Home > Polish PM on Iraq "It failed totally...Many mistakes, major mistakes, have (…)

Polish PM on Iraq "It failed totally...Many mistakes, major mistakes, have been committed."

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 4 August 2005

Wars and conflicts International Europe

TALLBERG, Sweden - Poland’s prime minister said Monday that postwar nation-building efforts in
Iraq have "failed totally," but expressed hope that the country’s different religious groups can work together to build an independent nation.

Prime Minister Marek Belka, whose country has been a close U.S. ally since the invasion of Iraq, said the United States and its allies made a mistake by basing its postwar plan for Iraq on the same model used for Germany after World War II.

"It failed totally," Belka said at a panel discussion on nation-building at an international forum in Sweden. "Many mistakes, major mistakes, have been committed."

Poland has commanded a multinational force in Iraq since September 2003, although the force’s size has shrunk from 9,500 troops to 4,000.

Belka said there were nonetheless reasons for optimism in Iraq, including the success of recent elections.

"The political process is moving on," Belka said.

However, the key for creating an independent nation in Iraq is to "reconcile the divergent interests" of the country’s three major groups, the Shiites, Sunni Arabs and Kurds, Belka said.

"There is much more of an Iraqi identity (among the groups) than you might think," he said.


Forum posts

  • It was the pencil of a colonial British officer who created this messy state after the took it away from Turkey. The kurds have been denied their very own state from the beginning. Ethnic shiite groups have strong ties to Iran. The Sunni fraction has no ties to any other sunni arab country.

    Now the British are back with the rogues of U.S. and creating another mess. Iraqs future is very bleak and it’s problems might not be solved in this century, especial if the CIA is behind the so called electoral system. Ridiculous and sad at the same time.

    Again: Iraqis should not work with foreigners especial those from Britain and U.S.. Civil disobedience and strikes is the only way to break an unlawful occupation.

    • But the British plan from the 1920’s and the current USA plan of the 2000’s is working fine.

      Why do people not see this!!! Iraq, nor the Near East region nor the Arabs and certainly not the world’s Muslims be allowed to progress under the plan set out by the White masters.

      Plus, the current invasion and war will become self-sustaining and a boogie-man will have been created for the future generations of Whites to become spooked at and fight. This boogie-man, as the boogie-man of the USSR of yesteryear will keep the average Joe Sixpack focused and productive. The plans are working fine and many of the White see this but will never speak of it...

      It is an all-around WIN for the White Race. Period.