confuse the audience?

6. In relation to the energy issue, why doesn’t Webre mention any aspects of his discussion with Dr. Judy Wood and John Hutchison from the February 2008 interview?

7. If Moret is sure that HAARP destroyed the WTC, then why didn’t she propose some action in relation to this conclusion or “proof”? For example, Dr. Wood has compiled her evidence into a Qui Tam case against NIST’s contractors.

November 17th 2008, Co-Op Radio Broadcast with Alfred Webre

This programme contains a very similar discussion to that given on Sofia’s “Expansion” programme on the 14th of November - Dr Wood’s research is discussed in some detail, but her name is not mentioned nor are her “Hutchison Effect” or Hurricane Erin studies.

Alfred Webre has posted an overview of the presentation, however, no specific links to Dr. Wood’s individual studies are included – only a single link her website. Lower down the page, he included this

Listeners should contact Leuren Moret, Dr. Judy Wood and John Hutchinson directly with regard to any questions as to content, conclusions and overlap.

Does Moret or Webre think “overlap” is a fair term to describe the way in which the evidence - compiled by Dr. Judy Wood and some of it posted for over 2 years on her website(s) - was taken and discussed by Moret for almost 3 hours (1 hour on 17th Nov, referenced above, and 2 hours on Sofia’s broadcast on the 21st Nov, referenced below) without any reference or credit to Dr. Wood?

On November 21st 2008, Alfred Webre and Leuren Moret again appeared on Sofia Smallstorm’s “Expansion” programme on RBN (Internet). At 40:06, Webre then HAARP again and links HAARP to 9/11, but two large problems soon become apparent in the ensuing monologues Moret.

The first is that again, Leuren Moret uses no science or analysis to directly or even indirectly link the points of evidence she discusses to any of the disclosed or suspected capabilities of the HAARP array. The second problem is that the detailed catalogue of evidence she recounts is, without exception, the list compiled by Dr. Judy Wood, one to two years before the airdate of this broadcast. Reference is made without mention of Dr. Wood’s name, website, or any of the additional important studies she has compiled.


Having considered and analysed the evidence here, I can only sensibly draw the following (likely unpopular) conclusions.

1. There has been a deliberate and co-ordinated attempt to marginalise or even cut out Dr. Judy Wood’s name from the discussion of 9/11 evidence and research. This includes attempts to “take ownership” of her research and misquote and misuse it.

2. There has been a deliberate attempt to cover up and/or muddle up the specific nature or characteristics of the Directed Energy Weapon or Weapons which were used at the WTC on 9/11, by excluding discussion of John Hutchison’s experiments in relation to key 9/11 evidence.

3. There has been a deliberate attempt to cover up and/or muddle up the evidence which strongly indicates a link between real “free energy” technology or technologies that have been weaponised and were used on 9/11.

4. There is a great reluctance to discuss specific legal action in relation to 9/11 – especially Dr. Wood’s Qui Tam case against NIST’s contractors.

5. Advanced Directed Energy Weapon technology - which exploits “free energy” in a way similar to that discovered by John Hutchison - was used on 9/11 to destroy most of the WTC complex – as Dr. Wood studies, the first of which was posted in September 2006, have been documenting.

So, how will the “average person” know how to discern which Scientist is being truthful and, from the evidence, which one has drawn the most accurate conclusions? Once a scientist has repeatedly demonstrated their choice to be dishonest, have they not destroyed their own credibility? How do you know when a liar is telling the truth and when they are not?

To re-emphasise, I conclude that all the evidence documented above (and elsewhere) strongly suggests or even proves that there is a wish to cover up knowledge of Hurricane Erin’s presence on 9/11 and its likely role in the field matrix which was in place in NYC on that day. More importantly, what will you conclude?


Forum posts

  • Public Notice

    Andrew Johnson’s strategy of questioning the motivation of any 9/11 hypotheses about directed energy weapons that does not fit his narrow definitions is non-scientific, and calculated to stifle research and open debate on 9/11.

    9/11 & HAARP – The research I employed in developing a hypotheses that HAARP may have been used, along with other exotic technologies such as anti-gravity UFO drones, quantum access time travel, and 4th generation mini-nukes, is extensive and state of the art.

    Please see my four part series on 9/11 at Examiner.com

    Here is a recent series of Examiner.com articles on 9/11 that include new avenues of research.
    You can find them at:
    U.S. attorney or district attorney can prosecute Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld for murder on 9/11
    Memo to U.S. Congress: prima facie evidence that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld committed treason on 9/11
    Scientist: Directed energy weapons turned World Trade Center into nanoparticles on 9/11
    Secret DARPA time travel program may hold key to understanding the deep politics of 9/11
    9/11 Truth & Reconciliation - Restorative Justice
    9/11 & HAARP

    COOPRADIO.ORG: HAARP & its role in the False Flag Operation of September 11, 2001 with Independent Scientist Leuren Moret
    When: Dec. 15, 2008 @ Noon - 1 PM Pacific Time
    Where: Vancouver COOP RADIO CFRO 102.7 FM www.coopradio.org
    What: COOPRADIO.ORG: HAARP & its role in the False Flag Operation of September 11, 2001 with Independent Scientist Leuren Moret
    BIO: http://exopolitics.blogs.com/peaceinspace/2009/12/leuren-moret-biography-independent-scientist-expert-witness-at-the-tokyo-international-tribunal-for-war-crimes-in-afghanist.html
    Host: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
    Part VII in the HAARP Series.

    HAARP & its role in the False Flag Operation of September 11, 2001




     Seismic Record: the energy budget recorded in the seismic record on the day of 9/11 and the collapse of the buildings did not reflect the mass of building materials involved in the collapse, nor the nearly freefall of the collapsing buildings. The seismic record demonstrates an event on the scale of a quarry blast. WHERE WAS THE THUD?

     Kinetic Energy: two robust buildings with very robust steel beam reinforcement would release a sizeable amount of kinetic energy from the buildings falling – that would be all of the energy that went into the construction of the buildings. The release of that amount of kinetic energy is not reflected in the physical evidence on the seismic record. Into what physical process did that kinetic energy go?

     Molecular Dissociation: the collapse of the buildings produced the highest mass per volume of very fine particles (nanoparticles) ever measured in an air sample in the United States. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to dissociate or break the molecular bonds of steel, concrete and other building materials that were “powdered” into very fine particles during the collapse of the buildings. The largest mass per volume of METALS ever measured in an air sample in the US were reported by Dr. Thomas Cahill who did air monitoring for 5 months. Metal is used in buildings because it is very strong – and would require large amounts of energy to reduce it to nanoparticles. Chemical explosives do not release enough energy to produce that volume of very fine particles. A much more energetic process was involved such as laser or beam energy which releases focused and concentrated energy as complex waveforms necessary to cause molecular dissociation.

     Physical Evidence of Buildings Collapsing: in videos of the collapses on 9/11 the WTC buildings erupted into emulsion like a drinking fountain, and the rubble did not hit the ground. Even on tape huge pieces of aluminum building siding vaporized as they were freefalling, and never hit the ground.
    o Controlled Demolition: this was not a controlled demolition
    ♣ Detritus Pile: should be 1/3 the height of the building
    The 100+ story buildings were about 1 story high when the collapse of the buildings ended. A fireman on one of the news videos said the antenna that had been on the of B. 1 was on the top of a pile of rubble about one story high. The rubble pile should have been 35 stories if it was a conventional controlled demolition.
    ♣ Rubble Never Hit the Ground – this defies gravity, where did the rubble go?
    ♣ Footprints - Geometrically Round Holes: contiguous round holes 24’ in diameter were in the footprints of the WTC buildings 1 and 2, and a 60’ deep geometrically round hole was in the middle of Liberty Street near the WTC. This is evidence of beam weapons. There was NO debris inside the footprints of the two WTC buildings… only bare dirt with circles in the dirt.
    ♣ Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab Beam Weapon Demo: in 1955 the microwave oven was invented and was a concept for a beam weapon.
    In the summer of 1990, I observed a demonstration of the Livermore Shiva laser facility in the middle of the night. A 16’ diameter amber colored beam was shot straight up into the sky from the lab and all air traffic was diverted for a 5 mile radius during the demonstration. When I asked a grad student working at the laser facility what they were trying to do, he said “Make a star”. I knew that could not be true because lasers are used to molecularly dissociate materials by releasing tremendous amounts of energy as very advanced and complex waveforms. Livermore had long been involved in development of HAARP since 1978 in secret collaboration with the Soviet Union, AND advanced beam weapons.
    o Dust: in videos of the collapse larger particles fell and cascaded
    down from the buildings under the forces of gravity, but before they hit the ground they vaporized and suddenly went up into the atmosphere like an antigravity demonstration. Nanoparticles are so tiny that they are not
    subject to the forces of gravity, so molecular dissociation
    occurred on the larger particles as they were freefalling,
    reducing them into nano-particles (0.1 microns in diamater and smaller) which suddenly obeyed other physical laws – quantum mechanics. More evidence of HAARP/beam weapon technology applied during collapse.
    o Satellite photos: showed dust going into upper atmosphere –
    which had to be nanoparticles and may have been enhanced
    by other technology because most very fine particles/dust would stay in the Troposphere and be rained out in 2 months as we know from depleted uranium particulate releases from battlefield already.
    o 1400 Toasted Cars: located blocks from the WTC buildings,
    with door handles missing, engine blocks missing, blistering on some parts of the car finish, strange rust patterns on the bodies of the cars.
    o Paper Around Cars Not Burned: whatever “vaporized” the
    engine blocks and the door handles on 1400 cars did not ignite fragile and flammable paper lying all over the ground around the cars. If engine blocks and door handles selectively vaporized, why didn’t body of car vaporize?
    o Pile of Cars Spontaneously Combusted: in a news video, the
    entire pile of cars started burning spontaneously at the same time with no visible cause, it was not a fire that started in one car and spread to others.
    o Rust Occurred Immediately: on cars and trucks, and in FEMA
    photos there was heavy rust on STEEL beams – steel does not rust, and it is a slow oxidation process that results in rusting of iron. This rusting happened immediately.
    o Basements Of WTC Buildings Undamaged: stuffed
    mannequins in the basement with clothing on were carried out of the basement undamaged. If a 100+-story building collapsed into its basement and left a 35-story rubble pile, there would be nothing left in the basement. Even streetcars underground at the WTC were pulled out after the collapse and had no damage.
    o Prof. Cahill Air Monitoring Samples: the hardest and most
    durable materials vaporized (steel, concrete etc), and the most fragile materials (paper) cascading out of windows and all over the ground for blocks were undamaged
    o Truckloads of Potting Soil: right after the WTC disaster, the
    ground was “fuming”, and sequential FEMA aerial photos show 130 dumptrucks FULL of soil (filled almost to the top of the dumptruck space) covered with tarps so that the dirt in the trucks was not visible to onlookers on the street, coming INTO the WTC area, dumping the soil and going out for more. This happened even before the rescues or cleanup started and it continued for some time. The piles of soil were left for a week and got higher each day in sequential photos. The soil “fuming” lasted until March 2002 (8 months).
    o Where Were All the WTC Bodies?: Emergency Room MDs Dr.
    Tony Daher and Dr. Lincoln Cleaver were interviewed on TV on 9/11 about the casualties. They said there weren’t any after about noon on 9/11, no more casualties came to the ER. Firemen saw NO BODIES but talked about the antenna on top of building 1 that was at ground level on top of about one story of rubble.
    o Boots Disintegrated: on emergency responders after 2 hours.
    They had to get new boots every 2 hours – molecular dissociation. It was not from burning, their skin would have been damaged.
    o NO FIRES IN BUILDINGS: William Rodriguez, Senior
    Janitor at WTC said there were no fires in the buildings. He
    conducted rescue efforts, saved injured workers and had
    keys to every lock in both buildings.
    o No Ground Fuming During Rain: For 99 days the “burning”
    (fuming) continued at the WTC site, but when it rained there was no fuming. If it had been fires burning, the rain would have caused steam from heating rainwater.
    o USGS: Iron versus Steel: the USGS analyzed the mineral form
    of the rust on steel beams and iron objects at the WTC. They did not address the “steel does not rust” issue, but dodged it by referring to the rusted steel beams in the rubble pile as “iron beams” and gave mineral analyses of IRON minerals produced by oxidation.
    o Official Sample Data Not Reliable: spectral absorption images
    at the WTC indicated average particle size was about 1 micron, which is subjected to gravity and would have fallen with the collapsed buildings. USGS did not collect many dust samples and collecting samples by other different agencies did not agree with each other. No samples were taken at the toasted cars.
    o Beam Weapon Evidence: was present at the top of the WTC
    buildings as ‘lathering up’ started before buildings started
    coming down. ‘Lathering up’ in videos preceded the collapse of all buildings, even Building 7 which supposedly Larry Silverstein when he said “Pull it” to firefighters meant controlled demolition. Color alteration and modification in news videos compared to other photos/videos at tops of buildings indicates “doctoring” of images.
    When the Seattle Dome was destroyed with controlled demolition, the dust created by the destruction did not get any higher than the top of the building. The WTC dust got into the upper atmosphere almost immediately – which indicates VERY TINY atmospheric dust sized particles (0.1 micron and smaller), in fact smaller than atmospheric dust which stays mainly in the Troposphere.
    o “Lathering Up” Incriminating: Building 7 “lathered up” even
    before B. 2 went down. B7 not damaged at all by B. 2 going down – right next to each other.
    o Freon tanks very odd, large tanks removed from WTC
    building and OSHA made bogus statement about what and why they were removed. Was freon used in takedown? A NYC cop I met with Cindy Sheehan said he was injured in B. 7 and removed on a gurney, but his eyes were covered so he could not see anything as they left the building. He reported he was able to see dead bodies lying all over the floor as he was being carried out – BEFORE building 7 had collapsed. Was this due to Freon asphyxiation put through ventilation system like in recent Russian submarine disaster?
    o Minneapolis Bridge Collapse: similarities to WTC disaster,
    every bridge segment failed at exactly the same time instead of domino effect after first collapse. This defies the laws of engineering. It should have been one place failed and sequential domino-like failures followed for a normal engineering collapse.

    911 Blog Forum Comment: We stand at the beginning of a new age. Our government has in its hands a method of disrupting the molecular basis for matter [HAARP/beam weapons], and its first impulse was to weaponize it. Is this so hard to understand? Like splitting atoms to create destruction was it hard to understand in 1945? [HAARP - the new and improved model]

    Of course this new “invention” came when the United States ruled supreme. A weapon system of vast new power comes in time and we don’t have an enemy worthy of it, so naturally we use it on ourselves, ‘Wag the Dog’.
    NOTE: The copyright on this radio program is held by Vancouver Coop Radio CFRO 102.7 FM, which is a non-profit organization. http://www.coopradio.org
    The views expressed on the radio program are entirely those of the guest, independent scientist Leuren Moret. Email: leurenmoret@yahoo.com
    Other Coop Radio guests who have conducted similar interviews in this area include Dr. Judy Wood and John Hutchinson. See: http://www.drjudywood.com

    COOPRADIO.ORG: Dr. Judy Wood & Canadian Inventor/Scientist John Hutchison on 9/11 & The Hutchison Effect

    Listeners should contact Leuren Moret, Dr. Judy Wood and John Hutchinson directly with regard to any questions as to content, conclusions and overlap.
    Thank you.
    COOPRADIO: HAARP Series of Radio Programs with Independent Scientist Leuren Moret